• Title/Summary/Keyword: algebraic and differential

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A Modular Formulation for Flexible Multibody Systems Including Nonlinear Finite Elements

  • Kubler Lars;Eberhard Peter
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.spc1
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    • pp.461-472
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    • 2005
  • A formulation for flexible multibody systems (MBS) is investigated, where rigid MBS substructures are coupled with flexible bodies described by a nonlinear finite element (FE) approach. Several aspects that turned out to be crucial for the presented approach are discussed. The system describing equations are given in differential algebraic form (DAE), where many sophisticated solvers exist. In this paper the performance of several solvers is investigated regarding their suitability for the application to the usually highly stiff DAE. The substructures are connected with each other by nonlinear algebraic constraint equations. Further, partial derivatives of the constraints are required, which often leads to extensive algebraic trans-formations. Handcoding of analytically determined derivatives is compared to an approach utilizing algorithmic differentiation.

Curved beam through matrices associated with support conditions

  • Gimena, Faustino N.;Gonzaga, Pedro;Valdenebro, Jose V.;Goni, Mikel;Reyes-Rubiano, Lorena S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.76 no.3
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    • pp.395-412
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    • 2020
  • In this article, the values of internal force and deformation of a curved beam under any action with the firm or elastic supports are determined by using structural matrices. The article presents the general differential formulation of a curved beam in global coordinates, which is solved in an orderly manner using simple integrals, thus obtaining the transfer matrix expression. The matrix expression of rigidity is obtained through reordering operations on the transfer notation. The support conditions, firm or elastic, provide twelve equations. The objective of this article is the construction of the algebraic system of order twenty-four, twelve transfer equations and twelve support equations, which relates the values of internal force and deformation associated with the two ends of the directrix of the curved beam. This final algebraic system, expressed in matrix form, is divided into two subsystems: twelve algebraic equations of internal force and twelve algebraic equations of deformation. The internal force and deformation values for any point in the curved beam directrix are determined from these values in the initial position. The five examples presented show how to apply the matrix procedures developed in this article, whether they are curved beams with the firm or elastic support.

Well-Defined series and parallel D-spectra for preparation for linear time-varying systems (선형 시변 시스템에 대한 잘 정의된 (well-defined) 직렬 및 병렬 D-스펙트럼)

  • Zhu, j.jim;Lee, Ho-Cheol;Choe, Jae-Won
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.521-528
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    • 1999
  • The nth-order, scalar, linear time-varying (LTV) systems can be dealt with operators on a differential ring. Using this differential algebraic structure and a classical result on differential operator factorizaitons developed by Floquet, a novel eigenstructure(eigenvalues, eigenvectors) concepts for linear time0varying systems are proposed. In this paper, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of well-defined(free of finite-time singularities) SD- and PD- spectra for SPDOs with complex- and real-valued coefficients are also presented. Three numerical examples are presented to illustrate the proposed concepts.

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Static stability and of symmetric and sigmoid functionally graded beam under variable axial load

  • Melaibari, Ammar;Khoshaim, Ahmed B.;Mohamed, Salwa A.;Eltaher, Mohamed A.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.671-685
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    • 2020
  • This manuscript presents impacts of gradation of material functions and axial load functions on critical buckling loads and mode shapes of functionally graded (FG) thin and thick beams by using higher order shear deformation theory, for the first time. Volume fractions of metal and ceramic materials are assumed to be distributed through a beam thickness by both sigmoid law and symmetric power functions. Ceramic-metal-ceramic (CMC) and metal-ceramic-metal (MCM) symmetric distributions are proposed relative to mid-plane of the beam structure. The axial compressive load is depicted by constant, linear, and parabolic continuous functions through the axial direction. The equilibrium governing equations are derived by using Hamilton's principles. Numerical differential quadrature method (DQM) is developed to discretize the spatial domain and covert the governing variable coefficients differential equations and boundary conditions to system of algebraic equations. Algebraic equations are formed as a generalized matrix eigenvalue problem, that will be solved to get eigenvalues (buckling loads) and eigenvectors (mode shapes). The proposed model is verified with respectable published work. Numerical results depict influences of gradation function, gradation parameter, axial load function, slenderness ratio and boundary conditions on critical buckling loads and mode-shapes of FG beam structure. It is found that gradation types have different effects on the critical buckling. The proposed model can be effective in analysis and design of structure beam element subject to distributed axial compressive load, such as, spacecraft, nuclear structure, and naval structure.

The Linearity of algebraic Inversion and a Modification of Knudsen-Nyberg Cipher

  • Lee, Chang-Hyi;Lim, Jong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 1998
  • K. Nyberg and L.R. Knudsen showed a prototype of a DES-like cipher$^{[1]}$ which has a provable security against differential cryptanalysis. But in the last year, at FSE'97 T. Jakobsen ane L.R.Knudsen broked it by using higher order differential attack and interpolation attack$^{[2]}$ . Furthermore the cipher was just a theoretically proposed one to demonstrate how to construct a cipher which is procably secure against differential cryptanalysis$^{[3]}$ and it was suspected to have a large complexity for its implementation.Inthis paper the two improved results for the dfficidnt hardware and software implementation.

