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Factors Affecting Membrane Fouling in Membrane Filtration of Activated Sludge (막결합형 활성슬러지 시스템에서의 막오염 유발 인자)

  • Chang, In-Soung;Lee, Chung-Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2000
  • The coupling of an activated sludge reactor with a membrane unit, i.e., Membrane Coupled Activated Sludge (MCAS) system offers several advantages over conventional process. But the major hurdle in the extensive use of this process is the continuous reduction of permeation flux caused by membrane fouling. The aim of this study is to investigate membrane fouling characteristics in the MCAS process. During crossflow ultrafiltration(CFUF) of activated sludge, floc size decreased abruptly at the beginning of operation and thereafter decreased continuously and gradually. The floc size changed from 100~200 to 68μm depending on recirculation velocity. This floc breakage played a key role in rapid increase of Rc(cake layer resistance), which led to flux decline. The floc breakage stimulated biomass to release EPS(Extracellular Polymeric Substance) which has been known to be one of the major membrane foul-ants. The amounts of EPS before and after CFUF were 266 and 405(VS mg/MLSS g), respectively. The rise up of EPS concentration was another factor affecting flux decline in MCAS system.

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Membrane Biofouling of Seawater Reverse Osmosis Initiated by Sporogenic Bacillus Strain

  • Lee, Jin-Wook;Ren, Xianghao;Yu, Hye-Weon;Kim, Sung-Jo;Kim, In-S.
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to assess the biofouling characteristics of the Bacillus biofilm formed on reverse osmosis (RO) membranes. For the study, a sporogenic Bacillus sp. was isolated from the seawater intake to a RO process, with two distinct sets of experiments performed to grow the Bacillus biofilm on the RO membrane using a lab-scale crossflow membrane test unit. Two operational feds were used, 9 L sterile-filtered seawater and 109 Bacillus cells, with flow rates of 1 L/min, and a constant 800 psi-pressure and pH 7.6. From the results, the membrane with more fouling, in which the observed permeate flux decreased to 33% of its initial value, showed about 10 and 100 times greater extracellular polymeric substances and spoOA genes expressions, respectively, than the those of the less fouled membrane (flux declined to 20% of its initial value). Interestingly; however, the number of culturable Bacillus sp. in the more fouled membrane was about 10 times less than that of the less fouled membrane. This indicated that while the number of Bacillus had less relevance with respect to the extent of biofouling, the activation of the genes of interest, which is initiative of biofilm development, had a more positive effect on biofouling than the mass of an individual Bacillus bacterium.

Structural Change of Supersonic Jet Due to Liquid Injection in Supersonic Backward Facing Step Flow (초음속 후향 계단 유동에서 액체 분사로 인한 초음속 제트의 구조 변화)

  • Ahn, Sang-Hoon;Han, Doo-Hee;Choi, Han-Young;Seo, Seong-Hyeon;Sung, Hong-Gye
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2019
  • The experiment on the liquid jet in crossflow in supersonic BFS (backward-facing step) flow was conducted to investigate the mixing characteristics. The working fluids are nitrogen and water. The shadow graph technique was used to visualize the flow field. Images captured by the high-speed camera were applied to analyze the flow phenomena. The liquid jet was injected at the re-circulation zone created by the supersonic jet flow. Experimental conditions are defined based on the pressure of the nitrogen gas chamber and pressurized liquid tank. In respective cases, the penetration depth of liquid jet and location of the Mach disc were observed to be proportional to the momentum ratio of gas and liquid jets.

Local Convective Mass Transfer and Flow Structure Around a Circular Cylinder with Annular Fins (환상핀이 부착된 원봉 주위의 3차원 박리 유동구조 및 물질전달 특성 해석)

  • 박태선;성형진
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.2132-2146
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    • 1991
  • Extensive experiments were carried out to investigate the mass transfer and flow structures around a circular cylinder with annular fins in crossflow. The naphthalene sublimation method was employed to measure the circumferential and longitudinal variations of mass transfer from the circular cylinder between annular fins and H is the height of the fin from the cylinder surface. A remarkable enhancement of mass transfer due to the horseshoe vortices was observed near the corner junction between the annular fin and circular cylinder. The present results indicate that the local circumferential Sherwood number shows the higher values on the front stagnation point. The maximum augmentation of mass transfer rate at the center of cylinder is found near L/H-0.15 due to the separation bubble along the annular fins. The secondary flows, which are the corner vortices V2 and V3 near the end wall of the annular fin, are fairly predicted from the distributions of local Sherwood number in the spanwise direction. The average Sherwood number of overall surface at L/H=0.15 is larger 2.0 times than that of without annualr fins. The correlations of total average mass transfer rate with L/H and ReL can also be obtained.d.

