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Studies on the analysis of current situation and the directions of humanities programmes practising in the education center affiliated with the religious institution : focusing on the applicability of humanities program based on the traditionalcultural resources (종교기관 부설 교육원의 교양교육 프로그램 현황분석과 방향성 검토 - 전통문화 자원에 기반을 둔 교양교육 프로그램 실행 방안을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chang-il
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.42
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    • pp.295-330
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    • 2014
  • This article is to investigate into the philosophical background and the applicability of the humanities programmes effectively to practice them, not to educate the religious doctrines, based on the traditional-cultural resources in the education center affiliated with the religious institution. These humanities programmes can be understood on the lifelong education associated with a person. In the light of common curriculum practising in the existing education center, contents of those programmes are reviewed with classifying the humanities programmes into 3 parts, that is, eastern classical language education, eastern classical education, and eastern traditional prognosticating arts branching off from the eastern philosophy. Eastern classical language education indicates the classical Chinese characters and literatures in the context of our historical tradition. Eastern classical education implies the education which can acquire classical literatures in a modern way, as a accumulation of knowledges having been in charge of a person's lifelong education, and as a entity responsible for making a person to bring to maturity of his character by comprehending the life of human being and the world in pre-modern, Finally, the eastern philosophy is chosen for the reason that have the very interesting contents which can report facts that recover the integral relationship between nature and human being lacking in contemporaries, and instead of rejecting to interpret human being excessively in terms of materialism, is a significant one endowed with the mission which should develop his potentials through the his lifelong. Especially, eastern traditional prognosticating arts are selected that people has considered with them so kindly, and are the knowledges forming the cores of national culture. It may be a very important that attempts to develop the humanities programmes practising in the education center affiliated with the religious institution are not only the demands of the times in our days, but also a new teaching way replacing with old fashioned teachings.

A study of Mrs Yun's Teaching Life and It's Meaning (윤씨부인의 여사적(女師的) 삶과 그 의미)

  • Yoon, Kyunghee
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.49
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    • pp.161-185
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    • 2012
  • This thesis reorganized the life of Mrs. Yun who was a noble woman in the middle of the Joseon period with main material of Seopo, Kim, Man Joong(1637-1692)'s "Seonbijungkyungbuinhaengjang(先?貞敬夫人行狀)" and considered yeosa(女師)'s image of noble woman embodied by her son. Although women who were remarkable in premodern period nurtured their son well and they became excellent, it's easy that the life of their mother can be hidden by sons' shadow. Luckily, materials of Mrs. Yun were kept by her descendants, so people could analogize how she could endure difficulties and how she educate her children. In a word, the life of Mrs. Yun can be yeosa(女師)'s life. She was born as a only daughter of the best ancestry in the period and grown to be a considerable woman with strong will and discipline under the strict training of her grandmother, Junghye Ongju. And then, she married Gwangsan Kimmun, the best literature house of Joseon period, but her husband, Kim, Ik Kyum was died by unexampled difficulty, Byungjahoran. During the tribulation, Mrs. Yun was in charge of not only parents supporting but also two sons' education excellently. She educated not only her children but also grandchildren and nephews around her, so she had extraordinary passion and sincerity for the education. As the result, she enjoyed a glory that two sons and grandchildren became on daejehak. Mrs. Yun was living with thrift and saving continuously regardless of her circumstances. When her granddaughter became inkyungwanghoo who is a wife of sookjong, she didn't kick her common habit and trained strictly the mind of family members who could be easily in disorder. In spite of the richness, he obeyed manners and showed thrift and saving continuously and thoroughly. When there was a crisis in her family, the first son, Kim, Man Ki was died and the second son, Kim, Man Joong and grandson went into exile during the continuous political upheaval. But, she supported her house, obeyed the rules and promised the future. At that time, she continuously encouraged grandchildren and the eldest grandsons of the head family to study without any stop for themselves in spite of the difficulties. Mrs. Yun pursued truly valuable life. She considered that the life which didn't get praised by other people wasn't valid although he or she lived a pleasant life in luck and richness. Mrs. Yun was a true teacher yeosa (女師) who placed a true value on the life enduring hardship and poorness without fear and becoming an example of other people.

