• 제목/요약/키워드: charge distribution

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ERP 시스템 도입과정에서 생산시스템 설계방안 (Manufacturing System Design on the Introduction of ERP System)

  • 양광모;박재현;강경식
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2002
  • Nowadays, most companies seek after the greatest profit by means of offering the goods which consumers want timely and efficiently and minimizing the cost of inventory and distribution channel which amounts to the great portion of total cost. And according as EC(Electronic Commerce) market has increased rapidly, SCM(Supply Chain Management) for EC become one of the most important facts for companies, therefore this paper suggest SCM scheme which EC, especially B to C, is added to the existing commerce system. This paper uses internet for information integration of distribution channel which is away from one another and applies TOC(Theory of Constraint)'s DBR(Drum-Buffer-Rope) Scheduling for synchronization through the whole supply chain. It is possible to synchronize the whole supply chain by means of making the speed of manufacturing and distribution to be controlled by consumer's order which is received in distribution center, and inventory and loss of sales opportunities are minimized by constant. Buffer Management. If inventories in distribution center is short, then it needs to search CCR(Capacity Constraint Resource) in supply chain and to control the speed of manufacturing and distribution according to the ability of CCR. This paper applies PT(Partial Transshipment) strategy for Delivery from distribution center to store or cyber consumer. the strategy this paper suggests chooses neighbour area from area which each distribution center takes charge, and then makes product ordered by cyber consumer which lives in the chosen area to be delivered according to inventory of distribution center.

급수형 전하분포를 이용한 DGMOSFET의 채널두께에 대한 문턱전압 특성분석 (Analysis of Threshold Voltage for DGMOSFET according to Channel Thickness Using Series Charge Distribution)

  • 조경환;한지형;정학기
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2012년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.726-728
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 채널의 두께 변화에 따른 Double Gate MOSFET의 문턱전압특성을 분석 하였다. 채널의 두께는 소자의 크기를 결정할 뿐만 아니라 단채널효과에도 커다란 영향을 미치므로 IC 설계시 매우 중요한 파라미터이다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 급수형 전하분포를 이용하여 채널두께에 따른 DGMOSFET의 문턱전압을 분석하였으며 이를 통해 채널의 두께가 증가할수록 문턱전압은 감소한다는 결과를 얻었다.

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무감독분류 기법에 의한 부분방전 데이터 분석 (Partial Discharge Data Analysis with Unsupervised Classification)

  • 조경순;홍선학
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2018
  • This study described partial discharge(PD) distribution analysis between the XLPE(Cross-Linked PolyEthylene)and EPDM(Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) interface with unsupervised classification. The ${\phi}-q-n$ patterns were analyzed using phase resolved partial discharge(PRPD). K-means cluster analysis forms a cluster based on similarities and distances among scattered individuals, and analyzes the characteristics of the formed clusters, dividing the multivariate data into several groups according to the similarity of each characteristic, Is a statistical analysis that makes it easier to navigate. It was confirmed that the phase angle of the cluster with the maximum discharge charge was concentrated around $0^{\circ}$ and $180^{\circ}$ at 30 kV after the initial phase distribution localized around $90^{\circ}$ and $300^{\circ}$ expanded to the whole phase angle according to the voltage rise. The Euclidean distance between the center of gravity and the discharge charge in the ${\Phi}-q$ cluster increased with increasing applied voltage.

Comparable Electron Capture Efficiencies for Various Protonated Sites on the 3rd Generation Poly(Propylene Imine) Dendrimer Ions: Applications by SORI-CAD and Electron Capture Dissociation Mass Spectrometry (ECD MS)

