• Title/Summary/Keyword: carry-over effect

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Magnetoresistance characteristics of EeN/Co/Cu/Co system spin-valve type multilayer (FeN/Co/Cu/Co계 spin-valve형 다층악의 자기저항 특성)

  • 이한춘;송민석;윤성호;김택기
    • Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.210-219
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    • 2000
  • The magnetoresistance characteristics of FeN/Co/Cu/Co and FeN/Co/Cu/Co/Cu/Co/FeN multilayers using ferromagnetic iron-nitrides (FeN) has been studied. The microstructure of FeN film is the mixed ${\alpha}$-Fe and $\varepsilon$-Fe$_3$N phase on the condition that the flow rate of N$_2$ gas is over 0.4 sccm. The magnetoresistance effect is observed because of shape magnetic anisotropy induced by needle-shaped $\varepsilon$-Fe$_3$N phase. This magnetoresistance effect changes, because the degree that the shape magnetic anisotropy adheres to the adjacent Co pinned layer is varied according to the flow rate of N$_2$ gas and the thickness of FeN film. The best magnetoresistance effect is obtained on the condition that the thickness of Co free layer is 70 ${\AA}$ and the maximum MR ratio(%) value of 3.2% shows in the FeN(250 ${\AA}$)/Co(70 ${\AA}$)/Cu(25 ${\AA}$)/Co(70 ${\AA}$)/Cu(25 ${\AA}$)/Co(70 ${\AA}$)/FeN(250 ${\AA}$) mutilayer film which is fabricated at the N, gas flow rate of 0.5 sccm and the FeN film thickness of 250 ${\AA}$. Four steps are observed in the magnetoresistance curve owing to this difference of coercive force, because respective magnetic layers in the multilayer possess different coercive forces. These effects observed in these mutilayer films can be expected to application to the memory device the same MRAM as can carry out simultaneously four signals.

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Improvement of Patient Safety and Inspection Satisfaction by Developing Pretreatment Process System with the Patients Who Reserved CT Enhance Examination (CT 조영검사 예약환자의 전처치 프로세스 시스템 개발을 통한 환자안전 및 검사 만족도 향상)

  • Beom, Hyinam;Han, Jaebok;Song, Jongnam;Kim, Wook;Choi, Namgil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to improve the satisfaction level of the patient who undergoes CT contrast examination by developing and applying pretreatment process system, which not only can reduce the side effects caused by the test but also can help carry out the test smoothly. The subjects were 214 patients who booked CT contrast examination from January 2014 to February 2014 but could not carry out their test on schedule. We analyzed the reasons for the delay and conducted follow-up survey on them. We analyzed the usefulness of pretreatment process system by contemplating and developing pretreatment process system and applying it to the patients for whom follow-up survey was conducted from January 2015 to February 2015. The number of outpatients who came to the hospital form January to February 2014 was 2,846 and the number of patients who could not undergo the test was 214, accounting for 7.52% of the total. The specific reason for the delay includes 214 cases of unknown creatinine 98 with 120 minutes of average delay time, 40 cases of creatinine over 1.3(19%) with 30minutes of average delay time, 34 cases of past contrast media side effect 6% with 40 minutes of average delay time and 25 cases of lack of pretreatment such as fasting, etc. 11% with 120minutes of average delay time. The number of CT scan has been increasing ever since the development of CT and the frequency of using the contrast media is expected to increase. If we can employ pretreatment process system in order to effectively control the side effect of contrast media and help the CT contrast examination to be smoothly conducted on schedule, I'm sure we could improve the quality of our medical service and increase our patients' satisfaction who come to our CT scan room.

