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  • 제목/요약/키워드: concave convex procedure

검색결과 10건 처리시간 0.021초

An efficient algorithm for the non-convex penalized multinomial logistic regression

  • Kwon, Sunghoon;Kim, Dongshin;Lee, Sangin
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we introduce an efficient algorithm for the non-convex penalized multinomial logistic regression that can be uniformly applied to a class of non-convex penalties. The class includes most non-convex penalties such as the smoothly clipped absolute deviation, minimax concave and bridge penalties. The algorithm is developed based on the concave-convex procedure and modified local quadratic approximation algorithm. However, usual quadratic approximation may slow down computational speed since the dimension of the Hessian matrix depends on the number of categories of the output variable. For this issue, we use a uniform bound of the Hessian matrix in the quadratic approximation. The algorithm is available from the R package ncpen developed by the authors. Numerical studies via simulations and real data sets are provided for illustration.

An Additive Sparse Penalty for Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Linear Regression Model

  • Lee, Sangin
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 2015
  • We consider a sparse high-dimensional linear regression model. Penalized methods using LASSO or non-convex penalties have been widely used for variable selection and estimation in high-dimensional regression models. In penalized regression, the selection and prediction performances depend on which penalty function is used. For example, it is known that LASSO has a good prediction performance but tends to select more variables than necessary. In this paper, we propose an additive sparse penalty for variable selection using a combination of LASSO and minimax concave penalties (MCP). The proposed penalty is designed for good properties of both LASSO and MCP.We develop an efficient algorithm to compute the proposed estimator by combining a concave convex procedure and coordinate descent algorithm. Numerical studies show that the proposed method has better selection and prediction performances compared to other penalized methods.

가각근사에 의한 공구 간섭 제거에 관한 연구 (A Study on Tool Interference Avoidance Using Rectangular Surface Approximation)

  • 장동규;이희관;양균의
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 1994년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.188-192
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    • 1994
  • This paper presenta new method for tool interference acoidance using rectanguar approximation in NC machining of scuptured surface. The procedure of algorithm for approximation of sculptured surface to rectangular surface is described. Using this algorithm, we can check concave, convex, and side interference region and avoid these interferenes.

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단일카메라 전방향 스테레오 비전 시스템을 이용한 거리측정 (Depth Measurement using an Omnidirectional Stereo Vision System with a Single Camera)

  • 이수영;김순철
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제19권11호
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    • pp.955-959
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    • 2013
  • It is possible to obtain an omnidirectional stereo image via a single camera by using a catadioptric approach with a convex mirror and concave lens. In order to measure three-dimensional distance using the imaging system, the optical parameters of the system are required. In this paper, a calibration procedure to extract the parameters of the imaging system is described. Based on the parameters, experiments are carried out to verify the performance of the three-dimensional distance measurement of a single camera omnidirectional stereo imaging system.

기피비용과 수송비용을 고려한 기피시설 입지문제 (An unwanted facility location problem with negative influence cost and transportation cost)

  • 양병학
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2013
  • In the location science, environmental effect becomes a new main consideration for site selection. For the unwanted facility location selection, decision makers should consider the cost of resolving the environmental conflict. We introduced the negative influence cost for the facility which was inversely proportional to distance between the facility and residents. An unwanted facility location problem was suggested to minimize the sum of the negative influence cost and the transportation cost. The objective cost function was analyzed as nonlinear type and was neither convex nor concave. Three GRASP (Greedy Randomized adaptive Search Procedure) methods as like Random_GRASP, Epsilon_GRASP and GRID_GRASP were developed to solve the unwanted facility location problem. The Newton's method for nonlinear optimization problem was used for local search in GRASP. Experimental results showed that quality of solution of the GRID_GRASP was better than those of Random_GRASP and Epsilon_GRASP. The calculation time of Random_GRASP and Epsilon_GRASP were faster than that of Grid_GRASP.