A Study on Changes in the Safety Perception of Port Workers in accordance with the Enforcement of the Serious Disasters Act (중대재해법 시행에 따른 항만노동자의 안전인식 변화)

  • Park, Junkyu;Park, Keun-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.133-149
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    • 2022
  • The Port logistics is a pivotal industry in strengthening competitiveness for countries and companies and plays an important role in accounting for the majority of Korea's import and export volume, so its importance among Korea's industries is truly enormous. The port, which plays such an important role, is simultaneously unloaded, transferred into the dock, and stored, and it can be said that it is composed of a very complex flow. In particular, port unloading is an environment in which port unloading workers cannot escape the risk of disasters as large cargoes and cranes for container transport move, and numerous disasters are hidden and lead to serious disasters. Through literature studies on the Serious Accident Penalty Act, this study investigated how the Serious Accident Penalty Act affected port unloading workers and whether there was a change in satisfaction with safety education according to the enforcement of the Serious Accident Penalty Act. Through this study, it was found that port unloading workers were more aware of safety than managers in cognitive, attitude, and experience factors. Since the port unloading manager is not put into the unloading work, the perception of safety was analyzed to be lower than that of workers. Since managers should educate workers on safe work and be alert to safety, it seems that port unloading managers will also need to change their perception of safety. The Act on the Punishment of Severe Disasters took effect on January 27, 22, and in the early stages of the enforcement of the law, many confusing and ambiguous parts are found for those in charge of performing practical tasks on the front line until the law is settled. It seems necessary to revise the Act on the Punishment of Severe Disasters for the purpose of clear standards for the law and no safety accidents in the field to prevent confusion in work. In addition, in order to derive more meaningful research results in the future, it is expected that research on the perception of disasters by workers and managers will be continuously needed by deepening literature research to find various factors and using investigation methods such as interviews.

Association Between Suicide and Diet (자살과 식단의 연관성)

  • Eunji, Lim;Bong-Jo, Kim;Cheol-Soon, Lee;Boseok, Cha;So-Jin, Lee;Jae-Won, Choi;Young-Ji, Lee;Nuree, Kang;Dongyun, Lee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : Suicide is a global social problem. Social burden caused by suicide is gradually increasing. Various efforts have been made to prevent suicide. Lifestyle changes to western style, especially diet changes, have increased the risk for suicide. Therefore, in this study, we discussed diet as an adjuvant treatment for suicide. Methods : In this review, we summarized the biochemical mechanism of suicide, and diet as a risk factor for suicide and diet as a protective factor through a web search. Results : In this study, biochemical mechanisms for suicide were reviewed and diet as a risk factor and diet as a protective factor for suicide were investigated. It was confirmed that neurotoxic effects such as oxidative stress and inflammation in the neural system could increase the risk of suicide. Based on results of previous studies on the relationship between suicide and diet, it was found that heavy use of alcohol, coffee, carbonated soft drink, and fast food were risk factors for suicide. Protective factors for suicide included antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotene, and anti-inflammatory agents such as omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood in large amounts. Conclusions : The only treatment for suicide is prevention. In this context, effectiveness, accessibility, and safety are important for preventing for suicide. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that are relatively safe and readily available to the public could be effective adjuvant treatments to decrease the risk of suicide. In addition, it is necessary to educate the public on reducing diets that could increase the risk of suicide

An exploration of the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and the victim's criminal damages: Variable selection based on random forest algorithm (범죄 및 피해자 특성과 범죄피해 내용의 관계 탐색: 랜덤포레스트 알고리즘에 기초한 변인선택)

  • Han, Yuhwa;Lee, Wooyeol
    • Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.121-145
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    • 2022
  • The current study applied the random forest algorithm to Korean crime victim survey data collected biennially between 2010 and 2018 to explore the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and the victim's criminal damages. A total of 3,080 cases including gender, age (life cycle stage), type of crime, perpetrator acquisition, repeated victimization, psychological damage (depression, isolation, extreme fear, somatic symptoms, interpersonal problems, moving out to avoid people, suicidal impulses, suicide attempts), and emotional changes after victimization (changes in self-protection confidence, self-esteem, confidence in others, confidence in legal institutions, and respect for Korean legal system/law) were analyzed. Considering the features of data that are difficult to apply traditional statistical techniques, this study implemented random forest algorithms to predict crime and victim characteristics using the victim's criminal damages (psychological damage and emotional change) and selected good predictors using VSURF function in VSURF package for R. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the relationship between the type of crime and depression, extreme fear, somatic symptoms, and interpersonal problems, between perpetrator acquisition and somatic symptoms and interpersonal problems, and between repeated victimization and changes in respect for Korean legal system/law. Gender and life cycle stage (youth/adult/elderly) were found to be related to extreme fear and changes in self-protection confidence, respectively. However, more empirical evidence should be aggregated to explain the results as meaningful. The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to enhance the experts' knowledge and educate them on cases about the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and criminal damage. Strengthening their interview strategy and knowledge about law/rules were also needed to increase the effectiveness of the Korean victim assessment system.

