• Title/Summary/Keyword: consumer panel data

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An Empirical Study of Customer's Repeat Visit Frequency on the Internet (인터넷 이용자들의 웹사이트 재방문 빈도에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Lee, Suke-Kyu
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.11
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2003
  • This study explores whether a NBD type of model can be applied to characterize the underlying frequency distribution of online consumer's visit behavior. In this study, the following two research questions are addressed: (1) How can we characterize the underlying distribution pattern(s) of the number of repeat i i visits to a site? (2) How can consumer's Internet usages and his/her demographics affect the average number of visits to the site? Through the empirical investigation, this study found that NBD models are directly applicable to characterize the underlying distribution of visit frequency on the Internet. Furthermore, this study addresses some managerial implications for understanding how site visits are determined. Especially this study highlights the relationship between repeated visits and the visitors' Internet Usages and demographics. The proposed models are estimated and validated by online panel data that covers more than 1000 different sites and has 800,000 observations.

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Determinants of Municipal Water Prices and Costs (지자체간 수돗물 판매가격과 생산비용 격차의 결정 요인 분석)

  • Kwon, Oh-Sang
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.695-713
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates the determinants of municipal water prices and costs in Korea. A panel data set of 164 municipalities for the period 2000~2007 is used for the study. Both random and fixed effect models with an appropriate set of instruments are applied to the data. Substantial differences in prices and costs among municipalities are observed. The study finds that prices and costs increase if the leakage rate is high, the quality of primary water is bad, and the municipality has to purchase primary water from K-water which is the single creation and management corporation of water resources facilities in Korea. Prices and costs decline if the size of consumer is large, the proportion of paying consumer is high, and the amount of subsidy from the central government is large.

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Analysis the Types of Consumer Damages Incurred by Using a Digital Contents (디지털콘텐츠 소비자 피해유형 분석)

  • Nam, Su-Jung;Lee, Eun-Hee;Park, Sang-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1197-1209
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    • 2007
  • The advance of digital contents industry shifts the focus of consumptions; from analogue to digital ones. It gives significant impact on individual life as well as overall society and culture, and it leads to the increased consumption of digital contents. Nevertheless, current digital contents industry fails to secure the sufficient consumer protection systems including relevant rules and laws which regulate the distribution, use, and other transaction activities of digital contents and the efforts, on the part of contents providers, to provide information to consumers and to protect them. Digital contents, by its nature, is different from the existing products so that its nature is likely to cause unique consumer problems totally different from the offline transactions and the electrical transactions of existing products. This study, therefore, aims to identify the possible problems which may be incurred by consumers in their use of digital contents, specify the types of consumer damages, and provide the underlying materials to improve the systems related to digital contents and take legally complementary measures for consumer protection. To identify the types of consumer damages, this study analyzed the results from consumer counselling cases, experts opinion survey, and FGI. For consumer damage cases, this study analyzed the consumer complaints received by open consumer counselling sites of the Korea Consumer Agency and Seoul Electronic Commerce Center. For experts opinion survey, it conducted questionnaire survey of the group of experts from digital contents manufacturers or providers, and those who treated consumer damages directly. For FGI analysis, it organized a panel of students and employees who had used digital contents to understand the types of consumer damages. The results of this study can be summed up as follows. Based on the results from consumer counselling cases, experts opinion survey, and FGI analysis, the consumer damages related to digital contents can be classified, in their nature, into economic or financial damages (25 cases), emotional or psychological ones (15 cases), time-related ones (7 cases), physical ones (4 cases), and privacy-related ones (i.e. leakage of personal data)(3 cases). More specifying the types of damages, damages can be subdivided into contract-, charge-, maintenance-, use-, individual-related ones and other ones. Among them, both contract- and charge-related damages appeared only in the economic or financial damages, whereas user-specific individual damages appeared only in physical and emotional or psychological ones. On the other hand, maintenance- and use-related damages and other ones were observed in both categories of economical or financial damages and time-related ones. Use- and privacy-related damages, in particular, caused emotional or psychological damages.

