• 제목/요약/키워드: edentulous

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Detorque values of abutment screws in a multiple implant-supported prosthesis (다수 임플란트 지지 보철물에서 지대주 나사의 풀림 토크값에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Ju-Ri;Lee, Dong-Hwan;Hwang, Jae-Woong;Choi, Jung-Han
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.280-286
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study evaluated the detorque values of screws in a multiple implant-supported superstructure using stone casts made with 2 different impression techniques. Material and methods: A fully edentulous mandibular master model and a metal framework directly connected to four implants (Br${\aa}$nemark $System^{(R)}$; Nobel Biocare AB) with a passive fit to each other were fabricated. Six experimental stone casts (Group 1) were made with 6 non-splinted impressions on a master cast and another 6 experimental casts (Group 2) were made with 6 acrylic resin splinted impressions. The detorque values of screws ($TorqTite^{(R)}$ GoldAdapt Abutment Screw; Nobel Biocare AB) were measured twice after the metal framework was fastened onto each experimental stone cast with 20 Ncm torque. Detorque values were analyzed using the mixed model with the fixed effect of screw and reading and the random effect of model for the repeated measured data at a .05 level of ignificance. Results: The mean detorque values were 7.9 Ncm (Group 1) and 8.1 Ncm (Group 2), and the mean of minimum detorque values were 6.1 Ncm (Group 1) and 6.5 Ncm (Group 2). No statistically significant differences between 2 groups were found and no statistically significant differences among 4 screws were found for detorque values. No statistically significant differences between 2 groups were also found for minimum detorque values. Conclusion: In a multiple external hexagon implant-supported prosthesis, no significant differences between 2 groups were found for detorque values and for minimum detorque values. There seems to be no significant differences in screw joint stability between 2 stone cast groups made with 2 different impression techniques.

Accuracy of 5-axis precision milling for guided surgical template (가이드 수술용 템플릿을 위한 5축 정밀가공공정의 정확성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Ji-Man;Yi, Tae-Kyoung;Jung, Je-Kyo;Kim, Yong;Park, Eun-Jin;Han, Chong-Hyun;Koak, Jai-Young;Kim, Seong-Kyun;Heo, Seong-Joo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The template-guided implant surgery offers several advantages over the traditional approach. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of coordinate synchronization procedure with 5-axis milling machine for surgical template fabrication by means of reverse engineering through universal CAD software. Materials and methods: The study was performed on ten edentulous models with imbedded gutta percha stoppings which were hidden under silicon gingival form. The platform for synchordination was formed on the bottom side of models and these casts were imaged in Cone beam CT. Vectors of stoppings were extracted and transferred to those of planned implant on virtual planning software. Depth of milling process was set to the level of one half of stoppings and the coordinate of the data was synchronized to the model image. Synchronization of milling coordinate was done by the conversion process for the platform for the synchordination located on the bottom of the model. The models were fixed on the synchordination plate of 5-axis milling machine and drilling was done as the planned vector and depth based on the synchronized data with twist drill of the same diameter as GP stopping. For the 3D rendering and image merging, the impression tray was set on the conbeam CT and pre- and post- CT acquiring was done with the model fixed on the impression body. The accuracy analysis was done with Solidworks (Dassault systems, Concord, USA) by measuring vector of stopping’s top and bottom centers of experimental model through merging and reverse engineering the planned and post-drilling CT image. Correlations among the parameters were tested by means of Pearson correlation coefficient and calculated with SPSS (release 14.0, SPSS Inc. Chicago, USA) ($\alpha$ = 0.05). Results: Due to the declination, GP remnant on upper half of stoppings was observed for every drilled bores. The deviation between planned image and drilled bore that was reverse engineered was 0.31 (0.15 - 0.42) mm at the entrance, 0.36 (0.24 - 0.51) mm at the apex, and angular deviation was 1.62 (0.54 - 2.27)$^{\circ}$. There was positive correlation between the deviation at the entrance and that at the apex (Pearson Correlation Coefficient = 0.904, P = .013). Conclusion: The coordinate synchronization 5-axis milling procedure has adequate accuracy for the production of the guided surgical template.

