• Title/Summary/Keyword: actinide (An)

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Effect of the Crucible Cover on the Distillation of Cadmium

  • Kwon, S.W.;Jung, J.H.;Lee, S.J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.69-69
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    • 2019
  • The distillation of liquid cathode is necessary to separate cadmium from the actinide elements in the pyroprocessing since the actinide deposits are dissolved or precipitated in a liquid cathode. It is very important to avoid a splattering of cadmium during evaporation due to the high vapor pressure. Several methods have been proposed to lower the splattering of cadmium during distillation. One of the important methods is an installation of crucible cover on the distillation crucible. A multi-layer porous round cover was proposed to avoid a cadmium splattering in our previous study. In this study, the effect of crucible cover on the cadmium distillation was examined to develop a splatter shield. Various surrogates were used for the actinides in the cadmium. The surrogates such as bismuth, zirconia, and tungsten don't evaporate at the operational temperature of the Cd distiller due to their low vapor pressures. The distillation experiments were carried out in a crucible equipped with cover and in a crucible without cover. About 40 grams of Cd was distilled at a reduced pressure for two hours at various temperatures. The mixture of the cadmium and the surrogate was heated at $470{\sim}620^{\circ}C$. Most of the bismuth remained in the crucible equipped with cover after distillation under $580^{\circ}C$ for two hours, whereas small amount of bismuth decreased in the crucible without cover above $580^{\circ}C$. The liquid bismuth escaped with liquid cadmium drop from the crucible without cover. It seems that the crucible cover played a role to prevent the splash of the liquid cadmium drop. The effect of the cover was not clear for the tungsten or zirconia surrogate since the surrogates remained as a solid powder at the experimental temperature. From the results of this work, it can be concluded that the crucible cover can be used to minimize the deposit loss by prevention of escape of liquid drop from the crucible during distillation of liquid cathode.

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    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.588-595
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    • 2015
  • This study presents an effective method for additional recovery of residual actinides in liquid electrodes after the electrowinning process of pyroprocessing. The major distinctive feature of this method is a reactor with multiple reaction cells separated by partition walls in order to improve the recovery yield, thereby using the interelement difference in diffusion coefficients within the liquid electrode and controlling the selectivity and purity of element recovery. Through an example of numerical simulation of the diffusion scenarios of individual elements, we verified that the proposed method could effectively separate the actinides (U and Pu) and rare-earth elements contained in liquid cadmium. We performed a five-step consecutive recovery process using a simplified conceptual reaction cell and recovered 58% of the initial amount of actinides (U + Pu) in high purity (${\geq}99%$).

Computational Analysis for a Molten-salt Electrowinner with Liquid Cadmium Cathode (액체 카드뮴 음극을 사용한 용융염 전해제련로 전산해석)

  • Kim, Kwang-Rag;Jung, Young-Joo;Paek, Seung-Woo;Kim, Ji-Yong;Kwon, Sang-Woon;Yoon, Dal-Seong;Kim, Si-Hyung;Shim, Jun-Bo;Kim, Jung-Gug;Ahn, Do-Hee;Lee, Han-Soo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2010
  • In the present work, an electrowinning process in the LiCl-KCl/Cd system is considered to model and analyze the electrotransport of the actinide and rare-earth elements. A simple dynamic modeling of this process was performed by taking into account the material balances and diffusion-controlled electrochemical reactions in a diffusion boundary layer at an electrode interface between the molten salt electrolyte and liquid cadmium cathode. The proposed modeling approach was based on the half-cell reduction reactions of metal chloride occurring on the cathode. This model demonstrated a capability for the prediction of the concentration behaviors, a faradic current of each element and an electrochemical potential as function of the time up to the corresponding electrotransport satisfying a given applied current based on a galvanostatic electrolysis. The results of selected case studies including five elements (U, Pu, Am, La, Nd) system are shown, and a preliminary simulation is carried out to show how the model can be used to understand the electrochemical characteristics and provide better information for developing an advanced electrowinner.

