• Title/Summary/Keyword: Working Hypothesis

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Work, Care or Leisure? - The Effects of Gender and Education on Time Allocation of Full-time Working Parents (노동인가, 돌봄인가, 여가인가? -전일제 임노동자 맞벌이 부모의 시간배분에 대한 젠더 영향과 학력의 조절효과-)

  • Joo, Eunsun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.5-34
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates time allocation among paid work, child care and leisure of dual earner parents of pre-school child. The focuses of this study are time allocation of full-time dual earner parents which can be affected by traditional gender role ideology, and if the gender effects can be diminished or not. So the analysis were about gender effects in the time allocation and the moderating effects of education on gender effects. According to the analysis, the hypothesis are partly corroborated. Even though gender is not effective on paid working time(production time), it affects the time allocation for child care and leisure. There are significant gender gaps in time share for child care(family time) and time share for leisure(private time). The education has moderating effects on gender effects. When education years getting longer, gender gap in child care time becomes narrow, however gender gap in leisure time becomes wide. Because the education is expected to cultivate the sense of value of child care, it can bring decrease of gender gap in care time. According to the result on leisure time share, the education is not expected to make changes in patriarchical gender role in terms of leisure and it doesn't contribute work and life balance.

A Study on Mitigation of Information Security Related Work Stress (정보보안 관련 업무 스트레스 완화에 대한 연구)

  • Hwang, Inho
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2020
  • Recently organizations are implementing strict security policies and technologies to minimize security incidents. However, strict information security can cause work stress of employees and can make it difficult to achieve security goals. The purpose of this study is to present the preconditions for mitigating the negative impact of security-related work stress. We conducted a questionnaire survey of employees working in the financial industry and secured a total of 266 samples. The test of the research hypothesis was carried out by structural equation modeling. As a result, work stress had a negative effect on compliance intention, and value congruence reduced work stress. Also, security feedback had a moderating effect on the relationship between research factors. The results have theoretical and practical implications for mitigating work stress of employees.

Bitcoin Distribution in the Age of Digital Transformation: Dual-path Approach

  • Lee, Won-Jun;Hong, Seong-Tae;Min, Taeki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The potential use of cryptocurrencies in a retail environment proposes a rapid shift from the traditional financial system. Nakamoto(2008) defines Bitcoin as an open source alt-coin based on the blockchain technology. Luther(2016) insists that the new technology will be widely adopted for the digital payment processes. However, the use of Bitcoin is in the real world is still sparse. Despite the growing attention and purported benefits, it is doubtful whether the Bitcoin will be eagerly accepted by ordinary consumers in the mainstream market. To answer this question, this paper develops a causal model that has a dual path to explain the motivation to adopt Bitcoin. According to Glaser, Zimmermann, Haferkorn, Weber, and Siering(2014), Bitcoin is both an asset and a currency at the same time. In summary, the attitude towards Bitcoin may vary depending on whether the fin-tech product is viewed as an asset or as a currency. Based on the arguments, we propose that asset attitude and currency attitude will give influence to consumers' intention to adopt Bitcoin. Research design, data, and methodology - Quantitative data collection is conducted from a Bitcoin SIG(special interest group) working in an internet community. As a result, 192 respondents who know Bitcoin completed the survey. To analyze the causal relations in the research model, PLS-SEM(partial least squares structural equation modeling) method is used. Also, reliability and validity of measures are tested by performing Cronbach's alpha test, Fornell-Larcker test and confirmatory factor test. Results - Our test results show that every hypothesis is supported except the influence of perceived ease of use. In addition, we find that the relationships between constructs are different between the high innovative group and low innovative group. Conclusions - We provide evidence that asset attitude and currency attitude are key antecedents of Bitcoin adoption.

