• Title/Summary/Keyword: birthrate

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Proposal for various Social Field Participation of Korean Young Dentist (변화하는 사회와 치과의사의 공공기관 참여 제한)

  • Chang, Young-Il
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to discuss the economic outlook of dentistry in relation to pessimistic economic perspectives of Korea and to present subsequent solutions. The expectation of the future economic growth rate of Korea is gloom with not only a love rate of increase in population due to an aging society and a low birthrate, but also with a declined number of productive populations. Moreover, the future of dentistry in Korea is obscure. Even with a dwindling population growth, an average of 750 new dentists graduate from dental school every year. The 30-35% of the new graduates practice in public hospitals; and 65~70% of them open up their own private practices, However, unlike in the past, the occurrence of dental practice bankruptcy has been increasing with a competitive environment, excessive initial investment, knowledgeable patients, and etc. Therefore, it is essential to re-evaluate the number of new graduates. Also, it is necessary to supply a greater number of public hospitals with newly licensed dentists, who have various clinic experience, participate in research and development, and experience appropriate hospital management skills.

The Effect of Changes of the Housing Type on Long-Term Load Forecasting (가족구성형태의 변화가 주택용 부하의 장기 전력수요예측에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Sung-Yul
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.64 no.9
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    • pp.1276-1280
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    • 2015
  • Among the various statistical factors for South Korea, the population has been steadily decreased by lower birthrate. Nevertheless, the number of household is constantly increasing amid population aging and single life style. In general, residential electricity use is more the result of the number of household than the population. Therefore, residential electricity consumption is expected to be far higher for decades to come. The existing long-term load forecasting, however, do not necessarily reflect the growth of single and two-member households. In this respect, this paper proposes the long-term load forecasting for residential users considering the effect of changes of the housing type, and in the case study the changes of the residential load pattern is analyzed for accurate long-term load forecasting.

A Study on the Cultural Space for Socialization of Elementary School Students (초등학교 학생의 사회성발달을 위한 문화 공간 연구)

  • Kang, Jung-Hee;Lee, Jae-Rim
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2010
  • Elementary school is the beginning step of personal relationships. However, the recent social phenomenon shows that the communication and intimate fellowship between the children are decreasing. This is due to the increase in Internet uses their parents' excessive protection caused by a low birthrate. School performs an important role in educating and socializing students. Students get intellectual and emotional satisfactions while they spend most of a day there. This research is aimed to understand cultural school environment for students, to help socializing and to improve the necessary cultural environment. Also, this research has guided to the understanding of the expanded socializtion, including improving school cultural environment for students and has presente the direction to improve the necessary cultural environment. The next was obtained from a survey of Elementary school students.

Competition Structure and Management Capability of Railroad Companies in Tokyo, Japan (일본 동경권 대형사철의 경장구조와 경영비교분석)

  • Lim, Chai-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.10 no.1 s.38
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 2007
  • Japanese railroad companies continued growing by developing diversification based on the railroad enterprise. However, the diversification strategy of railroad companies reached the management limit in the 1990s. Under the long-term economic depression, Aging and a decrease in the birthrate progressed and passenger transport changed to the downward tendency. Nevertheless, since railroad investment was expanded, business results worsen and price competitiveness with JR East became weak. Futhermore, the business results of a diversification enterprise were bad compared with it of a railroad enterprise. Therefore, group management was thought as important and structural reform was carried out resolutely.

On Change of Manual Dexterity with Aging (연령증가에 따른 수지교치성의 변화에 대하여)

  • 신승헌;김경수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 1996
  • Recently, in Korea the birthrate is declining and the average life span has been increasing. Thus, compared to the previous periods nowadays, older people are required to work. Even elderly people are rejoining the workforce. Korean companies set the retirement age between 55 and 60 years of age, however, accidents occur frequently. Thus, it becomes necessary to evaluate the ability of the elderly person. Since the required function of the worker varies from job to job the evaluation of the capability must also be conducted according to the desired functions. One of the methods used in this study is the continuous control knob to evaluate the tracking control ability to investigate the relationship of manual dexterity and age. The result of the study Indicates that the manual dexterity decreases with age. However, there are differences among individuals. The individuals lifestyle affected the manual dexterity of that individual. As a result, a company may use the manual dexterity as an measure to evaluate the elderly persons work ability.

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Educational Development Plan for the Future Popultion Growth (장기인구성장에 따른 교육개발)

  • 박덕규
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.20-46
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    • 1985
  • The increase of the population has an effect on the increase of students. The high birthrate, which means the extension of enrollments in the future, requires preparation of enough facilities and equipment for education. However, the educational conditions of Korea are not yet developed, and in such a situation the increase of enrollments makes the improvement of educational conditions difficult. Besides, the influx of students into the large cities has made complex educational problems such as a decrease of students in the rural area and a change for the worse of the educational conditions in the urban area. For the development of education in such a situation, an emphasis should be put not only on security of a stable educational finance but also on activation of family planning project and curb of population influx into large cities in the realm of population policy. In addition, population education for the youth should be strengthened in order that they can have sound view of family life, married life, children, and sex moral. For the way the young married live has relationship with the number and quality of children in the future of our nation.

