• Title/Summary/Keyword: attribute information

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An Influence of Accounting Information Education Characteristics on the Psychological Capital and Flow in Digital Convergence Society (디지털 컨버전스 사회에서 AI교육 특성변수가 심리적 자본과 플로워에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Shin-Nam
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the relationships between AI education characteristics and psychological capital, psychological capital and flow, AI characteristics and flow through meditating effect of psychological capital in the digital convergence society. There are three AI characteristics: correctness, usefulness, easy of use. This empirical study was examined by 282 questionnaires to the three universities that teach accounting information system. It was performed by three-step method of the hierarchical regression analysis for the multiple regression analysis and parameter using the SPSS 22.0. The results and implications by analysis are as follows. First, AI characteristics and psychological capital have statistically significant positive influence. From AI attribute, correctness was established as the most important element. Second, psychological capital positively(+) influences flow. It allowed for the developed in flow. Third, psychological capital was shown as the major meditative variable between AI characteristics and flow. Through these, this paper suggests to reinforce self-efficacy, hope, resilience, optimism.

Development of GIS for the Food Chain Assessment around Kori Nuclear Power Plant Using ArcView (ArcView를 이용한 고리 원전 주변 육상생태계 평가를 위한 GIS 구축)

  • Kang, H.S.;Choi, H.J.;Yu, D.H.;Keum, D.K.;Choi, Y.H.;Lim, K.M.;Lee, H.S.;Lee, C.W.
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2005
  • Geographical Information System(GIS) was established to display the calculation results which show the concentration change with time and regions in case of an accidental release of radionuclides from Kori Nuclear Power Plants. GIS included the commercial program, ArcView(ESRI), and a basic digital map of 1:5000 scale lot 20km by 20km around Kori area. The object for the presentation was $^{131}I$ concentration in rice which is one of staple foodstuffs. Provided by deposited $^{131}I$ concentrations, ECOREA-II code computed the $^{131}I$ concentration of the soil and the plant in the area divided by In unit cells in total, in which the concentrations also varied with time. The results were introduced into the attributed data of previously designed polygon cells in ArcView. In order to display the concentration change with time by monotonic color, the RGB value for ArcView color lamp was controlled. This display definitely helped the concentration change around Kori area be acceptable to public.

The Public Television Crisis and the Mutation of the Public Sphere in Neo-liberalism (신자유주의 시대 공영방송의 위기와 공공영역의 변화)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.57
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    • pp.250-266
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    • 2012
  • In neo-liberalism, the change-value of the market and of the machandise based on the individual as the consumer dominate the public sphere, and the capital power encroach on it. with the technological revolution. At the same time the public sphere as such represent the media sphere, which is more and more subordinate, and have no choice but to do to the governmental authority having political power privatized. The private usage of reason in the public sphere is carried out at the structual level. How can we call such a space in which the private usage of reason is generalized and dominant as the public sphere? And so now, we sound out the possibility of the public sphere such as a new space of the universality where the public usage of reason can be realized without any limits and with free. So, when we imagine the proletarian public sphere, in which co-exist the divers private interests, as a new public sphere capable to be constructed, we can address a question as follow. What is the caracteristic of the proletarian public sphere in modern society?, Is the public community able to be formed and realized in such space? How would have the proletarian public sphere the carateristics of the publis sphere? What is the attribute of the community that the proletarian public sphere would make, and what is its force of emancipation? The power is no longer stable and static. Rather, it is reconstructed and reorganized in the divers phases of the everyday life. It is the reason why we put on the order of the day the proletarian public sphere as alternative public space, which would be a place of divers hegemonic representation. And now, we are aware of the beginning of thses changes.

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A Semiotic Approach on the Political UCC Contents Focused on Video UCC, (정치적 UCC 콘텐츠에 대한 기호학적 연구 동영상 UCC, 을 중심으로)

  • Mha, Joung-Mee;Kang, Ki-Ho
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.46
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    • pp.245-279
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    • 2009
  • UCC, an abbreviation for User Created Contents, is not only a symbol of desire but also a product of creativity that a producer contains his or her subjective disposition. More and more UCC tend to have significantly increased in Web 2.0 environment. However, the research on the contents as a creative product has rarely been processed. It may be fairly said that this results in the indifference of researchers in the special field like the political contents since UCC is usually produced by amateurs. Producers' various desire is unlikely revealed, which leads to the flow of users into open media such as the Internet. It could also be available to represent the property, of plural visual language signs in a field. Moreover, UCC has the attribute of re-mediation in effective communication, so the differences between the semiotic properties in the Internet contents could be a significant material for researches. This could contribute to establish a theoretical system for the visual communication. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the signification of the political video UCC, . To develop this analysis, I apply Greimas' Generative Trajectory of Signification Theory to the text, or the UCC. He classifies it as three structures: deep structure, superficial structure, and discourse structure. As a result, the text shows meaningful contents delivering core political messages. In addition, this approach could exam that 'Obama Syndrome' in American recent presidential campaigns is caused by web 2.0 based on Internet campaigns including video UCC.

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Application of GIS to Select Viewpoints for Landscape Analysis (경관분석 조망점 선정을 위한 GIS의 적용방안)

  • Kang, Tae-Hyun;Leem, Youn-Taik;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 2013
  • The concern on environmental quality makes the landscape analysis more important than before ever. For the landscape analysis, selection of viewpoint is one of most important stage. Because of its subjectiveness, the conventional viewpoint selection method often missed some viewpoints of importance. The purpose of this study is to develop a viewpoint selection method for landscape analysis using GIS data and techniques. During the viewpoint selection process, spatial and attribute data from several GIS systems were hired. Query and overlay methods were mainly adapted for analysis to find out meaningful viewpoints. The 3D simulation analysis on DEM(Digital Elevation Model) was used for every selected viewpoint to examine wether the view target is screened out or not. Application study at a sample site showed some omissions of good viewpoints without any screening. It also exhibited the possibility to reduce time and cost for the viewpoint selection process of landscape analysis. For the progress of applicability, GIS data analysis process have to be improved and more modules such as automatic screening analysis system on selected viewpoint have to be developed.

