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Determinants of the Location and Relocation of Domestic Logistics Firms in Korea (focused on complementary commodity flow survey for 2006) (우리나라 국내 화주기업의 입지 및 재입지 선택 특성 분석 (2006년 물류현황보완조사를 중심으로))

  • Do, Hwa-Yong;Jang, Hoon;Kim, Chan-Sung;Won, Jai-Mu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2008
  • In general, most of the firms do not settle down in one place for their pursuit of profit. There are many reasons for the relocation of the firms; procurement of raw material, market area, transportation cost and housing cost. The aspect of national policy, firm relocation has been systemically promoted for the purpose of logistics system efficiency. Nowadays balanced regional development has been issue. Another aspect, many countries have struggled for the preoccupancy of new place because of its production cost saving and curtailment of expenditure. The aim of this article is qualitative and quantitative analysis of relocation influence factors of domestic goods firms in Korea. This article dynamically analyzed the relocation influence factors for domestic goods firms in Korea. For the analysis this article made use of complementary survey (2006) out of the 3rd national logistics survey (2005). The complementary survey conducted pre-business district, business period, relocation reason, etc. This article dynamically analyzed from the three aspects; observation of average residence time in one business district, relocation factors, influence of market area. Analysis shows that relocation of firm is very high rate and the reasons of relocation play compositeness role. The results of determinants of location, firms approach the established market area closely and the firm's relocation is influenced by market area.

Textbook Analysis of Middle School-Home Economics and Survey on Consumption Status and Nutritional Knowledge of Milk and Dairy Products of Middle School Students in Gongju City, Chungnam Province (중학교 가정교과서의 우유 교육 내용 분석과 중학생의 우유·유제품 섭취 실태 및 영양지식 조사 - 충남 공주시 중학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sun Hyo
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2017
  • This study was performed to analyze education contents related to milk in current home economics textbooks of middle school, and to investigate intake status, consumption behaviors, perception and nutritional knowledge of milk and dairy products among 364 middle school students in Gongju for improvement of milk education in home economics subjects and milk intake of adolescents. As a result, education contents of milk and dairy products in home economics textbooks currently applied in middle school were major nutrients, consumption method for balanced diet, and selection and storage of milk and dairy products, thus it tended not to match current food trend. Only 30.5% of subjects met 2 cups of milk a day, the recommended level. The main reason for drinking milk was to 'be taller' and 'to quench thirst' and there was a difference by gender(p<0.01). The rate of not participating in school milk program was 23.1% of total and its satisfaction was moderate. The most popular dairy products by subjects were ice cream, followed by yogurt and cheese, and the choice of milk was focused on 'taste' or 'expiration date'. The rate of knowing certification mark of K-MILK was low at 28.8%, and most subjects knew as 'domestic milk use'. In home economics class, experience-based learning such as cow ranch experience was the most preferred instruction method for milk followed by laboratory practice and lecture, and there was a difference by gender(p<0.001). Perception degree of milk and dairy products was moderate and male subjects were more positively perceived than female subjects(p<0.01). Nutritional knowledge level of milk and dairy products was moderate and female subjects were higher than male subjects(p<0.01). Therefore, education contents of milk and dairy products of home economics textbooks of middle school should be centered on real life in accordance with food trend, and applied student participation-based instruction methods such as experience-based learning. In addition, it is necessary to enhance taste and merchandise of milk and to provide them with preferred milk and dairy products in school milk program for improvement of milk intake of adolescents.

Evaluation on the Implementation of Girl Friendly Science Activity (여학생 친화적 과학활동 프로그램의 운영 평가)

