• Title/Summary/Keyword: YangHui SuanFa

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A Study on the Publishing and Transmission of Mathematics Books Using Traditional Korean Book List and the Catalogues of Woodblocks 1 -Focusing on mathematics textbooks of national mathematical examinations 算學取才 in the first half of Joseon Dynasty- (전근대시기 한국의 책판목록(冊板目錄)과 도서목록을 통한 산학서 (算學書)의 간행과 유전(流傳) 고찰 1 -조선전기 산학취재(算學取才) 교과서의 간행을 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Min-Jeong
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.75-101
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    • 2020
  • We considered the context of the publications and transmissions of mathematics books using the Korean traditional book lists and the catalogues of woodblocks in the Joseon Dynasty and DaeHan大韓 Empire period. Among the results, this paper first describes the context of the publication and transmission of mathematics textbooks of national math exams算學取才 in the first half of Joseon, adding a step more specific to the facts known so far. In 1430, 『YangHui SanFa楊輝算法』, 『XiangMing SuanFa詳明算法』, 『SuanXue QiMeng算學啓蒙』, 『DiSuan地算』, 『WuCao SuanJing五曹算經』 were selected as the textbooks of national math exams算學取才. 『YangHui SanFa』, 『XiangMing SuanFa』, 『DiSuan』 were included in the catalogues of woodblocks in the Joseon Dynasty before the Japanese invasion in 1592, and we could see that Gyeongju慶州, Chuncheon春川, and Wonju原州 were the printing centers of these books. Through other lists, literature records and real text books, it came out into the open that 『XiangMing SuanFa』 was published as movable print books three times at least, 『SuanXue QiMeng』 four times at least in the first half of Joseon Dynasty. And 『XiangMing SuanFa』 was published at about 100 years later than 『YangHui SanFa楊輝算法』 as xylographic books, 『SuanXue QiMeng』 was published twice as xylographic books in the second half of Joseon Dynasty. Whether or not the list of royal books included the Korean or Chinese versions of these books, and additional notation in that shows how the royal estimation of these books changed.

Liu Yi and Hong Jung Ha's Kai Fang Shu (유익(劉益)과 홍정하(洪正夏)의 개방술(開方術))

  • Hong, Sung-Sa;Hong, Young-Hee;Kim, Young-Wook
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2011
  • In Tian mu bi lei cheng chu jie fa(田畝比類乘除捷法) of Yang Hui suan fa(楊輝算法)), Yang Hui annotated detailed comments on the method to find roots of quadratic equations given by Liu Yi in his Yi gu gen yuan(議古根源) which gave a great influence on Chosun Mathematics. In this paper, we show that 'Zeng cheng kai fang fa'(增乘開方法) evolved from a process of binomial expansions of $(y+{\alpha})^n$ which is independent from the synthetic divisions. We also show that extending the results given by Liu Yi-Yang Hui and those in Suan xue qi meng(算學啓蒙), Chosun mathematican Hong Jung Ha(洪正夏) elucidated perfectly the 'Zeng cheng kai fang fa' as the present synthetic divisions in his Gu il jib(九一集).

The Unique Achievement of 《SanHak JeongEui 算學正義》on KaiFangFa with count-wood: The refinement of ZengChengKaiFangFa through improvement of estimate-value array (산대셈 개방법(開方法)에 대한 《산학정의》의 독자적 성취: 어림수[상(商)] 배열법 개선을 통한 증승개방법(增乘開方法)의 정련(精鍊))

  • Kang, Min Jeong
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.273-289
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    • 2018
  • The KaiFangFa開方法 of traditional mathematics was completed in ${\ll}$JiuZhang SuanShu九章算術${\gg}$ originally, and further organized in Song宋 $Yu{\acute{a}}n$元 dinasities. The former is the ShiSuoKaiFangFa釋鎖開方法 using the coefficients of the polynomial expansion, and the latter is the ZengChengKaiFangFa增乘開方法 obtaining the solution only by some mechanical numerical manipulations. ${\ll}$SanHak JeongEui算學正義${\gg}$ basically used the latter and improved the estimate-value array by referring to the written-calculation in ${\ll}$ShuLi JingYun數理精蘊${\gg}$. As a result, ZengChengKaiFangFa was more refined so that the KaiFangFa algorithm is more consistent.

Yang Hui's NaYinFa (양휘(楊輝)의 납음법(納音法))

  • Hong, Sung-Sa;Hong, Young-Hee;Lee, Seung-On
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2011
  • It is well known that the sexagesimal cycle(干支) has been playing very important role in ordinary human affairs including astrology and almanacs and the arts of divination(術數). Yin-Yang school related the cycle with the sixty four hexagrams and the system of five notes(五音) and twelve pitch-pipes(十二律), and the processes to relate them are called respectively NaJia(納甲) and NaYin(納音) and quoted in Shen Kuo's Meng qi bi tan(夢溪筆談, 1095). Yang Hui obtained the process NaYin in the context of mathematics. In this paper we show that Yang Hui introduced the concept and notion of functions and then using congruences and the composite of functions, he could succeed to describe perfectly the process in his Xu gu zhai qi suan fa(續古摘奇算法, 1275). We also note that his concept and notion of functions are the earliest ones in the history of mathematics.

Chosun mathematics in the 17th Century and Muk Sa Jib San Beob (17세기 조선 산학(朝鮮 算學)과 ${\ll}$묵사집산법(默思集筭法)${\gg}$)

  • Jin, Yuzi;Kim, Young-Wook
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we study the 17th Century Chosun's mathematics book ${\ll}$Muk Sa Jib San Beob${\gg}$ written by Chosun's mathematician Kyeong Seon Jing. Our study of thebook shows the ${\ll}$Muk Sa Jip San Beop${\gg}$ as an important 17th Century mathematics book and also as a historical data showing the mathematical environment of 17th Century Chosun.

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Ki-Won Chang, The first specialist on the history of Korean mathematics (최초의 한국수학사 전문가 장기원(張起元))

  • Lee, Sang-Gu;Lee, Jae-Hwa
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2012
  • Ki-Won Chang(1903-1966) is considered as the first mathematician who made a contribution to the study of the history of Korean mathematics. In this paper, we introduce contributions of Ki-Won Chang, his discovery of old Korean literatures on mathematics, and his academic contribution on the history of Korean mathematics. Then we analyze and compare his conclusions on old Korean mathematics with recent works of others. This work shows some interesting discovery.