The Effect of Multi-Sensory Stimulation Training on Cognitive Function and Balance Skill of the Community Resident Elderly (다감각 자극훈련이 노인의 인지기능 및 균형능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ji-Hyon;Yoo, Doo-Han
    • The Journal of Korean society of community based occupational therapy
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of multi-sensory stimulation training on cognitive function and balance skill of the community resident elderly. Methods : 10 participants who is over aged 65 years carry out multisensory stimulation training program for 12weeks, once a week for 60minutes. The multisensory stimulation training program is consisted of total 12 topic based on body schema, gross muscle and tactile stimulation. The result was measured using Mini-Mental State Examination-Korean and Berg Balance Scale to evaluate before and after of cognitive function and balance skill. And after intervention, the satisfaction of the program was investigated. Wilcoxon matched-pair signed rank test was used to compare pre- post difference of cognitive function and balance skill. Results : There was significant difference in cognitive function and balance skill(p<.05) and the satisfaction is positive at the end of the program. Conclusion : The multisensory stimulation training program has positive effects on cognitive function and balance skill for elderly. And the satisfaction is positive at the end of the program. The multisensory stimulation training program can enhance the satisfaction to elderly in the aging society. So, additional studies is needed for efficient use.

The Influence of Suction Foundation Models for Offshore Wind Turbine (해상풍력발전 석션기초의 강성산정 방법에 따른 영향 분석)

  • Jang, Hwa Sub;Nam, Hyun Woo;Kwak, Yeon Min;Yoon, Se Woong;Kim, Ho Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2015
  • Suction piles have been widely used as foundations and anchor systems in offshore industry, and recently, it have been tried to be used as foundations for offshore wind turbines. Many researches have shown that stiffness of a foundation could effect dynamic responses of a offshore wind turbine so that appropriate modeling application of wind turbine foundations is recommended. In this paper, we calculate a stiffness matrix of a suction foundation through 3D FEM analysis and compare the results with the ones calculated by conventional formula for estimating stiffness of shallow foundations. And then we carry out integrated load analysis for the evaluation of dynamic responses and natural frequencies of the structure using the calculated stiffness matrix. The results shows that the effect of load in the mudline is not large, but in the case of assuming the foundation as a fixed support, the natural frequency is over-estimated up to 10%. Therefore, considering stiffness of foundations is recommended when you evaluate the natural frequencies of wind turbine structures.

Relationships between Collective Intelligence Quality, Its Determinants, and Usefulness: A Comparative Study between Wiki Service and Q&A Service in Perspective of Korean Users (집단지성의 품질, 그 결정요인, 유용성의 관계: 수용자 관점에서 한국의 위키서비스와 Q&A 서비스의 비교)

  • Joo, Jaehun;Normatov, Ismatilla R.
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 2012
  • Innovation can come from inside or outside organizations. Recently, organizations have begun turning to external knowledge more often, through various forms of collective intelligence (CI) as collaborative platform to solve complex problems. Several factors facilitate this CI utilization phenomenon. First, with the rapid development of Internet and social media, numerous web applications have become available to millions of the Internet users over the past few decades. Web 2.0 and social media have become innovative web applications that provide an environment for human social interaction and collaboration. Second, the diffusion of simple and easy-to-use technologies that enable users to interact and design web applications without programming skills have led to vast, previously unknown amounts of user-generated content. Finally, the Internet has enabled communities to connect and collaborate, creating a virtual world of CI. In this study, web enabled CI is defined as a composed ability of individuals who are acting as a single cognitive unit to achieve common goals, think reasonably, solve problems, make decisions, carry out complex tasks, and develop creative ideas collectively through participation and collaboration on the web. Although CI plays a critical role in organizational innovation and collaboration, the dubious quality of CI is still problem that is difficult to solve. In general, the quality level of content collected from the crowd is lower than that from professionals. Thus, it is important to identify determinants of CI quality and to analyze the relationship between CI quality and its usefulness. However, there is a lack of empirical study on the quality factors of web-enabled CI. There exist a variety of web enabled CI sites such as Threadless, iStockphoto or InnoCentive, Wikipedia, and Youtube. One of the most successful forms of web-enabled CI is the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, accessible all over the world. Another one example is Naver KnowledgeiN, a typical and popular CI site offering question and answer (Q&A) services. It is necessary to study whether or not different types of CI have a different effect on CI quality and its usefulness. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to answer to following research questions: ${\bullet}$ What determinants are important to CI quality? ${\bullet}$ What is the relationship between CI quality factors and the usefulness of web-enabled CI? ${\bullet}$ Does CI type have a moderating effect on the relationship between CI quality, its determinants, and CI usefulness? Online survey using Google Docs with email and Kakao Talk was conducted for collecting data from Wikipedia and Naver KnowledgeiN users. A totoal of 490 valid responses were collected, where users of Wikipedia were 220 while users of Naver KnowledgeiN were 270. Expertise of contributors, community size, and diversity of contributors were identified as core determinants of perceived CI quality. Perceived CI quality has significantly influenced perceived CI usefulness from a user's perspective. For improving CI quality, it is believed that organizations should ensure proper crowd size, facilitate CI contributors' diversity and attract as many expert contributors as possible. Hypotheses that CI type plays a role of moderator were partially supported. First, the relationship between expertise of contributors and perceived CI quality was different according to CI type. The expertise of contributors played a more important role in CI quality in the case of Q&A services such as Knowledge iN compared to wiki services such as Wikipedia. This implies that Q&A service requires more expertise and experiences in particular areas rather than the case of Wiki service to improve service quality. Second, the relationship between community size and perceived CI quality was different according to CI type. The community size has a greater effect on CI quality in case of Wiki service than that of Q&A service. The number of contributors in Wikipeda is important because Wiki is an encyclopedia service which is edited and revised repeatedly from many contributors while the answer given in Naver Knowledge iN can not be corrected by others. Finally, CI quality has a greater effect on its usefulness in case of Wiki service rather than Q&A service. In this paper, we suggested implications for practitioners and theorists. Organizations offering services based on collective intelligence try to improve expertise of contributeros, to increase the number of contributors, and to facilitate participation of various contributors.