  • Han, Sang-Yun;Lee, Sun-Young;Oh, Han-Bin
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.740-746
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    • 2005
  • In this article, we report the tandem mass spectrometry investigations for the electron capture efficiencies of the protons belonging to the different locations (generations) in a poly(propylene imine) dendrimer with three layers of a repeat unit (named as the third generation dendrimer). The employed tandem mass spectrometry methods include SORI-CAD (sustained off-resonance irradiation collisional activation dissociation) and ECD(electron capture dissociation) mass spectrometry. We obtained SORI-CAD spectra for the dendrimer ions in the different charge states, ranging from 2+ to 4+. The analysis of fragmentation sites provides the information as to where the protons are distributed among various generations of the dendrimer. Based upon this, a new strategy to study the electron capture efficiencies of the protons is utilized to examine a new type of triplycharged ions by SORI-CAD, i.e., the 3+ ions generated from the charge reduction of the native 4+ ions by ECD: (M+4H)$^{4+}\;+\;e^-\;{\rightarrow}$ (M+4H)$^{3+\bullet}$ ${\rightarrow}\;({H^{\bullet}}_{ejected}$) + (M+3H)$^{3+}\;\rightarrow$ CAD. Interestingly, comparison of these four SORICAD spectra indicates that the proton distribution in the charge-reduced 3+ ions is very close to that in the native 4+ ions. It further suggests that in this synthetic polymer ($\sim$1.7 kDa) with an artificial architecture, the electron capture efficiencies of the protons are actually insensitive to where they are located in the molecule. This is somewhat contradictory to common expectations that the protons in the inner generations may not be well exposed to the incoming electron irradiation as much as the outer ones are, thus may be less efficient for electron capture. This finding may carry some implications for the case of medium sized peptide ions with similar masses, which are known to show no obvious site-specific fragmentations in ECD MS.

Product Category and Shopping Options of Logistic Service Quality

  • KIM, Ok;CHEON, Hongsik J.
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제18권8호
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of interaction between product category (fresh vs. indulgent product) and shopping options (shipping charge and delivery time) on customer satisfaction and purchase intent in an e-commerce context. When ordering groceries online, consumers begin to allocate a larger share of their grocery budget toward product categories that generally contain healthier items at the expense of product categories that generally contain more indulgent products. Moreover, customers are extremely sensitive to shipping options such as shipping charges and delivery time. Therefore, this research investigates the issue at a more segmented level to focus on the impact that one dimension of logistics service quality - product category, shipping charge, and delivery time have on customer satisfaction and purchase intent. Research design, data, and methodology: To test the theoretically derived priori hypotheses concerning product category, shipping charges, delivery time, satisfaction, and purchase intent, this research presented a scenario-based experiment. Eight treatment groups were assigned by the method of product category (fresh produce vs. indulgent product), shipping charge (free vs. paid), and delivery time (one-day vs. two to three days). A total of 240 subjects were divided into groups and exposed to one of the eight scenarios. Participant's purchase intention was the dependent variable, and ANOVA and L-matrix were used to analyze for main and interactive effects between factors. Conclusions: Results indicated that in tests 1 and 2, free shipping and fast delivery time increased consumer satisfaction as well as purchase intent, and fast delivery moderated the impact of free shipping on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent. Test 3 showed that the effect of free shipping on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent moderated by fast delivery for indulgent products. In contrast, fast delivery for fresh products moderated the effect of paid shipping on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent. Consistent with this proposed mechanism, the relative importance of fresh produce versus indulgent products highlights the effect of shipping options on consumer satisfaction and purchase intent when ordering the target product in an e-commerce context. We conclude with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of our findings.

Defect Diagnosis of Cable Insulating Materials by Partial Discharge Statistical Analysis

  • Shin, Jong-Yeol;Park, Hee-Doo;Lee, Jong-Yong;Hong, Jin-Woong
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2010
  • Polymer insulating materials such as cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) are employed in electric cables used for extra high voltage. These materials can degrade due to chemical, mechanical and electric stress, possibly caused by voids, the presence of extrinsic materials and protrusions. Therefore, this study measured discharge patterns, discharge phase angle, quantity and occurrence frequency as well as changes in XLPE under different temperatures and applied voltages. To quantitatively analyze the irregular partial discharge patterns measured, the discharge patterns were examined using a statistical program. A three layer sample was fabricated, wherein the upper and lower layers were composed of non-void XLPE, while the middle layer was composed of an air void and copper particles. After heating to room temperature and $50^{\circ}C$ and $80^{\circ}C$ in silicone oil, partial discharge characteristics were studied by increasing the voltage from the inception voltage to the breakdown voltage. Partial discharge statistical analysis showed that when the K-means clustering was carried out at 9 kV to determine the void discharge characteristics, the amount discharged at low temperatures was small but when the temperature was increased to $80^{\circ}C$, the discharge amount increased to be 5.7 times more than that at room temperature because electric charge injection became easier. An analysis of the kurtosis and the skewness confirmed that positive and negative polarity had counterclockwise and clockwise clustering distribution, respectively. When 5 kV was applied to copper particles, the K-means was conducted as the temperature changed from $50^{\circ}C$ to $80^{\circ}C$. The amount of charge at a positive polarity increased 20.3% and the amount of charge at a negative polarity increased 54.9%. The clustering distribution of a positive polarity and negative polarity showed a straight line in the kurtosis and skewness analyses.