Sparse vector heterogeneous autoregressive model with nonconvex penalties

  • Shin, Andrew Jaeho;Park, Minsu;Baek, Changryong
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2022
  • High dimensional time series is gaining considerable attention in recent years. The sparse vector heterogeneous autoregressive (VHAR) model proposed by Baek and Park (2020) uses adaptive lasso and debiasing procedure in estimation, and showed superb forecasting performance in realized volatilities. This paper extends the sparse VHAR model by considering non-convex penalties such as SCAD and MCP for possible bias reduction from their penalty design. Finite sample performances of three estimation methods are compared through Monte Carlo simulation. Our study shows first that taking into cross-sectional correlations reduces bias. Second, nonconvex penalties performs better when the sample size is small. On the other hand, the adaptive lasso with debiasing performs well as sample size increases. Also, empirical analysis based on 20 multinational realized volatilities is provided.

최소 위상 오차를 갖는 곡선 배열안테나용 Rotman 렌즈의 설계 (Design of Rotman Lens for Curved Array Antenna with Minimal Phase Error)

  • 박주래;박동철
    • 한국전자파학회논문지
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    • 제25권10호
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    • pp.1077-1086
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    • 2014
  • 컨포멀 배열에 적용할 수 있는 곡선 배열안테나용 Rotman 렌즈의 설계 방법을 제안한다. 본 논문에서는 곡선 배열안테나와 연동하여 Rotman 렌즈의 평행판 영역에 존재하는 배열 포트의 위치와, 배열 포트와 배열안테나 소자를 연결하는 전송선의 길이를 구하는 설계식을 유도하고, 이 설계식을 바탕으로 빔 곡선 최적화 절차와 재초점 절차를 통하여 위상 오차를 최소화하고 있다. 제안된 설계식과 설계 절차에 의해 설계된 Rotman 렌즈는 정확히 3초점을 보유한 채 직선 배열안테나뿐만 아니라, 원곡선, 포물선, V자형 곡선 등의 오목하거나 볼록한 배열안테나를 급전할 수 있으며, 최소의 위상 오차를 나타내고 있다.

프로펠러 블레이드의 형상설계 및 CNC 공구경로 생성 (Parametric Shape Design and CNC Tool Path Generation of a Propeller Blade)

  • 정종윤
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제15권8호
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    • pp.46-59
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents shape design, surface construction, and cutting path generation for the surface of marine ship propeller blades. A propeller blade should be designed to satisfy performance constraints that include operational speed which impacts rotations per minutes, stresses related to deliverable horst power, and the major length of the marine ship which impacts the blade size and shape characteristics. Primary decision variables that affect efficiency in the design of a marine ship propeller blade are the blade diameter and the expanded area ratio. The blade design resulting from these performance constraints typically consists of sculptured surfaces requiring four or five axis contoured machining. In this approach a standard blade geometry description consisting of blade sections with offset nominal points recorded in an offset table is used. From this table the composite Bezier surface geometry of the blade is created. The control vertices of the Hazier surface patches are determined using a chord length fitting procedure from tile offset table data. Cutter contact points and path intervals are calculated to minimize travel distance and production time while maintaining a cusp height within tolerance limits. Long path intervals typically generate short tool paths at the expense of increased however cusp height. Likewise, a minimal tool path results in a shorter production time. Cutting errors including gouging and under-cut, which are common errors in machining sculptured surfaces, are also identified for both convex and concave surfaces. Propeller blade geometry is conducive to gouging. The result is a minimal error free cutting path for machining propeller blades for marine ships.

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용액인상법에 의한 파라텔루라이트 (TeO2) 단결정 육성 (Single Crystal Growth of (TeO2) by CZ Technique)

