• 제목/요약/키워드: elastic bending

검색결과 843건 처리시간 0.029초

손상원통부재(損傷圓筒部材)의 최종강도(最終强度) 해석(解析)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Ultimate Strength Analysis of Damaged Tubular Members)

  • 백점기;신병천
    • 대한조선학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 1990
  • 본 연구에서는 축력과 굽힘모멘트의 조합하중(組合荷重)을 받는 손상원통부재의 최종강도(最終强度)를 해석하기위하여 간이유한요소해석이론을 정식화한다. 여기서, 굽힘 및 국부손상이 존재하는 원통부재(圓筒部材)를 보요소로 모델링하며, 각요소의 접선탄성강성행렬(接線彈性剛性行列)은 기하학적 비선형 효과를 고려하여 updated Lagrangian 기법에 의하여 도출한다. 이때, 국부손상부위의 강성이 외력에 대한 저항에 기여하는 정도는 비교적 작다고 생각되므로 요소의 강성평가시에 국부손상부위의 강성은 무시한다. 요소의 소성화는 국부손상부위의 영향을 고려한 전단면(全斷面) 소성강도(塑性强度) 상관관계식을 적용하여 요소의 각절점에서 판정하며, 접선(接線) 탄소성(彈塑性) 강성행렬(剛性行列)은 소성절점법(塑性節點法)에 의하여 계산한다. 마지막으로 본 연구에서 정식화한 해석법을 바탕으로 컴퓨터프로그램을 작성하고 실험 등에 의하여 얻어진 기존의 결과에 대해 재해석하여 본해석법의 정도와 유용성을 확인한다.

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합성섬유를 사용한 변형경화형 시멘트 복합체의 휨 및 인장성능 (Flexural and Tensile Performance of Strain-Hardening Cement Composite with Synthetic Fibers)

  • 김선우;이민정;장용헌;장광수;송선화;윤현도
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2008년도 춘계 학술발표회 제20권1호
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    • pp.925-928
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    • 2008
  • 최근 내진부재 및 기존 구조물의 내진보강요소의 손상제어(Damage tolerance)성능을 충족할 수 있는 변형경화형 시멘트 복합체(Strain-hardening cement composites, SHCC)의 개발 및 활용 연구가 진행 중이며, 하이브리드화에 따른 경제성 및 성능향상 가능성도 보고되고 있다. 그러나 이러한 우수한 성능을 갖는 SHCC 재료가 실구조물의 보수/보강재 및 내진보강부재에 적용되기 위해서는 우수한 인장성능 발현뿐만 아니라, 보강섬유의 단가를 고려한 경제적 효과(Economical efficiency) 및 시공성 (Workability)이 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 SHCC를 내진부재 및 보강재료로써 적용하기 위한 연구의 일환으로 합성섬유를 하이브리드하여 혼입시 휨 및 인장강도, 변형능력 등 거동특성을 분석함으로써 각 보강섬유의 인장강도 탄성계수 등 기계적 특성과 혼입율에 따른 재료성능과의 상관관계를 비교 분석하여 평가하고자 한다. 또한 물시멘트비를 변수로 하여 시멘트 복합체의 강도특성과 보강섬유의 부착특성 및 균열제어성능을 규명하고자 한다. 이러한 결과를 근거로 향후 SHCC 재료의 실구조물 적용시 요구성능 및 경제성을 고려한 재료배합에 관한 기초자료를 제시하고자 한다.