A New Method to Calculate Pseudoskin Factor of a Partially-Penetrating Well (부분관통정의 유사표피인자 계산을 위한 새로운 방법)

  • Lee, Kun-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 1999
  • This study considers pseudosteady-state flow to a restricted-entry well in a single or multilayer aquifer with crossflow. A simple method for calculating the pseudoskin factor caused by partial penetration is presented to overcome a limited applicability in geometrical or computational aspects of previous methods. The computation is based on the solution of a simplified pseudosteady-state equation that describes the long-time behavior of the closed radial system. We illustrate the applicability of this method to various types of cylindrical systems and provide the results graphically. Comparisons with previously published results have indicated that this method yields highly accurate estimates of pseu-doskin factor with minimum computational effort. This method has also shown to be particularly useful for geometrically-complicated systems. Greatly improved computational efficiency of pseudosteady-state approach permits the engineer to easily account for the effect of partial penetration on the late-time performance of a well.

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Effect of the distance between the adjacent injectors on penetration and mixing characteristics of the jet in supersonic crossflow (수평 배치된 분사구의 배치 간격에 따른 초음속 유동장 내 분사 유동의 침투 및 혼합 특성)

  • Kim, Sei Hwan;Lee, Hyoung Jin
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2018
  • In the present study, a numerical investigation was conducted to analyze the effect of the distance between the adjacent injectors on the characteristics of flow structure, fuel penetration, and air/fuel mixing. Numerical results were validated with experimental data using a single injection. Subsequently, the same injector geometry and properties were applied on a non-reacting flow simulation with multiple injectors. Total pressure loss, penetration height, and mixing efficiency were compared with the distance between the injectors. The results showed that each injected gas merged into a single stream, resulting in the 2D-like flow fields under the condition of short distance and lower mixing efficiency along with higher total pressure loss. When the distance between the injectors increased, total pressure loss reduced and mixing efficiency increased due to the weakening of interactions between the injected gases.

Empirical Correlations for Penetration Height of Liquid Jet in Uniform Cross Flow - A Review

  • No, Soo-Young
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.176-185
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    • 2011
  • The empirical correlations for the prediction of penetration height of liquid jet in crossflow are reviewed and classified in this study. Around thirty different correlations had been proposed by many investigators. It has generally known that the penetration height of a liquid jet in a cross-flow is a function of the liquid to air momentum flux ratio and the normalized downstream distance from the injector. However, several researchers incorporated the Weber number, liquid-to-water or air viscosity ratio, pressure ratio or Reynolds number, temperature ratio in the empirical correlations. The existing correlations can be grouped as correlations in a power-law, logarithmic, and exponential forms, respectively. Correlations in a power-law form can be further classified as three groups such as basic form, Weber number form and other parameters form. It should be pointed out that correlations in a logarithmic form in terms of Weber number or any other parameters could not be found. Universal correlation has still not been established due to the significant discrepancies between various correlations suggested to date. Several of the studies reported the significant discrepancies of predicted values by the existing correlations. The possible reasons for discrepancies will be summarized as measurement technique, assumptions made in defining terms in the liquid to air momentum flux ratio, difficulties in defining the boundaries of the liquid jets, and nozzle/injector geometry. Evaluation of validity for the correlations proposed recently by several investigators is essentially required. Those include eight power-law forms, two logarithmic forms, and one exponential form.

