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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: competency-based education

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The Composition of Curriculum to Improve ICT Instructional Media Competency of Early Childhood Teacher (유아교사의 ICT 수업매체 역량 강화를 위한 교육과정 구성 방안)

  • Lee, Young-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.588-596
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to propose an ICT-oriented teacher curriculum in order to improve early childhood teacher's competency using ICT instructional media. To this end, a survey was conducted to investigate the importance and current level of early childhood teacher's competency. After identifying the necessity of ICT instructional media competency, the contents of an ICT-oriented teacher curriculum were designed. A survey of teacher competency among 207 teachers showed the highest educational need for ICT instructional media competency. In addition, ICT-based teacher curriculum was classified into ICT literacy education and ICT utilization education based on the analysis results of sub-indexes on ICT instructional media competency. Each part was hierarchized into three levels of awareness, application, and spread according to the teacher's competency level and the educational contents were suggested based on the goals set for each level. In this study, it consisted of ICT literacy education, including understanding educational policy related to ICT utilization, understanding the goals and assessment of the ICT curriculum and ICT utilization education, including the use of teaching and learning methods, application of digital technology, ICT learning environment building and management for developing teacher professionalism related to ICT instructional media.

The Effect of Preservice Child Care and Education Teacher's Competency on Career Stress : Career Aspiration as a Mediator (예비보육교사의 핵심역량이 진로스트레스에 미치는 영향에 대한 진로포부의 매개효과)

  • O, Dae youn;Lee, Byung lim
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.159-179
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    • 2017
  • This study examined the effect of preservice child care teacher's competency on career stress and the effect of career aspration as a mediayor in the relationship between teacher's competency and career stress. The survey based on self report questionnaires was administered to a total of 200 students in child education and care college in Gyeonggido areas. The results of this were as follow: First, the result which examined the correlationship between major variables has found to be the significant correlationship of preservice child care teacher's competency, career stress and career aspiration. Preservice child care teacher's competency and career aspiration have found to have significant positive correlation but career stress and Child care and education teacher's competency and career aspiration have found to have the negative correlationship. Second, the result which examined the mediated effect of career aspiration in the relationship between teacher's competency and career stress has found that career aspiration has the complete mediated effects. Consequently, the mediating effects of career aspiration were confirmed. Based on the above results in the study meanings. limitations and proposals for next studies in the study were discussed.

Development of Smoking Cessation Education Program for University Students Majoring in Health Sciences (보건학 전공 대학생 대상 금연교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Jeon, Sangnam;Song, Hyunjong
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study aimed to develop a smoking cessation education program and to provide basic data for evaluating program for university students majoring in health sciences. Methods: The education program was developed based on the instructional system design model(ADDIE), that was based on literature review, brainstorming, and interviews of related experts. Education program was implemented for 2 sessions of 3 hours to the 82 university students majoring in health science. Knowledge, competency, and self-efficacy for performance of smoking cessation were analyzed. One group pre- & post-test design was used for evaluation of this program. Results: In the analysis stage, a total of 5 duties, 16 tasks, and 55 task elements were derived. In the design and development stage, based on job analysis, education program contents were composed of understanding tobacco, planning and implementation of smoking cessation program, smoking cessation counseling and drug treatment. After this education program, students achieved remarkable improvement in increasing knowledge, competency, and self-efficacy for smoking cessation counselling and program. Conclusions: It is needed to be included the smoking cessation education in department related to health science regular course.

The Effects of Preschool Teachers' Qualification and Competency on Young Children's Development

  • Kim, Sang Lim;Park, Chang Hyun
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of preschool teachers' qualification (education level, teaching experience, major, and certification) and competency variables (teaching efficacy and teacher-child interaction) on young children's development (cognition, language, and social development). The data came from 5th Wave of Panel Study on Korean Children (PSKC) from the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education, and the multiple regression analyses as well as Pearson's correlation analyses were used. The results showed the positive associations between teachers' competency (teaching efficacy and teacher-child interaction) and child development. However, we did not find significant effects of teachers' qualification on young children's development. Based on the results, we proposed a policy implication that teacher qualification needed to be discussed with teacher competency to improve teacher quality.

