• Title/Summary/Keyword: equity

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A Correlation Analysis among Regional Industrial Diversification, Job Creation and Regional Competitiveness (산업구조 다양성과 고용창출 및 지역경쟁력간 관계 분석)

  • Kim, Dae-Jung;Kyung, Jong-Soo;Jung, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.786-800
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between the change of the diversity of the industrial structure, and regional employmentability and the intensification of regional competitiveness, and consequently, is to present policy implications. As a result of the analysis of the whole industry such as the primary, secondary and tertiary industry in Chungnam Province, the existing strategic implementation on the employmentability and regional competitiveness throughout the policy on the existing specialized industries can be regarded as appropriate. However, under the condition that danger and stability in each industry are fluctuated and the internal and external circumstances are varied, the detailed analysis and rapid policy prescription on the primary and tertiary industry are required. Along with these results, policy implications are as follows; Firstly, in terms of effectiveness, regional policy are simultaneously conducted along with industrial, technological and regional development's policies while consider ing complex and comprehensive characteristics of the regional industry and rapid changing the global market conditions. Secondly, with respect to equity, regional policy is needed to implement by reducing the socio-economic gap across regions and mixing regional and sectoral policies along with regional and local uniqueness.

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Standardization of the Lease Fee Assessment System of Busan Port Container Terminals (부산항 컨테이너부두 임대료 산정체계 표준화 방안)

  • Kil, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.65-90
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    • 2011
  • Private stevedoring companies are leasing and operating the container terminals of the Busan Port. The total amount of lease fees private stevedoring companies paid in 2010 reached 161 billion wons, an approximately 66 percent of the total revenue of the Busan Port Authority(BPA). In other words, lease fees are the most important revenue source for BPA. However, the lease fee assessment system of Busan container terminals goes against the principle of equity due to different assessment methods and criteria adopted by each container terminal. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze the systematic problems of the lease fee assessment system that is used at Busan container terminals, and propose a new standardized scheme with a case study on the new system. In order to standardize the assessment system, the assessment methods need to be simplified by using the Discounted Cash Flow(DCF) method. In addition, the assessment criteria such as assessment duration, discount rates, price indexes, estimated container throughputs, sales unit price per TEU, operation costs, including labor costs, need to be standardized as well. The new standardized assessment system can be applied to estimate lease fees for new terminals. However, for existing terminals to run the new system, factors such as assessment duration, discount rates, price indexes, estimated container throughputs, investment and re-investment costs, and maintenance & repair costs of the new system should be changed slightly.

The Quantitative Effects of ERP Systems in Korean Manufacturing Industry (국내 제조기업의 ERP 시스템 도입의 정량적 성과에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Hwal-Sik;Park, Kwang-Oh;Choi, Woo-Hyeok;Han, Jung-Hee
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.26
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    • pp.27-60
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    • 2008
  • Researches on the introduction of ERP system kept on examining the critical successful factors (CSFs) that focus on factors to achieve effectively successful projects, and trying to measuring the actual effectiveness of the introduction of ERP system. However, most of the preceding researches on the effectiveness of the introduction of ERP system that was searching devoted effects has been ceased, and actually even researches on the economical results have just done the basic cognitive evaluation of result indicators by many questionnaires instead of objective measuring values, because of the difficulty of measuring the evaluation of the result. Moreover, researches on positive effects of the introduction of ERP on enterprise results and researches that failed to give advantageous effects showed different results each other. And a part of researches reported that only a part of result indicators were partially affected. In this research, we investigated Korean large enterprises or middle-sized enterprises in manufacture industry that introduces SAP R/3 and Oracle package to compare their quantitative financial results after the introduction of ERP system, in order to measure the effects of the ERP system. First, we evaluated the difference of the quantitative financial results before and after the introduction of the ERP system. Second, we evaluated the opportunities shown by the effects after the introduction of the ERP system. Third, we removed the sample of the exchange crisis (IMF) and executed the additional analysis to reflect the average increasing and decreasing rate in the industry, so that pure evaluation can be achieved. Inherent limits of precedent researches are removed and practical effects of the pure introduction of the ERP system are evaluated, so the research of this research is significant. The result of this research is as follows. Because of the introduction of ERP, the rate of turnover of inventory property has increased and sales of preparation inventory property have decreased so that more effective inventory property management has been achieved. Moreover, preparation sales of labor costs and preparation sales of the number of employees have decreased to show the effect of the reduction of labor costs. However, it could no be concluded that we could increase the profit due to the introduction of ERP system. Due to the introduction of ERP, although we concluded that the return on assets (ROA) and the additional value of one-person employee statistically showed obvious differences and increased, the return on equity failed to show obvious differences after the process of introduction of ERP.

