• Title/Summary/Keyword: cultural-field

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A Search of the Community between Eight Constitution Medicine and Disease Ecology: A Perspective from Medical Geography (8체질의학과 질병생태학의 공통성에 관한 연구: 의료지리학적 접근을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Changkeun;Ryu, Je-Hun;Kim, Younghoon;Park, Sookyung;Jang, YoungHun;Han, JungHoon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.897-916
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    • 2014
  • There is a considerable community between Eight Constitution Medicine and disease ecology in that they examine the relationship between humans and environment in terms of genetic, environmental and cultural factors, in addition to the factor of germs. In this respect, the purpose of this research aims to investigate the community between Eight Constitution Medicine, a branch of Eastern Medicine and disease ecology in geography. The research method is to analyse the clinical results from 647 patients and the data from a field survey on the Yeonggwang-gun County, Jeollanam-do Province. The results are summarized as the following: First, geographical distribution of patients varies depending on the type of physical constitution; it is also divided into two types, an oceanic type and an inland type. Second, it is highly probable that there is a significant relation between a vulnerable disease in association with a type of physical constitution and patient's native place; there are diseases that are not associated with all the patients who have the same constitution; they might be incurred by the eating or life habits in association with the characteristics of geographical environment. Third, the case study of Yeonggwang-gun County, Jeollanam-do Province, with a focus on the mutual relationship among the three factors. shows that patients, who share in common the eating or life habits that coincide with their own personal types of constitution, maintain a good health condition; if not, they tend to be exposed to a various kinds of disease. Because the study on the community between Eight Constitution Medicine and disease ecology is now at the early stage, diverse types of approaches should be tried to be applied in the future.

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The International Civil Aviation Organization and Recent Developments of Air Law in a Changing Environment (변환기(變換期)에 있어서의 국제민간항공기구(國際民間航空機構)(ICAD)와 항공법(航空法) 발전(發展)의 최근(最近) 동향(動向))

  • Choi, Wan-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.4
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    • pp.7-35
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    • 1992
  • The expansion of air transport on a global scale with ever increasing traffic densities has brought about problems that must be solved through new multilateral mechanisms. Looking to the immediate future, air transport will require new forms of international cooperation in technical and economic areas. Air transport by its very nature should have been a counterforce to nationalism. Yet, the regulatory system in civil aviation is still as firmly rooted in the principle of national sovereignty as when it was first proclaimed at t-11e Paris Convention of 1919 and reaffirmed in the Chicago Convention. Sovereignty over the airspace has remained the cornerstone of relations between states in all respects of air transport. The importance of sovereignty over air space embodied in article 1 of the Chicago Conrenton also is responsible for restricting the authority of ICAO as an intergovernmental regulatory agency. The Orgenization, for all its extensive efforts, has only limited authority. ICAO sets standards but cannot enforce them; it devises solutions but cannot impose them. To implement its rules ICAO most rely not so much on legal requirements as on the goodwill of states. It has been forty-eight years since international community set the foundations of the international system in civil aviation action. Profound political, economic and technological changes have taken place in air transport. The Chicago Convention is living proof that staes can work together to make air transport a safe mode of travel. The law governing international civil auiation is principally based on international treaties and on other regulation agreed to by governments, for the most part through the mechanism of ICAO. The role of ICAO international standards and recommended practices and procedures dealing with a broad range of technical matters could hardly be overestimated. The organization's ability to develop these standards and procedures, to adapt them continuously to the rapid sate of change and development of air transport, should be particularly stressed. The role of ICAO in the area of the development of multilateral conventions on international air law has been successful but to a certain degree. From the modest starting-point of the Tokyo Convention, we have seen more adequate international instruments prepared within the scope of ICAO activities, adopted: the Hague Convention of 1970 for the suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft and the Montreal Convention of 1971 for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation. The work of ICAO in the new domain of international law conventions concerning what has been loosely termed above as the criminal problems connected with international air transport, in particular the problem of armed aggression against aircraft, should be positively appreciated. But ICAO records in the domain of developing a uniform legal system of international carriage by air are rather disappointing. The problem of maintaining and developing the uniformity of this regulation exceeds the scope of interest and competence of governmental transport agencies. The expectations of mankind linked to it are too great to give up trying to restore the uniform legal system of international air carriage that would create proper conditions for its further growth. It appears that ICAO has, at present, a good opportunity for doing this. The hasty preparation of ICAO draft conventions should be definitely excluded. Every Preliminary draft convention ought to be sent to Governments of all member-States for consideration, So that they could in form ICAO in due time of their observation. The problom of harmonizing a uniform law of international air carriage with that of other branches of international transport should demand more and more of its attention. ICAO cooperation with other international arganization, especially these working in the field of international transport, should be strengthened. ICAO is supposed to act as a link and a mediator among, at times the conflicting interests of member States, serving the happiness and peace of all of the world. The transformation of the contemporary world of developing international relations, stimulated by steadily growing international cooperation in its various dimensions, political, economic, scientific, technological, social and cultural, continuously confronts ICAO with new task.

