• Title/Summary/Keyword: Work environment improvement

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Hardware-Software Cosynthesis of Multitask Multicore SoC with Real-Time Constraints (실시간 제약조건을 갖는 다중태스크 다중코어 SoC의 하드웨어-소프트웨어 통합합성)

  • Lee Choon-Seung;Ha Soon-Hoi
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.33 no.9
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    • pp.592-607
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    • 2006
  • This paper proposes a technique to select processors and hardware IPs and to map the tasks into the selected processing elements, aming to achieve high performance with minimal system cost when multitask applications with real-time constraints are run on a multicore SoC. Such technique is called to 'Hardware-Software Cosynthesis Technique'. A cosynthesis technique was already presented in our early work [1] where we divide the complex cosynthesis problem into three subproblems and conquer each subproblem separately: selection of appropriate processing components, mapping and scheduling of function blocks to the selected processing component, and schedulability analysis. Despite good features, our previous technique has a serious limitation that a task monopolizes the entire system resource to get the minimum schedule length. But in general we may obtain higher performance in multitask multicore system if independent multiple tasks are running concurrently on different processor cores. In this paper, we present two mapping techniques, task mapping avoidance technique(TMA) and task mapping pinning technique(TMP), which are applicable for general cases with diverse operating policies in a multicore environment. We could obtain significant performance improvement for a multimedia real-time application, multi-channel Digital Video Recorder system and for randomly generated multitask graphs obtained from the related works.

A Study on Satisfaction of Campus Life by Students at the Dept. of Dental Hygiene, C University (C대학 치위생과 학생들의 대학생활 만족도 조사연구)

  • Goo, Kyong-Mi
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.343-354
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    • 2007
  • This study is to provide basic materials for the purpose of maximizing satisfaction of university students with campus life and ensuring competitiveness of university by establishing educational conditions to make university students adapt themselves to campus life, enhancing their satisfaction with campus life and making and executing improvement methods of areas showing low satisfaction with campus life and selects 210 students studying dental hygiene at C university in Jeonnam region as subjects of research and as a result of examining their satisfaction with campus life and department using questionnaire, the following conclusions are obtained. 1. Subjects of research are 39.6% at the first grade, 38.1% at the second grade and 22.3% at the third grade, 51.0% of subjects graduated from academic high school, 70.3% lived in lent house or dormitory, 85.6% had normal health state and 60.4% had good personal relationship with schoolmates. 2. On information of dental hygiene before admission, 50.5% of subjects had it a little. On the Source of information in selecting department, 21.8% was through internet, on the period of selecting department, 33.2% was before application and on motivation of selecting department, 33.2% was because of good employment. 3. On satisfaction with this university, 46.0% answered normal, 34.2% answered they were dissatisfied with university and reasons of such a dissatisfaction were environment around school at 23.3% and scholarship and welfare system at 21.3%. On academic results, 58.4% marked average. On club activity, 82.7% didn't join in any club activity and on their current great trouble, 53.5% answered passing national qualification examination. 4. On satisfaction with department of dental hygiene, 57.4% answered that they were satisfied with their department and 19.3% were dissatisfied with it. On reasons of their dissatisfaction with department, 35.4% answered it was because of poor facility and 20.8%, difficult curriculum. On requirements of professors at department of dental hygiene, 51.5% wanted to have personal contact with their professors. 5. On motivation of employment, 50.5% was for economic reason. On areas desired, 44.1% was dental clinic and on standard of choosing job, 40.1% was job with high salary. On period of employment desired, 75.7% said they wanted to continue to work. 6. There were significant differences at satisfaction with campus life according to grade(p<0.01) and between campus life and satisfaction with department depending on health state(p<0.05). 7. There was statistically significant difference in satisfaction with department according to academic results(p<0.05).