Compromised feature normalization method for deep neural network based speech recognition (심층신경망 기반의 음성인식을 위한 절충된 특징 정규화 방식)

  • Kim, Min Sik;Kim, Hyung Soon
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2020
  • Feature normalization is a method to reduce the effect of environmental mismatch between the training and test conditions through the normalization of statistical characteristics of acoustic feature parameters. It demonstrates excellent performance improvement in the traditional Gaussian mixture model-hidden Markov model (GMM-HMM)-based speech recognition system. However, in a deep neural network (DNN)-based speech recognition system, minimizing the effects of environmental mismatch does not necessarily lead to the best performance improvement. In this paper, we attribute the cause of this phenomenon to information loss due to excessive feature normalization. We investigate whether there is a feature normalization method that maximizes the speech recognition performance by properly reducing the impact of environmental mismatch, while preserving useful information for training acoustic models. To this end, we introduce the mean and exponentiated variance normalization (MEVN), which is a compromise between the mean normalization (MN) and the mean and variance normalization (MVN), and compare the performance of DNN-based speech recognition system in noisy and reverberant environments according to the degree of variance normalization. Experimental results reveal that a slight performance improvement is obtained with the MEVN over the MN and the MVN, depending on the degree of variance normalization.

Design of Interface between 3D Object Model and Structure Analysis Program (3D 객체 모델과 구조해석 프로그램의 인터페이스 설계)

  • Park, Jae-Geun;Kim, Min-Hee;Lee, Kwang-Myong;Choi, Jung-Ho;Shin, Hyun-Mock
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.247-252
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the virtual construction system in which project participants efficiently share and control the information throughout the life-cycle of construction project using 3D object models is being developed all over the world. In this paper, a design of interface between 3D object model of structures and structural analysis system that is essential for the analysis and design of civil structures in the virtual space is treated. The relation parametric modeling technique that is needed to make the 3D object models and the construction method of product breakdown structure(PBS) that considers the several parameters for the structural analysis are presented. PBS is built so that it is possible to extract needed attribute information from 3D object model and to apply it to the structural analysis. Design methodology for interface program is proposed that several numerical values determined by the cooperative work same as structural analysis are delivered to 3D object models without additional work. An interface program between 3D object models and structural analysis system developed based on the proposed method would be effectively used to develop virtual construction system.

An Object-Based Image Retrieval Techniques using the Interplay between Cortex and Hippocampus (해마와 피질의 상호 관계를 이용한 객체 기반 영상 검색 기법)

  • Hong Jong-Sun;Kang Dae-Seong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.4 s.304
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose a user friendly object-based image retrieval system using the interaction between cortex and hippocampus. Most existing ways of queries in content-based image retrieval rely on query by example or query by sketch. But these methods of queries are not adequate to needs of people's various queries because they are not easy for people to use and restrict. We propose a method of automatic color object extraction using CSB tree map(Color and Spatial based Binary をn map). Extracted objects were transformed to bit stream representing information such as color, size and location by region labelling algorithm and they are learned by the hippocampal neural network using the interplay between cortex and hippocampus. The cells of exciting at peculiar features in brain generate the special sign when people recognize some patterns. The existing neural networks treat each attribute of features evenly. Proposed hippocampal neural network makes an adaptive fast content-based image retrieval system using excitatory learning method that forwards important features to long-term memories and inhibitory teaming method that forwards unimportant features to short-term memories controlled by impression.

A Study for Construction of CO2 Inventory Using GIS (지리정보시스템을 활용한 CO2 인벤토리 구축 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Sang-Hak;Kim, Dae-Wuk;Ryu, Ji-Won;Cha, Jae-Gyu;Jung, Eung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.40-52
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    • 2011
  • In this study, $CO_2$ emission quantities by spatial characteristics using GIS were investigated for building a $CO_2$ emission inventory. Eventually, this study provides the guidelines to build the urban spatial structure for reducing greenhouse gas and contributes to the transition to environmental friendly green city. The attribute data for GIS were energy (electricity and gas) usage in the city of Daegu for 2009 and used for Tier 1 as suggested by the IPCC guideline to estimate amount of $CO_2$ emission. The spatial data were built based on land use types categorized by building purposes with connecting building registers to cadastral maps for Daegu city. Spatial $CO_2$ emission quantities could be calculated by combining $CO_2$ emission inventory for energy and GIS. Also, $CO_2$ emission characteristics were different by land use types.

Development of 3D Digital Map Editing System (3차원 수치지도 편집 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Kee;Park, Ki-Surk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2007
  • The 3D spatial information projects have been processed and utilized in varied fields. However, the research of the 3D digital map for a role of national base map is not enough. The draft maps, which are raw data for generating 2D digital map, shows problems in generating 3D digital map. The objective of this research is to develop 3D digital map editing system for modifying and editing of 3D digital map from 2D vector and raster information such as a draft map, 2D digital map, DEM, aerial photo and so forth. This 3D digital map editing system was designed to include data structure of geometric and attribute object under provision of ISO/TC211 and OGC standard. This system was developed to implement the function of 3D stereo editing based on stereo viewing, 3D view editing based on projective, and 3D spatial operation. Using this system, 3D digital maps were able to be successfully produced from not only existing draft maps but also modified or edited draft maps and then application results were compared and analyzed.