• Title/Summary/Keyword: compulsory education

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Analysis on the Labor Market Performance of Local University Graduates and Regional Education Gap (지방대학 졸업자의 노동시장 성과와 지역별 교육격차)

  • Kim, Hisam
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.55-92
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    • 2010
  • In terms of labor market accomplishments, such as income, size of the company, and the matching quality between one's job and college major (specialization), a very large discrepancy is observed between the graduates from colleges located in Seoul and those outside Seoul. But, when the department average score of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) at the time of college entrance is controlled for, the discrepancy is found to be reduced to a considerable degree. In the case of wage gap, at least two third can be explained by the SAT score gap. The remaining wage gap seems to reflect the characteristics of workplace. In other words, graduates with high SAT scores enter colleges located in Seoul and thus tend to find better jobs leading to earning differences. This result that confirms the importance of aptitude test scores suggests that in the labor market, one of the major reasons behind a lower accomplishment of the graduate from local colleges is due to a lower competitiveness of local colleges in attracting the brightest students. But, this should not be viewed as only an internal problem of local colleges. This is because the growth of local economies tends to haul the advancement of local colleges in that area rather than being the other way around. The agglomeration effect in Seoul where headquarters of large corporations and financial institutions gather is the factor that has elevated the status of colleges located in Seoul since this provides highly preferred job choices of graduates. When the competitiveness of college is significantly influenced by exogenous factors, such as the vicinity to Seoul, the effort being made by colleges alone would not be enough to improve the situation. However, the central government, too, is not in the position to carry out countermeasure policies for such problems. The regional development strategy boosted through supportive policies for local colleges, such as financial support, is not based on the persuasive and empirical grounds. It is true that college education is universal and that the government''s intervention in assisting local colleges to secure basic conditions, such as tenure faculty and adequate facilities is necessary. However, the way of intervention should not be a support-only type. In order to improve the efficiency and effect of financial support, restructuring programs, including the merger and integration of insolvent colleges, should be underway prior to providing support. In addition, when the policy is focused on education recipients-local college students, and not on education providers-local colleges, the importance of regional gap in compulsory education (elementary and junior high schools) turns out to be much important as the gap between metropolitan area colleges and local colleges. Considering the educational gap before college entrance shown from the discrepancies of aptitude test scores among different regions, the imbalance between regions in terms of human resources is apparently derived from compulsory education, and not from college education. Therefore, there is a need to double the policy efforts to reduce the educational gap among different regions. In addition, given the current situation where it is difficult to find appropriate ex post facto policy measures to solve the problem of income gap between the graduates from metropolitan colleges and local colleges, it can be said that improving the environment for compulsory education in local areas is a growing necessity for bridging the educational gap among different regions.

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Startup Engineering Education Programs in Niigata University: How to Integrate Knowledge to Solve Engineering Problems

  • Yamagiwa, Kazuaki;Tanabe, Yuji;Harada, Shuji;Shimizu, Tadaaki;Oka, Tetsuo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2012
  • Faculty of engineering, Niigata University has been executing start-up engineering education programs for the first-year students to educate his or her ability to solve engineering problems. They are divided into teams and tackle a task that they expect to easily accomplish. The expected results are hardly obtained. Then they try to seek the gap between the results and their knowledge. They analyze the phenomena and improve the approach. They evaluate the results of second trial and the effectiveness of the measures. That is, the project requires so-called PDCA cycles for students to solve engineering problems. The start-up engineering project is one of the compulsory subjects and seven departments have given the students several tasks based on their technicality. The students exchange their knowledge, ideas and learn how to use knowledge to solve the problems. Their reports and questionnaire survey proved that the projects are highly effective to improve his or her ability to solve engineering problems and give them strong motivation to learn engineering. We introduce the some tasks and the outcomes of the projects set by seven departments; mechanical and production engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, information engineering, biocybernetics, chemistry and chemical engineering, civil engineering and architecture, and material science and engineering.

