• 제목/요약/키워드: e-journal database systems

검색결과 213건 처리시간 0.029초

Online Searching Behavior of Social Science Researchers' in IR Interfaces of E-journal Database Systems: A Study on JMI, JNU, and DU

  • Kumar, Shailendra;Rai, Namrata
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • 제1권4호
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    • pp.48-66
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study is to examine the user's online searching behavior in IR interfaces of e-journal database systems. The study is purely based on survey methods and tries to analyse the online searching behavior of respondents of social science disciplines who were doing research in three target central universities of Delhi (i.e. DU, JMI, and JNU). For measuring the responses of the respondents in IR interfaces of e-journal database systems, a total of 396 questionnaires were distributed among the students and out of all, 305 responses were used for the study. The findings of the study reveal that most of the students were not using all the facilities offered in IR interfaces of e-journal database systems for their retrieval process and also encourages menu based searches rather than command based searching.

원천 시스템 환경을 고려한 데이터 추출 방식의 비교 및 Index DB를 이용한 추출 방식의 구현 -ㅅ 은행 사례를 중심으로- (A Comparison of Data Extraction Techniques and an Implementation of Data Extraction Technique using Index DB -S Bank Case-)

  • 김기운
    • 경영과학
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2003
  • Previous research on data extraction and integration for data warehousing has concentrated mainly on the relational DBMS or partly on the object-oriented DBMS. Mostly, it describes issues related with the change data (deltas) capture and the incremental update by using the triggering technique of active database systems. But, little attention has been paid to data extraction approaches from other types of source systems like hierarchical DBMS, etc. and from source systems without triggering capability. This paper argues, from the practical point of view, that we need to consider not only the types of information sources and capabilities of ETT tools but also other factors of source systems such as operational characteristics (i.e., whether they support DBMS log, user log or no log, timestamp), and DBMS characteristics (i.e., whether they have the triggering capability or not, etc), in order to find out appropriate data extraction techniques that could be applied to different source systems. Having applied several different data extraction techniques (e.g., DBMS log, user log, triggering, timestamp-based extraction, file comparison) to S bank's source systems (e.g., IMS, DB2, ORACLE, and SAM file), we discovered that data extraction techniques available in a commercial ETT tool do not completely support data extraction from the DBMS log of IMS system. For such IMS systems, a new date extraction technique is proposed which first creates Index database and then updates the data warehouse using the Index database. We illustrates this technique using an example application.

JaVa를 기반으로 한 웹 데이타베이스 응용을 위한 프레임워크 (A Framework for Java-based Web Database Applications)

  • 구흥서
    • 정보기술과데이타베이스저널
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2000
  • The World-Wide-Web have many advantages as a front-end of database systems. Hence in Internet applications, such as E-Commerce systems, the requirements for Web-based database applications have been increasing. In this work we propose a framework for java-based Web database applications-JaWAF(Java-based Web Application Framework). JaWAF has the 3-tier architecture of Client/Server, and consists of database gateway, application server, and communication and message component. When this framework is applied to the database applications developments, it can provide advantages, such as ease understanding and fast implementations of the Web applications. Thus we can build 3-tier Web-based database application systems with high scalability and distributed processing capability. Database gateway in JaWAF works as a daemon process that connects to the database systems and waits for requests from clients, and supports state-oriented service between clients and database servers. Hence the performance of Web applications could be increasing.

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PSMVL : A Concurrency Control Protocol for Real-Time Secure Database Systems

  • Park, Chan-jung;Park, Seog
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and information Science
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    • 제2권5호
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 1997
  • The application for real-time database systems must satisfy timing constraints. Typically the timing constraints are expressed in the form of deadlines which are represented by priorities to e used by schedulers. In any real-time applications, since the system maintains sensitive information to be shared by multiple users with different levels of security clearance, security is another important requirement. As more advanced database systems are being used in applications that need to support timeliness while managing sensitive information, protocols that satisfy both requirements need to be developed. In this appear, we proposed a new priority-driven secure multiversion locking (PSMVL) protocol for real-time secure database systems. The schedules produced by PSMVL are proven to e one-copy serializable. We have also shown tat the protocol eliminates covert channels and priority inversions. The details of the protocol, including the compatibility matrix and the version selection algorithms are presented. the results of the performance comparisons of our protocol with other protocols are described.

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STEP을 이용한 PDM/CE환경의 구축과 데이타 무결성 확인 (Building A PDM/CE Environment and Validating Integrity Using STEP)

  • 유상봉;서효원;고굉욱
    • 한국전자거래학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.173-194
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    • 1996
  • In order to adapt today's short product life cycle and rapid technology changes., integrated systems should be extended to support PDM (Product Data Management) or CE(Concurrent Engineering). A PDM/CE environment has been developed and a prototype is Presented in this paper. Features of the PDM/CE environment are 1) integrated product information model (IPIM) includes both data model and integrity constraints, 2) database systems are organized hierarchically so that working data C8Mot be referenced by other application systems until they are released into the global database, and 3) integrity constraints written in EXPRESS are validated both in the local databases and the global database. By keeping the integrity of the product data, undesirable propagation of illegal data to other application system can be prevented. For efficient validation, the constraints are distributed into the local and the global schemata. Separate triggering mechanisms are devised using the dependency of constraints to three different data operations, i.e., insertion, deletion, and update.