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The Effect of Field-Based Participation Design on Agricultural Direct Sales Facilities: Process Change of Awareness on Participant (농특산물 직거래판매시설에 관한 현장중심의 참여디자인 효과: 참여자의 의식변화를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Aeeun;Hong, Jungpyo;Ha, Eunyoung;Chae, Hyesung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2018
  • A demand for user's participation in the designing process, which is called the participation design, is increasing with social change. Practically, however, there is lack of researches on the improvement of the problem in actual design development and participation design effect. In order to understand the field-based participation design effect in view of user's change of awareness on participation design, this study carried out a survey on the change of awareness through a design workshop in which all stakeholders have participated on the subject of agricultural direct sales facilities as a part of participation design programs. Many references were reviewed first to understand the participation design principles and their current research trend. Next, the questionnaire was developed using an effectiveness verification model for an effective analysis. A design workshop as one of the participation design programs was organized and applied for the field response. In order to analyze the effect, the survey on participants' change of awareness was carried out before and after the program. The survey questionnaires were about motivation, knowledge, recognition, function, and participation and asked the design study graduates. The participation design effect was supplemented by additional open questions. As a consequence, the participants in the participation design program showed the noticeable effect in knowledge and function about the agricultural direct sales facilities. It was found that they were also highly satisfied with the participation design result and they recognized an importance of collaboration. This study also showed that a sufficient time schedule considering agricultural village life should be given for a smooth operation of the program and also a working environment is necessary for designing work.

Time Series Analysis and Forecast for Labor Cost of Actual Cost Data (시계열분석을 통한 실적공사비의 노무비 분석 및 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun-Seok;Lee, Eun-Young;Kim, Yea-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2013
  • Since 2004, the government decided to gradually introduce Actual Cost Data into cost estimate for improving problems of below-cost tendering and to reflect fair market price through competition and carry contract efficiently. However, there are many concerns that Actual Cost Data has not reflected real market price, even that has contributed to reduce the government's budget. General construction firm's burden for labor cost is imputed to specialty contractors and eventually it becomes construction worker's burden. Therefore, realization of Actual Cost Data is very important factor to settle this system. To understand realization level and make short term forecast, this paper drew construction group of which labor cost constitutes more than 95% of direct cost, and compares their Actual Cost Data with relevant skilled workers's unit wage and predicts using time series analysis. The bid price which is not be reflected market price accelerates work environment changes and leads to directly affect such as late disbursement of wages, bankruptcy to workers. Therefore this paper is expected to be used to the preliminary data for solving the problem and establishing improvement of Actual Cost Data.

The Influence of Emotional Labor, Job Stress, and Burnout on Turnover Intention of Care Worker's at Long-Term Care Hospitals (요양병원 요양보호사의 감정노동, 직무스트레스 및 소진이 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Youn, Soon-Chul;Kwon, Suhye;Kang, Hyo-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.428-440
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the extent of and relationships among emotional labor, job stress, burnout and turnover intention and the factors influencing the turnover intention of care workers at long-term care hospitals. The study was approved by KUIRS, and the data were collected from August 12 to September 30, 2015, and analyzed using the SPSS WIN 18.0 program. The participants of this study were 200 care workers at ten different long-term care hospitals in B city and G province. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires and analyzed by descriptive statistics, the t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and Stepwise multiple regression. The turnover intention was significantly correlated with emotional labor (r=.372, p<.001), job stress (r=.471, p<.001), and burnout (r=.411, p<.001). In the multiple regression, job stress (β=.290, p<.001), burnout (β=.239, p<.001), type of employment (β=.185, p<.001), and emotional labor (β=.157, p=.017) were identified as factors influencing the turnover intention. These factors explained 32.6% of the total variance in the turnover intention. Based on the results, in order to reduce the turnover intention, the improvement of work environment and clear job-descriptions are needed to reduce the job stress, and the development and implementation of proactive psycho-social interventions are necessary to reduce burnout and emotional labor in care workers at long-term care hospitals.

A analysis of Proper Workbench for Body Type of Dental Technician (치과기공사의 체형에 적합한 작업대의 분석)

  • Han, Min-Soo;Choi, Esther;Oh, Seon-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.328-335
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the height of workbench in dental lab for ergonomic body type which dental technicians are suitable and suggest to effective improvement of workspace. For this purpose, we measured the height, weight, body sizes of total 77 junior majoring in dental laboratory science where they study school located in Gyeonggi and Chungcheong area and we research uncomfortable body type when they had a clinical training. For comparative analysis we had visited 15 dental lab and 2 dental lab of general hospital and we had measured the height of workbench and desk including chair and then We had statistical analysis measured value. Especially we analyzed the important factor causing inconvenience for work environment. As a result, we had examined, we found following results The sand table was the most uncomfortable equipment, when they have clinical training. There is no correlation between sexual characteristics of junior in college and selection of uncomfortable equipment. It is reasonable to assume that sand table which is lower than recommended height brings out inconvenience. It is analyzed that the optimum height of sand table in dental lab for junior in college is lower than the recommended height. The optimum height of sand table in dental lab has deviation according to height of junior in college. The height of worktable in dental lab was lower than recommended height. The recommended range could not apply to posture of dental technician with different height uniformly.

