• Title/Summary/Keyword: digital engineering model

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Transmission Lines Rights-of-Way Mapping Using a Low-cost Drone Photogrammetry

  • Oh, Jae Hong;Lee, Chang No
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2019
  • Electric transmission towers are facilities to transport electrical power from a plant to an electrical substation. The towers are connected using wires considering the wire tension and the clearance from the ground or nearby objects. The wires are installed on a rights-of-way that is a strip of land used by electrical utilities to maintain the transmission line facilities. Trees and plants around transmission lines must be managed to keep the operation of these lines safe and reliable. This study proposed the use of a low-cost drone photogrammetry for the transmission line rights-of-way mapping. Aerial photogrammetry is carried out to generate a dense point cloud around the transmission lines from which a DSM (Digital Surface Model) and DTM (Digital Terrain Model) are created. The lines and nearby objects are separated using nDSM (normalized Digital Surface Model) and the noises are suppressed in the multiple image space for the geospatial analysis. The experimental result with drone images over two spans of transmission lines on a mountain area showed that the proposed method successfully generate the rights-of-way map with hazard nearby objects.

Pore structure characterization and permeability prediction of uranium-bearing sandstone based on digital core

  • Sheng Zeng;Yanan Zhang;Bing Sun;Qiue Cai;Bingyong Zeng;Yuan Shen;Xia Wen
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.4512-4521
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    • 2024
  • The permeability of the ore-bearing layer is an important indicator affecting the in-situ leaching (ISL) of uranium-bearing sandstone, which is related to various factors such as pore shape, distribution, and size. In order to study the effect of pore structure on seepage in low-permeability uranium-bearing sandstone, CT scanning tests were conducted to create a 3D digital core based on scanning images and to calculate the fractal dimension using the box counting dimension method, which integrated fractal theory to define the core samples' pore structure. The permeability prediction was realized based on the porosity-permeability model and the fractal theory model. Results indicated that this type of sandstone is obviously characterized by pore connectivity, large differences in distribution, and strong microscopic inhomogeneity. The pores are dominated by micro- and nanopores, as well as small pores, accounting for 90 %; macropores are few in number, but the diameters of their single pores are large. The distribution of pore structure in this type of sandstone exhibits a good fractal characteristic; the three-dimensional fractal dimensionality is 2.044-2.310. The porosity-permeability model was established, and permeability prediction was realized by combining the fractal theory to provide theoretical support for determining the values of well field parameters in ISL.

Development of The Design Principles for Engineering Mathematics Teaching Model for Improving Students' Collaborative Problem Solving Abilities In College (협력적 문제해결능력 신장을 위한 공학수학 수업모형의 설계원리 개발)

  • Chung, Ae-Kyung;Yi, Sang-Hoi;Hong, Yu-Na;Kim, Neung-Yeun
    • 전자공학회논문지 IE
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the basic design principles for the engineering mathematics teaching model that supported college students to become collaborative problem solvers. For this purpose, the following four design principles were drawn from the steps of systems approach, especially with consideration of needs of engineering students, professors, curriculum and relevant research on mathematical education. As a result, the four design principles for the engineeering mathematics teaching model were drawn as follows: (1) Improve students' basic mathematical learning abilities through repetition and elaborative practice of the basic mathematical concepts and principles, (2) Develop students' problem solving abilities through collaborative projects or learning activities with peers, (3) Facilitate students' reflection and provide teacher's monitoring and prompt feedback during their learning process, and (4) Build up online learning environments that enable students to become self-regulated learners.

Logistic Regression Model on the copyright licence diversification through interindividual Digital Contents distribution (개인간 디지털콘텐츠 유통상의 라이선스 다양화에 대한 로지스틱 회귀모형)

  • Suh, Hye-Sun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2016
  • I would like to analyze the customers accommodation availability of the provisional 'smart board,' having specific mode and style, as a circulation platform of digital contents with using a statistic model in order to find a way and means to activate legal circulation of convergence individual products. The smart board means a circulation platform for both users' convenience and copyright protection, by being conveniently able to upload personal convergence digital contents or apply various licence to the uploaded contents according to the purpose of use. Under these premises of the smart board, this paper is going to focus on verifying to find out which factors, such as users' profile attributes, contents using behaviors, awareness of licence and etc, influence on the intention of using the smart board of general users by using a logistic regression model.

A Dynamic Simulation of Distance Relay Using EMTP MODELS (EMTP MODELS를 이용한 거리 계전기 응동 시뮬레이션)

  • 허정용;김철환;여상민
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2003
  • Digital technology has advanced very significantly over the years both in terms of software tools and hardware available. It is now applied extensively in many area of electrical engineering including protective relaying in power systems. Digital relays based on digital technology have many advantages over the traditional analog relays. The digital relay is able to do what is difficult or impossible in the analog relays. However, the complex algorithms associated with the digital relays are difficult to test and verify in real time on real power systems. Although non real-time simulators like PSCAD/EMTDC are employed to test the algorithms, such simulations have the disadvantage that they cannot test the relay dynamically. Hence, real-time simulators like RTDS are used, but the latter needs large space and it is very expensive. This paper uses EMTP MODELS to simulate the power system and the distance relay. The distance relay algorithm is constructed and the distance relay is interfaced with a test power system. The distance relays performance is then assessed interactively under various fault types, fault distances and fault inception angles. The test results show that we can simulate the distance relay effectively and we can examine the operation of the distance relay very closely including debugging by using EMTP MODELS.

