• Title/Summary/Keyword: breath

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A Study on the Nursing Profession as Stipulated by Health & Medical Laws of Korea (우리나라 보건의료법령에 명시된 간호에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Young
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.116-132
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of the study is to find out how laws related to the nursing profession can be improved by analyzing the rules and regulations concerning nursing. Furthermore, to help settle legal matters in the process of doing nursing work. The data used for the study are the Health and Medical Act, the Maternal and Child Health Act, the School Health Act, the Special Act for Health and Medical Service in Rural Areas, the Industrial Health & Safety Act and the Notice on Nursing Professional Courses analyzed by age and content. The results of the study are as follows : First, basic nursing practice includes 'nursing care for recuperation and assistance in medical treatment and in special areas including the pre-vention of disease, maintenance of health, control of environment, and other therapeutic activities. It is suggested that the phrase 'assistance in medical treatment' should be eliminated as it limits the basic nursing practice to the assistance of the medical treatment. Second, Article 56 of the Health & Medical Act prescribes a special nurse but it does not prescribe a specific job. Accordingly, the new provison concerning the specific jobs of a special nurse should be added or a job guide should be inseated. Third, it is prescribed that those who have completed the training course after obtaining a license are qualified to be a midwife, a special nurse and a nurse practitioner working in special areas. However, school nurses, occupational health nurses and maternal and health workers are required to obtain a nurse license, but not to take an additional training course. Nurses working in special areas should be legally recognized as nurse specialists. The regulations to control various qualification standards consistently should be established. Fourth, the qualifications and types of nurses by area prescribed by Article 54 of the Health and Medical Act are not consistent with those of special nurses as recognized by affiliated organizations of the Korean Nurse Association and some hospitals. Accordingly, the qualifications and types of special nurses should be adjusted in consideration of special nurses. Fifth, as Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Health and Medical Act does not prescribe the type and scope of first - aid treatment that nurses can provide, the first-aid treatment of nurses might be considered as an unlicensed practice. The specific regulations regarding these matters should be established. Sixth, the contents of the nursing record, which are prescribed by Article 21 of the Health and Medical Act as a duty, include 1) matters concerning body temperature, pulse, breath and blood pressure 2) matters concerning drug prescription 3) matters concerning input and output 4) matters concerning the treatment and nursing care (Article 17 of the Enforcement Regulations, Health and Medical Act). However, these matters are limited to basic nursing care and assistance in medical treatment. The new recording methods on nursing process are suggested to be adopted legally. Seventh, the prescription right entrusted to nurses which are prescribed by the School Health Act, the Special Act on Health and Medical Service for Rural Areas, and the Industrial Health and Safety Act are not consistent with the rights of nurses as prescribed by the Health and Medical Act. New regulations prescribing the partial right for medical treatment entrusted to nurses in consideration of the restraint of time and place in emergency situations should be established.

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Experiment on the Variety of Movements of the Set-in sleeve -in the Sleeve's Cap height- (Set-in Sleeve의 활동성에 대한 실험적 연구 -소매산 높이를 중심으로-)

  • 이순홍
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1980
  • When we design a dress, we should not only consider the esthetic sense and the relationship between movements of the body and the type of dress, but also the combination between the qualities and proper uses of textiles. recently the sale of ready-made clothes has been booming but I wonder whether they have been made in accordance with research concerning body movements and dresses. I would like to make the following observations on dresses, because I have personally suffered the inconvenience of restricted arm movements when wearing ready-made clothes. I have made four types types of foundations with muslin and Jersey, with these foundations I measured the degree of tension or how much the waist-line was drawn up then the arm was moved in increments of 45 degree angles and there by covering the entire span of vertical and horizontal movements. I have intended to experiment with sleeves of differing height in several ways. Concerning the movement factor, I have determined that with excessive activity vertical movements are twice as uncomfortable as horizontal movements. Concerning the faburic, I have found that because jersey has more elastic qualities than muslin, it has proven to be more responsive to body movements. concerning dresses, I have fund that the higher the height of the sleeves, the more uncomfortable it is to move the arms and the greater the degree to which the waist-line is drawn up. As a result this experiment I have made the following observations. Firstly, the vertical movement of the arms to a 180 degree angle has the most extreme influence on the breadth of movement of the waist-line. Secondly, because jersey permits freer body movements than muslin, it should be the preferred material for use in making sportswear. Thirdly, the formula A·H/4+3 of the sleev's cap height is suitable for making street dresses and formal wear. The formula A·H/5 and A·H/6 are properly used when making working clothes and sportswear, and the formula A·H/8 is proper for a sleeping garment and clothes for patients. Fourthly when deciding to any garments, it is important to consider the amount of arm movement anticipated and the relationship between the material and the degree to which the waistline is drawn up. In nder-blouse, when we raise our arms to the most extreme position, we should at that point still have 20∼25 cm of material remaining under the waist-line which includes the maximum of 14.1cm plus part of the blouse and breath of skirt's belt. In the case of the over blouse it is proper for us to have the length of 17∼20 cm remaining below the waist-line.