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A simple finite element formulation for large deflection analysis of nonprismatic slender beams

  • AL-Sadder, Samir Z.;Othman, Ra'ad A.;Shatnawi, Anis S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.647-664
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    • 2006
  • In this study, an improved finite element formulation with a scheme of solution for the large deflection analysis of inextensible prismatic and nonprismatic slender beams is developed. For this purpose, a three-noded Lagrangian beam-element with two dependent degrees of freedom per node (i.e., the vertical displacement, y, and the actual slope, $dy/ds=sin{\theta}$, where s is the curved coordinate along the deflected beam) is used to derive the element stiffness matrix. The element stiffness matrix in the global xy-coordinate system is achieved by means of coordinate transformation of a highly nonlinear ($6{\times}6$) element matrix in the local sy-coordinate. Because of bending with large curvature, highly nonlinear expressions are developed within the global stiffness matrix. To achieve the solution after specifying the proper loading and boundary conditions, an iterative quasi-linearization technique with successive corrections are employed considering these nonlinear expressions to remain constant during all iterations of the solution. In order to verify the validity and the accuracy of this study, the vertical and the horizontal displacements of prismatic and nonprismatic beams subjected to various cases of loading and boundary conditions are evaluated and compared with analytic solutions and numerical results by available references and the results by ADINA, and excellent agreements were achieved. The main advantage of the present technique is that the solution is directly obtained, i.e., non-incremental approach, using few iterations (3 to 6 iterations) and without the need to split the stiffness matrix into elastic and geometric matrices.

Mechanical and thermal properties of polyamide versus reinforced PMMA denture base materials

  • Soygun, Koray;Bolayir, Giray;Boztug, Ali
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSE. This in vitro study intended to investigate the mechanical and thermal characteristics of Valplast, and of polymethyl methacrylate denture base resin in which different esthetic fibers (E-glass, nylon 6 or nylon 6.6) were added. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Five groups were formed: control (PMMA), PMMA-E glass, PMMA-nylon 6, PMMA-nylon 6.6 and Valplast resin. For the transverse strength test the specimens were prepared in accordance with ANSI/ADA specification No.12, and for the impact test ASTM D-256 standard were used. With the intent to evaluate the properties of transverse strength, the three-point bending (n=7) test instrument (Lloyd NK5, Lloyd Instruments Ltd, Fareham Hampshire, UK) was used at 5 mm/min. A Dynatup 9250 HV (Instron, UK) device was employed for the impact strength (n=7). All of the resin samples were tested by using thermo-mechanical analysis (Shimadzu TMA 50, Shimadzu, Japan). The data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey tests for pairwise comparisons of the groups at the 0.05 level of significance. RESULTS. In all mechanical tests, the highest values were observed in Valplast group (transverse strength: $117.22{\pm}37.80$ MPa, maximum deflection: $27.55{\pm}1.48$ mm, impact strength: $0.76{\pm}0.03$ kN). Upon examining the thermo-mechanical analysis data, it was seen that the E value of the control sample was 8.08 MPa, higher than that of the all other samples. CONCLUSION. Although Valplast denture material has good mechanical strength, its elastic modulus is not high enough to meet the standard of PMMA materials.

두께 감소된 배관 엘보우의 파손 모드에 대한 연구 (A Study on Failure Mode of Pipe Elbows with Wall Thinning)

  • 신규인;윤기봉
    • 한국가스학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2008
  • 배관 엘보우의 내호면(intrados)의 과 내부에 국부적으로 두께 감육이 발생한 경우, 내압과 엘보우를 닫는 방향으로의 굽힘하중을 부가하여 파손 모드를 연구하였다. 탄소성해석 시 반력-변위 곡선이 세 그룹으로 나뉘므로 각 그룹의 한 경우씩을 해석하여 소성붕괴에 의한 파손모드의 차이를 확인하였다. 이를 위해 주요 부위에서 하중-국부적응력 곡선이 어떻게 변화하는지 결정하여, 이로부터 관찰된 파손모드와 비교하여 설명하였다. 감육폭이 $90^{\circ}$인 경우 배관은 엘보우 측면부터 소성붕괴가 시작되었으며, $360^{\circ}$인 경우 내호면으로부터 소성변형이 시작되어 서로 다른 파손모드를 보여주었다. 배관의 감육측정에 의한 건전성 평가 시 이와 같은 파손 모드의 차이점을 고려하여 평가를 실시하여야 한다.

