• Title/Summary/Keyword: electrodes corrosion

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Repassivation Behavior of Ni Base Alloys in a Mild Alkaline Water at 300℃

  • Hwang, Seong Sik;Kim, Dong Jin;Kim, Joung Soo;Kim, Hong Pyo
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.85-89
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    • 2006
  • KAERI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) has developed a repassivation rate test system which can be operated at $300^{\circ}C$. It consists of an autoclave, three electrodes for an electrochemical test and a diamond scratch tip. All the electrodes are electrically insulated from the autoclave by using high temperature fittings. Reproducible repassivation curves of alloy 600 at 300 C were obtained. Repassivation rate of alloy 600 at pH 13 was slower than that of pH 10. Stress corrosion cracking test was carried as a function of the pH at a high temperature. At pH 10, alloy 600 showed a severe stress corrosion cracking(SCC), whereas it did not show a SCC at pH 7. From the viewpoint of a relationship between the current density and the charge density, a big difference was observed in the two solutions; the slope of pH 13 was steeper than that of pH 10. So the stress corrosion susceptibility at pH 13 seems to be higher than that of pH 10. The system would be a good tool to evaluate the SCC susceptibility of alloy 600 at a high temperature.

Evaluation of the Corrosion Property on the Welded Zone of Cast Steel Piston Crown with Types of Electrode (용접재료 별 주강 피스톤 크라운 용접부위의 부식 특성에 대한 평가)

  • Moon, Kyung-Man;Kim, Yun-Hae;Lee, Myeong-Hoon;Baek, Tae-Sil;Kim, Jin-Gyeong
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.356-362
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    • 2014
  • Wear and corrosion of the engine parts surrounded with combustion chamber is more serious compared to the other parts of the engine because temperature of the exhaust gas in a combustion chamber is getting higher and higher with increasing of using the heavy oil of low quality. Therefore, an optimum repair weldment as well as an available choice of the base metal for these parts are very important to prolong their lifetime in a economical point of view. It reported that there was an experimental result for repair weldment on the forged steel which would be generally used with piston crown material, however, it is considered that there is no study for the repair weldment on the cast steel of piston crown material. In this study, four types of electrodes such as 1.25Cr-0.5Mo, 0.5Mo Inconel 625 and 718 were welded with SMAW and GTAW methods on the cast steel which would be generally used with piston crown material. And the corrosion properties of weld metal, heat affected zone and base metal were investigated using electrochemical methods such as measurement of corrosion potential, anodic polarization curves, cyclic voltammogram and impedance etc. in 35% $H_2SO_4$ solution. In the cases of Inconel 625, 718, the weld metals and base metals exhibited the best and worst corrosion resistance respectively, however, 1.25Cr-0.5Mo and 0.5Mo indicated that corrosion resistance of the base metal was better than the weld metal. And the weld metal welded with electrodes of Inconel 625 revealed the best corrosion resistance among the electrodes, and Inconel 718 followed the Inconel 625. Hardness relatively also indicated higher value in the weld metal compared to heat affected zone and base metal. In particular, Inconel 718 indicated the highest value of hardness compared to other electrodes in the heat affected zone.

Effects of Alloying Elements and Binding Materials on the Corrosion Behavior of Metal Hydride Electrodes (금속수소화물전극의 부식특성에 미치는 합금원소와 결합제의 영향)

  • Lee, Yang-Boum;Choe, Han-Cheol;Park, Ji-Yoon;Kim, Kwan-Hyu
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 1998
  • It has been investigated the effects of alloying elements and binders on the corrosion behavior of metal hydride electrodes for anode of Ni/MH secondary battery. The $AB_5$-type alloys, $(LM)Ni_{4.49}Co_{0.1}Mn_{0.205}Al_{0.205}$ and $(LM)Ni_{3.6}Co_{0.7}Mn_{0.3}Al_{0.4}$, were used for the experiments. The electrodes were prepared by mixing and cold-pressing of alloy powders with Si sealent or PTFE powders, or cold-pressing the electroless copper coated alloy powders. The amount of copper coating was 20wt%. In order to examine corrosion behavior of the electrodes, the corrosion current and the current density, in 6M KOH aqueous solution after removal of oxygen in the solution, were measured by potentiodynamic and cyclic voltamo methods. The results showed that Co in the alloy increased corrosion resistance of the electrode whereas Ni decreased the stability of the electrode during the charge-discharge cycles. The electrode used Si sealant as a binder showed a lower corrosion current density than the electrode used PTFE and the electrode used Cu-coated alloy powders showed the best corrosion resistance.

