• Title/Summary/Keyword: aesthetics characteristics

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An Exploration of Theory and Methodology in Landscape Architectural Criticism (조경비평의 이론과 방법론 모색)

  • 배정환;조정송
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study is to establish some concepts, objects, and methodologies which are essential components in the theoretical inquiry of Landscape Architectural Criticism(LAC), and to explore the structure of LAC. Theough comparing the artistic characteristics of landscape architecture with the latent criticism in it, and introducing some important concepts of criticism and aesthetics, the concept of LAC is defined operationally. And through grasping changes of the definitions and concepts about landscpae architecture, and classifying the fields of it which are related to critical structure, the objects of LAC are established. According to Virgil C. Aldrich and many other aestheticians, general aspects of criticism are divided into \circled1analysis, \circled2 evaluation, \circled3interpretation, and \circled4description. Through these aspects and Wayne Attoe's opinion(which seemed to be generalized in architectural), the pertinent methodologies of LAC are explored.

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A Study on Aesthetic Characteristics and Styling of Korean Modern Girl Fashion (한국 모던 걸 패션의 미적특성과 스타일링 연구)

  • Yang, Junghee;Park, Hyewon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.110-127
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    • 2015
  • This study probed into the fashion styling of modern girls who led fashion and revealed power of woman as the center of modernization in Korea. Methods included the theoretical study based on fashion related newspaper articles at the time, specialized publications, advance researches, and internet data and the empirical study that involved contents analysis centering on visual data, expert evaluation, and styling development and presentation. The image of Korean modern girl analysis found in the order of modern image, elegant image, classic image, mannish image, romantic image. The aesthetic characteristics could be classified into sensual classicism, modern elegance, feminist epicenism, and romantic simplicity. The theme was 'Retro Modern' and a total of 4 styles were applied. 'Progressive Tradition' expressed the aesthetic characteristics of sensual classicism and it gave a modern reinterpretation of the seamless one-piece skirt which is the modified Korean clothes of Korean modern girls. 'Luxe Beauty' expressed the aesthetic characteristics of modern elegance, and it developed the long and slim style which was popular in the 1930's in a trendy way. 'Dressy Avant-garde' expressed the aesthetic characteristics of feminist epicenism, and it suggested the mannish style Western clothes that Korean modern girls wore by following recent fashion trend. 'Minimal Couture' expressed the aesthetic characteristics of romantic simplicity and it presented the garçonne look which was popular in the 1920's by following recent trend.

The characteristics of critical realism in Alexander McQueen's fashion collection (알렉산더 맥퀸 패션 컬렉션에 나타난 비판적 리얼리즘 특성)

  • Lee, Youmin;Lee, Younhee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the artistic background and formative nature of representative 19th century realist artists Gustave Courbet and Honoré Daumier were analyzed and applied in a fashion context. By displaying representational desires (necessary adhesions of man and society) in their work, they became characteristic matrixes of critical realism and to perceive critical realism. The purpose of the study was to apply the characteristics of critical realism to the contemporary fashion collections of Alexander McQueen. Research was conducted to analyze the characteristics that appear in the field of fashion and to review methods of expression and internal aesthetics displayed through various aspects of fashion design. Characteristics of critical realism were analyzed by researching the formativeness and periodical background of the paintings of Courbet and Daumier. Based on these characteristics, analysis was conducted to identify critical realism in the fashion collections of Alexander McQueen. Data and scope included fashion information sites, internet photo data, and video material. Critical realist characteristics were categorized into five types as follows: 'The proper borrowing of extremely realistic subjects signifies', 'satirical reconstruction and narrative composition', 'antipathetic distortions and abject representations', 'critical reproductions based on technology', and 'the maximization of ambivalent sexuality'. It was concluded that the characteristics of critical realism (recognized by the common formation of Courbet and Daumier) also appeared in Alexander McQueen's fashion collection but were inherited in a form that transcended pictorial expression due to the overall difference in use of visual arts.

