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A Study of Life Safety Index Model based on AHP and Utilization of Service (AHP 기반의 생활안전지수 모델 및 서비스 활용방안 연구)

  • Oh, Hye-Su;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Jeong, Jong-Woon;Jang, Jae-Min;Yang, Sang-Woon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.864-881
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aims is to provide a total care solution preventing disaster based on Big Data and AI technology and to service safety considered by individual situations and various risk characteristics. The purpose is to suggest a method that customized comprehensive index services to prevent and respond to safety accidents for calculating the living safety index that quantitatively represent individual safety levels in relation to daily life safety. Method: In this study, we use method of mixing AHP(Analysis Hierarchy Process) and Likert Scale that extracted from consensus formation model of the expert group. We organize evaluation items that can evaluate life safety prevention services into risk indicators, vulnerability indicators, and prevention indicators. And We made up AHP hierarchical structure according to the AHP decision methodology and proposed a method to calculate relative weights between evaluation criteria through pairwise comparison of each level item. In addition, in consideration of the expansion of life safety prevention services in the future, the Likert scale is used instead of the AHP pair comparison and the weights between individual services are calculated. Result: We obtain result that is weights for life safety prevention services and reflected them in the individual risk index calculated through the artificial intelligence prediction model of life safety prevention services, so the comprehensive index was calculated. Conclusion: In order to apply the implemented model, a test environment consisting of a life safety prevention service app and platform was built, and the efficacy of the function was evaluated based on the user scenario. Through this, the life safety index presented in this study was confirmed to support the golden time for diagnosis, response and prevention of safety risks by comprehensively indication the user's current safety level.

Physiological Responses of Common Carp (Cyprinus Capio) and Crucian Carp (Carassius Auratus) by Rapid Changes of Water Temperature (급격한 수온변화에 따른 잉어 (Cyprinus capio)와 붕어 (Carassius auratus)의 생리적 반응)

  • Moon, Jeong Suk;Hur, Jun Wook
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2022
  • The blood and physiological changes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and crucian carp (Carassius auratus) were analyzed when the water temperature was rapidly increased from 20℃ (control) to 26 and 32℃. The water temperature reached 26℃ and 32℃ within 6 hours from the water temperature of 20℃, and the control was maintained at 20℃ for the duration of the experiment. From each experimental group, blood was collected every 3, 12, 24 and 48 hours after the water temperature rise, and the red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, Na+, K+, Cl-, cortisol, glucose, aspartate amino transferase (AST) and alanine amino transferase (ALT) contents were analyzed. In the case of the crucian carp experimental group where the water temperature was raised to 32℃, the concentrations of plasma cortisol, glucose, AST and ALT increased 3 hours after the water temperature rise, and the concentrations did not decrease until 48 hours (P<0.05). Plasma cortisol, glucose, AST, and ALT in both C. carpio and C. auratus in the control group and the experimental group raised to 26℃ increased at 3 hours after the water temperature rise (P<0.05), and decreased to the value before the water temperature rise at 48 hours (P<0.05). The plasma Na+, K+ and Cl- concentrations of C. carpio and C. auratus in the experimental group where the water temperature was raised to 32℃ were higher than in the 20 and 26℃ experimental groups. The blood reaction of all experimental groups including the control group showed a common trend in both C. carpio and C. auratus increasing up to 12 hours after the water temperature rise and then decreasing at 48 hours after the water temperature rise. The results derived from this study would be useful for investigating the physiological response of fish stress in future. In addition, as fish mortality has recently occurred frequently in rivers and lakes, it is judged that it can be used as basic data.

Increase in Neurogenesis of Neural Stem Cells Cultured from Postnatal Mouse Subventricular Zone by Nifedipine (L-type 칼슘 채널을 저해하는 저해제, nifedipine에 의한 쥐 뇌실하 영역 신경줄기세포의 신경세포로의 분화 촉진)

  • Park, Ki-Youb;Kim, Man Su
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.108-118
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    • 2022
  • The subventricular zone (SVZ) in the brain contains neural stem cells (NSCs) that generate new neurons throughout one's lifetime. Many extracellular and intracellular factors that affect cell proliferation and neuronal differentiation of NSCs are already well-known. Recently, L-type calcium channels have been reported to regulate neural development and are present in NSCs, differentiating neuroblasts, and mature neurons in the SVZ. Nifedipine, a blocker of L-type calcium channels, has been long used as a therapeutic drug for hypertension. However, studies on the use of nifedipine to inhibit L-type calcium channels of NSCs are lacking. Herein, we treated NSCs cultured from mouse postnatal SVZ with nifedipine during neuronal differentiation. Nifedipine increased the number of Tuj1-positive neurons but did not significantly change the number of Olig2-positive oligodendrocytes. Nifedipine increased cell division during early differentiation, which was detected using the 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation assay and immunocytochemistry assessment by staining the cells with phosphorylated histone H3, a mitosis marker. Nifedipine increased the transcription of Dlx2, a neurogenic transcription factor, and the level of Mash1, a marker for early neurogenesis. In addition to nifedipine, verapamil, which is also an L-type calcium channel blocker, showed a slight increase in neurogenesis, but its statistical significance was very low. In contrast, pimozide, a T-type calcium channel blocker, did not affect neurogenesis, although T-type calcium channel genes Cav3.1, Cav3.2, and Cav3.3 were expressed. In summary, nifedipine might promote the neuronal fate of NSCs during early differentiation and calcium signaling through L-type calcium channels might be involved in neuronal differentiation, especially during the early stages of differentiation.