  • Jhun, Young-Seok;Shin, Young-Joon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.442-458
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to develop a plan for a large-scale implementation of the Girl Friendly Science Program based on the results of analysis and investigation of its current pilot implementation, Girl Friendly Science Program materials, which was first developed in 1999 with the support from Ministry of Gender Equality, consist of 1) five theme-based units that are specifically targeted individual students' unique ability, aptitude, and career choice, and 2) differentiated learning materials for 7th through 10th grade female students. All the materials are available at the homepage (http://tes.or.kr/gfsp.cgi) of 'Teachers for Exciting Science(the organization of science teachers in Seoul area)'. Since the materials are well organized by topic and grade level and presented in both Korean word process document and html format, anyone can easily access to the materials for their own instructional use. Ever since its launch the number of visitors to the homepage has been constantly increasing. The evaluation results of the current pilot implementation of the materials that targeted individual students' ability and aptitude showed that it scored high in terms of its alignment to the original purpose, content, level, and effectiveness to implement in classrooms. However, its evaluation scores were low in terms of the convenience for teachers to guide the materials, and its organization and operation. The results also showed a significant change in students' perception of science, and students' positive experiences of science through various interdisciplinary activities. On the other hand, the evaluation of students' experiences with the materials showed that students' assessment about an activity was largely depending on a success or failure of their experiences. Overall, students' evaluation of activities scores were low for simple activities such as cutting off or pasting papers. According to students' achievement test results, differences between pre and post test scores in the Affective Domain was statistically significant (p<0.05), but not in Inquiry Domain. Based on teachers observations, numerous schools where have run this program reported that students' abilities to cooperate, discuss, observe and reason with evidences were improved. In order to implement this program in a larger scale, it is critical to have a strong support of teachers and induce them to change their teaching strategy through building a community of teachers and developing ongoing teacher professional development programs. Finally, there still remain strong needs to develop more programs, and actively discover and train more domestic woman scientists and engineers and collaborate with them to develop more educational materials for girls in all ages.

The possibility of South Korea to become a member state of APSCO: an analysis from Legal and political perspectives (韓國加入亞太空間合作組織的可能性 : 基于法律与政策的分析)

  • Nie, Mingyan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.237-269
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    • 2016
  • Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO) is the only intergovernmental space cooperation organization in Asia. Since its establishment to date, eight countries have signed the convention and become member states. South Korea participated actively in the preparatory phase of creating the organization, and one conference organized by AP-MCSTA which is the predecessor of APSCO was held in South Korea. However, after the APSCO Convention was opened for signature in 2005 to date, South Korea does not ratify the Convention and become a member. The rapid development of space commercialization and privatization, as well as the fastest growing commercial space market in Asia, provides opportunities for Asian countries to cooperate with each other in relevant space fields. And to participate in the existing cooperation framework (e.g., the APSCO) by the Asian space countries (e.g., South Korea) could be a proper choice. Even if the essential cooperation in particular space fields is challenging, joint space programs among different Asian countries for dealing with the common events can be initiated at the first steps. Since APSCO has learned the successful legal arrangements from ESA, the legal measures established by its Convention are believed to be qualified to ensure the achievement of benefits of different member states. For example, the regulation of the "fair return" principle confirms that the return of interests from the relevant programs is in proportion to the member's investment in the programs. Moreover, the distinguish of basic and optional activities intends to authorize the freedom of the members to choose programs to participate. And for the voting procedure, the acceptance of the "consensus" by the Council is in favor of protecting the member's interest when making decisions. However, political factors that are potential to block the participation of South Korea in APSCO are difficult to be ignored. A recent event is an announcement of deploying THAAD by South Korea, which causes tension between South Korea and China. The cooperation between these two states in space activities will be influenced. A long-standing barrier is that China acts as a non-member of the main international export control mechanism, i.e., the MTCR. The U.S takes this fact as the main reason to prevent South Korea to cooperate with China in developing space programs. Although the political factors that will block the participation of South Korea in APSCO are not easy to removed shortly, legal measures can be taken to reduce the political influence. More specifically, APSCO is recommended to ensure the achievement of commercial interests of different cooperation programs by regulating precisely the implementation of the "fair return" principle. Furthermore, APSCO is also suggested to contribute to managing the common regional events by sharing satellite data. And it is anticipated that these measures can effectively response the requirements of the rapid development of space commercialization and the increasing common needs of Asia, thereby to provide a platform for the further cooperation. In addition, in order to directly reduce the political influence, two legal measures are necessary to be taken: Firstly, to clarify the rights and responsibilities of the host state (i.e., China) as providing assistance, coordination and services to the management of the Organization to release the worries of the other member states that the host state will control the Organization's activities. And secondly, to illustrate that the cooperation in APSCO is for the non-military purpose (a narrow sense of "peaceful purpose") to reduce the political concerns. Regional cooperation in Asia regarding space affairs is considered to be a general trend in the future, so if the participation of South Korea in APSCO can be finally proved to be feasible, there will be an opportunity to discuss the creation of a comprehensive institutionalized framework for space cooperation in Asia.

