• 제목/요약/키워드: direct influence area

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The Impact of Service Quality on Service Satisfaction and Store Loyalty: Service Value as a Moderator (편의점의 서비스품질 요인이 서비스 만족 그리고 점포충성도에 미치는 영향: 서비스가치 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Han, Sang-Ho;Yang, Heo-Chang;Kim, Jong-Lak
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The convenience store business sector in South Korea has contributed to economic growth and job creation, and the growth potential of this market segment remains very high. In addition, service value is a more important factor than price in determining purchase intention. Research in the convenience store market is relatively very low compared to other retail sectors. In particular, research on service quality for the convenience of retailers who examine and analyze customer behavior and service quality factors used in the convenience store side of the situation is very inadequate. We have investigated the relationship of store service quality, service satisfaction, and store loyalty. In addition, we have examined the way service value moderates the relationship among these variables. Research design, data, and methodology - The questionnaire was developed using modified and supplementary questions based on the KD-SQS and RSQS models. The study suggested a theoretical model composed of 15 hypotheses on the relations between theoretic variables, and surveys conducted with consumers in discount stores in the Seoul and Gyunggi Metropolitan area in order to verify the hypotheses. We used the SPSS/PC statistical packages to analyze the results. The number of surveys used was 227. Moreover, a structural equating model was also used to analyze the reliability and validity of the composing elements and to verify the suggested hypotheses. Results - The overall results of this study are as follows. First, all service quality elements have a significant effect on service satisfaction. Second, all service quality elements have a significant effect on store loyalty. Third, service satisfaction has a significant effect on store loyalty. Finally, when the participants were divided into high and low service value the results of the multiple regression analyses showed that only the relationship between policy of service quality and satisfaction, and human interaction and policy of service quality and loyalty were significant. The implications are discussed based on the findings of the study. Conclusions - First, through direct hypotheses testing, we confirmed that the convenience service quality positively impacts the service satisfaction and loyalty of buyers. In particular, the reliability, origin benefit, and promotion were found to have more influence on satisfaction and loyalty of consumers of a convenience store. Further, for the service quality of the convenience for the consumer loyalty, greater human interaction was a high-value and statistically significantly higher than the degree of improvement in consumer loyalty. This underscores the importance of education and human services management of employees working in a convenience store. In particular, frequent changes in personnel generate results that negatively impact loyalty with customers. These results may lead to a serious problem in the economics of the store. Therefore, it should enhance the value of services through the establishment of training and compensation for employees. In addition, a certain educational level is required as well as a basis for compensation and retention.

Marriage in Korea III. Age at Marriage, Family Planning Practices, and Other Variables as Correlates or Fertility

  • Kim, Mo-Im;Rider, Rowland V.;Harper, Paul A.;Yang, Jae-Mo
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1974
  • Data from this study support the View that the following factors are not sufficiently important in Korea to invalidate the relationships observed between age of marriage and fertility: (1) Premarital pregnancy and common law marriage, (2) shortening of birth intervals in late marriages, (3) adverse effects of very eary marriage in reproductive capacity, and (4) postponement of first pregnancy among early marriages. Thirteen variables which were considered to be potential predictors of fertility were studied to determine their influence on three indices of fertility. Age of marriage and family planning praetice are the strongest predictors and account for about 10% and 7% of the total variance, respectively. Seven other factors each account for an intermediate amount of variability; these are ideal number of children, rural versus urban study area, education, aspiration for daughter, index of exposure to mass media, economic index of respondent's home at survey, and residence before marriage. The remaining variables have no consistently significant relationship to fertility. Most of the relationships appear to be stable and consistent over time; others appear to be changing. The latter group include those variables which are associated with modernization indices of family planning practice, mass media exposure. and aspiration for daughters. Thus, the index of family planning practice is of limited significance for the 40494049 age group but is the most important variable for the 20292029 year women. The relationship is a direct one for the two age groups between 30 and 49 years which suggests that these groups already had high fertility when family planning services became available and that this high fertility then became an inducement to acccept contraception. The pattern of relationship is not yet clear for the 20292029 year group. Similar interactions are observed for the other indices of modernity and are discussed. The thirteen variables together can account for a maximum of about 40% of the variance in the number of live births in the age group 30393039, and for lesser amounts of variance in other age and fertility groupings.