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A Conceptual Scheme of International Marriage of Koreans and Analyses of the Marriage and Divorce Registration Data (한국인 국제결혼의 설명틀과 혼인 및 이혼신고자료의 분석)

  • Kim, Doo-Sub
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.25-56
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    • 2006
  • This study attempts to review the increasing trend in international marriage of Koreans since 1990 and explore the pattern of socio-demographic characteristics of the married couples. This paper develops a conceptual scheme for changing pattern of nuptiality including an increase in international marriage. As the key forces behind the recent increase in international marriage of Koreans, the effects of rapid decline in fertility, rise in sex ratio at birth, urbanward migration of young women, expansion of gender-equity norms, and globalization are stressed. Micro-data from the marriage registration for the period $1990{\sim}2004$ and the divorce registration for the period $2000{\sim}2004$ are utilized. This study focuses on analyzing age at marriage, previous marital experience, education, occupation, and residence of the married couples. Attention is also focused on demographic characteristics of the divorced couples. Results of analyses reveal that there exists a great deal of diversity in international marriage of Koreans. A notable aspect is the profound differences between Korean men and women in the characteristics of their foreign spouses and themselves as well. Another prominent factor emphasized in the analysis is the nationality of foreign spouse. It is indicated that the stereotype of international marriage facilitated by marriage squeeze can be mainly applied to marriages between Korean men and foreign wives from China, southeast Asian countries and the CIS of the old Soviet Union. On the other hand, direct effects of value transformation and globalization are emphasized in the explanation of marriages between Korean men and foreign wives from more developed countries as well as marriages between Korean women and foreign husbands.

A Study on Estimating the Land Developer's Share of Infrastructure Cost : Focused on the Road Facility of Residential Development (간선시설 설치비용의 합리적 분담분 추정 : 택지개발사업시 조성되는 도로시설을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Gyun;Choi, Dae-Sik
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 2012
  • Although infrastructure cost comprises the great proportion of residential development cost, all of it tends to be borne by land developers which develop large area. This brings about free-riding by adjacent small development or built-up area, followed by the equity problem in terms of infrastructure development cost sharing and the privatization of development gain. This study aims to establish the method to analyze free-riding on the transportation infrastructure(roads) and investigate empirically how much the free-riding occurs. It sets several development scenarios to calculate the part generated by Bucheon Sangdong district, the case area of this study, of all the traffic flow on the roads. The Network analysis is used to estimate the proportion, by development scenarios, of traffic flow, travel time, and travel cost. As a result, the developer of Bucheon Sangdong district is responsible for 83% of the construction cost of selected roads. The methodology and empirical result of this study would contribute to determine who are liable for the infrastructure facilitation and to estimate how much of the cost the obligators have to share.

Water security assessment of Asian countries for sustainable water management (지속가능한 물 관리를 위한 아시아 국가별 물 안보 평가)

  • Park, Seo-Yeon;Lee, Seungho;Lee, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Joo-Heon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.spc1
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    • pp.719-730
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    • 2020
  • Recognizing a complexity of global water challenges, such as water shortage, water pollution, water-related disasters, and degradation of water environments, this study introduces the newly established concept and definition of water security and water security assessment framework based on the review of previous works on water security. In order to critically assess the situations of water security of each country, an water security assessment framework is employed highlighting the four core areas: 1) social equity; 2) economic efficiency; 3) environmental sustainability; and 4) resilience to water-related disasters. 28 Asian countries have been selected and evaluated for the level of water security, and as a consequence, Japan, Malaysia and South Korea demonstrate a high degree of water security whereas India, Pakistan and the Philippines show a relatively low level of water security. The significance of this study lies in clarifying weak areas in water security as well as suggesting the areas that should be improved for achieving sustainable water management.

A Study on the Optimization of Suwon City Bus Route using GWR Model (GWR모델 이용한 수원시 일반버스노선 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheol Gyu;Cho, Seong Kil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 2014
  • Bus service is easily adjusted to accommodate the changed demand. Despite the flexibility of that, its relocation should overcome the following problems: first, Bus line rearrangement should consider the balance between the demand and the supply to enhance the transit equity among the users scattered around the area that supply against demand imbalances. Second, the existing demand analysed is to crude since the demand was analysed based on TAZ. mainly based on the Dong unit. Utilization of the GWR and GIS-T data can resolve the problem. In this paper, the limitation of the conventional transit demand analysis model is overcome by deploying the GWR model which identifies the transit demand based on the geographic relation between the service location and those of the users. GWR model considers the spatial effect of the bus demand in accordance with the distance to the each bus stops using SCD(Smart Card Data) and BIS(Bus Information System). This demand map was then superimposes with the existing bus route which identified the areas where the balance between demand and supply is severly skewed. since the analysis was computed with SCD and BIS at every bus stops. the shortage and surplus of bus service of entire study area could computed. Further. based on this computational result and considering the entire bus service capacity data. Bus routes optimization from the oversupplied areas to the undersupplied area was illustrated thus this study clearly compared the benefits the GIS.