Limit Pricing by Noncooperative Oligopolists (과점산업(寡占産業)에서의 진입제한가격(進入制限價格))

  • Nam, Il-chong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.127-148
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    • 1990
  • A Milgrom-Roberts style signalling model of limit pricing is developed to analyze the possibility and the scope of limit pricing in general, noncooperative oligopolies. The model contains multiple incumbent firms facing a potential entrant and assumes an information asymmetry between incombents and the potential entrant about the market demand. There are two periods in the model. In period 1, n incumbent firms simultaneously and noncooperatively choose quantities. At the end of period 1, the potential entrant observes the market price and makes an entry decision. In period 2, depending on the entry decision of the entrant, n' or (n+1) firms choose quantities again before the game terminates. Since the choice of incumbent firms in period 1 depends on their information about demand, the market price in period 1 conveys information about the market demand. Thus, there is a systematic link between the market price and the profitability of entry. Using Bayes-Nash equilibrium as the solution concept, we find that there exist some demand conditions under which incumbent firms will limit price. In symmetric equilibria, incumbent firms each produce an output that is greater than the Cournot output and induce a price that is below the Cournot price. In doing so, each incumbent firm refrains from maximizing short-run profit and supplies a public good that is entry deterrence. The reason that entry is deterred by such a reduced price is that it conveys information about the demand of the industry that is unfavorable to the entrant. This establishes the possibility of limit pricing by noncooperative oligopolists in a setting that is fully rational, and also generalizes the result of Milgrom and Roberts to general oligopolies, confirming Bain's intuition. Limit pricing by incumbents explained above can be interpreted as a form of credible collusion in which each firm voluntarily deviates from myopic optimization in order to deter entry using their superior information. This type of implicit collusion differs from Folk-theorem type collusions in many ways and suggests that a collusion can be a credible one even in finite games as long as there is information asymmetry. Another important result is that as the number of incumbent firms approaches infinity, or as the industry approaches a competitive one, the probability that limit pricing occurs converges to zero and the probability of entry converges to that under complete information. This limit result confirms the intuition that as the number of agents sharing the same private information increases, the value of the private information decreases, and the probability that the information gets revealed increases. This limit result also supports the conventional belief that there is no entry problem in a competitive market. Considering the fact that limit pricing is generally believed to occur at an early stage of an industry and the fact that many industries in Korea are oligopolies in their infant stages, the theoretical results of this paper suggest that we should pay attention to the possibility of implicit collusion by incumbent firms aimed at deterring new entry using superior information. The long-term loss to the Korean economy from limit pricing can be very large if the industry in question is a part of the world market and the domestic potential entrant whose entry is deterred could .have developed into a competitor in the world market. In this case, the long-term loss to the Korean economy should include the lost opportunity in the world market in addition to the domestic long-run welfare loss.

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Relation of Self-Efficacy and Cognition of Irradiated Food among High School Students (고등학생의 방사선조사식품에 대한 인식과 자기효능감과의 관련성)

  • Han, Eun Ok;Choi, Yoon Seok
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.106-118
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we analyzed the Cognition of irradiated food and its relation with self-efficacy. The most important variables described behaviors based on health choices compared with the choice to choose irradiated food items. According to the survey, 33.1% of respondents said that the reason why irradiated food is considered to be a health risk is because "radiation is dangerous". 27.9% of respondents answered that "eating irradiated food is like eating a radioactive substance", 21.1% said radiated food is comparable to a "genetic variation in food" while 10.1% said "food goes bad during the irradiation process". On this basis, it is reasonable to conclude that respondents have a misunderstanding of irradiated food without reference to the general theory of irradiated knowledge. In this respect, it would be helpful to provide education showing that irradiated food is not related to eating harmful or genetically modified food to help high school students create informed opinions of irradiated food. In terms of relevance with health-specific self-efficacy, experience of acquiring information about irradiated food was marked at r=0.148 (p<0.01), experience of purchasing irradiated food was marked at r=0.077 (p<0.05), experience of eating irradiated food was marked at r=0.113 (p<0.01) while knowledge of irradiated food, attitude towards irradiated food and behavior was marked at r=0.103 (p<0.01), r=0.076 (p<0.05) and r=0.105 (p<0.01) respectively. This shows that self-efficacy is high when one has experience of acquiring information about irradiated food, purchasing or eating irradiated food resulting in a high level of knowledge, attitude and behavior. Education which serves to improve the level of self-efficacy needs to be provided along with an educational program which will increase the public's understanding of irradiated food. It is expected that if this education which increases the level of self-efficacy is provided together with correct information of irradiated food, behavior to choose and eat irradiated food will also improve.