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Preliminary Study on the Development of a Platform for the Optimization of Beach Stabilization Measures Against Beach Erosion III - Centering on the Effects of Random Waves Occurring During the Unit Observation Period, and Infra-Gravity Waves of Bound Mode, and Boundary Layer Streaming on the Sediment Transport (해역별 최적 해빈 안정화 공법 선정 Platform 개발을 위한 기초연구 III - 단위 관측 기간에 발생하는 불규칙 파랑과 구속모드의 외중력파, 경계층 Streaming이 횡단표사에 미치는 영향을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Pyong Sang;Cho, Yong Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.434-449
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we develop a new cross-shore sediment module which takes the effect of infra-gravity waves of bound mode, and boundary layer streaming on the sediment transport into account besides the well-known asymmetry and under-tow. In doing so, the effect of individual random waves occurring during the unit observation period of 1 hr on sediment transport is also fully taken into account. To demonstrate how the individual random waves would affect the sediment transport, we numerically simulate the non-linear shoaling process of random wavers over the beach of uniform slope. Numerical results show that with the consistent frequency Boussinesq Eq. the application of which is lately extended to surf zone, we could simulate the saw-tooth profile observed without exception over the surf zone, infra-gravity waves of bound mode, and boundary-layer streaming accurately enough. It is also shown that when yearly highest random waves are modeled by the equivalent nonlinear uniform waves, the maximum cross-shore transport rate well exceeds the one where the randomness is fully taken into account as much as three times. Besides, in order to optimize the free parameter K involved in the long-shore sediment module, we carry out the numerical simulation to trace the yearly shoreline change of Mang-Bang beach from 2017.4.26 to 2018.4.20 as well, and proceeds to optimize the K by comparing the traced shoreline change with the measured one. Numerical results show that the optimized K for Mang-Bang beach would be 0.17. With K = 0.17, via yearly grand circulation process comprising severe erosion by consecutively occurring yearly highest waves at the end of October, and gradual recovery over the winter and spring by swell, the advance of shore-line at the northern and southern ends of Mang-Bang beach by 18 m, and the retreat of shore-line by 2.4 m at the middle of Mang-Bang beach can be successfully duplicated in the numerical simulation.