A multicenter clinical study of installed US II Plus/GS II Osstem implants after bone graft (골 이식술 후 Osstem Implant (US II Plus/GS II)의 다기관 임상연구)

  • Chung, Kwang;Oh, Chul-Jung;Ha, Ji-Won;Kook, Min-Suk;Park, Hong-Ju;Oh, Hee-Kyun;Kim, Su-Gwan;Kim, Young-Kyun;Kim, Woo-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.50 no.12
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    • pp.743-754
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    • 2012
  • urpose : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the US II plus/GS II Osstem$^{(R)}$ implants through the study for the clinical success rate during the installation of the Osstem¢Á implants after bone graft. Materials and Methods : This study was researched in the 4 medical institutions: Chonnam National University, Chosun University, Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, and FM dental clinic from May, 2002 to September, 2009. Based on the total number of 60 patients whose treatment was the installation of the US II plus/GS II Osstem¢Á implants after bone graft, we evaluated success rate of implants. We analysis the distribution of patient's age and gender, edentulous area, bone type, fixture length and diameter, installation and loading time, donor site, bone graft material and method, antagonistic teeth, and survival and success rate. From these analyses we got the following results. Results : 1. In this study, the total number of patients who have been installed with US II plus implant was 27, and total of 52 implants were installed. The average age was 38.9, with 16 male, and 11 female patients. 2. The total number of patients who have been installed with GS II implant was 33, and total of 54 implants were installed. The average age was 49.7, with 24 male, and 9 female patients. 3. As for bone graft method, either autogenous bone or a mix of autogenous and heterogenous bone was used(88.4%) for US II plus. Chin, iliac, and Maxillary tuberosity were the donor sites for autogenous bone graft, and onlay method of bone graft was performed. 4. Allogenic bone or a mix of autogenous and heterogenous bone was used(77.8%) for GS II. Chin, ramus, and tibia were the donor sites for autogenous bone graft, and GBR method of bone graft was performed. 5. The duration from the installation of implants to setting of final prosthesis was average of 16 months and 10 months for US II plus and GS II respectively. Also, the final follow up period was average of 31 months and 28 months respectively. During this period, one GS II implant was removed from 1 patient due to failure of early osteointegration. 6. The survival rates were 100% and 98.1%, and success rates were 94.2% and 94.4% for US II plus and GS II implant respectively. Conclusion : On the evaluation of our clinical study, both US II plus and GS II Osstem¢Á implants showed the excellent clinical results after bone graft.

Comparison of the Strain on the Alveolar Ridge According to the Occlusal Scheme of Complete Dentures (총의치 교합양식에 따른 응력 분포 양상 비교연구)

  • Choi, Won-Jun;Lim, Young-Jun;Kim, Chang-Whe;Kim, Myung-Joo
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the strain on the alveolar ridge in the centric, eccentric and protrusive position according to the occlusal scheme (bilateral balanced occlusion with 33 degree anatomical teeth, group B; monoplane occlusion with non-anatomical teeth, group M; lingualized occlusion with 33 degree anatomical teeth and non-anatomical teeth, group L; of complete dentures. Experimental dentures were set bilateral balanced occlusion, lingualized occlusion and monoplane occlusion. They are analysed through T-Scan II(Tekscan, Boston, U.S.A) and 1.5mm thick layer was removed from the denture-supporting surface of resin model and then replaced with silicone to simulate resilient edentulous ridge mucosa. A $4{\times}6$ linear strain gauge is attached to the $1^{st}$ premolar and $1^{st}$ molar area. The strain values are recorded according to the occlusal scheme in the centric, eccentric and protrusive position after uniformly applying 50 N and 150 N force through a Universal Testing Machine(instron$^{(R)}$ 5567, Bluehill 2.0 software ,U.S.A.) with the models mounted in the articulator. When performing centric and protrusive occlusion, the three groups of occlusal scheme were compared in the anterior region and in the posterior region. The strains of each group were also compared in the working side and in the non-working side during eccentric excursion. It was observed that the strain in the bilateral balanced occlusion showed a higher value than the lingualized occlusion and monoplane occlusion in every position except the non-working side. However, during the eccentric movement the strain value in the non-working side showed the lowest value in the bilaterally balanced occlusion. The strain change amount from the working side or centric occlusion to non-working side and also the strain variation rate within the non-working side showed the highest value in bilateral balanced occlusion.