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The Study of Correlations between Air-Sea Temperature Difference and Precipitation and between Wind and Precipitation in the Yeongdong Coastal Region in Relation to the Siberian High (겨울철 시베리아 고기압과 관련된 영동 해안 강수량과 해기차 및 바람의 상관성에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Ji-Ae;Lee, Jae Gyoo;Kim, Yu-Jin
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.127-140
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the correlations between AST850 and precipitation, and those between WDT and precipitation in the Yeongdong coastal region under the direct/indirect influence of the expansion of cP (continental polar air mass) high were quantitatively analyzed based on the winter season data for the last 20 years, according to surface pressure patterns such as Type 1 (cP high expansion type), Type 2 (cP high expansion + trough type), Type 4 (South trough type), and Type 5 (East Sea trough type). Here, AST850 represents 'sea surface temperature minus temperature on 850 hPa level' and WDT represents 'a speed of 1000 hPa wind projected onto a certain wind direction times precipitation duration in hour'. First, the correlation coefficients between AST850 and precipitation in Type 1, Type 2, and Type 5 cases were 0.253, 0.384, and 0.398 respectively, indicating that a tendency of increasing precipitation linearly with the value of AST850 is slightly presented. In the case of Type 4, however, the coefficient was -0.15, representing almost no linear correlation between AST850 and precipitation. In the correlation between WDT and precipitation, there was the largest correlation coefficient (0.464) between WDT along a direction of 9090 and at EN1 in Type 1 cases. In the case of Type 2, there was the largest correlation coefficient (0.767) between WDT along a direction of 67.567.5 and at ES1. In the case of Type 4, there was the largest correlation coefficient (0.559) between WDT along a direction of 22.522.5 and at EN2. Finally, in the case of Type 5, there was the largest correlation coefficient (0.945) between WDT along a direction of 315315 and at SE1, representing the largest coefficient among the types. It was found that surface wind directions with the highest correlations to precipitation in the Yeongdong coastal area on winter season were varied according to surface pressure patterns, and that the correlations between WDT and precipitation were higher than those between AST850 and precipitation.

A Study on the Interpretation of the Traditional Private Garden Pavilion in Honam Province from the Perspective of Confucian Frame of Self-Cultivation by Its Location and Arrangement (유가적 수양론으로 본 호남지방 별서형 정자 입지와 배치의 의미해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Kim, Yun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.49-63
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    • 2010
  • This study focused on the method of separation - space organization- as one of the architectural methods that is considered by the view point of its location and arrangement of 'Byoul-seo' private garden pavilion in Honam province. As a result, the followings are conclusions; By this study, they can be found in the concept of '居敬窮理', '格物致知'. It is presumed that nature union is archived through the 'yan-sang(玩賞)' which is ultimate state of knowledge that is based on the premises of opened significance in emancipation from narrow view point in the past and cognition of value. Therefore, it is needed to know the unworldly point of space perception about the pavilion territory, furthermore to have conceptual method to distinct pavilion from the world. there are two methods in the distinct concept in this pavilion research: unworldly separation and meditative separation. It is concluded that the specific consideration of the method of separation that is applied in the Byoul-seo pavilion. And it is accomplished by the contemplation of separation method in approach and entrance of direct influence area. they could be 1) cross the hill, 2) cross over a brook, 3) lifted up in the mount, 4) penetrate the forest, and 5) narrow entrance, which could be part of location.