Two-Part Model Analysis of Artificially Sweetened Soda Purchase Behavior In Terms of the Food Health Stereotypes of "Vice" and "Virtue"

  • Eunjin Lee;Junghoon Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.96-105
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    • 2024
  • The domestic artificially sweetened beverage market has grown rapidly in recent years, and sodas have led this growth. This study investigated consumer food purchasing behavior of artificially sweetened sodas in terms of the food health stereotypes of "vice" and "virtue"; used to denote unhealthy and healthy food purchases, respectively. The study was conducted using consumer panel data collected by the Rural Development Administration from 2017 to 2020. Given the semi-continuous nature of artificially sweetened soda purchases, Cragg's two-part model was used for the analysis. The probability of purchasing artificially sweetened sodas increased as expenditure on snacks (a vice food category) increased. However, of those panelists who purchased artificially sweetened sodas, expenditure on artificially sweetened sodas decreased with expenditure on snacks and increased with expenditure on fruits (a virtue food category). These results suggest that vicious-lifestyle consumers choose artificially sweetened sodas when they regulate eating habits, whereas virtuous-lifestyle consumers increase artificially sweetened soda expenditure for hedonic consumption to reduce guilt based on a sensible trade-off effect.

Purchase Prediction by Analyzing Users' Online Behaviors Using Machine Learning and Information Theory Approaches

  • Kim, Minsung;Im, Il;Han, Sangman
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2016
  • The availability of detailed data on customers' online behaviors and advances in big data analysis techniques enable us to predict consumer behaviors. In the past, researchers have built purchase prediction models by analyzing clickstream data; however, these clickstream-based prediction models have had several limitations. In this study, we propose a new method for purchase prediction that combines information theory with machine learning techniques. Clickstreams from 5,000 panel members and data on their purchases of electronics, fashion, and cosmetics products were analyzed. Clickstreams were summarized using the 'entropy' concept from information theory, while 'random forests' method was applied to build prediction models. The results show that prediction accuracy of this new method ranges from 0.56 to 0.83, which is a significant improvement over values for clickstream-based prediction models presented in the past. The results indicate further that consumers' information search behaviors differ significantly across product categories.

Machine Learning Approach to the Effects of the Superstore Mandatory Closing Regulation

  • AN, Jiyoung;PARK, Heedae
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - This paper is aimed to analyze the effects of the mandatory closing regulation targeting large retailers, which has been implemented since 2012 to protect small retailers. We examine the changes in consumers' choice of retailers and their purchasing patterns of agri-food following the implementation of such regulation. Research design, data, and methodology - Household spending patterns were identified through the historical data of household food purchase, consumer panel provided by the Rural Development Administration. Clustering was employed to determine the household spending patterns. Moreover, the different household spending patterns before and after the regulation were comparatively studied. The patterns of consumers' choice of retail stores and shopping baskets by the type of retailers, derived from the respective datasets before and after the regulation, were compared to analyze the effects of the regulation. Results -After the regulation, some consumers who used to shop at large retailers before the regulation changed their shopping places to small retailers. However, the product categories that consumers had mainly purchased before the regulation were rarely changed even after the regulation. Conclusions - Although the regulation helped migrate some of the consumers to small retailers, the regulation seemed to have failed to stimulate consumers to purchase the goods, normally bought at large retailers, from traditional markets. In other words, traditional markets are not effective substitutes for regulation-affected retailers.

A study on apparel purchaser's information search and purchase channel choice in a multichannel retailing environment (다채널 유통환경에서 의류제품 구매자들의 정보원이용과 구매채널 선택)

  • Chae, Jin Mie
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the consumers' characteristics in terms of information source usage and purchase channel choice focusing on apparel purchasers in the multichannel retailing environment. The specific research objects are as follows: analyzing consumer's information source usage and purchase channel choice when buying their own clothing, examining the differences of consumers' characteristics according to the groups who are classified by their information source usages, and examining the differences of consumers' characteristics according to the purchase channel choice. The data was collected from adults over 20 years of age who had bought their own clothing within the last year. The questionnaire was carried out during September 2019, using a professional internet research panel, and 490 useful data sets were analyzed by utilizing descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, chi-squared test, ANOVA and a Duncan-test using SPSS 21.0. The findings showed that there were also significant differences of consumers' characteristics which included age, gender, monthly clothing expenditure, purchase price, shopping value and perceived risk according to the consumer's information source usage and their purchase channel choice.