Understanding Public Opinion by Analyzing Twitter Posts Related to Real Estate Policy (부동산 정책 관련 트위터 게시물 분석을 통한 대중 여론 이해)

  • Kim, Kyuli;Oh, Chanhee;Zhu, Yongjun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.47-72
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to understand the trends of subjects related to real estate policies and public's emotional opinion on the policies. Two keywords related to real estate policies such as "real estate policy" and "real estate measure" were used to collect tweets created from February 25, 2008 to August 31, 2021. A total of 91,740 tweets were collected and we applied sentiment analysis and dynamic topic modeling to the final preprocessed and categorized data of 18,925 tweets. Sentiment analysis and dynamic topic model analysis were conducted for a total of 18,925 posts after preprocessing data and categorizing them into supply, real estate tax, interest rate, and population variance. Keywords of each category are as follows: the supply categories (rental housing, greenbelt, newlyweds, homeless, supply, reconstruction, sale), real estate tax categories (comprehensive real estate tax, acquisition tax, holding tax, multiple homeowners, speculation), interest rate categories (interest rate), and population variance categories (Sejong, new city). The results of the sentiment analysis showed that one person posted on average one or two positive tweets whereas in the case of negative and neutral tweets, one person posted two or three. In addition, we found that part of people have both positive as well as negative and neutral opinions towards real estate policies. As the results of dynamic topic modeling analysis, negative reactions to real estate speculative forces and unearned income were identified as major negative topics and as for positive topics, expectation on increasing supply of housing and benefits for homeless people who purchase houses were identified. Unlike previous studies, which focused on changes and evaluations of specific real estate policies, this study has academic significance in that it collected posts from Twitter, one of the social media platforms, used emotional analysis, dynamic topic modeling analysis, and identified potential topics and trends of real estate policy over time. The results of the study can help create new policies that take public opinion on real estate policies into consideration.

Mineral Precipitation and the Behavioral Changes of Trace Elements in Munkyeong Coal Mine Drainage (문경 석탄광 배수의 광물 침전 및 미량 원소의 거동 변화)

  • Shin, Ji-Hwan;Park, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Ji-Woo;Ju, Ji-Yeon;Hwang, Su-Hyeon;Kim, Yeongkyoo;Park, Changyun;Baek, YoungDoo
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.355-365
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    • 2022
  • Precipitation and phase transition of iron minerals in mine drainage greatly affect the behavior of trace elements. However, the precipitation of ferrihydrite, one of the major iron minerals precipitated in drainage, and the related behavior of trace elements have hardly been studied. In this study, the effects of pH change and time on mineral precipitation characteristics in mine drainage from the Munkyeong coal mine were investigated, and the behavioral changes of trace elements related to the precipitation of these minerals were studied. In the case of precipitated mineral phases, goethite was observed at pH 4, and 2-line ferrihydrite mixed with small amount of 6-line ferrihydrite was mainly identified at pH 6 or higher. In addition, it was observed that the precipitation of calcite additionally increased as the pH increased in the samples at pH 6 or higher. The occurrence of goethite was probably due to the phase change of initially precipitated ferrihydrite within a short time under the influence of low pH. Our results showed that the concentration of trace elements was strongly influenced by pH and time. With increasing time, Fe concentration in the drainage showed a abrupt decrease due to the precipitation of iron minerals, and the concentration of As existing as oxyanions in the drainage, also decreased rapidly like Fe regardless of the pH values. This decrease in As concentration was mainly due to co-precipitation with ferrihydrite, and also partly to surface adsorption on goethite at low pH in drainage. Contrary to this observation, the concentration of other trace elements, such as Cd, Co, Zn, and Ni was greatly affected by the pH regardless of the mineral species. The lower the pH value, the higher the concentration of these trace elements were observed in the drainage, and vice versa at higher pH. These results indicate that the behavior of trace elements present as cations is more greatly affected by the mineral surface charge influenced by the pH values than the type of the precipitated mineral.