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EasyConnection : 이질 데이터베이스들의 효율적 연동 방식 (EasyConnection : An Efficient Approach to Integrating Heterogeneous Databases)

  • 변광준
    • 한국전자거래학회지
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.235-246
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    • 1999
  • There have been several approaches to integrating heterogeneous database systems in enterprises. Due to their inherent limitations, however, it has been difficult to apply them to actual situations in enterprises. In this paper, we propose EasyConnection, a system that is based on the flexible and extensible architecture and overcomes the limitations of the previous approaches, EasyConnection consists of Wrappers, Sharing Manager, and Clients, and the connections among these components are based on CORBA. It can also be used as the information management mechanism for such application systems as ERP, PDM, and EAI.

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엔지니어링 데이터베이스를 위한 제품데이터의 모델링 (Product Data Model ing for Engineer ing Database)

  • 김철한;김진홍
    • 한국전자거래학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.93-116
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    • 1996
  • Nowadays, there are many efforts to integrate CAD/CAM and other systems. The key of integration is engineering database implementation through the product data definition. In this paper, we suggest the product data definition and their properties for electronic consumer product throughout the requirement analysis for engineering database. Electronic consumer products include electric/electronic parts. as well as mechanical part which mainly compose of machinery. The paper is composed of three parts: the first is analysis about engineering data base. the second is understanding of product data structure and properties. and the last is modeling of product data including static and dynamic characteristics.

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PDM을 위한 하이브리드 데이터베이스 통합 모델에 관한 연구 (A Study on Hybrid Database Integration Model for Product Data Management)

  • 이강찬;이상;유정연;이규철
    • 한국전자거래학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.23-41
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    • 1998
  • In a centralized database system, all system components reside at a single platform. In recent years there has been a rapid trend toward the integration of information systems over multiple sites that are interconnected via a communication network, and users' needs are changed to integration of multiple information sites. Multi database System is one of solutions for integrating distributed heterogeneous databases. However the problems in multi database system are restriction in distributed environment support, limitation in integrating heterogeneous media type data, static integration, and data-only of integration. In order to solve these problems, we propose a hybrid database integration model, HyDIM. HyDIM is used for the integrating legacy multimedia data, adopting CORBA, MDS, and mediator. We demonstrate a prototype system far PDM application domain.

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웹 스트레스 테스트를 통한 전자상거래 아키텍쳐 평가 (E-commerce Architecture Evaluation Through Web Stress Test)

  • 이영환;박종순
    • 경영정보학연구
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2001
  • Of critical importance to the success of any e-commerce site are the two factors: rapid application development and quick response time. A three-tier architecture composed of presentation layer, business layer, and data access layer emerges to allow rapid changes in user interface, business logic, and database structures. Too often, such a logical three-tier architecture is considered as requiring a three-tier physical architecture: Web server, application server, and database server running on separate computers. Contrary to the common belief, a Web stress test reveals that the three-tier logical architecture implemented on a two-tier physical platform guarantees a quicker response time due to the reduction in cross-machine communications. This would lead business firms to economize their spending on e-commerce: increasing the number of physical servers to expedite transaction is not necessarily the best solution. Before selecting a particular hardware configuration, a Web stress test needs to be conducted to compare the relative merits of alternative physical architectures. Together with capacity planning, Web stress test emerges as a powerful tool to build robust, yet economical e-commerce sites.

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개인별 상품추천시스템, WebCF-PT: 웹마이닝과 상품계층도를 이용한 협업필터링 (A Personalized Recommender System, WebCF-PT: A Collaborative Filtering using Web Mining and Product Taxonomy)

  • 김재경;안도현;조윤호
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.63-79
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    • 2005
  • Recommender systems are a personalized information filtering technology to help customers find the products they would like to purchase. Collaborative filtering is known to be the most successful recommendation technology, but its widespread use has exposed some problems such as sparsity and scalability in the e-business environment. In this paper, we propose a recommendation system, WebCF-PT based on Web usage mining and product taxonomy to enhance the recommendation quality and the system performance of traditional CF-based recommender systems. Web usage mining populates the rating database by tracking customers' shopping behaviors on the Web, so leading to better quality recommendations. The product taxonomy is used to improve the performance of searching for nearest neighbors through dimensionality reduction of the rating database. A prototype recommendation system, WebCF-PT is developed and Internet shopping mall, EBIB(e-Business & Intelligence Business) is constructed to test the WebCF-PT system.