Removable implant-supported partial denture using milled bar with Locator® attachments in a cleft lip & palate patient: A clinical report (구순구개열 환자에서 Locator® 유지장치가 장착된 milled titanium bar를 이용한 가철성 임플란트 피개 국소의치의 보철수복증례)

  • Yang, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Kyoung-A;Kim, Ja-Yeong;Seo, Jae-Min
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.207-214
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    • 2015
  • Due to the limitations of conventional removable partial denture prostheses to treat a cleft lip & palate patient who shows scar tissue on upper lip, excessive absorption of the maxillary residual alveolar ridge, and class III malocclusion with narrow palate and undergrowth of the maxilla, 4 implants were placed on the maxillary edentulous region and a maxillary removable implant-supported partial denture was planned using a CAD/CAM milled titanium bar. Unlike metal or gold casting technique which has shrinkage after the molding, CAD/CAM milled titanium bar is highly-precise, economical and lightweight. In practice, however, it is very hard to obtain accurate friction-fit from the milled bar and reduction in retention can occur due to repetitive insertion and removal of the denture. Various auxiliary retention systems (e.g. $ERA^{(R)}$, $CEKA^{(R)}$, magnetics, $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment), in order to deal with these problems, can be used to obtain additional retention, cost-effectiveness and ease of replacement. Out of diverse auxiliary attachments, $Locator^{(R)}$ has characteristics that are dual retentive, minimal in vertical height and convenient of attachment replacement. Drill and tapping method is simple and the replacement of the metal female part of $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment is convenient. In this case, the $Locator^{(R)}$ attachment is connected to the milled titanium bar fabricated by CAD/CAM, using the drill and tapping technique. Afterward, screw holes were formed and 3 $Locator^{(R)}$ attachments were secured with 20 Ncm holding force for additional retention. Following this procedure, satisfactory results were obtained in terms of aesthetic facial form, masticatory function and denture retention, and I hereby report this case.

The Influence of Attachment Type on the Distribution of Occlusal Force in Implant Supported Overdentures (하악 임플란트 오버덴쳐에서 어태치먼트 종류에 따른 응력분포)

  • Sung, Chai-Ryun;Cho, In-Ho
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.375-390
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    • 2009
  • Statement of problem: Implant supported overdenture is accepted widely as a way to restore edentulous ridge providing better retention and support of dentures. Various types of attachment for overdenture have been developed. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of attachment type in implant overdentures on the biomechanical stress distribution in the surrounding bone, prosthesis and interface between implant and bone. Material and methods: Finite element analysis method was used. Average CT image of mandibular body(Digital $Korea^{(R)}$, KISTI, Korea) was used to produce a mandibular model. Overdentures were placed instead of mandibular teeth and 2mm of mucosa was inserted between the overdenture and mandible. Two implants($USII^{(R)}$, Osstem, Korea) were placed at both cuspid area and 4 types of overdenture were fabricated ; ball and socket, Locator, magnet and bar type. Load was applied on the from second premolar to second molar tooth area. 6 times of finite element analyses were performed according to the direction of the force $90^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $0^{\circ}$ and unilateral or bilateral force applied. The stress at interface between implants and bone, and prosthesis and the bone around implants ware compared using von Mises stress. The results were explained with color coded graphs based on the equivalent stress to distinguish the force distribution pattern and the site of maximum stress concentration. Results: Unilateral loading showed that connection area between implant fixture and bar generated maximum stress in bar type overdentures. Bar type produced 100 Mpa which means the most among 4 types of attachments. Bilateral loading, however, showed that bar type was more stable than other implants(magnet, ball and socket). 26 Mpa of bar type was about a half of other types on overdenture under $90^{\circ}$ bilateral loading. Conclusions: In any directions of stress, bar type was proved to be the most vulnerable type in both implants and overdentures. Interface stress did not show any significant difference in stress distribution pattern.