Word-of-Mouth Effect for Online Sales of K-Beauty Products: Centered on China SINA Weibo and Meipai (K-Beauty 구전효과가 온라인 매출액에 미치는 영향: 중국 SINA Weibo와 Meipai 중심으로)

  • Liu, Meina;Lim, Gyoo Gun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.197-218
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    • 2019
  • In addition to economic growth and national income increase, China is also experiencing rapid growth in consumption of cosmetics. About 67% of the total trade volume of Chinese cosmetics is made by e-commerce and especially K-Beauty products, which are Korean cosmetics are very popular. According to previous studies, 80% of consumer goods such as cosmetics are affected by the word of mouth information, searching the product information before purchase. Mostly, consumers acquire information related to cosmetics through comments made by other consumers on SNS such as SINA Weibo and Wechat, and recently they also use information about beauty related video channels. Most of the previous online word-of-mouth researches were mainly focused on media itself such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. However, the informational characteristics and the expression forms are also diverse. Typical types are text, picture, and video. This study focused on these types. We analyze the unstructured data of SINA Weibo, the SNS representative platform of China, and Meipai, the video platform, and analyze the impact of K-Beauty brand sales by dividing online word-of-mouth information with quantity and direction information. We analyzed about 330,000 data from Meipai, and 110,000 data from SINA Weibo and analyzed the basic properties of cosmetics. As a result of analysis, the amount of online word-of-mouth information has a positive effect on the sales of cosmetics irrespective of the type of media. However, the online videos showed higher impacts than the pictures and texts. Therefore, it is more effective for companies to carry out advertising and promotional activities in parallel with the existing SNS as well as video related information. It is understood that it is important to generate the frequency of exposure irrespective of media type. The positiveness of the video media was significant but the positiveness of the picture and text media was not significant. Due to the nature of information types, the amount of information in video media is more than that in text-oriented media, and video-related channels are emerging all over the world. In particular, China has made a number of video platforms in recent years and has enjoyed popularity among teenagers and thirties. As a result, existing SNS users are being dispersed to video media. We also analyzed the effect of online type of information on the online cosmetics sales by dividing the product type of cosmetics into basic cosmetics and color cosmetics. As a result, basic cosmetics had a positive effect on the sales according to the number of online videos and it was affected by the negative information of the videos. In the case of basic cosmetics, effects or characteristics do not appear immediately like color cosmetics, so information such as changes after use is often transmitted over a period of time. Therefore, it is important for companies to move more quickly to issues generated from video media. Color cosmetics are largely influenced by negative oral statements and sensitive to picture and text-oriented media. Information such as picture and text has the advantage and disadvantage that the process of making it can be made easier than video. Therefore, complaints and opinions are generally expressed in SNS quickly and immediately. Finally, we analyzed how product diversity affects sales according to online word of mouth information type. As a result of the analysis, it can be confirmed that when a variety of products are introduced in a video channel, they have a positive effect on online cosmetics sales. The significance of this study in the theoretical aspect is that, as in the previous studies, online sales have basically proved that K-Beauty cosmetics are also influenced by word-of-mouth. However this study focused on media types and both media have a positive impact on sales, as in previous studies, but it has been proven that video is more informative and influencing than text, depending on media abundance. In addition, according to the existing research on information direction, it is said that the negative influence has more influence, but in the basic study, the correlation is not significant, but the effect of negation in the case of color cosmetics is large. In the case of temporal fashion products such as color cosmetics, fast oral effect is influenced. In practical terms, it is expected that it will be helpful to use advertising strategies on the sales and advertising strategy of K-Beauty cosmetics in China by distinguishing basic and color cosmetics. In addition, it can be said that it recognized the importance of a video advertising strategy such as YouTube and one-person media. The results of this study can be used as basic data for analyzing the big data in understanding the Chinese cosmetics market and establishing appropriate strategies and marketing utilization of related companies.