Electrical Characteristics of Charge Trap Flash Memory with a Composition Modulated (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1-x Film

  • Tang, Zhenjie;Zhang, Jing;Jiang, Yunhong;Wang, Guixia;Li, Rong;Zhu, Xinhua
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2015
  • This research proposes the use of a composition modulated (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1-x film as a charge trapping layer for charge trap flash memory; this is possible when the Zr (Al) atomic percent is controlled to form a variable bandgap as identified by the valence band offsets and electron energy loss spectrum measurements. Compared to memory devices with uniform compositional (ZrO2)0.1(Al2O3)0.9 or a (ZrO2)0.92(Al2O3)0.08 trapping layer, the memory device using the composition modulated (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1-x as the charge trapping layer exhibits a larger memory window (6.0 V) at the gate sweeping voltage of ±8 V, improved data retention, and significantly faster program/erase speed. Improvements of the memory characteristics are attributed to the special energy band alignments resulting from non-uniform distribution of elemental composition. These results indicate that the composition modulated (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1-x film is a promising candidate for future nonvolatile memory device applications.

XML 기반의 수가정보시스템 적용에 관한 연구 (A study on Medical Fee Information System Application based on XML Based on XML)

  • 성경
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양정보통신학회 2006년도 춘계종합학술대회
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    • pp.1051-1054
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    • 2006
  • 의료정보에서 XML을 이용하여 만들어질 웹 문서로 의약분업으로 인한 약국에 전달되는 처방전, 건강보험공단에 진료비 청구를 위한 EDI, 각 의원들로 보내지는 회송소견서 등 많은 정보들이 산재되어있다. 특히 진료비수가정보는 개정이 빈번한 자료 중 하나이다. 이러한 개정이 있을 때마다 문서를 보내거나 양식집을 만들어 배포하고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 환자들이 의사로부터 처방을 받고 각종 의료행위에 대한 진료비를 산정하는데 사용되어지는 진료비수가정보시스템에 대해 XML을 이용하여 DTD 설계와 구현을 연구하였다. 진료비수가에 대한 정보는 환자나 보호자는 물론 의사, 약사, 간호사 등 진료와 관련된 모든 사람에게 금한 사항이다. 모든 사람이 언제 어디서나 진료비수가에 대해 조회할 수 있어서 정보를 쉽게 획득할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다.

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국내 데이터를 고려한 전기 자동차 충전 시 순시전압강하에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Voltage Sag During the EVs Charging Considering Domestic Data)

  • 고효상;김준혁;김응상;김철환
    • 조명전기설비학회논문지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2015
  • In order to charge EVs, they have to be connected to distribution system. Therefore, if unprecedented numbers of EVs are connected to power systems, it could result in deterioration of power quality, overload, and other system problems. In this paper, the effects of voltage sag on the distribution system due to the connection of EVs is evaluated by considering related field data of Republic of Korea such as the number of gasoline-fueled vehicles, seasonal load of power system and the monthly and daily real-time traffic volume. The distribution system and EVs are modeled using the Electro Magnetic Transients Program (EMTP).

OPNW를 이용한 배전선로 원격화상 감시시스템 구축 (Establish the remote portrait supervisory system of distribution line using OPNW)

  • 오면택;이승배
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2008년도 추계학술대회 논문집 전력기술부문
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    • pp.103-106
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    • 2008
  • OPNW, which takes charge of the outer neutral wire role and the inner optical network role, was developed at the first time among nation and substituted the neutral wire of distribution line between electric power substation and neighboring station. This paper refers to results about its optical character measured periodically, and examines closely whether the unique matter will be occurred or not about the role of neutral wire during more than one year. Also, established OPNW became a new chance to distribution facility's working by establishing remote portrait supervisory system and doing remote supervisory about essential equipment of distribution line.

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