• Title/Summary/Keyword: elastic media

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Small Strain Stiffness of Salt-Cemented Granular Media under Low Confining Pressure (낮은 구속압에서 고결화 혼합재의 미소변형강성)

  • Truong, Q. Hung;Byeon, Yong-Hoon;Tran, M. Khoa;Lee, Jong-Sub
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.03a
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    • pp.448-456
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    • 2010
  • The mechanical behavior of granular soils is affected by particle bonding including natural cementation. This study addresses a simple model of small strain stiffness and salt concentration based on wave measurements of salt-cemented particulate media. Published models of artificially cemented soils with different curing methods and several types of cementation agents are reviewed. Glass beads with the median diameter of D50 = 0.5mm are prepared in rectangular cells using the water-pluviated method in salt water with different concentrations. Piezo disk elements and bender elements embedded in the cell are used for the measurements of compressional and shear waves. The relationships between elastic wave velocities and salt concentration show an exponential function. The measured small strain stiffness matches well the predicted small strain stiffness based on micromechanics for simple cubic monosized sphere particles. This study demonstrates that the salt concentration in salt-cemented specimen may be evaluated by using elastic wave velocities.

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Application of ADE-PML Boundary Condition to SEM using Variational Formulation of Velocity-Stress 3D Wave Equation (속도-응력 변분식을 이용한 3차원 SEM 탄성파 수치 모사에 대한 ADE-PML경계조건의 적용)

  • Cho, Chang-Soo;Son, Min-Kyung
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2012
  • Various numerical methods in simulation of seismic wave propagation have been developed. Recently an innovative numerical method called as the Spectral Element Method (SEM) has been developed and used in wave propagation in 3-D elastic media. The SEM that easily implements the free surface of topography combines the flexibility of a finite element method with the accuracy of a spectral method. It is generally used a weak formulation of the equation of motion which are solved on a mesh of hexahedral elements based on the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre integration rule. Variational formulations of velocity-stress motion are newly modified in order to implement ADE-PML (Auxiliary Differential Equation of Perfectly Matched Layer) in wave propagation in 3-D elastic media, because a general weak formulation has a difficulty in adapting CFS (Complex Frequency Shifted) PML (Perfectly Matched Layer). SEM of Velocity-Stress motion having ADE-PML that is very efficient in absorbing waves reflected from finite boundary is verified with simulation of 1-D and 3-D wave propagation.

Dynamic Resource Allocation and Scheduling for Cloud-Based Virtual Content Delivery Networks

  • Um, Tai-Won;Lee, Hyunwoo;Ryu, Won;Choi, Jun Kyun
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2014
  • This paper proposes a novel framework for virtual content delivery networks (CDNs) based on cloud computing. The proposed framework aims to provide multimedia content delivery services customized for content providers by sharing virtual machines (VMs) in the Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud, while fulfilling the service level agreement. Furthermore, it supports elastic virtual CDN services, which enables the capabilities of VMs to be scaled to encompass the dynamically changing resource demand of the aggregated virtual CDN services. For this, we provide the system architecture and relevant operations for the virtual CDNs and evaluate the performance based on a simulation.

Scattering of Surface Waves in Anisotropic Media for Applications in Wave Barriers and Non-Destructive Evaluation (방진구조물 및 비파괴 응력파 탐상의 응용을 위한 비등방성 재료의 표면파 산란에 관한 연구)

  • 이종세
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 1998
  • Propagation of elastic surface waves in anisotropic media is considered in this study. An analytical technique is proposed to study the scattering of surface waves at the interface between two anisotropic quarter-spaces. The Green's function technique is used to derive a system of equations which can determine the scattering coefficients at the interface. A numerical study is carried out and the trade-offs between the material anisotropy and inhomogeneity are studied.

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Isogeometric thermal postbuckling of FG-GPLRC laminated plates

  • Kiani, Y.;Mirzaei, M.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.821-832
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    • 2019
  • An analysis on thermal buckling and postbuckling of composite laminated plates reinforced with a low amount of graphene platelets is performed in the current investigation. It is assumed that graphaene platelets are randomly oriented and uniformly dispersed in each layer of the composite media. Elastic properties of the nanocomposite media are obtained by means of the modified Halpin-Tsai approach which takes into account the size effects of the graphene reinforcements. By means of the von $K{\acute{a}}rm{\acute{a}}n$ type of geometrical nonlinearity, third order shear deformation theory and nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) based isogeometric finite element method, the governing equations for the thermal postbuckling of nanocomposite plates in rectangular shape are established. These equations are solved by means of a direct displacement control strategy. Numerical examples are given to study the effects of boundary conditions, weight fraction of graphene platelets and distribution pattern of graphene platelets. It is shown that, with introduction of a small amount of graphene platelets into the matrix of the composite media, the critical buckling temperature of the plate may be enhanced and thermal postbuckling deflection may be alleviated.