Experimental investigation of impact-sliding interaction and fretting wear between tubes and anti-vibration bars in steam generators

  • Guo, Kai;Jiang, Naibin;Qi, Huanhuan;Feng, Zhipeng;Wang, Yang;Tan, Wei
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.1304-1317
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    • 2020
  • The tubes in a heat exchanger, such as a steam generator (SG), are subjected to crossflow, and interaction between tubes and supports can happen, which can cause fretting wear of tubes. Although many experiments and models have been established, some detailed mechanisms are still not sufficiently clear. In this work, more attention is paid to obtain the regulation of impact and sliding in the complex process and many factors, such as excitation forces and clearances. The responses and contact forces were analyzed to obtain clear understanding of the influences of these factors. Room temperature tests in the air were established. The results show that the effect of clearance on the normal work rate is not monotonous and instead has two peaks. The force ratio can influence the normal work rate by changing the distribution of contact angles, which can result in higher sliding in the contact process. Fretting wear tests are conducted, and the wear surfaces are analyzed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX). The results of this work can serve as a reference for impactsliding contact analysis between AVBs and tubes in steam generators.


  • Kwon, Tae-Soon;Lee, S.T.;Euh, D.J.;Chu, I.C.;Youn, Y.J.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.727-734
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    • 2012
  • A new advanced safety feature of DVI+ (Direct Vessel Injection Plus) for the APR+ (Advanced Power Reactor Plus), to mitigate the ECC (Emergency Core Cooling) bypass fraction and to prevent switching an ECC outlet to a break flow inlet during a DVI line break, is presented for an advanced DVI system. In the current DVI system, the ECC water injected into the downcomer is easily shifted to the broken cold leg by a high steam cross flow which comes from the intact cold legs during the late reflood phase of a LBLOCA (Large Break Loss Of Coolant Accident)For the new DVI+ system, an ECBD (Emergency Core Barrel Duct) is installed on the outside of a core barrel cylinder. The ECBD has a gap (From the core barrel wall to the ECBD inner wall to the radial direction) of 3/25~7/25 of the downcomer annulus gap. The DVI nozzle and the ECBD are only connected by the ECC water jet, which is called a hydrodynamic water bridge, during the ECC injection period. Otherwise these two components are disconnected from each other without any pipes inside the downcomer. The ECBD is an ECC downward isolation flow sub-channel which protects the ECC water from the high speed steam crossflow in the downcomer annulus during a LOCA event. The injected ECC water flows downward into the lower downcomer through the ECBD without a strong entrainment to a steam cross flow. The outer downcomer annulus of the ECBD is the major steam flow zone coming from the intact cold leg during a LBLOCA. During a DVI line break, the separated DVI nozzle and ECBD have the effect of preventing the level of the cooling water from being lowered in the downcomer due to an inlet-outlet reverse phenomenon at the lowest position of the outlet of the ECBD.

Survey on the Automation of Laying Hen Houses and Farmers' Awareness of its Significance (산란계농가의 자동화계사 시설실태 및 의식조사 연구)

  • Choe, Hui-Cheol;Seo, Ok-Seok;Lee, Deok-Su;Han, Jeong-Dae
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 1996
  • This survey was conducted to investigate the situation of three types of laying hen houses and farmers' awareness of farm automation. Six windowless, three high-rising windowless and four open-sided laying hen houses were surveyed to compare their characteristics, and sixty farmers answered questionnaires. 1. Population density of laying hen was 13.9 birds/m^2$ in open-sided, 28.9 birds/m^2$ in high-rising windowless, and 44.9 birds/m^2$ in windowless laying hen houses. 2. Feeder space was 1213.5cm in open-sided laying hen houses, but feeder space of windowless and high-rising hen houses was narrower than that of open-sided laying hen houses. 3. Thermal resistance values were 14.618.7m2C/W in wall, #22.0{\sim}23.7\;m^2\;{\circ}C/W$ in roof of windowless and high-rising windowless laying hen houses but the wall of open-sided laying hen houses was only 1.9m2C/W. 4. Maximum ventilation capacity was 0.161{\sim}0.326$ cmm/bird in summer. Minimum rate of tunnel Ventilation laying hen houses in winter was 0.0130.040 cmm/bird, but minimum rate of crossflow and high-rising windowless laying hen houses was larger than that of tunnel ventilation houses. 5. One person managed about 8,100 birds in open-sided, and about 23,500 birds in windowless and high-rising windowless laying hen houses. 7. 90.7% of farmers responsed that they want to construct automatized laying hen houses in the future.

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