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Evaluation of Oxic Denitrification in A2O Fixed Biofilm System through Mass Balance (물질수지를 이용한 A2O 고정생물막법에서의 호기탈질평가)

  • Yoon, Cho-Hee;Park, Seung-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.231-239
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    • 2000
  • This study was investigated to estimate optimal conditions and biological oxic denitrification to treat wastewater with low C/N ratio and high strength total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) concentration by using $A_2O$ fixed biofilm system. The lab-scale experimental system packed with media, which were composed of polyvinylidene chloride fiber (oxic basin) and ceramic ball (anaerobic and anoxic basin), was used. This system was operated with various influent alkalinities at the C/N(TOC/TIN) ratio of 0.5. The study results showed that TOC were removed over 96.0% at all operation conditions. The removal efficiencies over 93.5% for $NH_4{^+}-N$ and 81.8% for TIN were obtained at the alkalinity of about 1210mg/L(Run 5). Among the removal of TIN, 64.9% was occurred by biological denitrification at an oxic basin. It was confirmed through mass balance of alkalinity and nitrogen that the amount of alkalinity produced during biological denitrification at oxic basin was 2.49~3.46 mg Alkalinity/mg $NO_2{^-}-N$, ${\Delta}TOC/{\Delta}DEN$ of 0.34 (Run 5) was obtained at an oxic basin, which was less than the theoretical value of 1.22.

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A Design and Implementation of Process Controller for BMW (Bacteria Mineral Water) Plant (비엠 활성수 플랜트의 공정제어기 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Sang-Yun
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 2015
  • In this study, a BMW plant process control system model which produces BMW is suggested and the BMW plant process controller with the following functions is developed. The first function is to operate the electronic overload relays to stop the blower for a certain period of time and to re-operate it again when the blower is overloaded. The second function is to close the motor operated valve automatically in case of power failure to prevent the circulation from the guided tank to the compost throwing tank and to block leak from the compost throwing tank due to the failure of ball valve. The third function is to transfer produced BMW from the concentration tank to 4 storage tanks for automatic managing of the BMW output. A device to measure the signal of the BMW plant process controller and a test equipment are developed. The designed BMW plant process controller is checked to see if it operates correctly according to the design specifications. The sequence control method based on BMW plant process controller is developed at a low cost in this study, so it is expected to bring improvements in the stability and the efficiency of system and to cause reductions in the operation and the management costs in the future.

Comparison of metal wire reinforcement and glass fiber reinforcement in repaired maxillary complete denture (상악 총의치 정중 파절 수리 시 금속선 및 유리섬유의 보강효과 비교)

  • Lee, Jung-Ie;Jo, Jae-Young;Yun, Mi-Jung;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Huh, Jung-Bo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.284-291
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study compared fracture strength and fracture modes between metal wire reinforcement and glass fiber reinforcement in repaired maxillary complete denture. Materials and methods: In this study, fracture was reproduced on center of maxillary complete dentures and the denture was repaired with auto-polymerizing resin. The experimental groups (n = 10) were subjected to the following condition: without reinforcing material (control group), reinforcing with metal wire (W group), reinforcing with glass fiber pre-impregnated with light-curing resin (SES MESH, INNO Dental Co., Yeoncheon, Korea, G group). The fracture strength and fracture modes of a maxillary complete denture were tested using Instron test machine (Instron Co., Canton, MA, USA) at a 5.0 mm/min crosshead speed. The flexure load was applied to center of denture with a 20 mm diameter ball attachment. When fracture occurred, the fracture mode was classified based on fracture lines. The Kruskal-wallis test and the Mann-whitney U test were performed to identify statistical differences at ${\alpha}=.05$. Results: W group showed the highest value of fracture strength, there was no significant difference (P>.05) between control group and G group. Control group and W group showed anteroposterior fracture mainly, group W showed adhesive fracture of denture base and reinforcing material. Conclusion: In limitation of this study, the glass fiber did not improve the fracture strength of repaired maxillary complete denture, and adhesive failure was occurred along the lines of glass fiber.

Health Problem of the Middle-Aged Women (종합 건강검진 과정에서 나타난 일부 중년기 여성의 건강문제)

