• Title/Summary/Keyword: behavioral experiment

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The Preference for Science of the Elementary Students (초등학생의 과학선호도)

  • Jeon, Woo-Soo;Im, Sung-Min;Yoon, Jin
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to draw up the promoting plan of science preference by survey and analysis of the preference for science of the elementary students. The preference for science is defined theoretically with three categories ; they are emotional response, behavioral response and value establishment. Causal factors of the science preference were composed of individual factor, educational factor and social factor. According to this theoretical model, a questionnaire was developed, and administered to 696 students of 4,5,6 grade of randomly selected eight elementary schools all over the nation. Elementary students liked science, but they didn't want to select their future job in science-technology area. The science preference of boys was higher than that of girls. The science preference of 4th grade students was higher than that of 5th and 6th grade students. Individual factor affected the curiosity. learning interest, subject accomplishment on the science and course selection in life. Educational factor not only directly affected the curiosity. learning interest, value establishment and belief of the science but also indirectly affected the individual factor and social factor. Therefore, educational factor was the most important on the science preference. Social factor only affected the value establishment and belief on the science. Elementary students wanted to team science through experiment and they wanted science to be easier than that of now. On the analysis of result, the promoting plan of the science preference was suggested.

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Analysis on Teacher's Height and Authority in Robot-assisted Learning (원격로봇교사의 키와 초등 수업 통제력의 영향 분석)

  • Bae, Il-han;Han, Jeong-hye
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.1501-1507
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    • 2017
  • Telepresence in robot assisted learning has preferred low-height, shorter than life-size robotic platforms for reasons such as operational stability, user convenience and psychological comfort in human robot interaction. If, however, the reason for using a telepresence robot is to display the authority of a social superior to a social inferior, one can hypothesize that a robotic platform which reflects real-life height advantage would be better suited for the stated purpose than conventional low-height platforms. In order to test the hypothesis, we examined whether the height of the robot had an effect on an instructor connected to a telepresence robot in robot-assisted learning with regard to controlling a large number of elementary school students. The pre-and post experiment demonstrates that the use of a life-size telepresence robot, compared to a child-size telepresence robot, failed to make a meaningful difference in the instructors' authority being accepted by the students. However, behavioral measures shows that a taller robot has more merits in controlling students.

Effects of Egg-plant as a Trap Plant Attracting Bemisia tabaci Genn. (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Adults Available on Tomato Greenhouses (트랩식물로써 토마토에 대한 가지의 담배가루이 유인효과)

  • Choi, Yong-Seok;Seo, Jeong-Hak;Whang, In-Su;Kim, Gyung-Je;Choi, Byeong-Ryeol;Jeong, Tae-Woo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.311-316
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to ascertain the potential of egg plant for use as a trap plant to attract Bemisia tabaci adults compared to that of tomato. Choice tests were conducted to compare the preference of B. tabaci adults to horseweed, egg-plant, cucumber, and tomato. B. tabaci adults were found to be more sensitive to visual cues than to odor cues, and they preferred the egg-plant and cucumber to horseweed. The attraction rates of the egg-plant and cucumber to B. tabaci adults were 82.3% and 82.5% respectively, compared to that of tomato. Because egg-plants are easier to manage compared to cucumber, we excluded cucumber from subsequent experiment. The attraction rate of egg-plant to B. tabaci adults was >90% when the height of egg-plant was equal or more than that of the tomato plant.

Characterization of a CLYC Detector and Validation of the Monte Carlo Simulation by Measurement Experiments

