• Title/Summary/Keyword: cosmetic ingredient

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A study on the development of analytical method for zinc pyrithione in cosmetics (화장품 중 zinc pyrithione 분석방법 개발에 대한 연구)

  • Jung, Jung-sul;Bae, Kyeong-mi;Son, Seung-hwan;Park, Jung-woo;Kim, Ji-hyun;Hong, Sung-taeg;Sun, Yle-shik
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to develop a new analytical method to detect zinc pyrithione, the ingredient of cosmetics appointed as restricted ingredients and used as preservatives.. The analytical method was based on data gathered from the relevant literature. Information about the amounts of these ingredients was researched in order to select the base-matrix materials used to validate the analytical method. After selecting and preparing the base-matrix materials, the analytical method was validated by method validation procedures. The analytical method was verified first by inter-laboratory validation and then through analyzing the cosmetics sold in the market. Based on the results of this study, guidelines are proposed for the analysis of restricted ingredients in cosmetics, which will provide a method to test the cosmetics circulating in the Korean market. The use of the proposed guidelines will increase the quality of the cosmetics as well as the safety of human health, which will enhance the competitiveness of the Korean cosmetics industry and lead to an increase in the exportation of cosmetics.

Effects of Pleurotus eryngii extract against inflammation in activated RAW 264.7 cells and UV-induced skin damage in mice (활성 RAW 264.7 세포에서 항염증 및 자외선 유도 마우스 피부손상의 개선에 대한 새송이 추출물의 효과)

  • Cho, Byoung Ok;Yin, Hong Hua;Lee, Hyun-Seo;Chu, Jung Im;Jang, Seon Il
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory and ultraviolet (UV)-protective effect of Pleurotus eryngii extract (PEE) in activated RAW 264.7 cells and UV-induced mouse skin damage. The results showed that PEE strongly inhibited the production of inflammatory mediators such as nitric oxide, interleukin $(IL)-1{\beta}$, and IL-6 at high concentrations in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. In addition, PEE treatment suppressed erythema, melanin index, and epidermal thickness to a greater degree than ascorbic acid (AA) treatment in UV-irradiated mice. Finally, PEE treatment inhibited the infiltration of mast cell to a similar degree of AA treatment. Therefore, these results indicate that PEE could improve inflammation and skin damage in immune cells and UV-irradiated mice. This study may provide positive insights into PEE as a functional food and cosmetic ingredient for treatment of inflammation and skin damage.

Effects of Panax Notoginseng Flos extract on Anti-oxidative, Anti-inflammatory and Acne skin (삼칠화 에탄올 추출물의 항산화, 항염증 활성 및 여드름 피부에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Song-Yi;Li, Shun-Hua
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to observe how Panax Notoginseng Flos Ethanol Extract has anti-oxidant activity, cytotoxicity for skin cells, and anti-inflammatory effects and Cosmetics Panax Notoginseng Flos Ethanol Extract was applied to acne skin to analyze moisture, erythema, pores, and blackberries to identify potential as cosmetics material .According to the analysis, Panax Notoginseng Flos Ethanol Extract was found to have high contents of polyphenols and flavonoids and excellent DPPH radical scavenging activity. The extract had no significant cytotoxicity for Raw 264.7 cell and significantly inhibited the creation of NO induced LPS in Raw 264.7 cell so as to present anti-inflammatory effect. After applying an Panax Notoginseng Flos Ethanol Extract of 3% skin toner and spot Solutions to the skin of the skin of the acne for 3 weeks, Increased skin moisture, erythema, pores, black head count were found to be statistically signigicant, and reduced red spots were found in skin condition questions following management. Given the results, it is considered that Panax Notoginseng Flos Ethanol Extract is applicable as the ingredient of a functional cosmetic product that has low cytotoxicity for skin cells, high anti-oxidant activity, anti-inflammatory effect, and acne improvement effect.

Production Yield Enhancement of Mycosporine-like amino acid(MAA)s in Transformed Microalgae Culture by Radiofrequency (형질전환 미세조류의 고주파 처리 배양을 통한 MAA 생산량 증가)

  • Seo, Hyo Hyun;Song, Mi Young;Kulkarni, Atul;Suh, Sung-Suk;Lee, Taek-Kyun;Moh, Sang Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.3799-3804
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    • 2014
  • In sea water, microalgae are exposed to a range of critical environmental conditions. Microalgae are protected from UV-A radiation due to the presence of mycosporine like amino acids(MAAs). Owing to the UV-A absorption properties of MAAs, they are used widely as a UV protecting ingredient in cosmetics. Therefore, there is a need to increase the production yield of MAAs. This study investigated the production yield of MAAs in transformed microalgae by radiofrequency(RF) exposure. Initially, the Glut-1 gene was transformed to Chlamydomonas hedleyi microalgae as a glucose transporter. The biomass was enhanced after Glut-1 gene transformation. In addition, the MAAs production yield was increased during large scale production in bioreactors due to the RF treatment. Therefore, purified extracts of MAAs can be used as a sun block material in the cosmetic industrial field.