A Study Seeking the Practical Implementation of the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Project (황해광역해양생태계 프로젝트의 실효성 확보에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-kyung;Kown, Suk-jae;Lee, Sang-il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.987-994
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    • 2021
  • The Yellow sea, as described in article 123 of UNCLOS, is semi-enclosed sea surrounded by the Republic of Korea, the People's Republic of China and North Korea. In addition, the Yellow Sea is one of the 66 large marine ecosystems as it contains large amounts of marine resources. According to article 194 of UNCLOS, states should be aware of rights and duties with respect to the protection and preservation of the marine environment to be engaged with countries directly as regional entity or indirectly. Therefore, the legal blank is urgent in terms of trans-boundary environmental pollutant issues. The UNDP has conducted a project called Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (YSLME) which has reached the 2nd phase. The project has some notable achievements, namely performing joint activities on analysis of diagnostic trans-boundary issues in collaboration with China and South Korea, developing a strategic action plan based on TDA, and establishing regional strategic action plan. However, on the other hand, the project could not reflect the full participation of North Korea as a state party. As a result, the project has a limitation on effective implementation of RSAP. Therefore, this study focuses on the suggestion of a legally-binding trilateral treaty as a blue print for the next, 3rd phase of the project. By analyzing the best practice of the Wadden Sea Trilateral Treaty case, the study verifies the validity of legislative measures on establishing and managing a legally-binding trilateral YSLME Commission. By suggesting a three phase treaty, incorporating a joint declaration by establishing the commission, the signing of the treaty, and formulating an umbrella convention and implementation arrangement, the study expects to guarantee the consistency and sustainability of the trilateral treaty regardless of political issues pertaining to North Korea.

A Study on the Future Direction of Home Economics Education in the With/Post COVID-19 Era: Focused on the Review of 'Well-Being Education' (위드/포스트 코로나 시대를 대비한 가정과교육의 미래방향 탐색: '웰빙(Well-Being)교육'의 담론 고찰을 중심으로)

  • Wang, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.131-149
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to explore what value home economics education should pursue to be established as an essential subject in the 'with-/post Covid-19 era', and to suggest directions for the development of the future. To this end, first of all, changes in the future society symbolized by the with-/post- Covid-19 era were diagnosed through literature review. Moreover, the 'OECD Education 2030' project and Korea's 'Educational Vision 2045', which identified the purpose of education in response to changes in the future, were considered. Furthermore, the teleology of education of John White, a British educational philosopher, was contemplated. As a result, the purpose of education for the future society is considered to be changing toward the well-being of society and individuals, and efforts such as the development of a well-being subject are being made in various countries for this purpose. While several a number of strategies are possible for the implementation of well-being education in Korea, this study argues that the easiest way is to strengthen home economics education that already exists as a subject. In addition, the main value of home economics education as an essential subject in the with-/post-Covid-19 era is evaluated to lie in the fact that this subject helped society and individuals cultivate diverse competencies necessary to pursue well-being. Finally, this study suggests a conceptual framework necessary to develop a discourse on home economics education as 'happiness and well-being education.' Additionally, a conceptual framework describing the unique thinking and execution process that learners will represent in the course of learning of home economics that implements well-being education is suggested. In the follow-up studies, it is expected that the discourse on well-being education in home economics education will be verified by empirical studies.

A Comparative Study on the Concept of Light Presented in Elementary School Science Curriculum and Textbooks in Korea, the US, China, and Japan (한국, 미국, 중국, 일본의 초등학교 과학 교육과정과 교과서에 제시된 빛 관련 개념에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Jiwon;Kim, Jung Bog
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.283-294
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    • 2022
  • Although the concept of light is important in the elementary school curriculum, substantial research suggests that students and teachers have difficulties in understanding it. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the reasons for these difficulties-whether it is due to the content or due to the presentation method of contents, structure, and expression. The national curriculum and textbooks of Korea, the US, China, and Japan were comparatively analyzed from the following perspectives: 1) key concepts of light, 2) structure of light units in the textbook, 3) materials, light sources, and optics used in light units. Consequently, there were differences between countries in their inclusion of the concept of light in the curriculum. In particular, the Korean curriculum studies the concept of refraction by a convex lens, whereas the concept of light, light source, and vision is not introduced. Furthermore, countries also differed in their structuring of units. The Korean curriculum was presented segmentally by concept rather than structured according to core ideas or perspectives, and the connection between concepts was unclear. In addition, there were differences between the countries in materials, light sources, and optical instruments to explain key concepts. On using light, the US curriculum provides a purpose and uses light to achieve it, and China and Korea understand the concept. It was divided into the method of using the material to deepen. Based on the results of this analysis, the implications for the elementary science curriculum in Korea were derived as follows. First, it is necessary to introduce concepts sequentially and organize them so that the connection between concepts is well expressed. Second, it is necessary to introduce light and light sources as the predominant concepts. Third, it is necessary to include the principle of seeing objects. Fourth, it is necessary to adjust the material and content level of the refraction concept included in the light and lens unit. Fifth, an integrated approach is required because light has a deep connection with various concepts included in the elementary science curriculum.