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Current Situation and Cooperation on the Metropolitan Airport between Korea and Japan (한국 및 일본의 수도권 공항의 현황과 협력)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • no.spc
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    • pp.137-163
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    • 2007
  • The air market in Asia has already entered upon the age of limitless competition. It means a very important moment in Asia air market. Each Asian country thus has put a lot of effort into a development plan and support to their hub airport. In order to achieve such a plan, first of all we should build closer cooperation system between the two countries Japan and Korea. The Korea and Japan are very fast growing in the northeast countries within the global air transport market. Air passenger and cargo traffic volumes between Korea and Japan have increased dramatically, since the 1990s. In response to such a trend, both countries have opened new airports and expanded existing facilities in the hopes of laying claims to the main international hub airport in Asia. Apart from the trend, air transportation between Korea and Japan's metropolitan areas is the only transportation in substance, even if they are located very closely in geographical position. The air transportation between the two countries shows that it is necessary to get fast and more convenient because of the economic and cultural interchange and exchange concentrated on the metropolitan areas, and that will promote the economic growth of Korea and Japan. However, within the air transportation industry field, there have no sufficient seats/slots to supply the air demand from the capital cities of each country, as well as no counterplan for some problems regarding capacityand sustain ability of metropolitan airports. Thus, it is necessary for us to consider in all aspects and solve them to improve air transportation between Korea and Japan. This paper is to try to demonstrate this matter and from all angles, that is, in legal and political aspects, facilities and given environmental conditions and cooperation between Korea and Japan. I think that it is indeed a great necessary and convenient for many Korean and Japanese tourists to conclude a new 'Open Sky Agreement' between Japan and Korea in order to the prepare the increase of the shuttle flight between Haneda-Gimpo and opening of air route newly for shuttle flight between Haneda and Cheongju as well as opening of air route for shuttle flight between Haneda-Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and Beijing International Airport for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Furthermore it is a great desirable thing for us to conclude a new 'Open Sky Agreement' in cooperation reciprocally among the Japan, China and Korea for opening the new air route by the shuttle flight.

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A study on the process of spatial reduction of cotton culture in Korea since 1945 (해방 이후 우리나라 면작농업 소멸의 지역적 전개과정)