A Study on the Effect of Self Leadership on Goal Commitment : The Mediating Effects of Self-Efficacy (셀프 리더십이 목표몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 자기 효능감의 매개효과 검증)

  • Heo, Kap-Soo;Byun, Sang-Woo
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 2012
  • This study is about self-leadership, which is leadership that we exercise over ourselves. In this study, I analyzed the effects of self-leadership on students' focusing on their goal commitments and self-efficacy's role as link between self-leadership and students' focusing on their goal commitments. In order to accomplish research purposes, I conducted a survey of 300 University students in Busan and carry out empirical study of 276 University students. As a result of analysis, I draw conclusions as follows. First, Hypothesis1 is adopted because the research results show that self-leadership has positive effects on students' focusing their goal commitments. Second, Hypothesis2 is adopted because the research results show that self-leadership has positive effects on students' self-efficacy. Third, Hypothesis3 is adopted because the research results show that self-efficacy has positive effects on student's focusing on their goal commitments. Forth, I conducted Mediating regression to see if self-efficacy plays a mediator role between self-leadership and student's focusing on their commitments. And the results show that behavior-focused strategies, constructive thought pattern strategies and natural reward strategies have perfect mediating effects. This study shows the importance of building self-leadership for young generations to be effective leaders of themselves.

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Use of Herbicides and the Residues (제초제(除草劑) 사용(使用)과 잔류(殘留))

  • Moon, Y.H.;Chun, J.C.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.234-249
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    • 1993
  • Herbicide is an essential agricultural chemical in the modern agriculture. Due to its bioactivity, however, risk of herbicide use against non-target organisms should be seriously considered. Among the unfavorable aspects given by herbicide, the residue is the most important because herbicide residue in soil and agricultural product is closely related to human safety. The residue in soil and crop is dependent on conditions of soil, weather, herbicide use and crop cultivation, etc. In general, the residue in soil or agricultural product in Korea is known to be not serious at this moment, except for some problems like carry-over effect on succeeding crops. To secure safety of herbicide use for the health, soil ecology and other environment, researches on herbicide residue including monitoring survey should be done more frequently and extensively. Safety guide for herbicide usage should be kept by farmers and development of long toxic herbicide should be accelerated.

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Women Leaders: Gender Roles, Trust, and Effects on Organizational Performance in Educational Material Distribution Enterprises (여성 리더의 성 역할과 신뢰가 조직 유효성에 미치는 영향: 교육교재 유통기업을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Nam-Gyum;Hwang, Il-Young
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Since the early 1990s, it has been observed that the number and substance of studies on female leadership have been increasing. One of the reasons for this development may be concerned with the increasing number of female labor market participants as well as the greater opportunities for them to take higher positions in various organizations. In addition to this, the transition from mechanistic organizational structures that emphasize authority, control, and efficiency toward organic ones that focus on environmental adaptability, equality, and trust has also encouraged research on female leadership. The research tendency is based on the assumption that male and female leaders tend to exhibit different leadership styles according to their gender differences. Recent research has cast doubt on this assumption, by showing that the sociological gender roles of men and women are independent such that some female leaders show authoritative and control-oriented leadership, which were once considered to be male leadership styles. Research design, data, and methodology - This research attempts to carry out an empirical study on the gender-related leadership styles of female leaders and to examine their effect on group performance in the K business organization. This study also focuses on leader attributes such as trust, and it aims to discover whether these attributes should be regarded as independent or as moderating variables between leadership styles and performance. For these purposes, this study generated four hypotheses based on a review of the literature and it tested them using a survey. Female workers in the sales departments of the K Company, all of whom are women, were asked to provide answers to the presented questionnaires. This study hypothesizes that the type of gender roles played by women leaders will affect the job satisfaction and organizational commitment among the members of the sales group, and that the level of trust that is garnered by women leaders will also affect the types of gender roles that they play as well as employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Results - The results of this study show that both androgynous and masculine leadership styles are superior to the feminine leadership style in terms of employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. However, contrary to our expectations, this study fails to show the superiority of the androgynous leadership style over the masculine leadership style. Moreover, there are no significant differences between these two leadership styles with regard to group performance. Conclusions - This study shows that it is important that different attributes of leaders, such as how trusted they are, be treated as moderating variables between leadership and performance rather than as independent variables. Finally, as this is the first attempt to view the role of the gender in a new perspective, the managerial implications of this study for leadership research, as well as its limitations, are presented. Suggestions for future related research are also proposed.