Effect of Pygmalion Leadership on the Organizational Commitment and the Mediating Effect of Leader-Member Exchange among Hospital Employees (피그말리온 리더십이 병원 종사자의 조직몰입에 미치는 영향과 리더 - 구성원 교환관계의 매개효과)

  • Hong, Byoung Ho;Bae, Sung Yoon;Kim, Misuk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4258-4269
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    • 2013
  • This study attempted to examine the relationship between pygmalion leadership and the organizational commitment among hospital employees, and the mediating effect of the leader-member exchange (LMX) on their relationship. For this purpose, we designed structured self-response survey questionnaires, and collected data from 349 employees working at 9 hospitals and ambulatory clinics in Busan area. Frequency analysis, correlation analysis, factor analysis, and reliability analysis were performed using SPSS ver.18.0 program, and the path analysis was performed using AMOS ver.18.0 program. Major findings are as follows. First, some factors of pygmalion leadership were found to directly influence the quality of LMX, while some had both direct and indirect influences on organizational commitment. Second, the quality of LMX was found to partly mediate the relationship between pygmalion leadership and the organizational commitment in hospital organizations. This is the first in kind which was conducted in the hospital setting.

Relationship between Organizational Culture, Organizational Trust and Organizational Performance of Special Guard Organization (특수경비조직의 조직문화와 조직신뢰 및 조직성과의 관계)

  • Kim, Hyo-Joon
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.29
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    • pp.59-86
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between organizational culture, organizational trust and organizational performance of special guard organization. This study had selected special guards from 4 different private guard companies which are in Seoul area on March 2011. Using Judgement Sampling, 161 samples were drawn for the use of final analysis. Questionnaire used in this study was consisted of the total 42 question, and executed frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, path analysis by SPSSWIN 18.0. The Cronbach's αα value which represents the reliability of the survey came out to be over .592. The results are following: First, the organizational culture of special guard organization affects organizational trust. That is, when a developmental, reasonable, consensual and hierarchical culture is activated, cognitive emotional and behavioral trust is increased. Second, organizational culture of special guard organization affects organizational performance. That is, when a reasonable and consensual culture is activated, job-satisfaction becomes higher. On the other hand, when a developmental, reasonable and hierarchical culture is activated, organizational flow becomes higher. Third, organizational trust of special guard organization affects organizational performance. That is, when a cognitive emotional and behavioral trust works highly, job-satisfaction and organizational flow is increased. Fourth, Special security organization's organizational culture affects as a result in organization result. As well as organizational culture exerts direct influence on organization outcome, I exert effect that is indirect in organization outcome through action trust which is low rank factor of organization trust.

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The Loads and Biogeochemical Properties of Riverine Carbon (하천 탄소의 유출량과 생지화학적 특성)

  • Oh, Neung-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.245-257
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    • 2016
  • Although rivers cover only 0.5% of the total land area on the Earth, they are windows that show the integrated effects of watershed biogeochemistry. Studies on the loads and properties of riverine carbon have been conducted because they are directly linked with drinking water quality, and because regional or global net ecosystem production (NEP) can be overestimated, unless riverine carbon loads are subtracted. Globally, 0.81.5Pgyr10.81.5Pgyr1 and 0.622.1Pgyr10.622.1Pgyr1 of carbon are transported from terrestrial ecosystems to the ocean via rivers and from inland waters to the atmosphere, respectively. Concentrations, δ13Cδ13C, and fluorescence spectra of riverine carbon have been investigated in South Korea to understand the spatiotemporal changes in the sources. Precipitation as well as land use/land cover can strongly influence the composition of riverine carbon, thus shifting the ratios among DIC, DOC, and POC, which could affect the concentrations, loads, and the degradability of adsorbed organic and inorganic toxic materials. A variety of analyses including 14C14C and high resolution mass spectroscopy need to be employed to precisely define the sources and to quantify the degradability of riverine carbon. Long-term data on concentrations of major ions including alkalinity and daily discharge have been used to show direct evidence of ecosystem changes in the US. The current database managed by the Korean government could be improved further by integrating the data collected by individual researchers, and by adding the major components ions including DIC, DOC, and POC into the database.