A Study on the Antioxidative Effects of Zostera marina and its Application in Cosmatics (잘피(Zostera marina)의 항산화 효능과 화장품 응용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, So-Yeon;Yang, Jae-Chan;Kim, Bo-Ae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.534-544
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    • 2017
  • In order to use the sea flowering plant, Zostera marina, as a cosmetic ingredient, this study was conducted to evaluate its antioxidant effect. We confirmed the formulation stability of the emulsion containing Zostera marina extracts. We studied the antioxidant activity of the dissolved Zostera marina extracts through the DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazy) radical scavenging activity assay and SOD (superoxide dismutase)-like activity assay. Also, the pH, viscosity and particle dispersion of the emulsion containing Zostera marina extracts were measured using a Turbiscan LAB. The emulsions were measured at one-week intervals in a thermostat chamber ($25^{\circ}C{\pm}1^{\circ}C$, $40^{\circ}C{\pm}1^{\circ}C$) for 28 days. The extracts of Zostera marina showed a DPPH radical scavenging rate of 86.21% and SOD-like activity of 99.24% at 5.00 mg/ml and exhibited a dose-dependent increase in their antioxidant activity. We measured the stability of the pH, viscosity and emulsion particles using the Turbiscan LAB in a thermostat chamber for 28 days. The formulations to which the Zostera marina extracts were added were considered to be stable, due to their negligible physical property changes over time during storage. The results suggest that the Zostera marina extracts with 70% ethanol (v/v) could be used in cosmetics as an antioxidant for the anti-aging of skin.

Study on Antioxidant Effects of Fractional Extracts from Ligularia stenocephala Leaves (곤달비(Ligularia stenocephala) 잎 분획물의 항산화활성 평가)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Hee;Kim, Na-Young;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Han, In-Ae;Yook, Hong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.9
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    • pp.1220-1225
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    • 2012
  • Ligularia stenocephala leaves were subjected to extraction by using several solvents with different polarities, which were then investigated for their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Extraction yield of ethanol extract of Ligularia stenocephala was 21.36%. The water fraction showed the highest extraction yield of 60.35%, followed by the n-butanol, n-hexane, and ethyl acetate fractions. Total polyphenolic content was the highest (254.00 mg/g GAE) in the ethyl acetate fraction of Ligularia stenocephala extract. The ethyl acetate fraction had $IC_{50}$ values of 0.28 mg/mL for DPPH radical scavenging, and 96.$67{\pm}0.09%$ for ABTS radical scavenging activity. Further, FRAP value was significantly higher in the ethyl acetate fraction. The ethyl acetate fraction showed antimicrobial activities against B. cereus, and the diameter of the zone of inhibition was 10.2 mm at 5 mg/disc. These results suggest that the ethyl acetate fraction of Ligularia stenocephala possesses the antimicrobial activities against B. cereus, and its high antioxidant activity could be applicable to food additives and as a natural cosmetic ingredient.

Antioxidant and Whitening Effects of the Fermentation of Barley Seeds (Hordeum vulgare L.) Using Lactic Acid Bacteria (유산균을 이용한 보리의 발효를 통한 항산화 및 미백 효과)

  • Lee, Jun-Hyeong;Yoon, Yeo-Cho;Kim, Jung-Kyu;Park, Ye-Eun;Hwang, Hak-Soo;Kwon, Gi-Seok;Lee, Jung-Bok
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.444-453
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    • 2018
  • Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), of the Poaceae/Gramineae family, is a common grain in the surrounding area. It has been used in Ancient Egyptian medicine and it has been used worldwide for many years as food and as an ingredient in beer. Barley has been reported to have anti-inflammatory, anti -carcinogenic and anti-diabetic effects. So far, a lot of research has been done on barley but the effects of fermented barley seeds with lactic acid bacteria have not been studied largely. In this study, we investigated the effects of ethanol-extracted barley seeds after their fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. The biological activities of fermented barley seeds with lactic acid bacteria and non-fermented barley seeds were analyzed for total polyphenol content, total flavonoid content, DPPH radical scavenging, superoxide dismutase-like activity and tyrosinase inhibition. These results showed that fermented barley seeds with lactic acid bacteria have more advanced anti-oxidant and whitening properties than non-fermented barley seeds. Hence, we suggest that fermenting barley seeds with lactic acid bacteria can be an impressive material in the food and cosmetic industries.

