• Title/Summary/Keyword: construction alternatives

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The Needs for Training Manpower and the Change in Construction Environment by Equipment Based BIM Design (설비분야 BIM 설계에 따른 건축환경 변화와 인재양성의 필요성)

  • Kim, Jong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2011
  • The study figures out the alternatives of training BIM design experts which is the biggest obstacle in training manpower of professional BIM designer, the largest problem when the plant introduce BIM design about the change in Construction Environment by Equipment Based BIM Design in reality of design followed by equipment based BIM design, education institution plan. BIM is the system which is built to make these information be used easier and technique which enables design construction and maintenance in 3-dimensional virtual space by designing buildings in 3-dimensional space, and by data-basing the generated information of every life-cycle information. As the essential contents of the study, educational institutions with the public authority should invest the opening of educational programs, recruit of experts and development of textbooks from a long-term perspective. And also, the role of public institution is important above all for the development of construction industry.

Eulsook-do's Change in Leisure Pattern by the Pre- and Post-Construction of Estuary Dike in the Coastal Area

  • Cho Yoon-Shik;Yhang Wii-Joo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.9
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    • pp.821-825
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is the assessment of changes in the leisure patterns of users of the Eulsook-do before and after the estuary dike construction. The following survey research method was conducted to implement the study, sampling by age was carried out selectively and randomly alike. A total of 319 persons were chosen for final analysis, excluding questionnaires answered found to be inappropriate. To measure the image of the lower Nakdong River around the Eulsook-do, with advice sought from experts, researchers, through several pilot tests, developed a 24-item semantic differential scale(SDS) that has two bi-polar adjectives at each end Study of the pre- and post- construction images of the Eulsook-do located on the coast of Busan suggests the dike construction has brought about negative changes in the Eulsook-do's overall image. There can be two alternatives for improving the negative image: restoration and development.

Contingency Estimation Method based on Stochastic Earned Value Management System (추계적 EVMS 기반 예비비 산정 방법론)

  • Gwak, Han-Seong;Choi, Byung-Youn;Yi, Chang-Yong;Lee, Dong-Eun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.72-73
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    • 2018
  • The accuracy of contingency estimation plays an important role for dealing with the uncertainty of the financial success of construction project. Its' estimation may be used for various purposes such as schedule control, emergency resolve, and quality expense, etc. This paper presents a contingency estimation method which is schedule control specific. The method 1) implements stochastic EVMS, 2) detects a specific timing for schedule compression, 3) identifies an optimal strategy for shortening planned schedule, 4) finds a probability density function (PDF) of project cost overrun, and 5) estimates the optimal contingency cost based on the level of confidence. The method facilitates expeditious decisions involved in project budgeting. The validity of the method is confirmed by performing test case.

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The Improvement Plan on Fare and Ticketing System of Seoul Metropolitan Subway Considering Construction and Operational Costs (건설.운영비를 고려한 수도권 전철의 운임체계 및 승차권제도 개선방안)

  • Lee, Tai-Sik;Ryu, Jong-Won;Chung, Chul;Lee, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.10 no.3 s.40
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2007
  • Operation a subway company requires high amount of early construction, operation and maintenance costs. Seoul Metro, one of the public subway companies in Seoul, Korea, has undergone operational deficit from its establishment, and the main reason is that the early construction and operation cost exceed the total revenue. Therefore, detailed researches on current operation system and possible alternatives are conducted to settle down finance trouble of the company. In particular, problems on operation and ticketing systems are analyzed, and based on that, necessity and detailed plan of railroad pass for one day are introduced and analyzed.


  • Jong-Kwon Lim;Min-Jae Lee ;George Hunter;Sung-il Kim
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.621-626
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    • 2005
  • Recent increases in construction costs on Korean public works projects, largely due to change orders caused by poorly elaborated design, become a motivation of applying VE process in Korean construction industry. The Seoul Toll Plaza project, recently value analyzed by four VE teams, demonstrates how value management helps save time, money and increase functional performance. The objective of this project is to upgrade and expand existing pay and ticket booths system on "Kyungboo Express Highway", the main artery for the Korean peninsula linking Seoul to Pusan. The value management study generated several innovate alternatives capable of saving up to 50% of project cost from the baseline project plan.

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  • Myunghoun Jang;Hee-Bok Choi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.525-530
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    • 2013
  • The importance of engineering design increases due to the expansion of engineering education certification. But there are not much teaching methods and examples of engineering design to be referred to the college classes. This paper introduces a new teaching and learning method of Action Learning adopted to a engineering design class in the Department of Architectural Engineering, J University in Korea. The class included a team project to find problems of facilities or safety management factors in a building construction site, and to provide the alternatives to solve the problems. The Action Learning helped to improve the learning effect of students and to increase the quality of the project deliverables.