The Effects of the Nurses' Knowledge to Breast-Feeding on the Nursing Activities for Breast-Feeding (간호사의 모유수유에 대한 지식정도가 모유수유 간호활동에 미치는 영향 - 산과외래, 분만실, 산과병실 및 신생아실 간호사를 중심으로)

  • Kim Young Hae;Kim Mi Jung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.52-61
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    • 1997
  • This study was attempted to identify the knowledge to breast-feeding and the performance of nursing activities for breast-feeding and to test 'how does the degree of knowledge to breast-feeding influence the nursing activities for breast-feeding?' The subjects were 180 nurses working in delivery rooms, nursery, obstetrics & pediatrics wards or OPD of obstetrics & gynecology of 8 general hospitals in Pusan as of August 3 through 13, 1996. The results are abstracted as follows. 1) Subject nurses' age, 25-29 was 45.6%(the major), education levels graduates from junior college were 95.0%, unmarried status was 62.2%, 76.5% of married nurses had children, 39.7% in-service education for Breast-Feeding, 33.7% did nursing activities for breast-feeding actively, the reason for inadequate activities for breast-feeding was 'too much other tasks.' 2) The degree of knowledge to breast-feeding ; mean score was 13.54, the degree of performance of nursing activities for breast-feeding : 92.38±20.93 points out of possible 145 points (3.19±.74 out of possible 5 points) moaned that it was a low level. 3) The hypothesis 'the nurses who have higher degrees of knowledge to breast-feeding will show higher degrees of performance of nursing activities for breast-feeding than the nurses who have lower degrees of knowledge to breast-feeding' was tested by t-test(t=-.01, P=.9888), but rejected because it turned out statistically not significant at the level of P<.05. Above results suggested the degrees of knowledge to breast-feeding and the degrees of performance of nursing activities for breast-feeding were generally low and the degree of knowledge didn't influence the nursing activities. Researchers believe that the education for breast-feeding by the nurses need to be performed systemically & practically and new method of breast-feeding education program need to include hospital managers as well as nurses related mothers and their family. In audition, researchers propose the introduction of &lactation specialist system&, for the specialist can change the attitude of feeding-mothers positively with their specialty and authority.

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Diffusion of software innovation: a Petri Net theory perspective (Petri Net 이론 관점에서 본 소프트웨어 혁신의 확산)

  • Han, Jiyeon;Ahn, Jongchang;Lee, Ook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.858-867
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    • 2013
  • Hardware and software field are developed by environment of MPSOC. Also it is still working with economic world and academic world. This study focus on software side and try to classify from parallel programming design world. It can be divided by three; Data, Tasks, and Data flow model. Then we used Petri Net to CUDA and HOPES programmer and found how much they understand parallel programming for each side. We focus on two sides and what is different between their experience. Petri Net is easy to descript parallel program or parallel design pattern for Task, Data, and Hybird. This research can explain how they know and how much they know about parallel programming.

The Influence Factors and Effects of Self-leadership: Focusing on Members of the Hospitals (셀프리더십의 영향요인과 효과: 의료기관 조직구성원을 중심으로)

  • Min, Byung Chul;Lim, Sung Won;Kim, Han Kyoul;Rhee, Hyun Sill
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate the factors of self-leadership depending on individual characteristics, job characteristics, and qualities of leader-member exchange. Additionally, this study aims to discover the effect of self-leadership's outcome factors on organizational citizenship behavior and innovative activities. In order to verify research model and hypothesis, questionnaires were collected from department members working at general hospitals, hospitals, and clinics in metropolitan area of Seoul, which were 85 departments and 344 respondents. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS ver. 19.0 and Amos ver. 18.0 statistical package using Structural Equation Model. The results of the analysis showed that both individual characteristics and job characteristics have significant positive effect on self-leadership. Also, self-leadership had significant positive relationship on innovative action and organizational citizenship behavior. The implications of this study are as follow. First, this study empirically explained how self-leadership is applied in healthcare organizations. Second, it verified the relationship between causal factors and outcome factors of self-leadership. Also, prior researches of self-leadership have been conducted on business companies, but this study explored self-leadership at healthcare organizations, which increased external validity. Nowadays, many people are interested in the effect of leadership in order to overcome issues coming from enlarged organizations and to improve performance. Self-leadership will contribute to maximizing voluntary efforts of human resources and performance in a rapidly changing healthcare industry.