  • Kim, Hyun Suk;Smith, Martin B.;Koslowsky, Martin R.;Kwak, Sung-Woo;Ye, Sung-Joon;Kim, Geehyun
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2017
  • Background: Simultaneous detection of neutrons and gamma rays have become much more practicable, by taking advantage of good gamma-ray discrimination properties using pulse shape discrimination (PSD) technique. Recently, we introduced a commercial CLYC system in Korea, and performed an initial characterization and simulation studies for the CLYC detector system to provide references for the future implementation of the dual-mode scintillator system in various studies and applications. Materials and Methods: We evaluated a CLYC detector with 95% $^6Li$ enrichment using various gamma-ray sources and a $^{252}Cf$ neutron source, with validation of our Monte Carlo simulation results via measurement experiments. Absolute full-energy peak efficiency values were calculated for gamma-ray sources and neutron source using MCNP6 and compared with measurement experiments of the calibration sources. In addition, behavioral characteristics of neutrons were validated by comparing simulations and experiments on neutron moderation with various polyethylene (PE) moderator thicknesses. Results and Discussion: Both results showed good agreements in overall characteristics of the gamma and neutron detection efficiencies, with consistent ~20% discrepancy. Furthermore, moderation of neutrons emitted from $^{252}Cf$ showed similarities between the simulation and the experiment, in terms of their relative ratios depending on the thickness of the PE moderator. Conclusion: A CLYC detector system was characterized for its energy resolution and detection efficiency, and Monte Carlo simulations on the detector system was validated experimentally. Validation of the simulation results in overall trend of the CLYC detector behavior will provide the fundamental basis and validity of follow-up Monte Carlo simulation studies for the development of our dual-particle imager using a rotational modulation collimator.

The Effect of Cyber Group Counseling on the Depression of Internet Addiction Children (사이버 집단상담이 인터넷 중독 아동의 우울증에 미치는 효과)

  • Han, Eun-Su
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.191-214
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    • 2005
  • This study aimed to examine the effect of Cyber Group Counseling on the depression of internet addiction children in elementary school. In this study, the following questions were posed: How effective is the Cyber Group Counseling on the depression of internet addiction children? In this study, subjects were 24 students who got 14 points over in KAIS and got 11 points over in CDI among 245 of 5th, 6th grade students in Daegu and Chongdo Kyungbuk who did Internet addiction scale for Korean Adolescent(KAIS) and Children's Depression Inventory(CDI). They were divided into experimental group and comparative group. Subjects in experimental group practiced Cyber Group Counseling for 12 sessions(60 minutes per session) for 6 weeks. But the control group had no treatment during the period. During the experiment, 2 of each groups were left out. The counseling schedule and hor· to join the Cyber Group Counseling clinic were notified by e-mail. The Cyber Group Counseling was on every Monday and Thursday. The Cyber Group Counseling progressed by internet chatting, bulletin board, e-mail and a slip paper counsel. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS/PC+ (statistical package for the social science/personal computer) program and t -test. The findings of this study were as follows: First, the depression of internet addiction children who joined in Cyber Group Counseling was significantly reduced than the others. So, Cyber Group Counseling was proved one of the useful psychotherapy approach. Second, the subordinate of depression including behavioral disturbance and anhedonia was significantly reduced. Third, the subordinate of depression including the dysphoric mood, the self-deprecation and physiological symptoms was reduced. But it was not statistically significant.

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Information Privacy and Reactance in Online Profiling (온라인 고객정보 수집에서의 프라이버시와 심리적 반발)

  • Lee, Gyu-Dong;Lee, Won-Jun
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2009
  • In the information age, cheap price of information processing and advances in personalization technology have allowed companies to enhance the relationships with their existing customers and to expand their customer base by effectively attracting new customers. However, most customers are reluctant to provide their personal information to companies. This study explores the tension between companies' desire to collect personal information to offer personalized services and their customers' privacy concerns. The psychological reactance theory suggests that when individuals feel that their behavioral choice is threatened or restricted, they are motivated to restore their freedom. Therefore, despite the expected benefits from personalized services, customers may perceive the services to be restrictive of their freedom to choose. This adverse effect may undermine the relationships between companies and their customers. We conducted experiments to explore the dynamic roles of transactional and environmental factors in motivating customers to provide personal information. We revisited online privacy issues from the perspective of psychological reactance. For the experiments, we created an online shop and randomly assigned the participants to one of the two experimental conditions-high and low levels of information requirements. The results of the experiment indicate that threatening the free choice serves as a transactional cost in online profiling. On the other hand, the expected benefits of personalization services have positive correlations with customers' willingness to provide personal information. This study explains privacy based on transactional and environmental factors. Our findings also indicate that the environmental factors such as the Internet privacy risk and trust propensity do not significantly affect the willingness to provide personal information when firms required much personal information. Implications and contributions are discussed.