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A Comparative Analysis of Point Clouds Acquired from Terrestrial Laser Scanning, UAV Photogrammetry, UAV-based LiDAR, and 3D Virtual Tours in the Built Environment

  • Shadi ALATHAMNEH;Busra YUCEL;Junshan LIU;Scott KRAMER
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2024
  • The improvement of the reality capture concept has made 3D datasets an important resource for visualization and documentation in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) field. Despite laser scanning providing the most accurate 3D models, it also entails some disadvantages, such as high equipment costs. Therefore, this study aims to compare the accuracy of four reality capture equipment types (LiDAR, UAV-based LiDAR, UAV-based photogrammetry, and 3D virtual tours), each offering different advantages and disadvantages. The findings suggest that aerial LiDAR, 3D virtual tour, and aerial photogrammetry offer increasingly less accurate alternatives to TLS, respectively. The results of the study may help construction companies when deciding on reality capture investment.

The Economic Comparision through LCC Analysis on each Graded Alternatives for Green Remodeling of Public Building (공공건축물의 그린리모델링 수준별 LCC (Life Cycle Cost) 분석을 통한 경제성 비교)

  • Kim, Jaemoon;Lee, Junghyuk;Lee, Duhwan
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.38-49
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    • 2018
  • Since the ratification of the Paris Agreement (COP21), the government is continuously strengthening policies for the reduction of greenhouse gas of the construction industry in accordance with the growing importance of reducing greenhouse gas and obligation of the government. Especially, the government emphasizes the need to improve the energy performance of old public buildings. Since 2014, the government is running a pilot project in which the government supports the construction cost of the green remodeling project of old public buildings and it is intended to develop the best practice of green remodeling and activate the green remodeling in the private sector. In this study, we analyzed the economical efficiency of the old public buildings by each level through green remodeling and conducted building related investigation and equipment measurement to plan the alternatives of the corresponding buildings. The improvement plan is a green remodeling plan that integrates alternatives. Five improvement plans were developed for each level to analyze the economic feasibility of each plan. As for the analysis method, the first energy demand amount calculation and the LCC analysis were performed through ECO2. In the LCC aspect, the improved 3/4 plan (middle level plan) was the most excellent and results were obtained in the order of the highest cost plan followed by the lowest cost plan. As a result, it is expected that it can be utilized as a basic data for future green remodeling performance plan and economic feasibility analysis in the future.

A Study on Method of Construction for Foamed Concrete adding EVA Chip that improves the Resistance of Cracking and Capability of Insulating (크랙저항성(抵抗性)과 단열성(斷熱性)을 향상(向上)시킨 EVA칩 첨가 기포콘크리트의 려공법(旅工法) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Jong-Shik;An, Jung-Chan;Lee, Jong-Hak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2007
  • The construction method for Foamed-Concrete has not been important due to following process of construction work. However, according to the code about enhance of energy saving design policy and impact noise, noised isolation has been used in construction site so that the resistance for cracking and capability for insulating of Foamed-Concrete has been required. Therefore, new alternatives are demanded. Optimum mixing design, which can get the improvement of insulation and resistance of crack for Foamed-Concrete adding EVA chip, was derived and also the device, applying to construction site, was invented to equalize quality. This device can measure quantity of all input and placement, and show up the sum of placement and mixing design on a touch screen. This valuable construction method is friendly environment and recycling method because of using EVA chip, by-product of an EVA insole scrap burned or embedded, as a light-weight aggregate.

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Development of an Intelligent Control System to Integrate Computer Vision Technology and Big Data of Safety Accidents in Korea

  • KANG, Sung Won;PARK, Sung Yong;SHIN, Jae Kwon;YOO, Wi Sung;SHIN, Yoonseok
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.721-727
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    • 2022
  • Construction safety remains an ongoing concern, and project managers have been increasingly forced to cope with myriad uncertainties related to human operations on construction sites and the lack of a skilled workforce in hazardous circumstances. Various construction fatality monitoring systems have been widely proposed as alternatives to overcome these difficulties and to improve safety management performance. In this study, we propose an intelligent, automatic control system that can proactively protect workers using both the analysis of big data of past safety accidents, as well as the real-time detection of worker non-compliance in using personal protective equipment (PPE) on a construction site. These data are obtained using computer vision technology and data analytics, which are integrated and reinforced by lessons learned from the analysis of big data of safety accidents that occurred in the last 10 years. The system offers data-informed recommendations for high-risk workers, and proactively eliminates the possibility of safety accidents. As an illustrative case, we selected a pilot project and applied the proposed system to workers in uncontrolled environments. Decreases in workers PPE non-compliance rates, improvements in variable compliance rates, reductions in severe fatalities through guidelines that are customized according to the worker, and accelerations in safety performance achievements are expected.

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