Structural Model of Developing Human Resources Performance: Empirical Study of Indonesia States Owned Enterprises

  • HAERANI, Siti;SUMARDI, SUMARDI;HAKIM, Wardhani;HARTINI, HARTINI;PUTRA, Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to analyze the effect of structural Person-Organization Fit and organizational justice on organizational commitment, job satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and employee performance. This study is based on a quantitative approach by collecting data using a survey conducted on three SOE's companies in Indonesia that operate in Makassar City, namely Pelindo. Ltd (Port Company), PLN. Ltd (Electric Company) and Pertamina. Ltd (Oil and Gas Company), with a sample of 90 employees. The study population was all non-managerial permanent employees. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling. In structural relations, out of the nine direct tests, there were two insignificant relationships, and in all three hypotheses there was one not-supported hypothesis. When compared between person-organization Fit and Organizational Justice, it is found that organizational justice has a more critical role in building Human Resource performance compared to Person-Organization Fit, because organizational justice is better able to provide job satisfaction and make organizational commitment and OCB as a prerequisite for its formation to better Human Resources performance. With organizational justice, employees will feel more satisfied working, committed to the work and organization, and behaves as a supportive organizational citizen for the realization of the best performance for the interests of the organization going forward.

The Effect of Communication Satisfaction on Hospital Employees' Perceived Organizational Effectiveness (종합병원 구성원들의 의사소통 만족도가 조직유효성 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Sang-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.4935-4942
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the effects of hospital employees' communication satisfaction on their perceived organizational effectiveness. Four research hypothesis are established for the purpose of this study. The subject of this study were 473 employees who were working at 10 general hospitals in Korea. The survey was done with structured questionnaire from January 3 to February 8, 2013. The results of stepwise regression analysis show that hospital employees' communication satisfaction positively affected organizational effectiveness. Interaction effects between employees' communication satisfaction and work types had stronger effect on organizational growth than organizational stability. It can be pointed out as an important issue that communication satisfaction score of medical support occupation is the lowest level(3.11 points out of 5 points). If hospitals want an integration of organization, it is required to develop method or skill to increase communication satisfaction among employees.

A Study on the Effects for IT Innovation, IT Dependency and Enterprise Architecture Usage on IT-Business Alignment (IT혁신, IT의존성 및 EA활용이 IT-비즈니스 연계(Alignment)에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Jeon, Woong-Chan;Jeong, Seung-Ryul;Min, Dae-Hong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.359-379
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the effects for IT Innovation, IT Dependency and Usage of Enterprise Architecture on IT-Business Alignment that have been on the mind C-level executives for several decades. In order to substantiate 5 hypothesis related 4 variables, 120 IT experts had been surveyed and Partial Least Square Method had been used to analyze the result. The results presented in this research indicates that technical review and feasibility study for IT Project should be performed considerably to align IT and Business requirement efficiently. It also implies that increased IT Dependency in working process results in the clearer specification of requirements for IT Project.

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The effects of entrepreneurship on innovational Behavior orientation: Focused on examining mediator effects of Affective Organizational Commitment (기업가정신과 종업원의 혁신행동지향성에 대한 정서적 몰입의 매개효과)

  • Kwon, Hyeok-Ki;Son, Heon-Il
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study is to examine the factors influencing entrepreneurship and innovational behavior orientation in small and middle enterprise. This model tests various theoretical research hypotheses relating to entrepreneurship, innovational behavior orientation and Affective Organizational Commitment. To verify them, using a sample of 280 employees working for 31 companies in Busan, Ulsan, and Pohang, this study analyses empirically on structural relationship among them. The results of hypothesis testing are as follows. First, entrepreneurship influence innovational orientation. Second, entrepreneurship influence Affective Organizational Commitment. Finally, A mediator effect of Affective Organizational Commitment between entrepreneurship and innovational behavior orientation is a new empirical result coming out of this study. The study provides entrepreneurship and policy-HRM with more accurate information that allow them to explore significant managerial insights so as to develop appropriate policy in small and middle enterprise.

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