• Title/Summary/Keyword: Yaw control

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브레이크 슬립 제어에 기초한 차량 능동 요모멘트 제어 알고리즘의 개발 (Development of Active Yaw Moment Control Algorithm Based on Brake Slip Control)

  • 윤원영;송재복
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2000년도 춘계학술대회논문집A
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    • pp.487-492
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    • 2000
  • Yaw moment control algorithm for improving stability of a vehicle in cornering is presented in this paper. A change of the yaw moment according to an increment in brake ship at each wheel is examined and reflected in the control algorithm. This control algorithm computes the target yaw velocity as the vehicle motion desired by the driver for directional stability control in cornering and it makes the actual yaw velocity follow the target one. The yaw moment control was achieved by brake slip control and simple brake slip control logic was introduced in this paper.

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Improvement of Vehicle Directional Stability in Cornering Based on Yaw Moment Control

  • Youn, Weon-Young;Song, Jae-Bok
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제14권8호
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    • pp.836-844
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    • 2000
  • In this research any abnormal motion of a vehicle is detected by utilizing the difference between the reference and actual yaw velocities as sell as the information on vehicle slip angle and slip angular velocity. This information is then used as a criterion for execution of the yaw moment control. A yaw moment control algorithm based on the brake control is proposed for improving the directional stability of the vehicle. The controller executes brake controls to provide each wheel with adequate brake pressures, which generate the needed yaw moment. It is shown that the proposed yaw moment control logic can provide excellent cornering capabilities even on low friction roads. This active control scheme can prevent a vehicle from behaving abnormally, and can assist normal drivers in coping with dangerous situations as well as experienced drivers.

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능동 요 제어 알고리즘의 비교 연구 (Comparative Study on Active Yaw Control Algorithms)

  • 최한순;이호철;방조혁
    • 풍력에너지저널
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2019
  • This paper suggests and compares two algorithms, a moving average filter method and a method developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), to verify the yaw control algorithm characteristic to reduce yaw error for a wind turbine. A characteristic change for yaw movement in accordance with control parameter change that consists of each control method has been verified. Also, yaw simulations were performed using nacelle wind data measured from two areas with different turbulence intensities and the yaw movement data in each area was compared. These two algorithms and real data were compared by calculating mean absolute error (MSE) and the number of yawing (NY). As a result of the analysis, the MSE values were not significantly different between the two algorithms, but the algorithm proposed by the NREL was found to reduce yaw movement by up to 50 percent more than the moving average filter method.

차량 전복 방지를 위한 롤 및 요 운동 제어기의 성능 비교 (Comparison Among Yaw and Roll Motion Controllers for Rollover Prevention)

  • 임성진
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제20권7호
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    • pp.701-705
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    • 2014
  • This article presents a comparison among several yaw and roll motion controllers for vehicle rollover prevention. In the previous research, yaw and roll motion controllers can be independently designed for rollover prevention. Following this idea, several yaw and roll motion controllers are designed and compared in terms of rollover prevention. For the yaw motion control, PID, LQR, SMC (Sliding Mode Control) and TDC (Time-Delay Control) are adopted. For the roll motion control, LQR, LQ SOF (Static Output Feedback) control, PID, and SMC are adopted. To compare the performance of each controller, simulation is performed on a vehicle simulation package, CarSim$^{(R)}$. From simulation, TDC and LQ SOF are the best for yaw and roll motion control, respectively.

자세 제어 장치와 능동 후륜 조향을 이용한 최적 요 모멘트 분배 (Optimum Yaw Moment Distribution with Electronic Stability Control and Active Rear Steering)

  • 임성진
    • 제어로봇시스템학회논문지
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    • 제20권12호
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    • pp.1246-1251
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    • 2014
  • This article presents an optimum yaw moment distribution scheme for a vehicle with electronic stability control (ESC) and active rear steering (ARS). After computing the control yaw moment in the yaw moment controller, it should be distributed into tire forces, generated by ESC and ARS. In this paper, yaw moment distribution is formulated as an optimization problem. New objective function is proposed to tune the relative magnitudes of the tire forces. Weighed pseudo-inverse control allocation (WPCA) is adopted to solve the problem. To check the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, simulation is performed on a vehicle simulation package, CarSim. From the simulation, the proposed optimum yaw moment distribution scheme is shown to effective for vehicle stability control.