  • Kim, Dong-Su;Kim, Il-Kyu;Jang, Keum-Soo;Park, Tae-Hwan;Kim, Kyu-Nam;Son, Choong-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.166-179
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    • 2008
  • Excessive concentration of stress which is occurred in occlusion around the implant in case of the implant supported fixed partial denture has been known to be the main cause of the crestal bone destruction. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the stress analysis on supporting tissue to get higher success rates of implant. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of stress distribution and deformation in 3 different types of three-unit fixed partial denture sup-ported by two implants, using a three dimensional finite element analysis in a three dimensional model of a whole mandible. A mechanical model of an edentulous mandible was generated from 3D scan, assuming two implants were placed in the left premolars area. According to the position of pontic, the experiments groups were divided into three types. Type I had a pontic in the middle position between two implants, type II in the anterior posi-tion, and type III in the posterior position. A 100-N axial load was applied to sites such as the central fossa of anterior and posterior implant abutment, central fossa of pontic, the connector of pontic or the connector between two implants, the mandibular boundary conditions were modeled considering the real geometry of its four-masticatory muscular supporting system. The results obtained from this study were as follows; 1. The mandible deformed in a way that the condyles converged medially in all types under muscular actions. In comparison with types, the deformations in the type II and type III were greater by 2-2.5 times than in the type I regardless of the loading location. 2. The values of von Mises stresses in cortical and cancellous bone were relatively stable in all types, but slightly increased as the loading position was changed more posteriorly. 3. In comparison with type I, the values of von Mises stress in the implant increased by 73% in Type II and by 77% in Type III when the load was applied anterior and posterior respectively, but when the load was applied to the middle, the values were similar in all types. 4. When the load was applied to the centric fossa of pontic, the values of von Mises stress were nearly $30{\sim}35%$ higher in the type III than type I or II in the cortical and cancellous bone. Also, in the implant, the values of von Mises stress of the type II or III were $160{\sim}170%$ higher than in the type I. 5. When the load was applied to the centric fossa of implant abutment, the values of von Mises stress in the cortical and cancellous bone were relatively $20{\sim}25%$ higher in the type III than in the other types, but in the implant they were 40-45% higher in the type I or II than in the type III. According to the results of this study, musculature modeling is important to the finite element analysis for stress distribution and deformation as the muscular action causes stress concentration. And the type I model is the most stable from a view of biomechanics. Type II is also a clinically accept-able design when the implant is stiff sufficiently and mandibular deformation is considered. Considering the high values of von Mises stress in the cortical bone, type III is not thought as an useful design.

Retrospective study on survival rate of 2158 osseointegrated implants placed in 770 patients in Sanbon dental hospital of Wonkwang University (원광대학교 산본치과병원에서 770명의 환자에 식립한 2158개의 골유착성 임플란트의 보철 전 초기 생존율에 관한 후향적 연구)