  • 손욱;장영남;배인국;채수천;문희수
    • 한국결정학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.141-157
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    • 1995
  • 직경자동제어장치를 이용한 초크라스키법에 의해 대형 TeO2 단결정을 공기 중에서 성장시켰다. 온도구배를 가능한 한 적게 한 성장조건 하에서 단결정과 도가니의 직경비율을 60-70% 범위에서 양질의 단결정 성장이 가능하였다. 이 때 결정의 품질을 좌우하는 주요 요인은 인상 및 회전 속도였다. 무색 투명한 고품질 단결정을 육성하기 위한 인상속도는 1.2mm/hr 이하였고, 고액계면은 10-23 rpm 이하일 때 볼록하였으며, 25 rpm 이상일 때 오목하였다. 단결정의 성장은 {110} 방향의 종자결정을 사용하였다. 용융체 내의 백금 함량이 증가하면 조성적 과냉이 발생하여, 성장되는 결정 내에 기포가 포획되므로 성장된 단결정의 질이 저하된다. 적외선 측정결과 파수 2,000cm-1 이상에서 완전 투명하였고, 전위밀도를 측정 결과 직경자동제어를 이용한 경우 3×103/cm2 - 2×104/cm2로 양호하였으며 수동성장인 경우도 결정과 도가니의 직경비율이 40-45%의 범위에서는 매우 양호하였다. 또한 포유물 등 불순물에 혼입 원인에 대하여 논하였다.

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전자선 빔 치료 시 삼차원프린터를 이용하여 제작한 환자맞춤형 볼루스의 유용성 및 선량 정확도 평가 (Efficacy and Accuracy of Patient Specific Customize Bolus Using a 3-Dimensional Printer for Electron Beam Therapy)

  • 최우근;전준철;주상규;민병준;박수연;남희림;홍채선;김민규;구범용;임도훈
    • 한국의학물리학회지:의학물리
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2016
  • 삼차원 프린터(3DP)를 이용하여 환자맞춤형 전자선 치료용 볼루스(patient specific customized bolus, PSCB)를 제작하는 절차를 고안하고 제안된 방법으로 제작한 PSCB의 선량 정확도를 평가했다. 치료계획장치에서 치료계획표적용적(PTV)에 적합한 전자선 빔과 조사면 크기를 선택하고 초기 선량계산을 수행했다. 계산된 선량분포를 기반으로 PSCB를 그리고 재계산을 수행했다. 수 차례 반복을 통해 최상의 PSCB를 설계하고 설계된 윤곽자료를 DICOMRT 프로토콜을 이용해 자체 제작한 변환프로그램으로 전송했다. PSCB의 윤곽자료는 자체 변환프로그램을 이용해 3DP에서 인식 가능한 파일(STL 포맷)로 변환한 후 3DP를 이용해 제작했다. PSCB의 유용성을 검증하기 위해 2명의 가상 환자(오목, 볼록 유형)를 생성했고 각각의 환자에 가상의 PTV와 정상장기(OAR)을 생성했다. 3D-PSCB 를 사용했을 때와 사용하지 않았을 때의 선량체적히스토그램(DVH)와 선량 특성을 비교했다. 3D-PSCB 제작의 정확도를 분석하기 위해 필름 선량측정을 통해 선량 정확도를 평가했다. 치료계획 결과와 필름을 이용한 선량분포를 중첩한 후 빔 중심축에서의 심부선량곡선을 구했고 감마분석(3% 선량 오차와 3 mm 거리오차)을 수행 했다. 2명의 가상환자 모두에서 PSCB를 사용한 경우 PTV 선량은 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. PSCB를 사용할 경우 PSCB를 사용하지 않는 경우에 비해 OAR의 최대 선량, 최소선량, 평균선량은 각각 평균 9.7%, 36.6%, 28.3% 감소했다. 처방선량의 90% 선량(V_{90%})을 받는 OAR의 용적은 PSCB를 적용할 경우 약 99% 낮아졌다(14.40 vs 0.1cm3). 또한 처방선량의 80% 선량을 받는 OAR 체적도 PSCB를 사용할 경우 약 91% 줄었다(42.6 vs 3.7cm3). 감마분석 결과(3%, 3 mm) 오목 및 볼록 볼루스를 적용한 경우 각각 95%, 98% 통과율(pass rate)을 보였다. 3DP를 이용해 PSCB를 제작하는 절차를 정립하고 선량적 정확도를 평가해서 임상적용이 가능한 만족할 만한 결과를 얻었다. 3DP 기술의 빠른 발전에 힘입어 PSCB의 임상적용이 좀 더 쉬워지고 적용대상이 확장될 것으로 생각된다.