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Clinical Observation on a Case of Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (근위축성 측삭 경화증 환자 치험 1례)

  • Choi, Eun-Hee;Jeon, Ju-Hyun;Kim, Yeon-Mi;Lee, Jae-Min;Go, Seung-Kyoung;Kang, Min-Wan;Kim, Sung-Lae;Yang, Gi-Young;Kim, Young-Il;Lee, Hyun
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.225-235
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    • 2007
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS) is Motor Neuron Disease(MND) that reveals muscle relaxation, bulbar palsy, extremities weakness, Pneumonia, in severe case, leads to death. Objectives : Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is one of the incurable disease. In Oriental medicine, Wei symptom is similar as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, so we diagnosed it as Wei symptom and treated in Oriental medical system. Methods : The patient was treated by acupunture, moxibustion, herb medication, physical treatment. The improvement of the patient was judged by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS), Grasping power on right arm, circumference of thigh and calf. Result : The patient had better condition for a while but the sputum irritated breathing and the day before he discharged vital sign was not stable and could not breath well. Conclusion : It is necessary to have more examination about the incurable syndromes such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and keep the patient's life better and expand their lives.

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Methodology for Designing Inter-device Connectivity by Classifying User Experience Step (사용자 경험단계의 분류를 통한 기기간 연결성디자인 방법론)

  • Hong, Sung-Soo;Yoo, Soung-Min;Ahn, Hyo-In;Ko, Chang-Suk
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.456-459
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    • 2008
  • We are now in the era of digital convergence with CE products and PC at the center, but product diversification occurs in the same breath. Each device may perform its own functions itself independently, but proportion of the inter-device usage is increasing gradually by concept of a home network and ubiquitous widely prevailed. The consumer's need of inter-device connection will take the dominative position of the market. Therefore, we can easily forecast that diversification of the products may inevitably lead connectivity patterns complicated considering recent market situation and trends. In this paper, we propose the methodology for designing inter-device connectivity which covers issues such like segmenting numerous number of connectivity pattern, and establishing their structure of control. Our methodology also supports the inter-device connection with extensive latitudes and a multi-device simultaneous control. In order to present inter-device connectivity guideline, we define four stages of a user experience - Connection, Configuration, Use, Disconnection. Based on the 4 user experience stages, we suggest a specific connectivity designing guideline for each step.

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Analysis of Protease and Antiprotease Concentrations in Retired Workers Exposed to Inorganic Dusts

  • Shin, Jae-Hoon;Hwang, Joo-Hwan;Lee, Kyung-Myung;Lee, Jong-Seong;Lee, Jeong-Oh;Choi, Byung-Soon;Kim, In-Sik
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.309-317
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    • 2009
  • Occupational exposure to inorganic dusts such as coal and silica has been identified as a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) risk factor. This risk factor causes lung inflammation and protease-antiprotease imbalance. This abnormal inflammatory response of the lung induces parenchymal tissue destruction and leads to progressive airflow limitation that is characteristics of COPD. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of proteases such as neutrophil elastase (NE) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 and antiproteases such as alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 with lung function. The study population contained 223 retired workers exposed to inorganic dusts. We performed lung function test, including percent of forced expiratory volume in one second ($%FEV_1$) predicted and $%FEV_1$/forced vital capacity (FVC). We analyzed serum MMP-9, AAT, TIMP-1 and plasma NE concentrations by sandwich enzyme immunoassay. NE, AAT, and TIMP-1 concentrations in workers, who had $%FEV_1$<80% predicted, were higher than those of workers who had $%FEV_1{\geq}80%$ (P<0.05). Both AAT and TIMP-1 concentrations in workers with airflow limitation were higher than those of workers with normal airflow (P<0.05). $%FEV_1$ predicted showed significant negative correlation with AAT (r=-0.255, P<0.0l), TIMP-1 (r=-0.232, P<0.01), and NE (r=-0.196, P<0.01). $%FEV_1$/FVC predicted showed significant negative correlation with NE (r=-0.172, P<0.05). From the results of stepwise multiple regression analysis about $%FEV_1$ and $%FEV_1$/FVC, significant independents were NE (r=-0.135, P=0.001) and AAT (r=-0.100, P=0.013) in $%FEV_1$, and NE (r=-0.160, P=0.014) in $%FEV_1$/FVC. In the present study, there were significant correlations between airflow limitation and protease concentration and between airflow limitation and antiprotease concentration. Serum protease and antiprotease concentrations, however, may be affected by the biological and inflammatory responses. It is necessary to evaluate specimens more reflected the effects of proteases and antiproteases in the lung such as lung tissue, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and exhaled breath condensate (EBC).