A Sensitive Detection of Actinide Species in Solutions Using a Capillary Cell (모세관 셀을 이용한 수용액 내 악티나이드 화학종의 고감도 검출)

  • Cho, Hye-Ryun;Park, Kyuong-Kyun;Jung, Euo-Chang;Song, Kyu-Seok
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2009
  • Absorption spectra for a quantitative analysis of actinide elements such as U(VI) and Pu(V) were measured by using a liquid waveguide capillary cell (LWCC) which has an optical path length of 1.0 meter. In order to investigate radioactive elements, a LWCC is installed in a glove box and is coupled to a spectrophotometer with optical fibers. Limits of detection (LOD) for the system were determined as 0.74 and 0.35 M with molar absorption coefficients of 8.14${\pm}$0.07 (414 nm) and 17.00${\pm}$0.16 (569 nm) $M^{-1}cm^{-1}$ for U(VI) and Pu(V) ions, respectively. The measured LOD values are about 30 times more sensitive when compared to those achievable by using a conventional quartz cell with an optical path length of 1.0 cm. As an application with an enhanced sensitivity, a quantitative analysis for micromolar concentrations of Pu(V) has been performed to decrease the uncertainty in the formation constant of the Pu(VI)-OH complex.

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  • Simpson, Michael F.;Sachdev, Prateek
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2008
  • The results of process development for the blending of waste salt from the electrorefining of spent fuel with zeolite-A are presented. This blending is a key step in the ceramic waste process being used for treatment of EBR-II spent fuel and is accomplished using a high-temperature v-blender. A labscale system was used with non-radioactive surrogate salts to determine optimal particle size distributions and time at temperature. An engineering-scale system was then installed in the Hot Fuel Examination Facility hot cell and used to demonstrate blending of actual electrorefiner salt with zeolite. In those tests, it was shown that the results are still favorable with actinide-loaded salt and that batch size of this v-blender could be increased to a level consistent with efficient production operations for EBR-II spent fuel treatment. One technical challenge that remains for this technology is to mitigate the problem of material retention in the v-blender due to formation of caked patches of salt/zeolite on the inner v-blender walls.

Development of a gamma irradiation loop to evaluate the performance of a EURO-GANEX process

  • Sanchez-Garcia, I.;Galan, H.;Nunez, A.;Perlado, J.M.;Cobos, J.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.1623-1634
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    • 2022
  • A new irradiation loop design has been developed, which provides the ability to carry out radiolytic resistance studies of extraction systems simulating process relevant conditions in an easy and simple way. The step-by-step loop configuration permits an easy modification of settings and has a relative low volume requirement. This irradiation loop has been initially set up to test the main EURO-GANEX process steps: the lanthanide (Ln) and actinide (An) co-extraction followed by the transuranic (TRU) stripping. The performance and changes in the composition have been analyzed during the irradiation experiment by different techniques: gamma spectroscopy and ICP-MS for the extraction and corrosion behavior of the full system, and HPLC-MS and Raman spectroscopy to determine the degradation of the organic and aqueous solvents, respectively. The Ln and An co-extraction step and the corrosion that occurred during the first irradiation step revealed the favorable expected results according to literature. The effects of acidity changes occurred during the irradiation process, the presence of stainless corrosion products in solution as well as the new possible degradation compounds have been explored in the An stripping step. The results obtained demonstrate the importance of developing realistic irradiation experiments where different factors affecting the performance can be easily studied and isolated.

The nuclear fuel cycle code ANICCA: Verification and a case study for the phase out of Belgian nuclear power with minor actinide transmutation

  • Rodriguez, I. Merino;Hernandez-Solis, A.;Messaoudi, N.;Eynde, G. Van den
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.10
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    • pp.2274-2284
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    • 2020
  • The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Code "ANICCA" has been developed by SCK•CEN to answer particular questions about the Belgian nuclear fleet. However, the wide range of capabilities of the code make it also useful for international or regional studies that include advanced technologies and strategies of cycle. This paper shows the main features of the code and the facilities that can be simulated. Additionally, a comparison between several codes and ANICCA has also been made to verify the performance of the code by means of a simulation proposed in the last NEA (OECD) Benchmark Study. Finally, a case study of the Belgian nuclear fuel cycle phase out has been carried out to show the possible impact of the transmutation of the minor actinides on the nuclear waste by the use of an Accelerator Driven System also known as ADS. Results show that ANICCA accomplishes its main purpose of simulating the scenarios giving similar outcomes to other codes. Regarding the case study, results show a reduction of more than 60% of minor actinides in the Belgian nuclear cycle when using an ADS, reducing significantly the radiotoxicity and decay heat of the high-level waste and facilitating its management.