Evaluation of microplastic in the inflow of municipal wastewater treatment plant according to pretreatment methods (전처리 방법에 따른 하수처리장 유입수에서의 미세플라스틱 성상분석 평가)

  • Kim, Sungryul;Gil, Kyungik
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2022
  • The amount of the plastic waste has been increasing according to global demand for plastic. Microplastics are the most hazardous among all plastic pollutants due to their toxicity and unknown physicochemical properties. This study investigates the optimal methodology that can be applied to sewage samples for detecting microplastics before discussing reducing microplastics in MWTPs. In this study, the effect of different pretreatment methods while detecting microplastic analysis of MWTP influent samples was investigated; the samples were collected from the J sewage treatment plant. There are many pretreatment methods but two of them are widely used: Fenton digestion and hydrogen peroxide oxidation. Although there are many pretreatment methods that can be applied to investigate microplastics, the most widely used methods for sewage treatment plant samples are Fenton digestion and H2O2 oxidation. For each pretreatment method, there were factors that could cause an error in the measurement. To overcome this, in the case of the Fenton digestion pretreatment, it is recommended to proceed with the analysis by filtration instead of the density separation method. In the case of the H2O2 oxidation method, the process of washing with distilled water after the reaction is recommended. As a result of the analysis, the concentration of microplastics was measured to be 2.75ea/L for the sample using the H2O2 oxidation method and 3.2ea/L for the sample using the Fenton oxidation method, and most of them were present in the form of fibers. In addition, it is difficult to guarantee the reliability of measurement results from quantitative analysis performed via microscope with eyes. A calibration curve was created for prove the reliability. A total of three calibration curves were drawn, and as a result of analysis of the calibration curves, all R2 values were more than 0.9. This ensures high reliability for quantitative analysis. The qualitative analysis could determine the series of microplastics flowing into the MWTP, but could not confirm the chemical composition of each microplastic. This study can be used to confirm the chemical composition of microplastics introduced into MWTP in the future research.

Mediating Effect of Customer Orientation and Customer Satisfaction Between Entrepreneurship and Financial Performance: Focusing on the Beauty Service Industry (기업가정신과 재무적 성과 간의 고객지향성, 고객만족의 매개효과: 미용 서비스산업 중심으로)

  • Kwak, jinman;Lee, sehee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.197-211
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    • 2021
  • In the service industry the types are diversifying and the scale of service companies is greatly improving. Such a phenomenon is caused by economic growth and technological development diversifying consumer needs creating demand for new services maturing the service industry and intensifying competition among companies in the form of global competition. It can be said that this is because it is necessary to improve competitiveness by utilizing the economy of scale. Research is needed on the impact of entrepreneurship on various outcome variables in order for service organization managers to respond quickly to diverse and rapidly changing environments and achieve organizational outcomes and corporate goals of management outcomes. The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze the relationship in which the entrepreneurial spirit of a manager influences the relationship between customer orientation, which is an organizational result, customer satisfaction, and financial result, which is a management result. In order to verify such research, the questionnaire was composed of one business owner questionnaire, two employee questionnaires, and two customer questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed to a total of 400 companies, and the questionnaires of 340 companies were collected. Of these, 303 companies, excluding the questionnaires of 37 companies with many dishonest or missing values, were used for hypothesis testing. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, entrepreneurship had a positive (+) effect on customer orientation, supporting the hypothesis. Second, customer orientation showed a positive (+) effect on customer satisfaction, supporting the hypothesis. Third, customer satisfaction showed a positive (+) effect on financial outcomes, supporting the hypothesis. Fourth, it was found that entrepreneurship influences customer satisfaction through customer orientation, and customer satisfaction affects financial outcomes. It turns out that customer orientation between entrepreneurship and customer satisfaction is completely mediated, and customer satisfaction is completely mediated by customer orientation and financial outcomes. The relationship between entrepreneurship and management improved employee behavior and attitudes, which is an individual outcome, and this change was found to improve customer satisfaction, which is an organizational outcome. It makes frequent contact with customers in the process of servicing them. Employee roles are important at service contacts and influence service purchases. Employees facing customers through service contacts act as a decisive factor in maintaining a continuous relationship with customers. Within a beauty service company, it is necessary to create a customer-oriented environment among workers. It suggests that customer-oriented companies and employees can anticipate their desires and provide products or services of superior value to achieve greater customer satisfaction and a competitive advantage. In addition, it was clarified that customer satisfaction has an aspect relationship with financial management, which is a management result. Therefore, it is suggested that the entrepreneurial spirit is an important factor for the management of a beauty service company to secure competitiveness and improve results.