  • ;Kim, Kihyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.318-339
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    • 1994
  • U.S. had given large amount of cotton to Korea as food aid program since 1945. This cotton aid had negative impact on cotton culture in Korean agriculture. Korean government used counterparts funds (sale proceeds of food aid) not for investment to agriculture sector, but for military budgets. And food aid on program type had influenced general economic policies, which neglected agricultural sector too. Anti-agricultural policy which was helped by U.S. food aid, had caused cotton cultivator an economic loss. So this economic loss had made many farmers abandon cotton culture. But in our times, cotton is cultivated for the purpose of domestic consumption in a few rural villages. The purposes of this study are 1) to analyze the process of spatial reduction of cotton culture since 1945 in regional contexts in Korea, and 2) to identify the function and meaning of cotton culture which does not pay off in agricultural region. Materials for acreage of cotton culture are acquired through the agricultural statistical year book(1952-1989) and census. To clarify the meanings of cotton culture, field survey are conducted in a rural village which is identified as only one where cotton was cultivated in 1993. In these contexts, this study has come to the following conclusions. In the period of under the rule of Japanese Imperialism (1910-1945), G. arboreum, species of cotton which was traditionally cultivated since 1364, had been driven out. And G. hirustun species, which is suitable for the production of highly qualified textile, has been hierarchically diffused by policy. In these period, regional structure of Korean agriculture was reorganized for the provision with food to Japan. Crops leading this dependent spatial structure were rice and cotton. So agricultural region, specialized with cotton, were distributed in the hinterland of the area which is specialized with rice. U.S. cotton aid to Korea began in 1947. U.S. took an interest in agricultural export because of her domestic surplus of cotton. Cotton aid is one mechanism by which U.S government developed agricultural market in recipient countries, Specially in the exchange rates, up-valuation of won to the U.S. dollars made domestic cotton more expensive than cotton imported, Production cost of domestic cotton is higher than Government's purchasing price of cotton which was also more expensive than price of cotton imported. Korean farmer could not help abandoning the cultivation of cotton, and this gave rise to spatial reduction of cotton culture. Spatially, cotton culture was abandoned in early stage of reduction in regions where stand at a disadvantage climatically, and in next stage in regions where other up-land crops which paid off in urban market, eg, fruits, could be cultivated. In the stage of extinction, cotton was cultivated only in area where G. hirustun species was originated in Korean peninsula. This region is not only suitable climatically for cotton culture, but is far away from urban market. Use of cotton produced is not for spinning, but for fillings of comforter. The main purpose of cotton culture in rural village is not for cotton yields, but for increase of production of seasame, which is grown together with cotton as mixed crops. Cotton product are used for domestic consumption and sold out to gin house. Though cotton culture is not paid off, farmer wanted to cultivate continuously for the cultural purpose, and they wanted the cotton culture promotion policy with the goverment subsidy.

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Sixty Years History of the Korean Geographical Society as a Numerical Record (숫자로 본 대한지리학회 60년)

  • Hyong, Kie-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.6 s.111
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    • pp.748-761
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    • 2005
  • This study attempts to describe and periodinate the sixty years history of Korean Geographical Society. For the purpose, several numerical records concerned with the society were employed. The Korean Geographical Society was established in 1945 as a first academic society in geography. The international participation of Korean geographers started when it applied for the IGU membership in 1959. Next year, Korean's application was approved at the 19th IGC in Stockholm. The 40 years later, Korea came to host the 29th IGC in Seoul. This means that the activity of Korean geographers has been vigorous during the 40 years in accordance with high growth of Korean economy. The number of the society member reached 116 in the latter part of 1960s. It grew steadily from 1970s to 1990s and now amounts to around one thousand. It is believed that such trend is associated with the increase of geographical department and the development of graduate programs during past 40 years in Korea. The number of the advanced degree holders was only 2 in 1960, and now reachs 338 among which 166($43\%$) obtained from the foreign country. The Int issue of the society journal 'Geagraphy' -the title was changed to 'Journal of the KGS' in 1993-was published in 1963. It has gradually developed into the annual for $1966{\~}1973$, the semi-annual for $1974{\~}1990$, the quaterly for $1991{\~}1997$, and the hi-monthly until 2005. One issue per year has been published in English since 1993. The annual number of papers accepted by the editorial board has increased from 7 in 1960s-1970s to 52 in the new millennium. In terms of the specialty distribution of total 725 papers after 1963, many Korean geographers have been preferable to the field of socio-economic and urban geography as their major, and next histro-cultural and physical geography. Recently, a growing number of younger geographers are more interested in such diversified fields as ecological geography, socio-historical geography, applied geography concerned with GIS technic, geography education and so on. Such trend is a reflection of the new era which is characterized by diversity, software, high technology, globalization and others. The sixty years history of the society nay be summarized into the five phases of periodization: (1) establishment and chaos($1945{\~}1959$), (2) reconstruction(1960${\~}$1969), (3)reorganization(1970${\~}$1989), (4) jump and rush($1990{\~}1999$), (5)globalization($2000{\~}\;$).

