The purpose of this study on head computed tomography scan corporate reorganization adaptive iteration algorithm using the statistical noise, and quality assessment, reduction of dose was evaluated. Head CT examinations do not apply ASIR group [A group], ASIR 50 applies a group [B group] were divided into examinations. B group of each 46.9 %, 48.2 %, 43.2 %, and 47.9 % the measured in the phantom research result of measurement of CT noise average were reduced more than A group in the central part (A) and peripheral unit (B, C, D). CT number was measured with the quantitive analytical method in the display-image quality evaluation and about noise was analyze. There was A group and difference which the image noise notes statistically between B. And A group was high so that the image noise could note than B group (31.87 HUs, 31.78 HUs, 26.6 HUs, 30.42 HU P<0.05). The score of the observer 1 of A group evaluated 73.17 on 74.2 at the result 80 half tone dot of evaluating by the qualitative evaluation method of the image by the bean curd clinical image evaluation table. And the score of the observer 1 of B group evaluated 71.77 on 72.47. There was no difference (P>0.05) noted statistically. And the inappropriate image was shown to the diagnosis. As to the exposure dose, by examination by applying ASIR 50 % there was no decline in quality of the image, 47.6 % could reduce the radiation dose. In conclusion, if ASIR is applied to the clinical part, it is considered with the dose written much more that examination is possible. And when examination, it is considered that it becomes the positive factor when the examiner determines.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of several reheating treatments (immersing the package into hot water, heating the soup in the pot and convection ovens after taking out of the opened package. heating the soup package in microwave) on the sensory characteristics of cook-chill and sous-vide spinach soup. Sensory evaluations were made on 5 sensory attributes by a 12-member panel using quantitative descriptive analysis(QDA). The fresh cooked spinach soup had a significantly(p<0.01) higher score in color than the reheated sous-vide one. The latter, however, had a significantly(p<0.05) higher score in taste than the former. Overall acceptability of the sous-vide spinach soup was not different from that of fresh cooked one, which supports the potential of the product in foodservice operation for the efficient management of meal plan. Reheating treatments didn't show any differences in taste, flavor, color, texture, appearance and overall acceptability. Therefore, any reheating treatment nay be used for cook-chill and sous-vide spinach soup.
In this study, predictive mathematical models were developed to estimate the kinetics of Staphylococcus aureus growth in processed meat product galbitang. Processed meat product galbitang was inoculated with 0.1 mL of S. aureus culture and stored at 4, 10, 20, $37^{\circ}C$. The ${\mu}_{max}$ (maximum specific growth rate) and LPD (lag phase duration) values were calculated. The primary model was used to develop a response surface secondary model. The growth parameters were analyzed using the square root model as a function of storage temperature. The developed model was confirmed by calculating RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) values as statistic parameters. The LPD decreased, but ${\mu}_{max}$ increased with an increase in the storage temperature. At 4, 10, 20 and $37^{\circ}C$, $R^2$ was 0.99, 0.98, 0.99 and 0.99, respectively; RMSE was 0.39. The developed predictive growth model can be used to predict the risk of S. aureus contamination in processed meat product galbitang; hence, it has potential as an input model for the risk assessment.
Park, Sung-Mi;Lee, Myeong-Seong;Choi, Seok-Won;Lee, Chan-Hee
Journal of Conservation Science
The stone Buddhas and Shrine of Unjusa temple (Korea Treasure No. 797) in Hwasun formed in Koryo Dynasty are unique style which the Buddha faces each other the back parts of south and north within the stone Shrine. The stone Buddhas and Shrine are highly evaluated in historical, artistic and academic respects. But, the stone properties have been exposed in the open system various aspects of degradations weathered for a long time without specific protective facilities. The rock materials of the stone Buddhas and Shrine are about 47 blocks, and total press load is about 56.6 metric ton. The host rocks composed mainly of white grey hyaline lithic tuff and rhyolitic tuff breccia. In addition, biotite granite used as part during the restoration works. The chemical index of alteration for host tuffaceous rocks and the replacement granites range from 52.1 to 59.4 and 50.0 to 51.0, respectively. Weathering types for the stone Buddhas and Shrine were largely divided with physical, chemical and biological weathering to make a synthetic deterioration map according to aspects of damage, and estimate share as compared with surface area. Whole deterioration degrees are represented that physical weathering appeared exfoliation. Chemical weathering is black coloration and biological weathering of grey lichen, which show each lighly deterioration degrees. According to deterioration degree by direction of stone Buddhas and Shrine, physical weathering mostly appeared by 39.1% on the sorthern part, and chemical weathering is 61.2% high share on the western part. Biological weathering showed 38.3% the largest distribution on the southern part. Therefore, it is necessary to try hardening for the parts with serious cracks or exfoliations, remove secondary contaminants and organisms through regular cleaning. Also necessary to make a plan to remove moisture of the ground which causes weathering, and estimate that need established and scientific processing through clinical demonstration of conservation plan that chooses suitable treatment.