A Study on the Fabrication of Uranium-Cadmium Alloy and its Distillation Behavior (우라늄-카드뮴 합금의 제조 및 증류거동에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Yong;Ahn, Do-Hee;Kim, Kwang-Rag;Paek, Seung-Woo;Kim, Si-Hyung
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.261-267
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    • 2010
  • The pyrometallurgical nuclear fuel recycle process, called pyroprocessing, has been known as a promising nuclear fuel recycling technology. Pyroprocessing technology is crucial to advanced nuclear systems due to increased nuclear proliferation resistance and economic efficiency. The basic concept of pyroprocessing is group actinide recovery, which enhances the nuclear proliferation resistance significantly. One of the key steps in pyroprocessing is "electrowinning" which recovers group actinides with lanthanide from the spent nuclear fuels. In this study, a vertical cadmium distiller was manufactured. The evaporation rate of pure cadmium in vertical cadmium distiller varied from 12.3 to $40.8g/cm^2/h$ within a temperature range of 773 923 K and pressure below 0.01 torr. Uranium - cadmium alloy was fabricated by electrolysis using liquid cadmium cathode in a high purity argon atmosphere glove box. The distillation behavior of pure cadmium and cadmium in uranium - cadmium alloy was investigated. The distillation behavior of cadmium from this study could be used to develop an actinide recovery process from a liquid cadmium cathode in a cadmium distiller.

Scoping Calculations on Criticality and Shielding of the Improved KAERI Reference Disposal System for SNFs (KRS+)

  • Kim, In-Young;Cho, Dong-Keun;Lee, Jongyoul;Choi, Heui-Joo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.18 no.spc
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, an overview of the scoping calculation results is provided with respect to criticality and radiation shielding of two KBS-3V type PWR SNF disposal systems and one NWMO-type CANDU SNF disposal system of the improved KAERI reference disposal system for SNFs (KRS+). The results confirmed that the calculated effective multiplication factors (keff) of each disposal system comply with the design criteria (< 0.95). Based on a sensitivity study, the bounding conditions for criticality assumed a flooded container, actinide-only fuel composition, and a decay time of tens of thousands of years. The necessity of mixed loading for some PWR SNFs with high enrichment and low discharge burnup was identified from the evaluated preliminary possible loading area. Furthermore, the absorbed dose rate in the bentonite region was confirmed to be considerably lower than the design criterion (< 1 Gy·hr-1). Entire PWR SNFs with various enrichment and discharge burnup can be deposited in the KRS+ system without any shielding issues. The container thickness applied to the current KRS+ design was clarified as sufficient considering the minimum thickness of the container to satisfy the shielding criterion. In conclusion, the current KRS+ design is suitable in terms of nuclear criticality and radiation shielding.


  • Simpson, Michael F.;Yoo, Tae-Sic;Labrier, Daniel;Lineberry, Michael;Shaltry, Michael;Phongikaroon, Supathorn
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.767-772
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    • 2012
  • In support of optimizing electrorefining technology for treating spent nuclear fuel, lithium drawdown has been investigated for separating actinides from molten salt electrolyte. Drawdown reaction selectivity is a major issue that requires investigation, since the goal is to remove actinides while leaving the fission products and other components in the salt. A series of lithium drawdown tests with surrogate fission product chlorides was run to obtain selectivity data with non-radioactive salts, develop a predictive model, and draw conclusions about the viability of using this process with actinide-loaded salt. Results of tests with CsCl, $LaCl_3$, $CeCl_3$, and $NdCl_3$ are reported here. Equilibrium was typically achieved in less than 10 hours of contact between lithium metal and molten salt under well-stirred conditions. Maintaining low oxygen and water impurity concentrations (<10 ppm) in the atmosphere was observed to be critical to minimize side reactions and maintain stable salt compositions. An equilibrium model has been formulated and fit to the experimental data. Good fits to the data were achieved. Based on analysis and results obtained to date, it is concluded that clean separation between minor actinides and lanthanides will be difficult to achieve using lithium drawdown.