Forest Law and Forest Resources in Five Northeast Asian Countries - R.O.K., D.P.R.K., Japan, China and Taiwan - (동북(東北)아시아 5개국(個國)(한국(韓國), 북한(北韓), 일본(日本), 중국(中國), 대만(臺灣))의 산림법(山林法)과 산림자원(山林資源))

  • Yoo, Byoung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to compare the changes in the forest resources and the process of establishment and characteristics of the Forest Law in five Northeast Asian Countries, who share the Chinese culture as a common background. The effect of Forest Law on forest resources of each countries is also compared. This study shows that the forest management scheme and the modernistic forest law in the five Northeast Countries were influenced by Japan around the early 20th century. The Forest Laws of the five countries were reestablished after the end of World War II, and now the five countries have their own Forest Law. At present, the five countries are depending on the import of foreign timber for timber supply because of the shortage of domestic timber resources. The Forest Laws of the five countries have a lot of similarities reflecting same cultural background, whereas there are differences originated from social and economic discrepancies. Currently R.O.K. is worst in forest resources compared to the other countries. The Forest Law of R.O.K. has too many articles, which has little direct relationship with forest resources management. Therefore it is recommended to consolidate the law system in the field of forest and forestry in R.O.K. including the amendment of Forest Law directing to sustainable forest and maintaining the efficiency of forest resources management.

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A Convergence Study for the Academic Systematization of Cartoon-animation (만화영상학의 학문적 체계화를 위한 융합적 연구)

  • Lim, Jae-Hwan
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.43
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    • pp.285-320
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    • 2016
  • Cartoons and Animation are convergent arts created with a composite application of language arts described in the form of literary texts and sounds, plastic arts visualized in the form of artistic paintings, and film arts produced in the form of moving pictures. An academic university major in cartoons and animation studies established in late 20th century however, did not satisfactorily meet the needs in academic research and development and the free expression of artistic creation was limited. In order to systematize the major in cartoons and animation studies, an convergent approach to establish and clarify following are in demand : the terms and definitions, the historical developments, the research areas and methods, the major education and related jobs and start-ups. New culture and arts industries including cartoons, animation, moving images, and games contents are not yet listed in the industries listing service jointly provided online by the portal site Naver.com and Hyung-Seol publishing company. Above all, cartoons and animation are inseparably related to each other that even if one uses the term separately and independently, the meaning may not be complete. So a new combined term "Animatoon" can be established for the major in cartoons and animation studies and also used for its degree with concentrations of cartoons, animation, moving images, games, and etc. In the Introduction, a new combined term Animatoon is defined and explained the use of this term as the name of the major and degree in cartoons and animation studies. In the body, first, the Historical Developments classified Animatoon in the ancient times, the medieval times, and the modern times and they are analyzed with the help of esthetics and arts using examples of mural frescos, animal painting, religion cartoons, caricatures, cartoons, satire cartoons, comics, animation, 2 or 3 dimensional webtoons, and K-toons. Second, the Research Areas of Animatoon reviewed the theories, genres, artworks, and artists and the Research Methods of Animatoon presented the curriculum that integrated the courses in humanities, science technologies, culture and arts, and etc. Third, the Major Education considered Animatoon education in children, young adults, students of the major and the Related Jobs and Start-Ups explored various jobs relating to personal creation of artwork and collective production of business-oriented artwork. In the Conclusion, the current challenges of Animatoon considered personalization of the artists, specialization of the contents, diversification of the types, and liberalization of the art creation. And the direction of improvement advocated Animatoon to be an academic field of study, to be an art, to be a culture, and to be an industry. The importance of cartoons and animation along with videos and games rose in the 21st century. In order for cartoons and animation to take a leading role, make efforts in studying Animatoon academically and also in developing Animatoon as good contents in the cultural industries.