A Curriculum of a Subject of Enneagram for Developing Key Competency of University Students

  • Park, Jongjin
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.346-351
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    • 2022
  • This paper is to propose a curriculum of a subject of Enneagram which is to be open to develop key competency of university students. In the modern days of the 4th industrial revolution universities are being called for key competency-based education and innovation in education. Universities suggested various key competencies according to the university's founding philosophies. And they have been reorganizing the liberal arts curriculum in a way that it can reinforce key competencies of the students in the aspect of liberal arts education. In this paper, an example of C university which has 3 key competencies such as, citizenship, character, and creative intelligence was presented. Enneagram is a good candidate for developing self-development which is sub-competency of character.

A review of the direction of French liberal arts education based on a university competency-based education approach (대학의 역량 중심 교육 방안에 따른 프랑스어 교양교육의 방향성 고찰)

  • KIM Eunnekyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.729-736
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    • 2024
  • In connection with the OECD's core competency proposal, we would like to consider an attempt to realize this in liberal arts education at Korean universities and examine what kind of education plan it is desirable to present to learners. Universities are expanding competency-based education into human and social fields by reconsidering new talent awards and the direction of education. In this way, each university selects and organizes core competencies and incorporates the core competencies that the university pursues into educational goals. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, education centered on core competencies is exploring its potential in liberal arts courses at universities above all else. We want to explore a methodology that can achieve learner-centered teaching and learning effects in the process of incorporating and accepting this. Language acquisition along with cross-cultural understanding is above all else a part that can promote learners' competencies in terms of diversity and mutual understanding. Therefore, we reflect this in French liberal arts education and explore teaching and learning processes by incorporating respect for diversity and mutual cultural understanding competency education related to learners' motivation into lectures. We aim to supplement this through collaboration and mutual cultural understanding processes as presentation tasks in order to overcome the existing competency-based evaluation while deriving acceptance results from learners. Therefore, they recognize that the direction of core competency education naturally shifts to value-centered education.

The Development on Core Competency Model of Scientist and Its Verification for Competency-Based Science Gifted Education (역량 중심의 과학 영재 교육을 위한 과학자의 핵심 역량 모델 개발 및 타당화)

  • Park, Jae-Jin;Yoon, Jihyun;Kang, Seong-Joo
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.509-541
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    • 2014
  • There was a great need to consider a core competency-based approach as a new direction of the science education for gifted students according to the value and vision of the 21st century knowledge-based societies. Therefore we developed a core competency model of scientist and examined its validity as a prerequisite for a core competency-based education of science gifted students. In order to this, the survey was conducted after developing questionnaire through the theoretical review of the various resources such as paper, book, and newspaper articles and the qualitative analysis of the behavioral event interview, and then an exploratory factor analysis was performed to validate the factor structure based on the results of the survey. The results revealed that the core competency model with the 5 cluster units of competency and the 15 core competencies was potentially constituted. And the reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity of the core competency model were verified through the confirmatory factor analysis. The cognitive cluster consisted of 5 competencies and they were as follows: creative, comprehensive, exploratory, analytical, and conceptual thinking competency. The achievement-orientation cluster consisted of 3 competencies and they were as follows: initiative, preparation & problem solving, and strategic influence competency. The scientific attitude cluster consisted of 3 competencies and they were as follows: flexible thinking & attitude, passion for research, and views about science competency. The personal effectiveness cluster consisted of 2 competencies and they were as follows: diverse experiences and global attitude competency. Finally, the networking cluster consisted of 2 competencies and they were as follows: personal understanding and communication competency. Findings were expected to provide the basic data for developing programs and establishing strategies based on the core competency as well as introducing the core competency model of scientist to science education for gifted students effectively.