Detection and Differentiation of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2, and Varicella-Zoster Virus in Vesicle Fluid, Joint Fluid and Serum using PCR Method (중합효소 연쇄반응에 의한 수포액, 혈액과 관절액에서 단순포진 바이러스 1, 2와 대상포진 바이러스의 검출과 감별)

  • Park, Hae-Kyung;Woo, So-Youn;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Lee, Chung-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.191-201
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    • 2000
  • The viruses of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1), Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV-2) and Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) which belong to the alpha herpes subfamily are important human pathogens. When eruptions were not fully developed from these viral infections, clinical diagnosis was not always easy and required virological confirmation test. The above viruses were reactivated in individuals who were compromised in immune competence for one reason or another. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) enables rapid and sensitive detection of HSV and VZV DNAs. Its sensitivity was largely influenced by choice of primers. Authors conducted a study to detect of those three viruses in human specimens including vesicle fluid and joint fluid and serum using PCR methods. Primers used for this study were the general primer pair GPHV-RU which was known to amplify within the genes enjoying the highest degree of homology between UL15 of HSV and UL42 of VZV. PCR with primers hybridized pair GPHV-RU amplifies a 396 bp with THP-1 and HSV-2 standard strain DNA and 405 bp with VZV standard strain DNA. Restriction enzyme cleavage with HpaII and DdeI were used to detect and distinguish DNAs of THP-1 and HSV-2 and VZV. The purpose of this study was a rapid and easy detection of VZV and THP-1 or HSV-2 from various clinical specimens (vesicle fluid, serum and joint fluid) by PCR method. Used methods were: HSV PCR with primer 1, 2 and HpaII RE digestion; VZV nested PCR; HSV PCR with primer A, Band BssHII RE digestion. 1) In 33 cases (33/42, 78.6%) VZV was detected single or mixed infection from 42 clinical specimens which included vesicle fluid (5), serum form respiratory infected children (10), serum from immune suppressed adult cancer patients (7) and joint fluid from arthritis patients (20). 2) In 20 cases (20/42, 47.6%) HSV was detected singly or mixed infection and 19 of those cases were HSV-2 and 1 case was THP-1. 3) In 19 cases (19/42, 45.2%) VZV was singly detected which included serum from respiratory infected children (6 cases), joint fluid from arthritis patients (9 cases), vesicle fluid (2 cases) and serum form immunosuppressed cancer patients (2 cases). 4) HSV was singly detected in 6 cases (6/42, 14.3%) which included joint fluid from arthritis patients (5 cases) and serum form respiratory infected children (1 cases). 5) 14 cases of VZV and HSV mixed infection (14/42, 33.3%) were detected. They included vesicle fluid (3 cases), serum form immunosuppressed cancer patients (4 cases), serum from respiratory infected children (2 cases) and joint fluid from arthritis patients (5 cases). 6) HSV-1 and HSV-2 detection and typing by HSV PCR with primer A, Band BssHII RE digestion method was more sensitive and the results were easier to detect than on other method.

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The Consumption Status and Preference for Sprouts and Leafy Vegetables (새싹채소 및 쌈채소의 선호도 및 소비실태)

  • Jun, So-Yun;Kim, Tae-Hun;Hwang, Sung-Heon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.783-791
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the study was to provide baseline information that could encourage consumers and establish the direction of development for sprouts and leafy vegetables. A survey on the consumption and preference for sprouts and leafy vegetables of 823 people over 20 years of age in Seoul and Gyeonggi province was conducted. The preference for sprouts was higher in men (3.75±0.96) than in women (3.64±0.84), whereas the preference for leafy vegetables was higher in women (4.06±0.74) than in men (3.88±0.90). Based on age, the respondents in their 40s or above had high preferences for sprouts and leaf vegetables due to the importance that they accorded to health and nutrition (p<0.01). The sprouts and leafy vegetables were purchased mainly for their high nutritional value. The purchase frequency of once a month or more for leafy vegetables (82.7%) was higher than that for sprouts (57.1%). The consumers purchased sprouts and leafy vegetables mainly from a large discount store. The respondents in their 20s showed the highest percentage of purchasing from a local store whereas the older ones showed a high preference for traditional markets. The reason for the choice of the place of purchase was convenience. The freshness and price were important factors in the consumption of sprouts and leafy vegetables. In the case of leafy vegetables, the consumers preferred to buy them using the conventional weight measurement system rather than in small packages. On the other hand, mixed small packages were preferred for sprouts. The purchase frequency was correlated with the preferences, need for improvement and purchase intent for sprouts and leafy vegetables. The aspects that require improvement for producing high-quality sprouts and leafy vegetables were the nutritional and functional properties. To increase the consumption of sprouts and leafy vegetables, there is need for variations and improvement of the quality and safety of the products.