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Study on the Development of a Standard Instrument of Diagnosis and Assessment for Spleen Qi Deficiency Pattern (脾氣虛證(비기허증) 진단평가도구 개발 연구)

  • Oh, Hye-Won;Lee, Ji-Won;Kim, Je-Shin;Song, Eun-Young;Shin, Seung-Won;Han, Ga-Jin;Lu, Huanyu;Lee, Jun-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop a standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency pattern. Methods: Reports published in Korea and China related to spleen qi deficiency pattern were selected. Assessments of selected references were performed to select major symptoms of spleen qi deficiency pattern. Korean translation and review by a Korean linguist were performed to create a draft of [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)]. The final [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)] was completed after assessment on inclusion or exclusion, on importance of items and on validity of translation by an expert committee, consisting of professors from the National College of Korean Medicine. Results & Conclusions: 1. 14 major symptoms were selected by frequency from 45 references which were related to standard identification of spleen qi deficiency pattern, translated into Korean and reviewed by a Korean linguist. 2. 11 symptoms were selected after assessment on inclusion yes or no by the expert group. Items were listed in order of importance: tiredness of extremities (肢体倦怠), sallow complexion (面色萎黃), reduced appetite (食欲减退), abdominal distension after eating (腹胀食後尤甚), inability to eat (納少), pale tongue and white fur (舌淡苔白), lethargy (神疲), emaciation (消瘦), loose stool (大便溏薄), shortness of breath and reluctance to speak (少氣懶言), and weak pulse (脈緩弱). 3. Final [Standard instrument of diagnosis and assessment for spleen qi deficiency (for subject)] was completed after assessment of translation validity, reflection of individual opinions by the expert committee, and application of weighted value computed from assessment on importance of items.

Relationship of Refractive and Anatomical Changes on Eyes after Alcohol Ingestion (알코올 섭취에 의한 눈의 굴절변화와 해부학적 변화와의 관계)

  • Kim, Jung-Ouk;Moon, Byeong-Yeon;Cho, Hyun Gug
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.195-199
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was to investigate the relevance between refractive and anatomical changes temporarily on the eyes after alcohol ingestion. Methods: Eight subjects (16 eyes) which were $24.5{\pm}1.5$ aged males drunk the alcohol of 0.42 g per kg of body weight within 30 minutes. Refractive errors, the radius of corneal curvature, corneal thickness, pupillary size, intraocular pressure, and the length of the ocular axis at 1 h, 4 h, and 24 h after alcohol ingestion were compared with them of non-alcoholic state. Results: At 1 h after alcohol ingestion, breath alcohol concentration was the highest (p<0.001), more negative spherical power was needed (p<0.05) for correction, pupillary diameter was decreased (p<0.05), intraocular pressure was decreased (p<0.001), and the length of the ocular axis was increased compared with each one of non-alcoholic state. At 4 h after alcohol ingestion, all anatomical changes were the same tendency as at 1 h after alcohol ingestion. But at 24 h after alcohol ingestion, both refractive changes and anatomical changes were not significant compared with them of non-alcoholic state. Conclusions: Temporary changes of refractive error after alcohol ingestion may be related with decrease of intraocular pressure and increase of the length of ocular axis.