  • 성미혜
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.258-270
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to offer the basic data for more qualitative lives of the middle-aged women through their health maintenance and control. So, the researcher reviewed and analyzed the health problems of the middle-aged women, the differences of main symptoms in each subject, positive ratcs in screening tests, the difference of screening tests with age and the correlation of obesity and blood pressure with screening tests. All subjects were 218 women(40-59years) who had a check-up at a comprehensive health check-up center in K University Hospital in Seoul from July 1, 1998 to August 31. 1998. Questionaires were developed to get subjects, general characteristics. main symptoms, medical examination and diagnosed disease by the researcher referring through the questionaires of comprehensive health check-up center and the medical recorders were used as a tool of study. The researcher analyzed the data with SPSS PC+ ; the distribution of the subjects, general characteristics and main symptoms with percentage : the difference between main symptoms and screening tests with X$^2$-test, ANOVA. The results are as follows. 1) Among the age distribution, most were 40-45 years old and unemployed. 2) The most common complaints were indigestion in digestive system, cough in respiratory system, heart beat in cardiovascular system, general sweat in endocrine system. edema in urinary system, easy bruise in hematologic system, backache in musculoskeletal system, headache in psychoneurologic system, lochia in gynecology, itch in dermatology system, eye ball pain in visual system and tinnitus in auditory system. 3) In main symptoms according to age, the 40-45 age group had a higher rate of complaints in digestive system and gynecology than other age group ; the 46-49 age group in endocrine system. 4) The main symptoms according to diagnosis had no difference statistically. 5) The screening tests which showed high rates of abnormality were mammography(the highest), abdominal ultrasonography, upper gastrointestinal series/gastrofiberscopy, PFT. In all age group the highest rate of abnormality was seen in mammography. 6) In screening tests according to age. the 46-49 age group showed higher positive rates of pap smear, blood sugar test, urine test than any other age group ; the 50-55 age group showerd higher positive rates of obesity, BP, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, ESR, SGOT, CRP and urine micro. 7) In correlation of obesity with screening test, the obesity group showed higher positive rates of blood pressure, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, HCT and CRP than the normal weight group. 8) In correlation of blood pressure with screening test, the hypertension group showed higher positive rate of obesity, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasonography, pap smear and blood sugar than the normal blood pressure group. In conculusion, the middle-aged women have various physical symptoms and affected by age. The obesity and BP have an important effect on the health of the middle aged women. Therefore, this study is considered significant as data for qualitative lives of the middle-aged women playing an important part of family health care by catching of their health problem complaints for prevention of disease and promotion of health.

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Fabrication and Evaluation of a VHF Focusing Ultrasonic Transducer Made of PVDF Piezoelectric Film (PVDF 압전막을 이용한 초고주파 집속 초음파 트랜스듀서의 제작 및 특성 평가)

  • Yoon, Ju-Ho;Oh, Jung-Hwan;Kim, Jung-Soon;Kim, Moo-Joon;Ha, Kang-Lyeol
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2011
  • In order to obtain high resolution images, a focusing ultrasonic transducer operated in very high frequency (VHF) range was fabricated and its characteristics were evaluated. A 9-${\mu}m$ thick PVDF film with only one metalized surface for electric ground was adhered to a CCP (Copper-clad polyimide) film by using epoxy. It was pressed by a metal ball to form a concave surface and its rear side was filled with the epoxy. The radius of curvature and the f-number of the fabricated transducer are 7.5 mm and 1.7, respectively. The pulse-echo measurement results from a target located at the focal point showed that the frequency bandwidth was 35.0 MHz and the insertion loss near the peak frequency of approximately 40 MHz was about 60 dB. Those values agreed well with the simulation results by the KLM equivalent circuit analysis including the effect of the epoxy bonding layer. When the image of thin copper lines by the 35 MHz transducer of the UBM (Ultrasonic Backscattering Microscope) system was compared with the image by the transducer fabricated in this study, the fabricated transducer was observed that the axial resolution was improved although the lateral resolution was degraded.

Evaluation of Field Applicability of Shotcrete for Fiber-net Integrated Tunnel Support System through Mock-up Test (목업 테스트를 통한 숏크리트용 섬유 그물망 일체형 터널 지보시스템의 현장 적용성 평가)

  • Kim, Jiyoung;Choi, Seongcheol
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.72-78
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    • 2020
  • The present study developed shotcrete for fiber-net integrated tunnel support system, which consists of fiber-net support materials including netlike fiber and shotcrete and integration technology between support materials. In addition, in order to evaluate the field applicability of the developed tunnel support system and compare with the performance of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete, mock -up test was conducted on the mock -up structure. The test results show that in the case of shotcrete containing coarse aggregate(S20A5RP10-C), the excessive rebound rate occurred as the secondary shotcrete was dropped during construction due to the degradation in bond performance with fiber-net. Also, in the case of steel fiber reinforced shotcrete, the amount of cast shotcrete fell short of target value due to the fiber ball and the degradation of pumpability. On the other hand, the amount of cast mortar shotcrete(S20A5RP10-M) and the installation position of fiber-net were almost close to the target values, and the lower rebound rate occurred compared to the steel fiber reinforced shotcrete.