Analysis of Modulus and Phase of Resonance Scattered Elastic Waves from Cylindrical Fluid Scatterers (원통형 유체 산란체에 의한 공명 산란 탄성파의 진폭 및 위상 해석)

  • 임현준;홍기석;김정태
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 2001
  • Based on the recently developed resonance scattering theory for elastic waves, a relationship between the stress components, which may be measured using ultrasonic transducers, of partial waves scattered from cylindrical fluid scatterer, cavity, and resonance scatterer has been derived. The computed resonance scattered stresses exhibit frequency behaviors similar to the corresponding scattering coefficients: particularly, abrupt changes in phase by 180°near the resonant frequencies. By studying the behavior of pressure in the fluid scatterer, the physics of the theory has been further understood. Using the method studied and developed in this paper, nondestructive characterization of fluid inclusions in elastic media is expected to become more reliable.

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Dynamic analyses for an axially-loaded pile in a transverse-isotropic, fluid-filled, poro-visco-elastic soil underlain by rigid base

  • Zhang, Shiping;Zhang, Junhui;Zeng, Ling;Yu, Cheng;Zheng, Yun
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2022
  • Simplified analytical solutions are developed for the dynamic analyses of an axially loaded pile foundation embedded in a transverse-isotropic, fluid-filled, poro-visco-elastic soil with rigid substratum. The pile is modeled as a viscoelastic Rayleigh-Love rod, while the surrounding soil is regarded as a transversely isotropic, liquid-saturated, viscoelastic, porous medium of which the mechanical behavior is represented by the Boer's poroelastic media model and the fractional derivative model. Upon the separation of variables, the frequency-domain responses for the impedance function of the pile top, and the vertical displacement and the axial force along the pile shaft are gained. Then by virtue of the convolution theorem and the inverse Fourier transform, the time-domain velocity response of the pile head is derived. The presented solutions are validated, compared to the existing solution, the finite element model (FEM) results, and the field test data. Parametric analyses are made to show the effect of the soil anisotropy and the excitation frequency on the pile-soil dynamic responses.

Developing a framework to integrate convolution quadrature time-domain boundary element method and image-based finite element method for 2-D elastodynamics

  • Takahiro Saitoh;Satoshi Toyoda
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.213-227
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a framework for coupling of the convolution quadrature time-domain boundary element method (CQBEM) and image-based finite element method (IMFEM) is presented for 2-D elastic wave propagation. This coupling method has three advantages: 1) the finite element modeling for heterogeneous areas can be performed without difficulties by using digital data for the analysis model, 2) wave propagation in an infinite domain can be calculated with high accuracy by using the CQBEM, and 3) a small time-step size can be used. In general, a small time-step size cannot be used in the classical time-domain boundary element method. However, the CQBEM used in this analysis can address a small time-step size. This makes it possible to couple the CQBEM and image-based FEM which require a small-time step size. In this study, the formulation and validation of the pro-posed method are described and confirmed by solving fundamental elastic wave scattering problems. As a numerical example, elastic wave scattering in inhomogeneous media is demonstrated using the proposed coupling method.

Boundary conditions for Time-Domain Finite-Difference Elastic Wave Modeling in Anisotropic Media (이방성을 고려한 시간영역 유한차분법 탄성파 모델링에서의 경계조건)

  • Lee, Ho-Yong;Min, Dong-Joo;Kwoon, Byung-Doo;Lim, Seung-Chul;Yoo, Hai-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2008
  • Seismic modeling is used to simulate wave propagation in the earth. Although the earth's subsurface is usually semi-infinite, we cannot handle the semi-infinite model in seismic modeling because of limited computational resources. For this reason, we usually assume a finite-sized model in seismic modeling. In that case, we need to eliminate the edge reflections arising from the artificial boundaries introducing a proper boundary condition. In this study, we changed three kinds of boundary conditions (sponge boundary condition, Clayton and Engquist's absorbing boundary condition, and Higdon's transparent boundary condition) so that they can be applied in elastic wave modeling for anisotropic media. We then apply them to several models whose Poisson's ratios are different. Clayton and Engquist's absorbing boundary condition is unstable in both isotropic and anisotropic media, when Poisson's ratio is large. This indicates that the absorbing boundary condition can be applied in anisotropic media restrictively. Although the sponge boundary condition yields good results for both isotropic and anisotropic media, it requires too much computational memory and time. On the other hand, Higdon's transparent boundary condition is not only inexpensive, but also reduce reflections over a wide range of incident angles. We think that Higdon's transparent boundary condition can be a method of choice for anisotropic media, where Poisson's ratio is large.

Aggregate shape influence on the fracture behaviour of concrete

  • Azevedo, N.Monteiro;Lemos, J.V.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.411-427
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    • 2006
  • The Discrete Element Method, DEM, is increasingly used in fracture studies of non-homogeneous continuous media, such as rock and concrete. A 2D circular rigid DEM formulation, developed to model concrete, has been adopted. A procedure developed to generate aggregate particles with a given aspect ratio and shape is presented. The aggregate particles are modelled with macroparticles formed by a group of circular particles that behave as a rigid body. Uniaxial tensile and compression tests performed with circular and non-circular aggregates, with a given aspect ratio, have shown similar values of fracture toughness when adopting uniform strength and elastic properties for all the contacts. Non-circular aggregate assemblies are shown to have higher fracture toughness when different strength and elastic properties are set for the matrix and for the aggregate/matrix contacts.