The Relationships among Consumer Lifestyle, Media Usage, and Adoption of Nscreen Service (소비자의 라이프스타일 및 미디어 이용과 N스크린 서비스 수용 간의 관계)

  • Park, Hyun Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of factors related to consumer lifestyle and media usage on the adoption of Nscreen service, which is fundamentally changing both the competitive landscape for business and the daily lives of consumers. The data of 8,524 consumers used in this study were drawn from the first Korea Media Panel Study in 2012 of Korea Information Society Development Institute and the characteristics of adopters and non-adopters were compared. The study also aims to explore the usage pattern of Nscreen as well as antecedent variables that affect the innovative service usage. Logistic regression analysis shows various factors affects the acceptance of this innovation. This is only a first step in the important process of understanding the nature of relationship between consumer lifestyle and the adoption of Nscreen service. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the drivers of Nscreen usage will help engineers and marketers to develop effective strategies that meet consumer needs for innovative services.

Quality Comparisons of Tomatoes Irradiated with Light, Treated with Ethylene, and Stored in Darkness

  • Lee, Gwi Hyun;Bunn, Joe M.;Han, Young J.
    • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2000
  • Quality characteristics of tomatoes irradiated with light (red light of far-red light followed two days later with a red light treatment), treated with ethylene, and stored in darkness were evaluated by subjective sensory and objective physical and chemical evaluations. Overall and individual liking evaluations and sensory evaluations were made by an untrained panel of eighteen people. A rankin gof treatments for consumer (panelist) acceptability was also conducted by the panel. Physical and chemical evaluations included surface color measurement (L*, a*, and b*), mechanical puncturing (firmness), soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity(TA), and tomato juice pH. Sensory data showed that outside color, inside color, and flavor of tomatoes treated with red light (R) and far-red light/red light (FR/R) were scored significantly higher than those of tomatoes treated with ethylene and those kept in darkness. The L* values for tomatoes treated with R and FR/R were lower (more darkening) than those for tomatoes treated with ethylene and those stored in darkness. Tomatoes treated with FR/R had the highest A* values, followed by those irradiated with R, treated with ethylene, and kept in darkness, respectively. Sensory values for firmness were similar for tomatoes treated with R, FR/R, and ethylene. Treatments had no significantly different effects on sweetness and acidity. There were no significantly different effects between treatments for pH, SSC, TA, and SSC/TA. From observations made during the study, it was suggested that R irradiation stimulated red color development in tomatoes after it had been delayed by FR irradiation. Consumer acceptability for tomatoes with either R or FR/R treatment was significantly higher than that for tomatoes treated with ethylene or stored in darkness. panelists' overall liking scores correlated well with all sensory variables except acidity, and also correlated highly with inside color, flavor, and sweetness (P<0.001). Overall liking versus flavor had the most pronounced relationship (r=0.78, P<0.001).

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The Effects of Regional Branding on Soybean Products: Evidence from Consumer Longitudinal Data in Korea (두류식품의 지역 이름 브랜드화의 효과: 한국 소비자의 종적 데이터 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tae-Kyung;Jung, Gu-Hyun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - This study investigates the purchase pattern relating to soybean products in Korea. Specifically, the effect of branding based on a regional name was analyzed in terms of consumer purchase frequencies. The primary purpose of this study is to understand why family characteristics affect product selection for a regional brand in the soybean food category. Research design, data, and methodology - We used data collected by the Rural Development Administration (RDA) of Korea. The RDA has monitored agricultural food consumers for years in order to obtain purchase records. Panel participants live in regions near the capital city of Seoul, Korea. Examining data from January 2010 to May 2016, 667 families were selected for analysis. The final data set was 1,335,402. Each purchase item by each individual family was aggregated to a countable weekly observation. To analyze the data set quantitatively, zero-inflation regression was adopted, which was appropriate to avoid biases from overly dispersed observations. Results - We hypothesized the effects of regional branding from the viewpoint of the family characteristics. The first hypothesis was that the number of children would be positively associated with the purchase of a regional brand of soybean products. The result strongly supported this hypothesis. The second hypothesis was that the number of family members would be negatively associated with the purchase of the soybean products of a regional brand. Based on empirical analysis, we concluded that this hypothesis was partially supported. The third hypothesis was the presence of an interaction effect between the number of children and the family size, which was supported by the results. As a supplementary analysis, we also tested mean-variance differences in terms of categories and regional branding with corporate branding. Conclusion - The results of this study provide insights for regional branding strategies in agricultural food management. This study appears to be one of the seminal studies trying to analyze purchase patterns from longitudinal observations. In addition, this study adopted variables characterizing family lifestyle. This study confirmed that children and family size should be considered when soybean product brands are introduced.