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부분강절로 연결된 평면뼈대구조의 엄밀한 접선강도행렬 및 안정성 해석프로그램 개발 (Exact Tangent Stiffness Matrix and Buckling Analysis Program of Plane Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections)

  • 민병철;경용수;김문영
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2008
  • 일반적인 강구조물의 연결은 강절(rigid) 또는 활절(hinge)로 취급되고 있으나 실제 강구조물은 연결부위에서 부재간의 상대적인회전이 허용됨으로 인해 부분강절(semi-rigid)의 특성을 갖게 된다. 본 연구에서는 부분강절을 회전스프링으로 가정하여 부재 단부에 적용시킨 평면 뼈대구조물의 엄밀한 접선강도행렬을 유도하고 이를 다시 탄성강도행렬과 기하학적 강도행렬로 분리 유도함으로써 부분강절을 갖는 평면 뼈대구조물의 안정성해석을 위한 일반화된 해석방법을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위하여, 보-기둥부재의 좌굴조건을 만족시키는 처짐함수로부터 안정함수(stability function)를 유도하고, 횡변위(sway)를 고려한 힘-변위관계와 적합조건을 고려하여 정확한 접선강도행렬을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 타당성과 실용성 제고를 위해 두 가지 방법에 의한 수치해석프로그램을 개발하였고 다양한 해석예제를 통해, 타 연구자 해석 결과와 비교하고 부분강절이 구조물의 좌굴강도에 미치는 영향에 대하여 조사한다.

유리기판 위에 형성된 Al/Ni 및 TiW/Ni 다층 금속배선막의 계면 접합력 및 나노압입특성 평가 (Measurement of Adhesion Strength and Nanoindentation of Metal Interconnections of Al/Ni and TiW/Ni Layers Formed on Glass Substrate)

  • 조철민;김재호;황소리;윤여현;오용준
    • 대한금속재료학회지
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    • 제48권12호
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    • pp.1116-1122
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    • 2010
  • Metal interconnections of multilayer Al/Ni and TiW/seed-Ni/Ni were formed on glass, and the adhesion strength and nanoindentation response of the composite layers were evaluated. The Al/Ni multilayer was formed by an anodic bonding of glass to Al and subsequent electroless plating of Ni, while the TiW/Ni multilayer was fabricated by sputter deposition of TiW and seed-Ni onto glass and electroless plating of Ni. Because of the diffusion of aluminum into glass during the anodic bonding, anodically bonded glass/Al joint exhibited greater interfacial strength than the sputtered glass/TiW one. The Al/Ni on glass also showed excellent resistance against delamination by bending deformation compared to the TiW/seed-Ni/Ni on glass. From the nanoindentation experiment of each metal layer on glass, it was found that the aluminum layer had extremely low hardness and elastic modulus similar to the glass substrate and played a beneficial role in the delamination resistance by lessening stress intensification at the joint. The indentation data of the multilayers also supported superior joint reliability of the Al/Ni to glass compared to that of the TiW/seed-Ni/Ni to glass.

Effect of diameter of MWCNT reinforcements on the mechanical properties of cement composites