A Study on Roots and Formative World of Minimalism Furniture Design -Focused on furniture design works of Minimal artists- (미니멀리즘 가구디자인의 근원과 조형세계에 관한 연구 -미니멀 아티스트의 가구디자인 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Byung-Hoon;Kim, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2006
  • Minimalism describes various movements in art and design, which flourished mainly in the USA in the 1960s. Its popularity, however, was cut short by post-modernism. In the mid-1990s, minimalism was given a second breath of life and became culturally popular, especially in areas such as design and art the minimalist movement launched some trends that supplanted post-modernism and whose influences still cast a heavy shadow on society today. From this point of view, in analyzing the form and characteristics of the artists and their work from the 1960s, which were the first generation of the minimalist furniture designers, it is necessary to understand and analyze contemporary artists and their art. In this study, four American minimal artists in the furniture design field, Donald Judd, Richard Tuttle, Scott Burton, and Richard Artschwager were studied along with their works. The results show the three distinct characteristics of minimalist furniture design featuring strict and simple geometric shapes: the form, which was influenced by early modernism variety and origin, which are formative of the materials and the way they are used as influenced by surrealism and a new concept of art such as aesthetics for the little things, which echoes influences of Dadaism, and especially of earlier artists such as Marcel Duchamp.

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A Study to Extract Sustainable Planning Characteristics of Future Skyscraper from Competition Awarded Housing Projects (초고층 미래주택 공모전 수상작에서 나타난 지속가능 계획특성 추출 연구)

  • Qi, Ting;Lee, Yeun-Sook;Kang, Hye-Yon
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to extract the sustainable characteristics of skyscraper housing design. Method: The method of the study was literature survey and content analysis techniques, and the target cases were 8 skyscraper housing design projects awarded from eVolo Skyscraper international competition. The sustainable features for analysis were categorized into social, cultural, economical and ecological sustainability and total 26 elements. Result: As a result, important elements were extracted, and profiles of elements in the projects were delineated, out of 26 design elements: 'Aesthetics', 'Climate Change', 'Resource Using Efficiency', 'Technical Innovation', 'local Employment' were shown dominant. While 8 projects showed the whole range of 26 elements, even though the project what by now is still an important problem for skyscraper, the result gives an insight into future sustainable skyscraper housing design.

The Tectonic Characteristics in the Works of Santiago Calatrava and the Role of Light (산티아고 칼라트라바 건축의 텍토닉 특성과 빛의 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Sung
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The concept of the tectonic has researched to find out the identify of modern architecture. The meaning of traditional tectonic knowledge to emphasize structural joints and attention to detail in creativity has developed in various ways in contemporary architecture. The purpose of this study is to analyze the tectonic characteristics and architectural expressions of the light appeared in the works of Santiago Calatrava. Major features in his works could be found is to maximize structural beauties through deducing the architectural images from the nature and expressing the material properties and the kinetic structures, and thus, to ultimately create the functional space and form by connecting the light to the tectonic structure. Method: Accordingly, I tried to analyze the three works of Santiago Calatrava (the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Bodegas Ysios Winery and the City and Arts and Sciences) as following categories - the structural aesthetics, the expression of material properties, the relationship between he kinetic structures and the light. Result: According to the results of the study, Santiago Calatrava tried to create his own architectural aesthetic by combining structural tectonic with nature, material, regional place and culture. He also sought to express the tense and dynamic tectonic rather than the stable one in his works.

The Study on the Development of Fasteners for Senior Patient Wear (패스너를 활용한 고령 환자복 디자인개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Jae;Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.63 no.2
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is the improvement of the senior patients' life quality by providing aesthetic and emotional stability by creating and providing a newly designed patient wear for them. Empirical research and analysis were done for the research. Survey from advanced research and clothing design for the senior citizens in Japan and German are analyzed. The result of this research extracted characteristics, which applied to the production of a severe senior patient wear. And the following characteristics emerged: affordability, comfort, aesthetics, and ease of putting on the clothes. To meet these conditions by the details of the clothing design, using fasteners like zippers and Velcro is useful. It is able to solve the problem of affordability making the vertically integrated overalls to be able being separated by zippers in order to reduce the volume of laundry. It was able to overcome the discomfort due to contamination of the feces through the use of the fasteners even though the importance of choosing the comfort material related closely to the comfort. Using material mixed with multiple colors, plaid or bright pink, instead of using neutral colors fulfilled the aesthetic requirement. In Particular, utilizing detachable function fasteners contributed great services.