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A Study on the Corrosion Properties of Underwater Wet Arc Welds Using the SM 41 (선체용 압연 강판의 습식 수중 아크 용접부의 부식특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, H.H.;Ki., C.G.;Kim, M.N.;Hwang, S.H.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2005
  • Underwater wet arc welds were experimentally performed on 11mm thick KR-RA steel plate using six different types of flux coated electrodes of 4.0mm diameter, KSKR, KSKT, USBL, JPUW, UWEA and UWEB. From analysis of bead appearance, detachability of weld slag, spatter occurrence and arc stability, JPUW gives the best result, and UWEB is superior to KSKR and KSKT. By experimental result of hardness distribution on the weld bonds, UWEB weld has the narrowest bond structure which is probable condition to get the best mechanical properties of weld. UWEB and JPUW welds have more even hardness distribution across weld deposit and base metal. Upon polarization test to measure the respondency of corrosion, the electrode of UWEB shows the most excellent degree due to the low open circuit potential difference.

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A Study on the Corrosion Properties of Underwater Wet Arc Welds using the SM 41 (선체용 압연 강판의 습식 수중 아크 용접부의 부식특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, H.H.;Kim, C.G.;Kim, M.N.;Hwang, S.H.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2006
  • Underwater wet arc welds were experimentally performed on 11mm thick KR-RA steel plate using six different types of flux coated electrodes of 4.0mm diameter, KSKR, KSKT, USBL, JPUW, UWEA and UWEB. From analysis of bead appearance, detachability of weld slag, spatter occurrence and arc stability, JPUW gives the best result, and UWEB is superior to KSKR and KSKT. By experimental result of hardness distribution on the weld bonds, UWEB weld has the narrowest bond structure which is probable condition to get the best mechanical properties of weld. UWEB and JPUW welds have more even hardness distribution across weld deposit and base metal. Upon polarization test to measure the respondency of corrosion, the electrode of UWEB shows the most excellent degree due to the low open circuit potential difference.

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Electrochemical and Thermal Property Enhancement of Natural Graphite Electrodes via a Phosphorus and Nitrogen Incorporating Surface Treatment

  • Kim, Kyungbae;Kim, Han-Seul;Seo, Hyungeun;Kim, Jae-Hun
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2020
  • An efficient wet process approach to modifying natural graphite (NG) electrodes for Li-ion batteries is introduced in this paper. With homogeneous mixing and thermal decomposition of NG with diammonium phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4), phosphorus and nitrogen were successfully incorporated into the surface layer of NG particles. Electron microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses demonstrated that the surface was well modified by this process. As a result, the treated NG electrodes exhibited much improved electrochemical performance over pristine NG at two different temperatures: 25 ℃ and 50 ℃. Excellent capacity retention of 95.6% was obtained after 100 cycles at 50 ℃. These enhanced properties were confirmed in a morphology analysis on the cross-sections of the NG electrodes after galvanostatic cycling. The improved cycle and thermal stabilities can be attributed to the surface treatment with phosphorus and nitrogen; the treatment formed a stable solid electrolyte interphase layer that performed well when undergoing Li insertion and extraction cycling.