The Evaluation of Anti-wrinkle Effects in Oriental Herb Extract (한방 원료 추출물의 주름개선 효과를 통한 화장품 원료로서의 가치 평가)

  • Kang, Kum-Suk;Kim, In-Deok;Kwon, Ryun-Hee;Heo, Ye-Young;Oh, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Min-Ah;Jung, Hye-Jin;Kang, Hwan-Yul;Ha, Bae-Jin
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.8 s.88
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    • pp.1147-1151
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    • 2007
  • The human skin is constantly exposed to environmental irritants such as ultraviolet, smoke and chemicals. Free radicals and reactive oxygen species caused by them play critical roles in cellular damage. They not only injure the skin structure but also participate in the immensely complex inflammatory reaction. Anti-wrinkle effects of the Oriental herb extracts(OHE) were evaluated by the determination of anti-oxidation, collagenase inhibition and collagen synthesis in normal human fibroblast. OHE showed antioxidative activity as high as vitamin C, trolox and DL-penicillamine. Also OHE showed promotive effect on collagen synthesis and inhibitory effect on collagenase activity. These results demonstrated that OHE could be useful as an anti-wrinkle cosmetic ingredient.

Studies on Antimicrobial and Antioxidative Activities of Extracts from Magnoliaceae (목련과 식물의 항균 및 항산화활성)

  • Lee, Sung-Suk;Lee, Hak-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.579-586
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the antifungal and antioxidative activities of ethanol extracts from Magnoliaceae to investigate the possibility for the natural fungicides and food preservatives. The antifungal activities of ethanol extracts were evaluated as a hyphal growth inhibition rate using four plant pathogenic and five wood rot fungi. The high inhibition activity on the growth of fungi was shown in bark of Magnolia obovata that indicated more than 50% hyphal growth inhibition rate except Trametes versicolor, one of the white rot fungi. The antifungal activity was the highest in the ethanol extracts from M. obovata and the following was in order of M. kobus and M. sieboldii. The extract from bark in M. obovata showed higher antifungal activity than that from wood in the same species. Especially, the extracts from flower of M. denudata and M. liliflora indicated the high antifungal activities, while the other portions of same plants showed the low activities. On the other hand, a free radical scavenging method was adopted with 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrohydrazyl (DPPH) in order to test the antioxidative activities of ethanol extracts. The free radical scavenging activity was very high in the extracts from branch of Schizandra nigra and Kadsura japonica that showed more than 90% at the concentration of 100 ${\mu}g/m{\ell}$. It also turned out that the antioxidative activity of branch of S. nigra and K. japonica was similar to ${\alpha}$-tocopherol and butylated hydroxytoluene, one of the effective synthetic antioxidants. From these results, it can be suggested that the branches of S. nigra and K. japonica have the positive antioxidative activities and can be applied for the food preservatives and cosmetic ingredient.

Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Essential Oil from Erigeron annuus L. Flower (개망초꽃 에센셜 오일의 항산화, 항균 및 항염 활성)

  • Yi, Mi-Ran;Jeon, Ah-Lim;Kang, Chang-Hee;Bu, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.717-725
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    • 2016
  • This study was designed to examine the in vitro antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammation effects of essential oils of Erigeron annuus L. Flower. Erigeron annuus L. essential oils were obtained by solvent extraction. Antioxidative ability was evaluated by bioassays using ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid diammonium salt) radical scavenging effect and 2, 2-diphenyl-1-1-picrydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity. Erigeron annuus L. essential oil exhibited free radical scavenging activity on ABTS and DPPH 98.6%, 48.3% respectively, at a concentration of $500{\mu}g/ml$. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Erigeron annuus L. were tested against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), Propionibacterium acnes (P. acne) and Escherichia coli (E. coli) by paper disc method, MIC and MBC. Erigeron annuus L. essential oil showed excellent antibacterial activities against S. aureus with MIC and MBC values of 0.31 mg/mL. The clear zone, indicating antimicrobial activity against P. acnes, was 14 mm, MIC and MBC values 0.31 mg/mL, 0.63 mg/mL, respectively. For the anti-inflammatory activity in RAW 264.7 cell, the Erigeron annuus L. essential oils inhibited not only NO production but also the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as, TNF-${\alpha}$, IL-6 in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggested that Erigeron annuus L. essential oils has considerable potential as a cosmetic ingredient with antioxidative, antimicrobial and anti-inflammation effects.