Status of Paddy Weed Flora and Community Dynamics in Korea (한국(韓國)의 논잡초분포(雜草分布) 및 군락현황(群落現況))

  • Kim, Soon-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.223-245
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    • 1983
  • Nationwide weed survey of paddy rice field conducted in 1981 and 1971 was compared and determined major dominant weed community types distributed by province. Based on the similarity coefficients between 1971 and 1981 the floristic composition based on the degree of dominance was greatly dissimilar while kind of weed flora were not much differed. Degree of dominance were concentrated to perennial weeds in 1981 while these were at animal weeds in 1971. The moat important 10 weed species and their dominance in 1981 were Monochoria vaginalis Presl.(22.2%), Sagittaria pygmaea Miquel(17.5%), S. trifolia L.(9.0%), Poramogeton distinctus Benn.(9.0%), Cyperus serotinus Rottb.(8.5%), Rotala indica Koehne(6.0%), Aneilema japonica Kunth(4.4%), Lindernia procumbens Philcox(3.9%), Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi(3.4%) and Ludwigia proarrara Roxb(3.0%), respectively while these for 1971 were R. indica(34.5%), Eleocharia acicularis Roem, et Schult (11.9%), M. vaginalis(11.1%), Cyperua difformis L.(8.7%), Echinochloa crus-galli Beauv.(6.9%), L. procumbens(3.3%), P. distinctus(3.1%), A. Japonica (2.4%), E. kuroguwai(1.8%) and P. hydropiper(1.8%), respectively. Weed occurrence was also closely related with soil type, cropping pattern and cultural practices. Particularly, the occurrence of P. distincrus was negatively correlated with the degree of land utilization. Weed community types dafined by two-dimensional ordination analysis were 11 for Jeonnam province, 9 for Gyeoaggi, Gangweon, Chungbuk and Gyeongnam provinces, 8 for Jeonbuk and Gyeongbuk provinces, 7 for Chungnam province and 4 for Jeju province, respectively.

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A Placeness and Identification on the Place Names of Geomorphological Landscape in Jukdo, Yangyang (양양 죽도의 장소성과 지형경관의 지명 고찰 및 비정)

  • Rho, Jae-hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 2019
  • This study, which starting from Yangyang Jukdo's topography formation and questioning revealed in landscape guide and landscape commentary board, is to sort out the characteristics of Jukdo natural landscape through literature research, field observation research and stakeholder interview as part of the proper recognition of Jokdo landscape and search for landscape resources, and pursued a review of nominations and criticism. The results of this study are summarized as follows. Yangyang Jukdo is an island named because it was full of blue bamboo. From before the first half of the 14th Century. to the middle of the 18th Century., there was a Gwanlan-pavilion to see the sea and the bamboo in the west. The time when the original island, the Jukdo, have been a land-tied island connected with the land by the tombolo formed by the erosion of the sand. It is located at the end of the 14th Century. and before the middle of the 18th Century. In Jukdo, colorful weathered terrains, coastal terrain, and structural terrain formed by long-time weathering are found. Among them, the type of weathering, the tafoni style and the gnamma style are the scenic landscapes with the key stories of legend and poetry that are brought to Jukdo. In addition, there are seven kinds of letters caved in the rocks in Jukdo. The rocks found on the coast, basketball cannons, shrines, and sutras are seen as shrouds based on a Taoist hermit motifs and style. In addition, it can be interred from the photography of "jeongssisejeog" that the souvenir of Jukdo was the family of Chogyejeong of mid 18th Century. In terms of observational geography and poetry, Jukdo has been handed down a great deal of missionary color with key motifs such as 'Jukdo-seongoo', 'Jukdo-Dolgooyoo', or 'Stone mortar of Taoist hermit' It is proved that the pearl which is called 'The stone of the Taoist hermit' is a porthole formed in a separate space rather than the topography of the geomorphology in terms of shape, size and function. Currently named Shun-tang is a product of the ridiculous 'naming' of interest. The present landscape guide and commentary is not only incompatible with the place of Jukdo, but also does not match the traditional cultural landscape. Future scenery information such as guide signs and commentary boards should be improved in the direction of positively highlighting the stories and motifs related to the present that are present in order to enhance the landscape identity of Yangyang Jukdo.