Study on Reusable Electrodes for Personal Electrocardiography

  • Kim, Jonghoon;Yoon, Gilwon
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.340-344
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    • 2018
  • Electrodes are an important part of electrocardiography (ECG); disposable electrodes have been extensively used. However, personal ECG monitoring devices for Internet of Things applications require reusable electrodes. As there have been no systematic studies on the characteristics of reusable electrodes to date, we conducted this study to assess the performance and feasibility of electrodes with different materials. We built reusable electrodes using twelve different metallic materials, including commonly used copper, silver, zinc, plating materials, chemically inert titanium, stainless steel, and aluminum. Each electrode was fabricated to a size of $5{\times}10mm$. Their characteristics such as offset, baseline drift, stabilization time, and chemical inertness were compared. A personal ECG monitoring system was used to test the manufactured electrodes. The performances of the Ag, Cu, and Zn electrodes were better than the performances of other electrodes. However, these materials may not be used owing to the chemical changes that occur when the electrodes are in contact with the skin, such as discoloration and corrosion, which deteriorate their electrical characteristics. Titanium, stainless steel, and aluminum are chemically stable. The titanium electrode showed the best performance among the three, and it is our recommendation as a material for manufacturing reusable electrodes.

Comparative analysis for the corrosion susceptibility of copper alloys in sandy soil

  • Galai, Mouhsine;Benqlilou, Hanane;Touhami, Mohamed Ebn;Belhaj, Tounsi;Berrami, Khalifa;El Kafssaoui, Hassan
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.164-174
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    • 2018
  • Corrosion of copper alloys (copper, bronze and brass) in soil was evaluated at ambient temperature using various methods such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), polarization curves and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy microanalysis measurements. Three equivalent circuits were separately used to interpret the obtained impedance spectra. The EIS measurements indicated that the polarization resistance of all electrodes increases with increasing the immersion time. SEM showed a presence of three layers of corrosion products with various composition and morphology covering each electrode. In addition, it was found that at 20% of moisture content the $R_p$ values and the current density of all electrodes in the studied soil give the following order: copper > bronze > brass. Good consistency between the data obtained from EIS and PP measurements was observed.

Investigation of Design Methodology for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Optimum System

  • Yao, Ping;Wu, Jianhua
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.197-200
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, physical scale modeling was employed to identify the configurations of ICCP system and the electric field signatures. Computational boundary element modeling technique has been used to simulate the performance of the CP system and to predict the associated electric fields signatures. The optimization methods combined with the computer models and physical scale modeling will be presented here, which enable the optimum system design to be achieved both in terms of the location and current output of the anode but also in the location of reference electrodes for impressed current cathodic protection(ICCP) systems. The combined methodology was utilized to determine optimal placement of ICCP components (anodes and reference electrodes) and to evaluate performance of ICCP system for the 2%, 10% and 14% wetted hull coatings loss. The objective is to design the system to minimise the electric field while at the same time provide adequate protection for the ship. The results show that experimental scale modeling and computational modeling techniques can be used in concert to design an optimum ICCP system and to provide information for quickly analysis of the system and its surrounding environment.

Assessment of In-Situ Solid-State Reference Electrode for Monitoring Corrosion of Steel Rebar in Simulated Concrete Environments (모의 콘크리트 환경에서 강철 철근의 부식을 모니터링하기 위한 현장 고체 기준 전극 평가)

  • Karthick, Subbiah;Park, TaeJoon;Lee, Han-Seung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.281-282
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    • 2023
  • The solid-state reference electrodes made of polyaniline-coated MnO2 (SSRE-PAM) and their electrochemical characteristics were studied in simulated concrete pore solutions (SCPS) containing 0 and 3.5% NaCl. Saturated calomel electrodes (SCE) have been used to conduct electrochemical studies on the stability behavior of SSRE-PAM. Open circuit potential (OCP) and potentiodynamic polarization techniques were used to assess the corrosion performance of steel rebar exposed in SCPS with 0 and 3.5% NaCl using SSRE-PAM. The results demonstrate that the SSRE-PAM was capable of identifying steel rebar in a concrete environment that was either passive or active. Potentiodynamic polarization parameters such as Ecorr and Icorr for steel rebar in SCPS containing 0 and 3.5%)NaCl are greater than that of the passive condition (0% NaCl). All the studies validate the importance of using SSRE-PAM for corrosion monitoring applications in concrete structures.

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