This study was conducted to give basic information of the animal manure management by manure units determination for recycling farming in Cheorwon-gun. Manure units (MU) are used in the permitting, registration, and the environmental process because they allow equal standards for all animals based on manure nutrient production. An MU is calculated by multiplying the number of animals by manure unit factor for the specific type of animal. The manure unit factor for MU determination was determined by dividing amounts of manure N produced 80 kg N/year. Conversion to manure units is a procedure used to determine nutrient pollution equivalents among the different animal types. In this study, the manure unit factor based on nitrogen in Hanwoo, dairy cow, pig were 0.36, 0.8 0.105, respectively. The analysis of manure unit per ha shows that the N loading by MU is quite different by region. The nitrogen loading of manure unit (MU) per ha of cultivated land was the highest in the Galmal-eup on province with 2.4 MU/ha, which is higher than the appropriate level. The Seo-myeon province came next with 1.92 MU/ha. To be utilized as a valid program to build the recycling farming system, diverse measures shall be mapped out to properly determine manure units, evaluate N-loading and to properly manage their nutrient balance of each region.
To determine the quality control of UGIS, we acquired 105 patients sampling image at 21 general screening centers. The results of image quality evaluation table containing two countries's UGIS showed that the mean of image qualified education table of our country was 73.3 and the standard error was 4.49; In addition, 19 organizations of 21 general screening centers were given appropriate judgement. The average of image qualified education table of Japan was 58 and the standard error was 4.45. Only 8 organizations were given appropriate judgement. Although we made the image quality evaluation tables with same images, there were many differences in the result of two tables. We figured out the problem about the description of whole stomach and photograph skills. Furthermore, we analysed the situation of the UGIS at each general screening center with the acquired images. The biggest problem of the UGIS of our country was that the procedures were performed without clear medical methods. Methods of UGIS were different at every 21 general screening centers, and most of them did not take exam of anterior surface of stomach of the UGIS. In addition, some general screening centers did not include mucosal relief method or esophagography which is required to include in the image qualified education table of our country. Because polisography is used in the same body position, the problem occured about indiscreet exposure dose of patients. Therefore we have to make an effort to get X-ray images which have enough diagnosis information by the quality control of UGIS.
The purpose of this study were to analyze that the Seoul neuropsychological screening battery (SNSB) for the evaluating cognitive assessment of the Parkinson's disease patients with mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI) and the changes of the cerebral ventricle volume in the brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and we has been bring forward the guideline to determine the diagnostic criteria for the PD-MCI. To achieve this, we was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease patients (PD-MCI group: 34 patients; Parkinson's disease with normal cognition, PD-NC group: 34 patients) to perform the SNSB test for the attention, language, memory, visuospatial, and frontal/executive functions and the brain MRI. Additionally, to compared the change of the cerebral ventricle volume, we performed the brain MRI for the 32 normal control (NC) group. The volumetric analysis for a specific cerebral ventricle performed by using Freesurfer Ver. 5.1 (Massachusetts general Hospital, Boston MA, USA). As a results, compared to the PD-NC group, the PD-MCI group were statistically significant reduction in the ability to perform the memory and the visuospatial function (p<0.05). The volumetric changes for a specific cerebral ventricle were statistically significant variation in the left and right lateral ventricle, left and right inferior lateral ventricle, and 3rd ventricle. Although, in order to compared the objectification, the normalized percentage applied to the volumetric changes showed to extend the PD-MCI group than the PD-NC group. Specially, the left and right ventricle extension for the PD-MCI patients conspicuously had showed a quantitative linear relationship between the memory and the visuospatial function for the SNSB (r>0.5, p<0.05). Therefore, we were able to judge the diagnostic criteria of the PD-MCI through that can observe the volumetric variation of the specific cerebral ventricle by using Freesurfer in brain MRI, and to analyze the correlation between the SNSB.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Models to estimate solar radiation have been used because solar radiation is measured at a smaller number of weather stations than other variables including temperature and rainfall. For example, solar radiation has been estimated using the Angstrom-Prescott (AP) model that depends on two coefficients obtained empirically at a specific site ($AP_{Choi}$) or for a climate zone ($AP_{Frere}$). The objective of this study was to identify the coefficients of the AP model for reliable estimation of solar radiation under a wide range of spatial and temporal conditions. A global optimization was performed for a range of AP coefficients to identify the values of $AP_{max}$ that resulted in the greatest degree of agreement at each of 20 sites for a given month during 30 years. The degree of agreement was assessed using the value of Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC). When $AP_{Frere}$ was used to estimate solar radiation, the values of CCC were relatively high for conditions under which crop growth simulation would be performed, e.g., at rural sites during summer. The statistics for $AP_{Frere}$ were greater than those for $AP_{Choi}$ although $AP_{Frere}$ had the smaller statistics than $AP_{max}$ did. The variation of CCC values was small over a wide range of AP coefficients when those statistics were summarized by site. $AP_{Frere}$ was included in each range of AP coefficients that resulted in reasonable accuracy of solar radiation estimates by site, year, and month. These results suggested that $AP_{Frere}$ would be useful to provide estimates of solar radiation as an input to crop models in Korea. Further studies would be merited to examine feasibility of using $AP_{Frere}$ to obtain gridded estimates of solar radiation at a high spatial resolution under a complex terrain in Korea.