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Trends in Infertility Research in South Korea: Text Network Analysis and Topic Modeling Analysis

  • Gie Ok Noh
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to identify the research trends and key concepts of fertility-related research published in Korea. For the analysis of this study, target papers published from 2014 to 2023 were collected by entering the keywords of 'infertility' or 'Sterility'. 155 papers were analyzed. The co-occurrence network of key words was developed and analyzed, and the research trends were examined through topic modeling of the LSD, and visualized word cloud and sociogram were used. The most common key words across the 155 research studies were infertility, infertile women, assisted reproductive technology, women, and depression. Highly connected keywords were the same as the top 5 most frequent keywords, and highly mediated keywords were fertility, infertile women, assisted reproductive technology, bioethics, and low birthrate. The four topics analyzed were identified as 'infertile women's experiences and care,' 'psychological problems of infertile women,' 'Korean medicine approaches to infertility,' and 'low fertility and fertility procedures'. Based on the results of this study has identified themes and trends in infertility research over the past decade and suggests that future research should focus on intervention studies and policy development for psychological issues related to infertility.

An Analysis Study on the Contents of Occupation in Technology & Home Economics Textbooks for Middle School : focusing on preparation for Low Birthrate & Aging Society (저출산·고령사회 대비 관점에서 중학교 기술·가정 교과서에 제시된 직업 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Soo-jeong
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzed the aspect of occupational contents shown in total 24 types of Technology & Home Economics (1). (2) textbooks for middle school in accordance with the 2009 revised curriculum. Analyzing the type of occupation shown in textbooks based on the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations(hierarchical classification), the frequency(ratio), and the aspect of occupational contents in each unit of textbooks and each data type, this study provided basic data to be able to understand diverse aspects of occupational contents. In the results of study, in case of Technology & Home Economics textbooks for middle school, the large area of 'home life' presented occupational contents in the relatively high ratio than the 'world of technology' while the frequency(ratio) of occupational contents was very much different in each publisher, large area, and unit. The occupation name presented in textbooks provided very limited information in the level of 5.27% of occupations presented in the Korea Dictionary of Occupations. Especially, providing occupational information concentrated in professionals & relevant practiceans in the type of the Korean Standard Classification of Occupations(hierarchical classification), it was limited to provide opportunities to learn the diversity related to occupation. Based on such results of study, on top of introducing diverse occupational contents to make students cherish all the occupations, it would be also necessary to seek for institutional measures related to textbook development/career education, so that they could explore career by considering their aptitude and interest.

A Study on the Improvement Approaches of Immigration Workers' Legal System to Introduce Foreign Workers according to change the Population Structure (Low Fertility and Aging) (인구구조 변화(저출산·고령화)에서 외국인력 도입을 위한 이주노동자의 법제도적 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Chuck-He;Noh, Jae-Chul
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2021
  • Due to the change in the demographic structure, the problem of low birth rate and aging population leads to a serious decrease in human resources, and the necessity of introducing foreign workers is increasing. This study believes that the introduction of foreign workforce is the most effective to expand the working-age population in the era of low birthrate and aging, when demographic changes begin in earnest, and to this end, it sought to devise measures to improve the legal system for migrant workers. As a result of this study, first, the legal system for migrant workers should be unified and improved. It is necessary to establish or unify management agencies so that the 「Immigration Control Act」 and the 「Labor Act」 can establish a cooperative relationship. Second, the 「Immigration Control Act」 should be revised to make it easier for migrant workers to find employment. It is necessary to positively review the employment permit system and acquisition of nationality. Third, there should be no equity or discrimination against migrant workers. Under the principle of mutual benefit, employers and migrant workers should not be equally discriminated against. Fourth, the social insurance system must be added to the legal system of migrant workers. Therefore, the legal system should be reorganized so that migrant workers are not discriminated against in various insurance systems including the four major social insurance systems. In conclusion, the problem of low birthrate and aging population has become a serious social problem due to changes in the demographic structure, and the decrease in the possible generation population has reached a level of concern. The importance of migrant workers' employment and work environment is increasing. Nevertheless, related legal and institutional problems still exist, and measures to improve the legal system for migrant workers are needed.

The Meaning of Parenthood and Christian Educational Care (부모 됨의 의미와 기독교 교육적 돌봄)

  • Jeung-Gwan Lee
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.49-70
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest a response and solution through Christian educational care to the crisis and change of the era of low birth rate faced by Korean society and the Korean church. This study proposes to find an alternative to the biblical aspect of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood as God's blessing for the demographic cliff and low birth rate problem that have become a reality in Korean society and churches. Being a parent in an age of low birth rate is very difficult, but on the other hand, it gives happiness and joy. Being a parent is a blessing from God, and is the most important and valuable thing in life. However, modern society emphasizes the right and necessity to choose one's own parenthood status. In the nuclear family, the decrease in the number of children, and the development of child research, parents feel more responsibility and economic burden for raising children than ever before. Therefore, it is a reality that the number of people who delay becoming parents or voluntarily do not have children is gradually increasing. To improve the perception of becoming a parent due to a decrease in responsibility for raising children, it is necessary to shed light on marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing from a Christian educational point of view. In addition, it is necessary to understand the recognition of being a parent and the characteristics of childbirth and rearing, and to analyze past and present value changes. This study will also discuss the causes of low birthrate and try to provide Christian educational care for childcare including solving the low birthrate problem.