A Study on the Applicability of Facial Action Coding System for Product Design Process (제품 디자인 프로세스를 위한 표정 부호화 시스템(FACS) 적용성에 대한 연구)

  • Huang, Chao;Go, Jung-Wook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.80-88
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    • 2019
  • With more emphasis on emotional communication with users in product design field, designers' clear and prompt grasp of user's emotion has become the core activity in product design research. To increase the flexibility applying emotion measurement in the process of product design, this study has used Facial Action Coding System (FACS) of behavioral emotion measurement method in product design evaluation. To select specimens, it has flexibly used the emotional product Image Map. Then this study has selected six product irritants inducing positive, negative and neutral emotions, and conducted FACS experiment with ordinary product users of 20 generations as the experimental subject, and analyzed users' emotional state in response to the irritants through their facial expressions. It also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of FACS in the process of product design, such as "recording users' unconscious facial expressions" and puts forward some applicable schemes, such as "choosing a product stimulus with high user response". It is expected that this paper can be helpful to the flexibility of FACS as a method to predict user's emotion in advance at the trial stage of product design before launching them to the market.

Applications for Self-Regulating Learning Strategy to Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Reaction (탐구실험 수업에 자기조절학습 전략을 적용: 학업성취도 및 과학적 태도에 대한 효과)

  • Kim, Yeon Chul;Park, Jong Keun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.487-495
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    • 2021
  • Using self-regulation learning strategies that can cultivate the creative and critical thinking required in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it was applied to the exploration experimental class of the section 'quantitative relationship in chemical reactions' in high school chemistry and the effects on academic performance and scientific attitudes were analyzed. In case of academic achievement, although there was no meaningful difference between the two groups in the pre-test, the average value of the experimental group was significantly higher in the post-test. In the case of scientific attitudes, the difference in average points between the two groups was the greatest in readiness and curiosity. In the post-test of the experimental group, academic achievement showed the highest correlation with meta-cognition and scientific attitude with behavioral regulation, respectively. Considering the effectiveness of metacognition and scientific attitudes, self-regulation learning strategies are the most suitable teaching-learning forms for creativity and personality education in this era.

Women's Comfort Temperature Range and Dynamic Temperature Change for Maintaining Thermal Comfort in Low Temperature Environment (저온환경에서 여성 온열쾌적성 유지를 위한 쾌적온도범위 및 동적 온도변화 연구)

  • Kim, Soyoung;Lee, Okkyung;Lee, Heeran
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.853-861
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    • 2020
  • Various types of clothing are being developed to boost thermal comfort during cold winters along with research on change of body temperature when heating is applied. There is a noticeable behavioral difference by gender when using heating panels in a cold environment; however, research on women has been insufficient. This study find a temperature range that provides sustainable thermal comfort in a low temperature environment by observing temperature and change of temperature when subjects are classified according to physical activities or cold sensitivities. For the study results, 8 women in their 20s were subjected to experiment in a low temperature environment for 75 minutes (sitting position: 30 min., running: 15 min., and sitting position: 30 min.). Subjects were asked to turn on/off the heating panel freely to analyze the range of comfortable temperature and clothing microclimate; in addition, skin temperature and heating panel temperature were measured and analyzed at 9 points. As a result, temperature at which subjects turn on and off the heating panel indicated a statistically meaningful difference between the cold sensitivity group depending on exercise or non-exercise. The range of comfortable abdomen temperature was wider than the lower back and was significantly reduced when the subject was running. The range of comfortable temperature was also largest for the heating panel temperature, microclimate, and skin temperature in suggesting that adequate adjustment will be required depending on the surrounding environment or movement of the wearer.

Impacts of Appeal Type on Attitude and Behavioral Intention of College Students Responding to Messages for Helping the Patients Suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosisthe (루게릭병 환자를 위한 나눔 메시지의 소구유형에 따른 대학생 태도와 행위 의도의 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Jo;Song, Ha-Seul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.426-438
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    • 2022
  • The current study explored the relative effects of reciprocal/empathic type on messages appealing to help patients with Lou Gehrig's disease and their family. By this, we attempted to examine the applicable scope of the reciprocal type, a way of appealing rationally in the delivery of helping messages. The focus was on the moderation of empathic concern trait, a representative altruistic personality. Conducted as the online experiment, empathic concern trait was measured in the first stage, and the helping messages presented each by reciprocal/empathic type were shown and evaluated in the second stage after about 7 days. The data of 134 people were finally analyzed, excluding insincere participants. As a result, the relative advantage of empathic type was shown, but it was only limited to the subject attitude. In the result of the interaction, the reciprocal type were as much or more influential as the empathic type for the individuals high in empathic concern trait.