Comparison with ABCHES and Abdomen Compression Device in Respirational Radiation Therapy on Patients in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (간세포암 환자에서 ABCHES와 복부압박장비의 적용한 호흡동조방사선 치료의 유용성 비교)

  • Cho, Yoon-Jin;Byun, Sang-Joon;Kim, Young-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 2012
  • 4D-Radiation Therapy is the optimal treatment to track moving organs(tumor) and give the appropriate prescription dose to tumor and low radiation dose to normal tissue surrounding tumor volume. The ABCHES is a 4DRT devices maintaining shallow breathing to patients. It allows the tumor's movement was minimize. Meanwhile, Abdominal compression device is limited the breath compressing abdomen on patients. In this paper we will quantitative analysis the movement of tumor on only ABCHES versus ABCHES with Abdomal compression device and Analysis tumor dose and normal tissue's dose by Dose Volume Histogram on two parts. The result of Comparision ABCHES and ABCHES with Abdominal compression device, SI(Superior-Inferior) direction, AP(Anterior-Posterior) direction and LR(Left-Right) direction was limited 1.0 mm, 0.2 mm, 0.2 mm(average). and also reduction rate of voluume in HPTV was $16{\pm}2%$, and LPTV was $15.8{\pm}0.8%$ under only using ABCHES and ABCHES with compression. The analysis dose volume histogram was more radiation dose in ABCHES and abdominal compression device than only using ABCHES, and less normal tissue-ipsilateral lung, whole lung, kidney-dose in ABCHES and abdominal compression device than only using ABCHES. The overall analysis was ABCHES with abdominal compression better than only using ABCHES method. In hereafter it will be studies that limitation of ABCHES and abdomonal compression device. In other words, patient's discomfort on compression intensity, method of application on patient with inaccurate respiration cycle.

Towards Routine Clinical Use of Radial Stack-of-Stars 3D Gradient-Echo Sequences for Reducing Motion Sensitivity

  • Block, Kai Tobias;Chandarana, Hersh;Milla, Sarah;Bruno, Mary;Mulholland, Tom;Fatterpekar, Girish;Hagiwara, Mari;Grimm, Robert;Geppert, Christian;Kiefer, Berthold;Sodickson, Daniel K.
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.87-106
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : To describe how a robust implementation of a radial 3D gradient-echo sequence with stack-of-stars sampling can be achieved, to review the imaging properties of radial acquisitions, and to share the experience from more than 5000 clinical patient scans. Materials and Methods: A radial stack-of-stars sequence was implemented and installed on 9 clinical MR systems operating at 1.5 and 3 Tesla. Protocols were designed for various applications in which motion artifacts frequently pose a problem with conventional Cartesian techniques. Radial scans were added to routine examinations without selection of specific patient cohorts. Results: Radial acquisitions show significantly lower sensitivity to motion and allow examinations during free breathing. Elimination of breath-holding reduces failure rates for non-compliant patients and enables imaging at higher resolution. Residual artifacts appear as streaks, which are easy to identify and rarely obscure diagnostic information. The improved robustness comes at the expense of longer scan durations, the requirement for fat suppression, and the nonexistence of a time-to-center value. Care needs to be taken during the configuration of receive coils. Conclusion: Routine clinical use of radial stack-of-stars sequences is feasible with current MR systems and may serve as substitute for conventional fat-suppressed T1-weighted protocols in applications where motion is likely to degrade the image quality.

A Systematic Approach to Decide Maximum Berthing Ship Size Coupled with Berth Design Criteria - A Case of Port of Ulsan - (부두 설계기준을 고려한 접안가능 최대선형의 결정에 관한 연구 - 울산항을 중심으로 -)

  • Jun, Sang-Yup;Kim, Young-Mo;Woo, Byung-Goo;Chung, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2008
  • "Summer Deadweight Tonnage(SDWT)" is used as the criteria of the berthing capacity when establishing port entry limits under current guideline. The important factors affecting to the maximum ship size of possible berthing are mass, length and breath of the ship rather than deadweight. Therefore this guideline should be modified to ensure safety and efficient operation of berth. This study aimed to propose a rational guideline to adjust the berthing capacity. In order to decide proper berthing capacity, three berths of Port of Ulsan were selected and systematic evaluations for the safety of passage transit, berthing maneuvers, ship motions at berth and stabilities of structures were conducted. Small changes of ship size had little effect on those characteristics and little significant differences were found according to the increase of ship size at the same displacement. The evaluation results of the increasement of 50% of berthing capacity at 20,000 DWT, 25% at 40,000 DWT and 13% at 150,000 DWT were within the design criteria in which the berths were built. Therefore, if the channel width, diameter of turning circle, berth length and mooring arrangements are satisfied with the criteria, the current berth limitations should be adjusted by the displacement. as substitute for the deadweight.

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