A Study on Planning Direction of Living Environment for the Aged (고령화사회의 주거환경 계획방향에 관한 연구)

  • 허병리
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 1997
  • Personalities. human relations. living patterns. and so on of the aged have been moulded respectively for a long period of time and their present situation of health. family make-up. economic condition etc. are different individually. Various characteristics - physiological. psychological and social peculiarities - of the aged are analyzed and studied in preceding paper to grope planning factors of architectural spaces by referring to sundry records from many branch gerontology, medical science. psycology. sociology. etc. - of knowledge in a position of architectural planning. So. in this paper. the directions of planning residential environment for the aged are studied on the base of those planning factors of architectural spaces. there are room(X1). unit home(X2), public housing(X3), residential district(X4) as dwelling spaces for the aged in X axis and safety(Y1). hygiene(Y2). convenience (Y3), comfortableness (Y4). psychology (Y5), aesthetics (Y6). society (Y7). economy (Y8) as the terms desired to spaces in Y axis. And the directions of planning residential environment for the elderly are studied by discussing mutual matters relevant to the subject on the cells of matrix formed by X. Y axis. In planning residential environment for the elderly. their physiological. psychological. social characteristics should be considered thoroughly and many types of dwelling spaces should be built. Then they can take up their abode to suit their conditions easily.

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A Study on the Spatial Characteristics in the Tectonic of the Barcelona Pavilion (바로셀로나 파빌리온의 구축적 공간 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 양재혁
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2002
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of spatial expression in the Barcelona Pavilion to be based on tectonics. Mies pointed out the image of materiality about the material rather than the process of tectonics using the material, and he also expressed demateriality in the image of each material through the reflection. To be liberated from structural matters, the wall has been introduced. He intended to show the design plan as the independent structural system, however, the wall actually seems to be supporting the roof that shows rather clearly self-contradictory because of the expression of materiality in the material. In terms of architectural elements; wall, roof, column, floor, and so forth, tectonic expression and abstract aesthetics stands face to face, because of hiding the productional process and transforming to line and surface in the image of materiality. The interior of the glass wall seems fairly closed space from the exterior, because materiality and reflection of materials of columns and podium. The character of experiential space is inconsistent and fragmentary because of the splendid images from maternality and reflection on the wall, and collision with the reality and the image the wall reflects, even though the geometrical space of the Pavilion's plan has the mutual penetrability and organic character.

A Study on Kitsch in Modern Fashion (현대패션에 표현된 키치(Kitsch)연구)

  • 김경옥
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.47
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this dissertation is to interpret fashion through a socio-cultural phenomenon called kitsch by understanding its aesthetic characteristics and clarifying its significance in the modern consumer society and analyzing the examples of kitsch appearing in modern fashion. The following are the arguments and conclusion of this dissertation. First kitsch has negative meanings such as aesthetic inadequacy or bad tastes implying vulgar popular tastes of faked sensations just imitating elite culture and using things indiscriminately for inferior reproduction or at best the philosophical and aesthetic category that expresses the mass of people's attitudes toward life in accepting the consumer culture of the industrial society. It started from the art of romanticism accompanied by th commercializing of art with the bourgeois society background formed in the mid-19th century. Though kitsch started to prevail following the socio-cultural changes caused by the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century it is only in the late 20th century that kitsch has come tc our everyday life and has become an object of aesthetic arguments. Second formative characteristics of kitsch appearin in fashion have a cumulative inadequate romantic pleasure-seeking satirizing and multicomplex nature. Third the socio-cultural meanings of kitsch appearing in fashion are as follows: The extension of commercialism which gratifies the pleasure-seeking mass consumers the enlargement of the aesthetic category by inclining to everyday commonplace aesthetic sense the expression of one's identity through the gratification of desire and the new aesthetics of resistance and deviance by an anti-traditional and anti-elite tendency towards the traditional society and aesthetic values.

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