Digital Control Strategy for Single-phase Voltage-Doubler Boost Rectifiers

  • Cho, Young-Hoon;Mok, Hyung-Soo;Ji, Jun-Keun;Lai, Jih-Sheng
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.623-631
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, a digital controller design procedure is presented for single-phase voltage-doubler boost rectifiers (VDBR). The model derivation of the single-phase VDBR is performed in the s-domain. After that the simplified equivalent z-domain models are derived. These z-domain models are utilized to design the input current and the output dc-link voltage controllers. For the controller design in the z-domain, the traditional K-factor method is modified by considering the nature of the digital controller. The frequency pre-warping and anti-windup techniques are adapted for the controller design. By using the proposed method, the phase margin and the control bandwidth are accurately achieved as required by controller designers in a practical frequency range. The proposed method is applied to a 2.5 kVA single-phase VDBR for Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) applications. From the simulation and the experimental results, the effectiveness of the proposed design method has been verified.

EDGE: An Enticing Deceptive-content GEnerator as Defensive Deception

  • Li, Huanruo;Guo, Yunfei;Huo, Shumin;Ding, Yuehang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1891-1908
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    • 2021
  • Cyber deception defense mitigates Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) with deploying deceptive entities, such as the Honeyfile. The Honeyfile distracts attackers from valuable digital documents and attracts unauthorized access by deliberately exposing fake content. The effectiveness of distraction and trap lies in the enticement of fake content. However, existing studies on the Honeyfile focus less on this perspective. In this work, we seek to improve the enticement of fake text content through enhancing its readability, indistinguishability, and believability. Hence, an enticing deceptive-content generator, EDGE, is presented. The EDGE is constructed with three steps: extracting key concepts with a semantics-aware K-means clustering algorithm, searching for candidate deceptive concepts within the Word2Vec model, and generating deceptive text content under the Integrated Readability Index (IR). Furthermore, the readability and believability performance analyses are undertaken. The experimental results show that EDGE generates indistinguishable deceptive text content without decreasing readability. In all, EDGE proves effective to generate enticing deceptive text content as deception defense against APTs.

Extraction of Three-Dimensional Hybrid City Model based on Airborne LiDAR and GIS Data for Transportation Noise Mapping (교통소음지도 작성을 위한 3차원 도시모델 구축 : 항공 LiDAR와 GIS DB의 혼용 기반)

  • Park, Taeho;Chun, Bumseok;Chang, Seo Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.933-938
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    • 2014
  • The combined method utilizing airborne LiDAR and GIS data is suggested to extract 3-dimensional hybrid city model including roads and buildings. Combining the two types of data is more efficient to estimate the elevations of various types of roads and buildings than using either LiDAR or GIS data only. This method is particularly useful to model the overlapped roads around the so called spaghetti junction. The preliminary model is constructed from the LiDAR data, which can give wrong information around the overlapped parts. And then, the erratic vertex points are detected by imposing maximum vertical grade allowable on the elevated roads. For the purpose of efficiency, the erratic vertex points are corrected through linear interpolation method. To avoid the erratic treatment of the LiDAR data on the facades of buildings 2 meter inner-buffer zone is proposed to efficiently estimate the height of a building. It is validated by the mean value (=5.1%) of differences between estimated elevations on 2 m inner buffer zone and randomly observed building elevations.

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A Method of DTM Generation from KOMPSAT-3A Stereo Images using Low-resolution Terrain Data (저해상도 지형 자료를 활용한 KOMPSAT-3A 스테레오 영상 기반의 DTM 생성 방법)

  • Ahn, Heeran;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.5_1
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    • pp.715-726
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    • 2019
  • With the increasing prevalence of high-resolution satellite images, the need for technology to generate accurate 3D information from the satellite images is emphasized. In order to create a digital terrain model (DTM) that is widely used in applications such as change detection and object extraction, it is necessary to extract trees, buildings, etc. that exist in the digital surface model (DSM) and estimate the height of the ground. This paper presents a method for automatically generating DTM from DSM extracted from KOMPSAT-3A stereo images. The technique was developed to detect the non-ground area and estimate the height value of the ground by using the previously constructed low-resolution topographic data. The average vertical accuracy of DTMs generated in the four experimental sites with various topographical characteristics, such as mountainous terrain, densely built area, flat topography, and complex terrain was about 5.8 meters. The proposed technique would be useful to produce high-quality DTMs that represent precise features of the bare-earth's surface.

A Study to Determine the Slope Length and Steepness Factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation with Determining and Adapting Major Slope Length at Field Scale (필지 단위 주경사장 산정 및 적용을 통한 범용토양유실공식 지형인자 산정 개선 연구)

  • Park, Youn Shik;Park, Jong-Yoon;Jang, Won Seok;Kim, Jonggun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.61 no.6
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2019
  • Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is to estimate potential soil loss and has benefit in use with its simplicity. The equation is composed of five factors, one of the factors is the slope length and steepness factor (LS factor) that is for topographic property of fields to estimate potential soil loss. Since the USLE was developed, many equations to compute LS was suggested with field measurement. Nowadays the factor is often computed in GIS software with digital elevation model, however it was reported that the factor is very sensitive to the resolution of digital elevation model. In addition, the digital elevation model of high resolution less than 3 meter is required in small field application, however these inputs are not associate with the empirical models' backgrounds since the empirical models were derived in 22.1 meter field measurements. In the study, four equation to compute LS factor and two approaches to determine slope length and steepness were examined, and correction factor was suggested to provide reasonable precision in LS estimations. The correction factor is computed with field area and cell size of digital elevation model, thus the correction factor can be adapted in any USLE-based models using LS factor at field level.