A Study on the Use of Dentifrice among Infants and Preschoolers (영유아의 세치제 사용에 관한 연구)

  • Chun, Ju-Yeon;Kang, Yung-Hee;Lee, Kyeong-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the use of dentifrice among children in a bid to provide information on dentifrice including its function to children's parents, the major consumers of dentifrice for child. And it's additionally meant to offer useful information on the production of toothpaste for kid. The subjects in this study were parents with children, who dwelled in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. After a self-administered survey was conducted for about three months from May to July 2007 to gather data on their use of dentifrice for child, a comparative analysis was implemented. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. Concerning the state of the use of their children's dentifrice, the largest number of the children(58.1%) started to use toothpaste at the age of one or down, and the most common first toothpaste they used was dentifrice for preschooler(86.8%). As for whether to use fluoride-containing toothpaste, the largest group of the parents(58.1%) gave an affirmative answer. Regarding the form of the toothpaste in use, the majority of their children used toothpaste of cream type(86.2%). The greatest group of the children used the amount of toothpaste that was as large as the three-tenths or four-tenths of the bristles(35.9%). 2. As for the state of the use of dentifrice for kid, the greatest group used that kind of toothpaste(81.4%). In the event of those who didn't use it, the last time when their children used toothpaste for kid was when they were at the western age of 3(33.9%) and 4(33.9%). Concerning the reason why they replaced toothpaste for kid with one for adult, the largest group of the parents did that on their own judgment(58.1%). As to the right time for replacing toothpaste for kid by one for adult, the greatest group considered it advisable for children to start using toothpaste for adult at the western age of 4 or 5(43.2%). 3. In relation to the state of the purchase of toothpaste for their children, the largest group was under the moderate influence of the children when they bought it(45.2%). The greatest group attached importance to the ingredients of toothpaste(41.6%), and the most preferred ingredient was fluoride(56.3%). 53.0 percent took consideration on the content of ingredients or the instructions. 4. In regard to priorities for the choice of toothpaste for their children, they gave top priority to brand(16.7%), followed by quality(14.6%) and ingredients(13.5%). The age of the parents made a statistically significant difference to the children's age when they started using toothpaste, and how they started to do that and whether they used fluoride-containing toothpaste were statistically significantly different according to that as well(p < 0.01). In regard to the impact of the occupation of the parents, the use of fluoride-containing toothpaste was more common among the stay-at-home mothers(p < 0.01).

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A Survey of the Actual Conditions of Operation and Perceptions of Science Teachers and Students Regarding the 7th Elective-Centered Curriculum of High School Science Subjects (제7차 선택중심 고등학교 과학과 교육과정의 운영 실태와 과학교사 및 학생들의 인식 조사)

  • Choi, Soon-Hwa;Kim, Eun-Suk;Kwon, Oh-Kyoung;Oh, Chang-Ho;Park, Kuk-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.96-106
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the actual conditions of operation in school and investigate the perceptions of science teachers and students regarding the 7th elective-centered curriculum of high school science subjects. For this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted for the selected subjects including 127 high school science teachers and 763 high school students in their third year who had experienced the 7th elective-centered curriculum. As a result of the study, concerning the way to present the elective subjects of science, many cases were the alternative way and the group-elective way in humanity courses while natural science courses had the alternative way and the free-elective way in most cases. In other words, in many cases, the right of elective was given within a limited range. The result of the investigation on science teachers' perceptions on the elective-centered curriculum was that negative views dominated as a whole. Especially, earth science teachers showed the most negative attitudes. The number of biology and chemistry teachers who supported students' right to opt subjects were lower than that of physics teachers and earth science teachers who were against it. To help students make a right choice, many viewed that the system of the college Scholastic Ability Test should be complemented in order to prevent any disadvantage to each elective subject or that it was necessary to have systematic and realistic career education. As the result of investigating the perception of high school students in their third year regarding the elective-centered curriculum, they were usually not very satisfied with it. As the reason for it, many said the selection right was limited. Many others also expressed that there were lack of public relations and education on subjects and careers. Based on these results, limits still exist in accepting all demands although there are a lot of efforts made to smoothly adjust supply and demand of science teachers as well as students' electives in the field of school. It is considered necessary to come up with counterplan and complements to prevent basic science from being neglected or lower academic achievement in the subject of science from happening, and at the same time to harmoniously deal with supply and demand of science teachers as well as the issues of students' demands given the actual conditions of school.