Study on the Current Safety Management Status and Safety Improvement of Gas Valve (가스밸브의 안전관리 현황 및 안전성 향상 연구 (모니터링을 중심으로))

  • Choe, Byeong-Gyu;Cha, Min-Chang;Kim, Jin-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2016
  • Though a valve is a very important part in a system to control properly, it has potential failure caused by gap from valve stem to ball connection, and abrasion, crack, fixation causing operational trouble and accidents. 64% of the valve failure in the real case was the failure of airtightness and most accidents of leakage and explosion were occurred while fixing the failure. While there are no proper safety manual, maintenance procedure and regulation for industrial valves excluding safety valve, safety management for the valves is left to the discretion of the maintenance company. Strict maintenance that removes hazards and emergency response procedure are required to prevent and reduce the loss of accident. This study suggests safety enhancement measures through valve monitoring by investigating the status of use of valve and current maintenance. Enhancement of gas safety management can be acquired by a monitoring system that provides diagnosis for valve status, monitoring real-time gas leakage, management of entire cycle lifetime that can reduce maintenance cost.

Synthesis and characterization of soft magnetic composite in Fe2O3-Mg system by mechanical alloying (기계적합금화에 의한 Fe2O3-Mg계 연자성 콤포지트의 합성 및 평가)

  • Lee, Chung-Hyo
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2015
  • We have applied mechanical alloying (MA) to produce soft magnetic composite material using a mixture of elemental $Fe_2O_3$-Mg powders. An optimal milling and heat treatment conditions to obtain soft magnetic ${\alpha}$-Fe/MgO composite with fine microstructure were investigated by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measurement. It is found that ${\alpha}$-Fe/MgO composite powders in which MgO is dispersed in ${\alpha}$-Fe matrix are obtained by MA of $Fe_2O_3$ with Mg for 30 min. The saturation magnetization of ball-milled powders increases with increasing milling time and reaches to a maximum value of 69.5 emu/g after 5 h MA. The magnetic hardening due to the reduction of the ${\alpha}$-Fe grain size by MA was also observed. Densification of the MA powders was performed in a spark plasma sintering (SPS) machine at $800{\sim}1000^{\circ}C$ under 60 MPa. X-ray diffraction result shows that the average grain size of ${\alpha}$-Fe in ${\alpha}$-Fe/MgO nanocomposite sintered at $800^{\circ}C$ is in the range of 110 nm.

Spatting and Fire Enduring Properties of High Strength RC Column Subjected to Axial Load Depending on Fiber Contents (중심 축하중을 받는 고강도 RC기둥의 섬유 혼입량에 따른 폭열 및 내화 성상)

  • Han, Cheon-Goo;Hwang, Yin-Seong;Lee, Jae-Sam;Kim, Kyoung-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.18 no.1 s.91
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2006
  • This paper investigates experimentally the fire resistance performance and spatting resistance of high performance reinforced concrete column member subjected to fire containing polypropylene fiber(PP fiber) and cellulose fiber(CL fiber). An increase in PP fiber and CL fiber contents, respectively resulted in a reduction of fluidity due to fiber ball effect. Air content is constant with m increase in fiber content. Compressive strength reached beyond 50 MPa. Based on fire resistance test, severe failure occurred with control concrete specimen, which caused exposure of reinforcing bar. No spall occurred with specimen containing PP fiber. This is due to the discharge of internal vapour pressure. Use of CL fiber superior to control concrete in the side of spatting resistance, localized failure at comer of specimen was observed. Corner of specimen had deeper neutralization than surface of specimen. Specimen containing PP fiber had the least damaged area due to spatting. Neutralization depth ranged between 6 and 8 mm Residual compressive strength of specimen containing PP fiber maintained 40%, which is larger than control concrete with 20% of residual strength. Specimen containing CL fiber had 25% or residual strength.

Physical Analysis of High Strength Concrete According to Mixing Methods of Binders for Application Analysis of Pre-Mix Cement (프리믹스 시멘트의 활용성 분석을 위한 결합재의 혼합방법에 따른 고장도 콘크리트의 물성 분석)

  • Han, Cheon-Goo;Lee, Hae-Ill
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2009
  • It is important to increase the strength of binders in order to enhance the strength of concrete. However, when the mineral admixture used for high strength concrete is incorporated individually, its dispersibility decreases due to the phenomenon of compaction, which reduces its fluidity and results in insufficient strength being created. To solve this problem, we can pre-mix each binder in advance to disperse a mineral admixture among binders, which will strengthen the fluidity and strength of concrete. Therefore, this study analyzed the properties of high strength concrete depending on the mix method used, to determine the effect of pre-mix cements ranging from W/B 15 to 35%. It was found that the fluidity of pre-mix increased to a level higher than that of individual mix due to its dispersion and ball bearing effect. The air content was slightly decreased from the result of individual mix due to the micro filler effect, which causes fine particles of silica-fume to fill the voids among cement particles, while the setting time of pre-mix was shorter than that of individual mix, because enhanced dispersion of pre-mix affects hydration heat time. The compressive strength of pre-mix increased due to the phenomenon of compaction of gap structure, and the variation of coefficient decreased by 1.69% on average in strength variation.