Comparative Analysis of Regional Integrated Assessment Models of Climate and the Economy (사회후생함수를 중심으로 한 기후경제통합-지역평가모형 비교분석)

  • Hwang, In Chang
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.27-60
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    • 2016
  • An integrated assessment model of climate and the economy (IAM) has been a standard tool for the economic analysis of climate change and policy recommendations. Since policy measures to address climate change take places at a national level, a regional integrated assessment model of climate and the economy (RIAM) is gaining more importance. A RIAM is a useful tool for the assessment of regional (or national) impacts of climate change. This paper investigates the main features of the currently available RIAMs. The focus is social welfare functions and the regional aspects of climate change. The comparative analysis shows that there is a huge gap between the economics of climate change and its applications to RIAMs. As an application, this paper examines the effect of social welfare functions on optimal solutions of the RICE (Regional Integrated model of Climate and the Economy) model. It is found that optimal climate policy such as carbon tax or emissions control rate is very sensitive to the assumptions on social welfare functions of RIAMs. It is better for each country to have their own RIAM as a basic tool for national climate policy-making and for international bargaining in greenhouse-gas mitigation. This is because a country's own preferences such as efficiency, equity, and sustainable development as well as national circumstances can be reflected in RIAM. The Republic of Korea has not developed its own RIAM yet. The comparative analysis and the numerical model in this paper can be a stepping stone for the development of such a national model.

Real Option Study on Cookstove Offset Project under Emission Allowance Price Uncertainty (배출권 가격 불확실성을 고려한 고효율 쿡스토브 보급사업 실물옵션 연구)

  • Lee, Jaehyung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.219-246
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    • 2020
  • From the Phase II (2018~2020) of K-ETS, the offset credit from 'CDM projects that domestic companies and others have carried out in foreign countries' can be used in the K-ETS. As a result, stakeholders in the K-ETS market are actively developing overseas CDM projects, such as the 'high-efficiency cook stove project'. which can secure a large amount of credits while marginal cost is relatively low. This paper develops the investment decision-making model of offset project for the 'high-efficiency cook stove project' using the real option approach. Under the uncertainty of the emission allowance price, the optimal investment threshold (p) is derived and sensitivity analysis is conducted. As a result, in the standard scenario (PoA-S), the optimal investment threshold is 29,054won/ton, which is lower than the stock price (pspot). However, allocation entities are not only economics in the CDM project, but also CDM risk factors such as non-renewable biomass ratio, cook stove replacement ratio, equity ratio with host country, investment period and submission limitation of emission allowance. In addition, offset project developers will be able to derive the optimal investment threshold for each business stage and use it for economic feasibility checks.

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Quality Oriented Corporate Culture on Sustainability Management Performances (공급사슬 내에서 품질지향적 기업문화가 지속가능경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구)

  • Woo, Moo-Jin;Park, Jong-Woo;Jung, Byeong-Yeong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - Environmental issues, climatic changes, and greenhouse gases are problems to be solved at a global level. With an increased emphasis on the environmental and social responsibility of the management of companies, the manner in which companies approach quality-oriented culture and their individual sustainability management are being discussed as truly important issues to help them secure their competitiveness and growth strategies. This study proposes strategic directions to help manufacturers not only in expanding their competitive quality-oriented company culture but also in strengthening their sustainability management abilities. This study conducts a literature review and empirical research to examine how significantly the variables of a quality-oriented company culture, customer-centered management, and process-centered and supply chain management-centered cooperation affect sustainability management performance in relation to economic profitability, environmental integrity, and social responsibility. Research design, data, and methodology - To verify research models and hypotheses, the study examined 170 companies using a questionnaire survey conducted over six weeks, and involved the performance of data analysis on 146 samples. Questionnaire responses were calibrated based on a Likert scale. The study used the Smart PLS 2.0 program designed for PLS (partial least squares), an analysis instrument of SEM (structural equation modeling). The study then verified empirical research hypotheses working on reliability analysis, validity analysis, factorial analysis, and path analysis. Results - Among the nine hypotheses, four are accepted and the rest are rejected. A quality-oriented company culture focusing on customer-centered management significantly influenced the maintainability management performance of environmental integrity and social responsibility, while economic profitability was dismissed. A process-focused quality-oriented company culture was significantly concerned with economic profitability but not with environmental integrity or social responsibility. A supply-chain cooperative company culture had a significant effect on economic profitability but not on environmental integrity or social responsibility. Conclusion - This study proposes strategic directions to help manufacturers expand their competitive quality-oriented company culture as well as strengthen abilities with sustainability management. It conducts a literature review and empirical research to examine how significantly the variables of quality-oriented company culture, customer-centered management, and process-centered and supply chain management-centered cooperation affect sustainability management performance in relation to economic profitability, environmental integrity, and social responsibility. There are two main conclusions. First, companies should consider the need for social responsibility management and environmental transparent management-focused maintainability management as avenues to create new markets and business, thereby helping the companies secure a reputation for having a customer and process-centered quality-oriented company culture by creating shared values between supply chains and enabling win-win situations through cooperation. Second, we are marching towards a creative win-win era from a society of conflicts and ruptures. Companies should understand that social responsibility management and supply chain management (SCM)-focused cooperation are the foundations of sustainable development, as they try to improve their culture while pursuing both win-win relationships with interested parties and equity in various conflictive relations.