  • Zaheer, Mohd Moonis;Jafri, Mohd Shamsuddin;Sharma, Ravi
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2019
  • Application of nanotechnology can be used to tailor made cementitious composites owing to small dimension and physical behaviour of resulting hydration products. Because of high aspect ratio and extremely high strength, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are perfect reinforcing materials. Hence, there is a great prospect to use CNTs in developing new generation cementitious materials. In the present paper, a parametric study has been conducted on cementitious composites reinforced by two types of multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) designated as Type I CNT (10-20 nm outer dia.) and Type II CNT (30-50 nm outer dia.) with various concentrations ranging from 0.1% to 0.5% by weight of cement. To evaluate important properties such as flexural strength, strain to failure, elastic modulus and modulus of toughness of the CNT admixed specimens at different curing periods, flexural bending tests were performed. Results show that composites with Type II CNTs gave more strength as compared to Type I CNTs. The highest increase in strength (flexural and compressive) is of the order of 22% and 33%, respectively, compared to control samples. Modulus of toughness at 28 days showed highest improvement of 265% for Type II 0.3% CNT composites. It is obvious that an optimum percentage of CNT could exists for composites to achieve suitable reinforcement behaviour and desired strength properties. Based on the parametric study, a tentative optimum CNT concentration (0.3% by weight of cement) has been proposed. Scanning electron microscope image shows perfect crack bridging mechanism; several of the CNTs were shown to act as crack arrestors across fine cracks along with some CNTs breakage.

Modeling of the friction in the tool-workpiece system in diamond burnishing process

  • Maximov, J.T.;Anchev, A.P.;Duncheva, G.V.
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.279-295
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    • 2015
  • The article presents a theoretical-experimental approach developed for modeling the coefficient of sliding friction in the dynamic system tool-workpiece in slide diamond burnishing of low-alloy unhardened steels. The experimental setup, implemented on conventional lathe, includes a specially designed device, with a straight cantilever beam as body. The beam is simultaneously loaded by bending (from transverse slide friction force) and compression (from longitudinal burnishing force), which is a reason for geometrical nonlinearity. A method, based on the idea of separation of the variables (time and metric) before establishing the differential equation of motion, has been applied for dynamic modeling of the beam elastic curve. Between the longitudinal (burnishing force) and transverse (slide friction force) forces exists a correlation defined by Coulomb's law of sliding friction. On this basis, an analytical relationship between the beam deflection and the sought friction coefficient has been obtained. In order to measure the deflection of the beam, strain gauges connected in a "full bridge" type of circuit are used. A flexible adhesive is selected, which provides an opportunity for dynamic measurements through the constructed measuring system. The signal is proportional to the beam deflection and is fed to the analog input of USB DAQ board, from where the signal enters in a purposely created virtual instrument which is developed by means of Labview. The basic characteristic of the virtual instrument is the ability to record and visualize in a real time the measured deflection. The signal sampling frequency is chosen in accordance with Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem. In order to obtain a regression model of the friction coefficient with the participation of the diamond burnishing process parameters, an experimental design with 55 experimental points is synthesized. A regression analysis and analysis of variance have been carried out. The influence of the factors on the friction coefficient is established using sections of the hyper-surface of the friction coefficient model with the hyper-planes.

Flexural behavior of beams in steel plate shear walls

  • Qin, Ying;Lu, Jin-Yu;Huang, Li-Cheng-Xi;Cao, Shi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.473-481
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    • 2017
  • Steel plate shear wall (SPSW) system has been increasingly used for lateral loads resisting system since 1980s when the utilization of post-buckling strength of SPSW was realized. The structural response of SPSWs largely depends on the behavior of the surrounded beams. The beams are normally required to behave in the elastic region when the SPSW fully buckled and formed the tension field action. However, most modern design codes do not specify how this requirement can be achieved. This paper presents theoretical investigation and design procedures of manually calculating the plastic flexural capacity of the beams of SPSWs and can be considered as an extension to the previous work by Qu and Bruneau (2011). The reduction in the plastic flexural capacity of beam was considered to account for the presence of shear stress that was altered towards flanges at the boundary region, which can be explained by Saint-Venant's principle. The reduction in beam web was introduced and modified based on the research by Qu and Bruneau (2011), while the shear stress in the web in this research is excluded due to the boundary effect. The plastic flexural capacity of the beams is given by the superposition of the contributions from the flanges and the web. The developed equations are capable of predicting the plastic moment of the beams subjected to combined shear force, axial force, bending moment, and tension fields induced by yielded infill panels. Good agreement was found between the theoretical results and the data from previous research for flexural capacity of beams.