Development of Parallel Short Forms of the Convergent Thinking and Problem Solving Inventory Utilizing Item Response Theory : A Case Study of Students in H University (문항반응이론을 적용한 융합적 사고 및 문제해결 역량진단 도구의 병렬 단축형 개발 : H 대학교를 중심으로)

  • You, Hyunjoo;Nam, Na-Ra
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2023
  • The study was conducted to develop two parallel short forms for the Convergent thinking and Problem solving questionnaires which are part of H University's core competency diagnostic tools, based on Multi-Item Response Theory. Item responses of 2,580 students were analyzed using Graded Response Model(GRM) to determine item difficulty and discrimination of each item. The research results are as follows. Two parrallel short tests were developed for the Convergent thinking questionnaire consisting of 12 items which were originally 17 items. Likewise, the Problem solving questionnaire, which originally consisted of 15 questions, was divided into two parallel short forms, each consisting of 9 items. The reliability of the shortened parallel tests was confirmed through internal consistency analysis, and their similarity to the original tests was established through correlation analysis. This study contributed to quality management of competency-based education and programs at H University by developing shortened tests. Based on the results, implications were presented as well as limitations and discussions.

Study of 'Education-Training-Certificate of Qualification' Design for the Fashion Accessories Production Based on the National Competency Standards (패션소품생산 분야의 국가직무능력표준 기반 교육훈련자격 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Seunghee;Lee, Shin-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.125-143
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    • 2015
  • This study is to propose an 'education-training-certificate of qualification' design of fashion accessories production, which can be applied to education in universities and individuals. It is based on the National Competency Standards (NCS), which was developed through the '2013 National Competency Standards Development Project' for the fashion accessories production. FGI (Focus Group Interviews), which is a research methodology, is carried out on target groups of educational experts and specialists in the field of fashion accessories production. Through this, five courses were suggested; first, 'fashion accessories design' course was proposed for the education and training of 'design development' and 'development of raw materials'. Secondly, 'fashion product production' course was proposed for the education and training of 'production of samples'. Thirdly, 'fashion product manufacture and planning' course was proposed for the competency element units: 'calculation of cost', 'determination of mass production model and price', 'planning of the main manufacturing process' and 'ordering of raw materials'. Lastly, 'mass production of fashion products' course and the 'field practice of fashion product manufacture' course were proposed for the competency element units: 'planning for mass production', 'preparation for mass production', 'mass production' and 'inspection of completed products'. In addition, a new certificate of 'technician of fashion accessory production' was proposed in order to test qualified skills for the fashion accessories production. The test is composed of a written examination of short-answer questions, technical drawing and production.

Adapting an Integrated Program Evaluation for Promoting Competency-Based Medical Education (역량바탕의학교육을 촉진하기 위한 교육평가: 통합평가모형 적용)

  • Ju, Hyunjung;Oh, Minkyung;Lee, Jong-Tae;Yoon, Bo Young
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.56-67
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    • 2021
  • Educational program evaluation can improve the quality of the curriculum, instructional methods, and resources and provide useful data for making educational decisions and policies. Developing and implementing a program evaluation system is essential in competency-based medical education. The purpose of this study was to explore and establish an educational program evaluation system adapting an integrated program evaluation model to promote competency-based medical education. First, an Educational Evaluation Committee was organized, consisting of faculty, staff members, and students. The committee established an integrated program evaluation model, combining Stufflebeam's Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) model of a process-oriented approach and Kirkpatrick's four-level model of an outcome-oriented approach. Kirkpatrick's model was applied to the product evaluation of the CIPP model. The committee then developed evaluation criteria, indicators, and data collection methods according to the components of the CIPP model and the four levels (reaction, learning, behavior, and results) of Kirkpatrick's model, and collected and analyzed data. Finally, the committee reported the results of evaluation to a Medical Education Quality Improvement Committee, and the results were used to improve the curriculum and student selection. To enhance the quality of education, identifying educational deficiencies and developing various elements of education in a balanced way through educational evaluation will be needed. Furthermore, it will be necessary to listen to opinions of various stakeholders, work with all members involved in education, and communicate with decision-makers in the process of educational evaluation.