Eigenstructure Assignment for Linear Time-Varying Systems: a Differential Sylvester Equation Approach (미분 Sylvester 방정식을 이용한 선형 시변 시스템의 고유구조 지정기법)

  • 최재원;이호철
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.5 no.7
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    • pp.777-786
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    • 1999
  • This work is concerned with the assignment of the desired eigenstructure for linear time-varying systems such as missiles, rockets, fighters, etc. Despite its well-known limitations, gain scheduling control appeared to be the focus of the research efforts. Scheduling of frozen-time, frozen-state controller for fast time-varying dynamics is known to be mathematically fallacious, and practically hazardous. Therefore, recent research efforts are being directed towards applying time-varying controllers. In this paper, ⅰ) we introduce a differential algebraic eigenvalue theory for linear time-varying systems, and ⅱ) we also propose an eigenstructure assignment scheme for linear time-varying systems via the differential Sylvester equation based upon the newly developed notions. The whole design procedure of the proposed eigenstructure assignment scheme is very systematic, and the scheme could be used to determine the stability of linear time-varying systems easily as well as provides a new horizon of designing controllers for the linear time-varying systems. The presented method is illustrated by a numerical example.

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An Analysis on the Understanding of High School Students about the Concept of a Differential Coefficient Based on Integrated Understanding (통합적 이해의 관점에서 본 고등학교 학생들의 미분계수 개념 이해 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun Ju;Ryu, Jung Hyeon;Cho, Wan Young
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.131-155
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate if top-ranked high school students do integrated understanding about the concept of a differential coefficient. For here, the meaning of integrated understanding about the concept of a differential coefficient is whether students understand tangent and velocity problems, which are occurrence contexts of a differential coefficient, by connecting with the concept of a differential coefficient and organically understand the concept, algebraic and geometrical expression of a differential coefficient and applied situations about a differential coefficient. For this, 38 top-ranked high school students, who are attending S high school, located in Cheongju, were selected as subjects of this analysis. The test was developed with high-school math II textbooks and various other books and revised and supplemented by practising teachers and experts. It is composed of 11 questions. Question 1 and 2-(1) are about the connection between the concept of a differential coefficient and algebraic and geometrical expression, question 2-(2) and 4 are about the connection between occurrence context of the concept and the concept itself, question 3 and 10 are about the connection between the expression with algebra and geometry. Question 5 to 9 are about applied situations. Question 6 is about the connection between the concept and application of a differential coefficient, question 8 is about the connection between application of a differential coefficient and expression with algebra, question 5 and 7 are about the connection between application of a differential coefficient, used besides math, and expression with geometry and question 9 is about the connection between application of a differential coefficient, used within math, and expression with geometry. The research shows the high rate of students, who organizationally understand the concept of a differential coefficient and algebraic and geometrical expression. However, for other connections, the rates of students are nearly half of it or lower than half.

Calculation model for layered glass

  • Ivica Kozar;Goran Suran
    • Coupled systems mechanics
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.519-530
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents a mathematical model suitable for the calculation of laminated glass, i.e. glass plates combined with an interlayer material. The model is based on a beam differential equation for each glass plate and a separate differential equation for the slip in the interlayer. In addition to slip, the model takes into account prestressing force in the interlayer. It is possible to combine the two contributions arbitrarily, which is important because the glass sheet fabrication process changes the stiffness of the interlayer in ways that are not easily predictable and could introduce prestressing of varying magnitude. The model is suitable for reformulation into an inverse procedure for calculation of the relevant parameters. Model consisting of a system of differential-algebraic equations, proved too stiff for cases with the thin interlayer. This novel approach covers the full range of possible stiffnesses of layered glass sheets, i.e., from zero to infinite stiffness of the interlayer. The comparison of numerical and experimental results contributes to the validation of the model.

Papers : Implicit Formulation of Rotor Aeromechanic Equations for Helicopter Flight Simulation (논문 : 헬리콥터 비행 시뮬레이션을 위한 로터운동방정식 유도)

  • Kim, Chang-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2002
  • The implicit formulation of rotor dynamics for helicopter flight simulation has been derived and and presented. The generalized vector kinematics regarding the relative motion between coordinates were expressed as a unified matrix operation and applied to get the inertial velocities and accelerations at arbitaty rotor blade span position. Based on these results the rotor aeromechanic equations for flapping dynamics, lead-lag dynamics and torque dynamics were formulated as an implicit form. Spatial integration methods of rotor dynamic equations along blade span and the expanded applicability of the present implicit formulations for arbitrary hings geometry and hinge sequences have been investigated. Time integration methods for present DAE(Differential Algebraic Equation) to calculate dynamic response calculation are recommenaded as future works.

Nonlinear Excitation Control Design of Generator Based on Multi-objective Feedback

  • Chen, Dengyi;Li, Xiaocong;Liu, Song
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2187-2195
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    • 2018
  • In order to realize the multi-objective control of single-input multi-output nonlinear differential algebraic system (NDAS) and to improve the dynamic characteristics and static accuracy, a design method of nonlinear control with multi-objective feedback (NCMOF) is proposed, the principium of this method to arrange system poles, as well as its nature to coordinate dynamic characteristics and static accuracy of the system are analyzed in detail. Through NCMOF design method, the multi-objective control of the system is transformed into linear space, and then it is effectively controlled under the nonlinear feedback control law, the problem to balance all control objectives caused by less input and more output of the system thus is solved. Applying NCMOF design method to generator excitation system, the nonlinear excitation control law with terminal voltage, active power and rotor speed as objective outputs is designed. Simulation results show that NCMOF can not only improve the dynamic characteristics of generator, but also damp the mechanical oscillation of a generator in transient process. Moreover, NCMOF can control the terminal voltage of the generator to the setting value with no static error under typical disturbances.