China's informatics curriculum to consider equality and excellence (평등과 수월성을 고려한 중국의 정보교육과정)

  • Kim, JaMee;Lee, WonGyu
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2015
  • A national curriculum must be organized with consideration given to the equality of education in all aspects. In addition, educational equality must be discussed from the standpoint of fairness in addition to uniformed identity. This study was conducted with a goal to analyze and examine how China's informatics curriculum takes into consideration equality and excellence. It has been found that China's compulsory curriculum takes into consideration equality to give the same opportunity of education to all students, and that high school education is implemented from the perspective of excellence to reflect students' needs and abilities. Therefore, this study suggests considerations to be made in the discussion of software education that is being carried out at the moment and also for the formation of the respective curriculum.

An Analysis of the PCK Components of Science Teacher's Guidebooks for Elementary School and Middle School in North Korea (북한 소학교와 초급중학교 과학과 교사용 지도서의 교수내용지식(PCK) 요소 분석)

  • Jeong, Sejong;Na, Jiyeon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.415-427
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to understand science education conducted in North Korea by analyzing the PCK components shown in two science teacher's guidebooks: (1) Guidebook for 1st grade elementary school and (2) Guidebook for 1st grade middle school. These were published after 2013, when "the first 12-year Universal Compulsory Curriculum" was implemented in North Korea. The analysis shows that both elementary and middle school guidebooks had the highest percentage of content in "Knowledge of Subject Matter", followed by "Knowledge of Instructional Strategies in Science" and "Knowledge of Science Curriculum". On the other hand, "Knowledge of Assessment in Science" and "Knowledge of Students" were significantly low in content. Within the "Knowledge of Subject Matter", both elementary and middle schools had the highest proportion of content in "Concepts and Theories", along with "Experiments and Inquiries" that was also significantly higher than other PCK components. Science teacher's guidebooks in North Korea advocates constructivist teaching style by using "discussions" as the main activity when conveying scientific concepts and theories to students or conducting scientific inquiry classes. Furthermore, "Knowledge of Instructional Strategies in Science" was mainly focused on guiding the "Instruction sequence and method" from the "Topic-specific Strategies", while only a small part of the "Subject-specific Strategies" was being presented. Also, Science teacher's guide books in North Korea included only a few theoretical elements of science education in both the general outline and the particular sections of guidebooks. "Knowledge of Science Curriculum" was mainly composed of "Lesson Objectives" with some inclusion of "Vertical Articulation" and "Horizontal Articulation". "Knowledge of Assessment in Science" and "Knowledge of Students" accounted for a small portion compared to the science teacher's guidebooks in South Korea.

On the Analysis and Policy Alternatives of an In-Service Teacher Training on Mathematics Education (수학교육 관련 교사 연수 현황 분석을 통한 정책 방안 모색)

  • Lee, Hwan-Chul;Jang, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2012
  • This study examines current In-service Teacher Training Programs in Mathematics Education in order to explore policy alternatives. The data analyzed from the training programs was provided by 16 local education offices in Korea. The following amendments are suggested: First, a conference between the 16 offices should be initiated to discuss improving the quality of the programs. Second, the training programs should be customized according to the needs of the teacher trainees. Third, a support policy provided by the government, such as implementing compulsory teacher training programs, should be, in some cases, mandated.

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Trends in the Education and Training of Library and Information Professionnals-Based On Analysis of Curricular of Library Science (도서관 및 정보전문직 교육 방향에 관한 연구; 교과과정 분석을 통하여)

  • Hahn Bock Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.11
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    • pp.43-75
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    • 1984
  • Information science is the study how in formation is transferred and all the intermediate steps of collecting, organizing, interpreting, storing, retrieving, disseminating and trans foming information. Professional education means the transfer of knowledge, the development of cognitive abilities and the infusion of professional attitudes. Training may be defined as practice-based instruction in the development and use of professional skills. Each is affected by the confluence of social, economic and technological realities of the environment where the learning takes place. We have witnessed controversy about methods of curriculum revision and change. Should information science courses be added to the traditional library science curriculum or should the new approaches be integrated within the subject matter of each individual course? The article is based upon the assumption that education for librarianship is at a turning point. To provide this information, 25 curricula of colleges and universities were analysed to assist in the study. Also 32 information professionals were asked to assist in the study. In the experimental part of this study, curricula based on the education and training of library and information profession als were examined. The most frequently offered compulsory course 'Introduction to Information Science' exposes students to a new way of looking at library and information problems. Information retrieval, library automation, computer programming, data processing, indexing and abstraction, communication, system analysis has offered. These indicate a curriculum slowly shift from traditional librarianship to an emphasis on computerization and automation. Also from a questionnaire listing 58 events might influence library and information science education.