GIS-based Spatial Integration and Statistical Analysis using Multiple Geoscience Data Sets : A Case Study for Mineral Potential Mapping (다중 지구과학자료를 이용한 GIS 기반 공간통합과 통계량 분석 : 광물 부존 예상도 작성을 위한 사례 연구)

  • 이기원;박노욱;권병두;지광훈
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.91-105
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    • 1999
  • Spatial data integration using multiple geo-based data sets has been regarded as one of the primary GIS application issues. As for this issue, several integration schemes have been developed as the perspectives of mathematical geology or geo-mathematics. However, research-based approaches for statistical/quantitative assessments between integrated layer and input layers are not fully considered yet. Related to this niche point, in this study, spatial data integration using multiple geoscientific data sets by known integration algorithms was primarily performed. For spatial integration by using raster-based GIS functionality, geological, geochemical, geophysical data sets, DEM-driven data sets and remotely sensed imagery data sets from the Ogdong area were utilized for geological thematic mapping related by mineral potential mapping. In addition, statistical/quantitative information extraction with respective to relationships among used data sets and/or between each data set and integrated layer was carried out, with the scope of multiple data fusion and schematic statistical assessment methodology. As for the spatial integration scheme, certainty factor (CF) estimation and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied. However, this study was not aimed at direct comparison of both methodologies; whereas, for the statistical/quantitative assessment between integrated layer and input layers, some statistical methodologies based on contingency table were focused. Especially, for the bias reduction, jackknife technique was also applied in PCA-based spatial integration. Through the statistic analyses with respect to the integration information in this case study, new information for relationships of integrated layer and input layers was extracted. In addition, influence effects of input data sets with respect to integrated layer were assessed. This kind of approach provides a decision-making information in the viewpoint of GIS and is also exploratory data analysis in conjunction with GIS and geoscientific application, especially handing spatial integration or data fusion with complex variable data sets.

Optimal Design of a Coil for Improved Heating Efficiency of Electric Induction Boiler (전기유도보일러의 발열효율개선을 위한 권선최적설계)

  • Kim, Youn-Hyun;Kim, Sol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.476-482
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    • 2019
  • Regulatory protocols such as the Convention on Climate Change and the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions act as catalysts for the development of high-efficiency energy equipment and the efficient use of energy. Among the fields where energy consumption is high, the electric heating equipment is not efficient. The electric boiler mainly uses a method of circulating water by contacting the heater. When the existing electric boiler is used, the water minerals are contacted with the high-temperature heater to be carbonized and adsorbed, thereby promoting the corrosion of the heater and lowering the efficiency of the heater. For this reason, an electric induction boiler, which has high energy efficiency and is applied to an induction heating system that can uniformly heat the object to be heated rather than conduction or convection heating, is in the limelight. This method induces a boiler pipe And it is recognized as an alternative that can solve the problem that occurs when heating is performed by direct heating. Despite the fact that research on induction heating has been conducted for a relatively long period of time, there have been few studies on the electrothermal technology using induction heating. Therefore, in this paper, to improve the heat efficiency of electric induction boiler, the influence of the cross sectional area, number of windings and winding layers is analyzed by finite element method through parametric study method. The method of finding the design point which maximizes the total loss is proposed by the alternating winding design method which can maximize the heat generation by analyzing copper and iron losses.

An Empirical Study on the Korean Trade of International Tourism Services - Focusing on 16 nations including US, Japan and China - (한국 관광교역 현황분석을 위한 실증연구 - 미국·중국·일본 등 16개국을 중심으로 -)

  • Chung, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Chul;Choi, Young Jun
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.413-438
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    • 2009
  • Tourism is an attractive field of industry to many countries due to its strong potentials in increasing employment rates as well as improving the national image. The positive effect of the tourism on the national economy and globalization has been recognized in Korea. A multilateral effort has been made in order to develop its tourist industry. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the patterns of tourism demand in Korea. The present study analyzes and demonstrates the effects of a nation's characteristics on tourism demand. The study model was based on factors that affected tourism demand, especially emphasizing on the economic size, distance, national income, and language differences from the mother country. In particular, this study highlights the effects of economic relations between the countries and their exchange rate on tourism demand. In summary, this thesis demonstrates that actual national and international panel data enhance the credibility of the research and precisely determine factors that have a direct influence on tourism demand. A corresponding strategy of development and products are required as most tourists show the preference in advanced nations.