A Study on the Tasks for the Preparation Process and Application of Faith Education Related to Experience (경험과 관련된 신앙교육 수업 준비과정과 적용을 위한 과제 연구)

  • Han, Kyoung-mi
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.70
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    • pp.207-238
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    • 2022
  • Faith education focuses on 'changing the direction of life' that pursues the life of Christ. This is possible only when the message of the Bible is embodied in life, not by accumulating biblical knowledge. Today, however, faith education does not allow biblical messages to be embodied in life. This is the result of focusing on knowing the Bible itself, instead of guiding the faith education to meet the Bible and the experience of human life. Church education emphasized the inner faith of individuals rather than changes in life and practice, preparing for the afterlife, and mostly for the training and quantitative growth of the church. As a result, in the COVID-19 era, Protestants showed an immature appearance that only cared about the safety of the church, and social trust in Protestants was lost. Therefore, faith education should educate what life of the Bible and the experiences of the learner will meet and respond to God in order for the Bible's message to be realized in life. I tried to find out how to prepare for this faith education in detail. So I would like to look at "The preparation process for religious classes related to experience" compiled by the German Protestant Lutheran Bavarian Presbyterian Church and present tasks for application to the Korean Church. Preparation for experience-related religious classes consists of five courses. It is a personal meeting, a theological orientation, a pedagogical orientation, a pedagogical decision, and a summary of the progress plan. The main purpose of this process is to learn how biblical believers interpreted their experiences in life from the perspective of faith and tried to overcome the problem. Faith education related to experience deals with the essence of faith education, not one of the Bible teaching methods. Although the field of education is in the social change of expanding from the real world to the virtual world, the essential nature of faith education cannot change. Therefore, research and application of faith education related to experience in Korean churches will help the biblical message to be embodied in Christian life.

Seeking for a Curriculum of Dance Department in the University in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4차 산업혁명시대 대학무용학과 커리큘럼의 방향모색)

  • Baek, Hyun-Soon;Yoo, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2019
  • This study focuses on what changes are required as to a curriculum of dance department in the university in the age of the 4th industrial revolution. By comparing and analyzing the curricula of dance department in the five universities in Seoul, five academic subjects as to curricula of dance department, which covers what to learn for dance education in the age of the 4th industrial revolution, are presented. First, dance integrative education, the integration of creativity and science education, can be referred to as a subject that stimulates ideas and creativity and raises artistic sensitivity based on STEAM. Second, the curriculum characterized by prediction of the future prospect through Big Data can be utilized well in dealing with dance performance, career path of dance-majoring people, and job creation by analyzing public opinion, evaluation, and feelings. Third, video education. Seeing the images as modern major media tends to occupy most of the expressive area of art, dance by dint of video enables existing dance work to be created as new form of art, expanding dance boundaries in academic and performing art viewpoint. Fourth, VR and AR are essential techniques in the era of smart media. Whether upcoming dance studies are in the form of performance or education or industry, for VR and AR to be digitally applied into every relevant field, keeping with the time, learning about VR and AR is indispensable. Last, the 4th industrial revolution and the curriculum of dance art are needed to foresee the changes in the 4th industrial revolution and to educate changes, development and seeking in dance curriculum.

A Study on the convenience store brands' ESG activities impact store loyalty: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Eco-friendly Values, Social media Activity, Consumer-Company Identification (편의점의 ESG활동이 점포충성도에 미치는 영향: 친환경가치관, 소셜미디어활동성, 소비자-기업동일시의 조절효과)

