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Papers : Implicit Formulation of Rotor Aeromechanic Equations for Helicopter Flight Simulation  

Kim, Chang-Ju
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences / v.30, no.3, 2002 , pp. 8-16 More about this Journal
The implicit formulation of rotor dynamics for helicopter flight simulation has been derived and and presented. The generalized vector kinematics regarding the relative motion between coordinates were expressed as a unified matrix operation and applied to get the inertial velocities and accelerations at arbitaty rotor blade span position. Based on these results the rotor aeromechanic equations for flapping dynamics, lead-lag dynamics and torque dynamics were formulated as an implicit form. Spatial integration methods of rotor dynamic equations along blade span and the expanded applicability of the present implicit formulations for arbitrary hings geometry and hinge sequences have been investigated. Time integration methods for present DAE(Differential Algebraic Equation) to calculate dynamic response calculation are recommenaded as future works.
Helicopter; Rotor Aeromechanic Equation; Flight Dynamic; Implicit Formulation; Simulation;
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  • Reference
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