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The Current Status of Child Health and Our Task (아동건강현황과 과제)

  • Lee, Hee-Sun;Kim, Sang-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the realities of physical health conditions of children aged from 0 to 11 for the last decade. On the basis of the analyzed results, the pragmatic and policy issues are as follows : First, in the perspective of child development, studies of physical health are needed for the benefit of integrative development of children. Second, appropriate health education programs suitable for ages of children need to be developed and made compulsory for them. Third, the prohibition of adopting the ranking evaluation in physical education is to be required at the policy level. Forth, for sustainment of the health-related activities for children, the space or facilities specifically prepared for families to exercise and rest are needed. Lastly, new regulations and management systems are needed in order to resolve the safety problems with food for children.

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Curriculum change in education for librarianship (도서관학 교과과정의 변화)

  • 엄영애
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.20
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    • pp.107-131
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    • 1993
  • This paper compares the curricula in 1985 and those in 1993 of nine Department of Library and Information Science. The Comparison may be claimed as a curriculum comparison between the Departments of Library Science and the Departments of Library and Information Science. The purpose of the comparison is to find out the differences of the curricula provided between the 1980s and the 1990s. The differences are expected to show the trends of library education and the reasons which have caused them to ha n.0, ppen. Before comparing, some theoretical backgrounds of curriculum developments as well as the curriculum changes in the United States of America and in Korea have been described. For the purpose of the study, the numbers of subjects, compulsory and elective, along with credits, the subjects included in the curricula, and the distributions of the subjects have been compared. Some differences are found between the periods, but they are not so distinctive as expected. The most notable change is an increase of subjects on information science and technology. Based on the findings, a few suggestions, which include that subjects dealing with library use and services need to be increased, are recommended.

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An analysis of elementary school English education: From students' perspective (초등학교 학생이 바라본 영어교육 실태 분석)

  • Oh, Soon-Im;Woo, Sang-Do
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.113-137
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    • 2001
  • English has been taught as a compulsory subject at elementary schools since 1997 starting with third graders, to sixth graders. We have seen active research on teaching methods for elementary English, but little has been done from the learners' perspective. It is very proper time for English educators to review what the elementary students think about their English classes. The purpose of the present study is as following. First, we tried to find out how the students' attitude toward and interest in English have changed over the four-year English education. Second we attempted to suggest the ways to promote the students' interests, and to increase understanding and participation in English classes. We also suggest that curriculum developers need to consider the students' lower interests and understanding in English classes as they move to higher grades, and that classroom teachers need to have a better understanding of what their students do and feel in the English classes.

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Taiwanese Science Curriculum Reform and Earth System Education

  • Chang, Chun-Yen
    • 한국지구과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2003
  • Curriculum reform has been a significant emphasis for most of countries all over the world for the past few years. It was the first time for Taiwan to develop a new Science and Life Technology curriculum Standards (SaLTS) for grades 1 through 9 compulsory educations. The SaLTS features integrated science content with the aim at motivating students to learn science and encouraging students to apply science to their everyday life, which is practically well aligned with the philosophical essence and foundations of Earth Systems Education (ESE). This paper calls attention to the importance of the inclusion of ESE into the forthcoming science curricula of Taiwan and worldwide and provides some exemplary ESE-inspired curriculum and instructional modules that have been successfully implemented in the secondary schools of Taiwan. Hopefully, this paper can shed some lights on the future development of the ESE-based science curricula, instructional modules, and teacher preparation programs.

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