전륜 인휠모터 후륜구동 차량의 선회 특성 변형을 위한 요모멘트 제어 (Yaw Moment Control for Modification of Steering Characteristic in Rear-driven Vehicle with Front In-wheel Motors)

  • 차현수;좌은혁;박관우;이경수;박재용
    • 자동차안전학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.6-13
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents yaw moment control for modification of steering characteristic in rear-driven vehicle with front in-wheel motors (IWMs). The proposed control algorithm is designed to modify yaw rate response of the test vehicle. General approach for modification of steering characteristic is to define the desired yaw rate and track the yaw rate. This yaw rate tracking method can cause the chattering problem because of the IWM actuator response. Large overshoot and settling time in IWM torque response can amplify the oscillation in control input and yaw rate. To resolve these problems, open-loop IWM controller for cornering agility was designed to modify the understeer gradient of the vehicle. The proposed algorithm has been investigated via the computer simulations and the vehicle tests. The performance evaluation has been conducted on dry asphalt using E-segment test vehicle. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been compared to general yaw rate tracking algorithm in the vehicle tests. It has been shown that the proposed control law improved the cornering agility without chattering problem.

인휠 구동 트레일링 암 형식 차량의 제자리 회전 조향 제어 연구 (A Study on the Pivot Steering Control of an In-Wheel Drive Vehicle with Trailing Arm Suspensions)

  • 김지웅;이경훈;우관제
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제29권7호
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    • pp.745-752
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    • 2012
  • The pivot steering of an individual wheel motor drive vehicle is an effective steering maneuver in the narrow road, but it has become a matter of concern that the torque input of each wheel is very difficult to determine. In this study, the independent yaw moment control was proposed for the smooth pivot steering control of an in-wheel drive vehicle. For this control method, the vertical forces of tires were estimated from the trailing arm dynamic model, and the yaw moments of individual wheels were calculated from the vehicle dynamic model. Dynamic simulation results showed that the independent yaw moment control was much more effective on the minimization of the instabilities of pivot steering in comparison with the conventional direct yaw moment control with yaw rate feedback.

더블김벌 모멘텀휠을 이용한 롤/요 제어기 설계 (Roll/yaw controller design using double gimbaled momentum wheel)

  • 박영웅;방효충
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 1996년도 한국자동제어학술회의논문집(국내학술편); 포항공과대학교, 포항; 24-26 Oct. 1996
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    • pp.1099-1102
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, roll/yaw attitude control of spacecraft using a double gimbaled wheel is discussed with two feedback controllers designed. One is a PD controller with no phase difference between roll and yaw control input. The other is a PD controller with a phase lag compensator about the yaw control input. The phase lag compensator is designed as a first order system and a lag parameter is designed for the yaw angle control. There are two case simulations for each controller ; constant disturbance torques and initial errors of nutation at motion. We obtain the results through simulations that steady-state error and rising time of yaw angle are determined by the compensator. Simulation parameters used in this study are the values of KOREASAT F1.

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In-wheel motor 차량의 yaw 안정성 향상을 위한 scheduler 설계 (Scheduler design for yaw stability improvement of in-wheel motor vehicle)

  • 한인재;김진성;권오신;허훈
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2011년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.212-217
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    • 2011
  • A scheduling technique for the improvement of yaw motion stability in in-wheel motor vehicle is proposed. Normally vehicle velocity is controlled via conventional PID method. When vehicle is encountered with different road conditions on left and right hand sides, unstable yaw motion is induced due to the driving force difference in both wheels. In this paper a scheduling formular for control gain is derived in terms of experimental results to generate proper counter control action. Simulation result reveals its effective performance in yaw control of in-wheel vehicle.

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Lateral Control of Autonomous Vehicle by Yaw Rate Feedback

  • Yoo, Wan-Suk;Park, Ju-Yong;Hong, Seong-Jae;Park, Kyoung-Taik;Lee, Man-Hyung
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.338-343
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    • 2002
  • In the autonomous vehicle, the reference lane is continually detected by machine vision system. And then the vehicle is steered to follow the reference yaw rates which are generated by the deviations of lateral distance and the yaw angle between a vehicle and the reference lane. To cope with the steering delay and the side-slip of vehicle, PI controller is introduced by yaw rate feedback and tuned from the simulation where the vehicle is modeled as 2 DOF and 79 DOF and verified by the results of an actual vehicle test. The lateral control algorithm by yaw rate feedback has good performances of lane tracking and passenger comfort.