  • Jeong-Ho Chun;Hyeon-Suk Park
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2024
  • This study examined how ESG activities of convenience stores, affect consumers' store loyalty. Using 300 valid samples of convenience store users collected through an online specialized agency (Company M), this study empirically analyzed the effects of environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) activities among ESG on trust and store loyalty, and the mediating effects of trust and the moderating effects of eco-friendly values, social media activity, and consumer-company identification. The results of the analysis showed that, first, governance activities had a positive effect on trust, and environmental activities and trust had a positive effect on store loyalty, but social activities had no effect Second, trust had a moderating effect only on the relationship between governance activities and store loyalty, and third, in the relationship between ESG activities and trust, eco-friendly values and social media activity had moderating effects on environmental, social, and governance activities, and consumer-company identification had moderating effects on environmental and governance activities, but not on social activities. Therefore, convenience store brands should further strengthen their environmental and social activities to build consumer trust, especially environmental activities, which only directly affect store loyalty, so they should be more cautious and proactive. In addition, intensive marketing activities are needed to build trust among consumers who have high eco-friendly values, social media activity, and consumer-company identification. Therefore, this study confirms the critical view of consumers despite the social contribution activities of convenience store brands, and suggests that in order to improve them, it is necessary to strengthen social activity efforts, actively participate in ESG activities of on-site franchisees who are customer contact points, and educate employees.

Developing educational programs to increase awareness of food additives among elementary school students (식품첨가물에 대한 초등학생들의 인식 개선을 위한 교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Soo Rin Ahn;Jae Wook Shin;Jung-Sug Lee;Hyo-Jeong Hwang
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.451-467
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aimed to develop a four-hour food additive education program for elementary school students to provide them with accurate information on food additives. Methods: A survey was conducted among 133 elementary school students living in Gyeonggi Province to identify the level of food additive awareness. A four-hour food additive education program and educational materials (PPT, activity sheets, and teacher guidelines) were developed based on the results of the food additive awareness survey. The developed educational programs were based on the Theoretical Model of Stages of Behavior Change. An elementary school nutrition teacher conducted a pilot education for 83 elementary school students to evaluate the feasibility of the developed education program. A survey was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and satisfaction of the pilot education program. Results: The results of the Food Additive Awareness Survey showed that only 42.1% of people were aware of food additives; 46.3% wanted to know more about food additives, and 54.3% required food additive education. Food coloring (44.7%) and artificial sweeteners (18.7%) were the most common food additives of interest. What they wanted to know about food additives was the safety of food additives (36.8%) and the role and function of food additives (20.3%). After the pilot training on food additives, the level of awareness of food additives was improved significantly, and the percentage of participants who recognized the need for food additive education and promotion increased. According to the satisfaction survey of the food additives education, the interest, understanding, real-life application, learning method, and content amount were approximately 90%. Conclusion: The educational program developed through this study will change the negative perceptions of food additives in elementary school students to a positive one. It will do so by helping nutrition educators educate students on this important subject.

Education for Philosophy of Leadership Using Yulgok's 《Seonghakjipyo》 (율곡 『성학집요』를 활용한 지도자 철학교육)

  • 황정희
    • 유학연구
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    • v.46
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    • pp.53-78
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    • 2019
  • Our leaders and our nation exerted lots of efforts and sacrifices to make rapid change and development of our country in modern times. However, recently their negative images were gradually exposed to us, making our nation have their aspiration for well-conditioned leaders, along with their own responsibilities. For this study, who are good leaders and what are needed for them were deeply thought of. Although there was no clear solution, this study made a premise that the leaders should be nourished to have benevolence, knowledge, bravery and deed, realizing political activities to give our nation satisfactory results. For this, the leaders, for themselves, should make philosophical thoughts for becoming good leaders and for executing their thoughts. However, they are confronted with many problems to do so in real world. Therefore, it is necessary to consistently give them an country-level education for philosophy of leadership for them to form their own philosophical thoughts and to realize their thoughts in our actual lives. One type of method for that can be accomplished through contents of 《Seonghakjipyo》, written by Yulgok Yi yi (李珥, 1536~1584), for the hope of saint king. In this book, he described in details the sayings of the saints and his own thoughts on what should be learnt and practiced for doing self-discipline and ruling the country, adding that it was useful and common to all as well as the leaders. It can be said that this book is very usefulto educate philosophy of leadership for modern leaders, for it is containing the contents both for individuals to learn and practice for restoration of their human nature and for leaders to directly utilize in real political world. This argument may be originated from the fact that the wisdom and the deed needed for good leaders are, in general, all the same, although the system of the great organization like country has been changed. Based on the sections of Self-discipline and Politics in the above book, this study argued the general education for philosophy of leadership. It is focused on definition of education for philosophy of leadership, its meaning in 《Seonghakjipyo》, the reason for using the above book for it, and the suggestion of concrete methods to solve insufficiency of education programs at present for leaders and to execute education for philosophy of leadership that can be practicable in real world. This study showed that the above book could be used for education for philosophy of leadership, arguing that such education could be useful for independently solving many problems both the leaders and our nation might be confronted with in our lives.