  • Seon, Hwa-Gyeong;Chee, Young-Deok
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.278-288
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate preprosthetic initial survival rate and factors associated with survival of osseointegrated implants placed in edentulous area of maxilla and mandible and to suspect the possible causes leading to failure. Materials and Methods: A total of 2158 endosseous implants that had been inserted between 2004 through 2013 were placed in 770 patients. The clinical comparisons were performed to evaluate implant loss in relation to age and gender of patients, position, system, length and diameter of implant, and bone graft technique. Results: According to position, the survival rates were 98.23% in maxillary anterior site, 96.98% in maxillary posterior site, 97.85% in mandibular anterior site and 98.76% in mandibular posterior site (P < 0.05). According to diameter of implant, the survival rates were 100% under 3.0 mm, 97.09% between 3.0 to 3.5 mm, 98.19% between 3.5 to 4.0 mm and 98.29% between 4.0 to 4.5 mm but relatively lower survival rate was 75% in 5.0 mm-over (P < 0.05). The survival rates of implants were 89.51%, 98.28%, 98.34% and 99.27% in the group with isolated sinus graft, with isolated GBR, with sinus graft and GBR simultaneously and without bone graft, especially (P < 0.05). Conclusion: This study establishes a relationship between survival rate of implant and position, diameter of implant system and bone graft technique. In conclusion, there were low survival rates in maxillary posterior site, in dental implants with wide diameter of 5 mm-over, and in the group with isolated sinus graft.

A Statistical Survey of Foreign Bodies in Air and Food Passage (Report V) (식도 및 기도이물의 통계적 고찰(제5보))

  • 김기령;홍원표;이춘근;이정권;박기현;김상기
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1979.05a
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    • pp.6.2-6
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    • 1979
  • Foreing bodies of the esophagus and tracheobronchus are likely to occur whenever a child places an inedible object in the mouth and are common in the older age group particularily in edentulous individuals or preexisting disease. Our department had already reported the statistical survey at first in 1954, successively in 1962, 1963 and 1968, respectively according to the age, sex, variety of foreign bodies, location and duration of the lodgement. Now, we have experienced the new 186 cases during the consecutive 5 year period from January 1973 to December 1977 and reported as a 5th report comparing with previous report. The results were as follows. 1. In the incidence of foreign bodies, coins were the most common and pointed metal, disc, bony fragment were followed in order in the esophagus while the peanut and corn were common in the air passage. 2) 79 cases (56.4%) were males and 61 cases (43.6%) were females in the esophagus, which was not a significant difference to note. But in the air passage, males accounted for 33 cases (71.7%) compared to 13 cases (28.3%) of females. 3) In the aspect of age incidence, child 10 years or under accounted for almost all cases in the esophagus as well as in the air passage. 4) In the location of foreign bodies in the esophagus, the first narrowing was the most common, while in the air passage right bronchus had a high incidence but the difference of incidence between right bronchus and left bronchus was not remarkable. 5) The duration of lodgement was 24 hours or less in more than half of the all cases. 6) In the aspect of kind of coin, 10 won coins accounted for majority of the cases (67.0%) but the incidence of 100 won coins were tend to increase gradually in these years.

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A Study on Oral Health Knowledge and Behavior among the Elderly (노인들의 구강보건지식과 구강보건행태에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yeun-Kyoung;Han, Hwa-Jin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.189-195
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    • 2012
  • The subjects in this study were 281 elderly people in some regions. After they were respectively interviewed, the following findings were given: The group of elderly people who brushed their teeth three times or more and who did toothbrushing in an arbitrary way were more concerned about oral health, and the gap between them and the others (p<.05). The group who paid a regular visit to dental clinics had more interest in oral health than the other (p<.01). The group who brushed their teeth in an arbitrary way had more remaining teeth, and the gap between them and the others(p<.05). The group who did toothbrushing for about two minutes had more remaining teeth, and more edentulous jaws were found in the group who brushed their teeth once (p<.01). The group who did toothbrushing three times or more scored higher in oral health knowledge, and the gap between them and the others(p<.01). And the group who paid a regular visit to dental clinics scored higher in oral health knowledge, and the gap between them and the other (p<.01). In the future, the development of a wide variety of oral health programs and prolonged oral health education are both required. Diverse oral health programs and education are expected to stir up elderly people's interest in oral health, to improve their oral health knowledge and to give a positive change to their oral health behavior.