To compare the effect of food waste compost(FWC) application on the sodicity of paddy and upland soil, laboratory experiment was conducted. Six kinds of FWC made of various mixing ratio of food waste and pig slurry as raw material were applied to paddy soil under submerged condition and to upland soil in field water capacity, and were kept at $25^{\circ}C$ under laboratory incubation. The higher the mixing ratio of food waste on making FWC, the higher the FWC showed Na content and EC. Mineralized ratio of cations in FWC during incubation showed no difference between paddy and upland soil. It was high in the order of Na>K>Mg>Ca as 99, 94, 71, and 71%, respectively. NaCl contents of FWC applied to soils against SAR and ESP were fitted well to first linear regression with extremely high significance($R^2=0.99$). Increasing rate of SAR and ESP was higher in upland soil than paddy soil by 2.3 times. The difference was considered to be caused by dilution effect which was exerted by the application of more soil to water ratio to paddy soil than to upland soil on SAR analysis in consideration of cultivating condition. The calculated values of $([Ca^{2+}+Mg^{2+}]/2)^{1/2}$ used as a denominator on SAR calculation showed a little difference among FWC treatments by 2.1~2.4, while [$Na^+$] used as a numerator showed much variance by 3.1~9.5. Therefore, as a parameter for the assessment of FWC quality affecting soil sodicity, the use of only Na content in FWC was proposed without regarding Ca and Mg contents. Soil Ex. Na contents showed extremely high correlation($R^2=0.99$) with ESP. Moreover, because the former can be more easily determined than the latter, soil Ex. Na content was proposed as a new sodicity index.
As a result of the growing livestock industry, varieties of organic solid and waste biomass are be generated in swine breeding and slaughtering stages. Anaerobic digestion is a promising alternative for the treatment of livestock waste biomass, as well as for the material recovery and energy production. Objectives of this study were to analyze the biochemical methane potential of swine waste biomasses that were generated from swine pen and slaughterhouse and to investigate the material recovery and methane yield per head. As pig waste biomass, swine slurry, blood, intestine residue, and digestive tract content were collected for investigation from pig farmhouse and slaughterhouse. The $B_{th}$ (Theoretical methane potential) and $B_0$ (Biochemical methane potential) of swine slurry generating in swine breeding stage were 0.525 and $0.360Nm^3\;kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$, the ratio of degradation ($B_0/B_{th}$) was 68.6%. $B_{th}$ of blood, intestine residue, and digestive tract content were 0.539, 0.664, and $0.517Nm^3\;kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$, and $B_0$ were 0.405, 0.213, and $0.240Nm^3\;kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$, respectively. And the ratio of degradation showed 75.1, 32.1, and 46.4% in blood, intestine residue, and digestive tract content. Material yield of swine waste biomass was calculated as TS 73.79, VS 46.75, TN 5.58, $P_2O_5$ 1.94, and $K_2O$$2.91kg\;head^{-1}$. And methane yield was $16.58Nm^3\;head^{-1}$. In the aspect that slaughterhouse is a large point source of waste biomass, while swine farmhouse is non-point source, the feasibility of an anaerobic digestion using the slaughtering waste biomass need to be assessed in the economical aspect between the waste treatment cost and the profitable effect by methane production.
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① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.