Search for the Meaning of Social Support in Korean Society (Social Support의 한국적 의미)

  • 오가실;서미혜;이선옥;김정아;오경옥;정추자;김희순
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.264-277
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    • 1994
  • In Korea the concept of social support was first used as a research concept in nursing and has not had much application in the clinical field. Another problem is that research on social support has used a direct translation of the words “social support” into Korean as “sawhejuk jiji”. Three questions were posed to direct the re-search. 1) Is there a concept of social support in Korean society? 2) if so, what words or expressions are used to de-scribe it? 3) further, if so, how is social support structured and how does it function? In order to answer the research questions a three-step research methodology was used : The first step consisted of a literature review on re-search related to social support and on information on the background of, and the way of thinking re-lated to interpersonal relations among Korean people. The second step, which was done to identify whether there is a concept of social support in korean society, involved interviewing a sample of the population. The third step involved a panel discussion that included the members of the research team and three consultants, a sociologist, a philosopher and a scholor in korean literature. A review of the literature on interpersonal relationships in traditional korean society identified a four cirole structure that explains interpersonal relationships. The first circle with “me” at the center is the family but here “me” disappears into the “we” that is essential for a cooperative agricultural society. In the second circle are those close to “me” but outside the family. The third circle includes those with whom “I ” have infrequent but regular contact and with whom correct conduct is important. The last circle is all the people with whom “I” have nothing in common. They are excluded in interpersonal relationships. The literature on interpersonal relationships showed that within the traditional Korean society people lived in villages where most people were very familiar with each other. “Yun”, the social network established the connection and “Jung”, the feeling of affection increased with time as the connection was strengthened. In the traditional village psychological support was provided through “Mallaniki”, “Pumashi” and “Kae” with the latter two also providing material support. In modern Korea there are more informal and formal social networks, like social services and community activities on the formal level and cultural and leisure groups along with “kae’s on the informal level. But even with this modern variety of groups, most social support comes from informal networks that resemble the traditiorlal “Pumashi”, “Kai” md “Mallaniki”. The six member research team interviewed 65 people in order to identify whether there is a concept of social support and then analysed their responses. There were 20 different words describing the reception of the social support and these could be grouped into seven major categories : virtuous, fortunate, helped, supported, blessed, attached(receiving affection) and receiving (grace) benevolence. there were 27 words describing the act of social support which could be categorized into seven major categories : love, looking after, affection(attachment), kindness(goodness), faith, psychological help and material help. for the meaning of social support translated as “sawhe juk jiji” there were a total of 14 different answers which could be categorized into 3 major categories : help, agreement, and faith. In third step, the results of the literature review and the answers to the questions were discussed in a pannel. The results of the discussion led to the following definition of social support in Korea which is shaped like a the four sided pyramid on a base. Social support is the apex of the pyramid and four sides are made up of : “do-oom” (both emotional and material help), “jung” (connectedness, or relationship bound by affection, regard or shared common experience ), “midum” (faith or belief in), “eunhae” (kindness or benevolence). The research team identified “Yun”( the basic network of relationships) as the base of the pyramid and as such the foundation for the components of social support in Korean culture. On “Yun” rest the other four components of social support : “Jung”, “Midum”, “Do-oom”, and “Eunhae”, For social support to take place there must be “Yun”. This is an important factor in social support. In private social network “Jung” is an essential factor in social support. But not in the public social network. “Yun” is a condition for “Jung” and “Jung” is the manifestation of support.

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