The Assessment Guideline of the Simplified Test Maturity Model (TMM) for An Assessor (심사원을 위한 경량화 테스트 성숙도 모델을 위한 평가 가이드 연구)

  • Jang, Woo Sung;Kim, Ki Du;Son, Hyun Seung;Park, Bo Kyung;Kim, R. Young Chul
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.6 no.8
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 2017
  • In real software business environment, there are required to validate software quality in diverse usage range of software for many small & medium companies. Software quality means both qualities of production and process. In our situation, we focus on better process quality of a test organization than a whole organization. But even the original test maturity model (TMM) does not enough to apply with our domestic venture/small & medium companies. To solve this problem, we suggest the simplified test maturity model for our companies. We redefine this simplified model with the original TMM and a test process improvement next (TPI next) model. The previous models just have provided each definition of maturity level, goal and activity per each level, which not exists an assessment guideline and a formal assessing procedure. Due to this reasons, an assessor is difficult to assess the test organization without them. this paper suggest an assessment guideline of the simplified TMM and also define the procedure which is included with activities and byproducts. With these assessment guideline, an assessor can work possible to formally assess test organizations of small & medium companies, and with self assessment guideline they can be correctly provision before assessment of their organizations.

A Study on Improvement of Facilities in Daegu.Kyungpook Public Arboreta (대구.경북의 공립수목원 시설물 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Shin-Koo;Moon, Jong-Tae;Jeong, Eun-Seong;Han, Sang-Yoel
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.1
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    • pp.104-112
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried to improve the facilities in Daegu Kyungpook public Arboreta. On the basis of visitor's performance, satisfaction and implicitly derived importance, this study conducted Revised Importance- Performance Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis and Regression Analysis between extracted performance factors and overall satisfaction. As a result, 'Plant and Arboretum's Landscape' factor was seemed to affect overall satisfaction quite a bit and need to keep up the good work because the attributes belonged to this factor had high importance-performance in Daegu Arboretum. The attributes located in 2 quadrant and had a relatively large effect on overall satisfaction were 'Management of information board', 'Capacity of restroom' and 'Accessibility to restroom' in Daegu Arboretum. These attributes are needed to be improved as soon as possible. Kyungpook Arboretum also had similar results in 'Plant and Arboretum's Landscape' factor but 'Parking Lot' factor was more influential to overall satisfaction compare to Daegu Arboretum. Especially, 'Capacity of parking lot' attribute, one of 'Parking Lot' factor, was the first one to be improved because it had high importance and low performance.

A Study on the Operation Condition and Improvement for Japanese Language Continuing Education - Focused on Social Welfare Centers Located in Seoul - (일본어 평생교육 프로그램 운영 실태 및 개선 방안 - 서울시 소재 종합사회복지관을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Hwal Ran
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.35
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    • pp.315-338
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to propose actual operation condition of Japanese lecture based on social welfare organizations located in Seoul to investigate the current status and problems of Japanese language education in terms of lifelong education. According to the result of this study, the remarkable point was that a majority of Japanese lecture courses are highly focused on the elderly and 86% of the welfare organizations are providing free education. Regarding the effect of specialized business for the aged run by social welfare community center, it says, as Korea changing to aging society at the beginning of 21st century, it has put focus on strengthening personal competences of seniors through opportunities for participation in lifelong education, recreational activity programs and culture classes. It means foreign language classes are operating as one of the lifelong education programs for reinforcement of individual capability. Considering this tendency, it is expected that the lifelong education participation rate of the elder in Seoul will be raised. So, systematic improvements will be needed for this. First, it is required to recognize the existence of Educational and Cultural Industry and work hard to make it public so it could be invigorated and utilized by people usefully at the same time. Second, Japanese language training that mostly 55-year-old or more than 60-year-old people receive at the welfare center needs to be systematized for preparations on proper studying environment which provides the older with appropriate education method and content as well. Third, stable and systematic operation should be available through the link with experts in the field of Japanese language education and elderly education. Fourth, education program development is needed, which is able to satisfy one's desires for learning. Hence, targeting Japanese learners at each welfare center, we need to know the estimation of satisfaction degree and consciousness on learning Japanese. Finally, it has not been studied sufficiently regarding the instructors on teaching Japanese language in this paper, but it has been reported that most of social welfare centers, where Japanese language lectures are provided, are run by volunteers who can teach Japanese. Thus, the study on actual condition for Japanese language instructors will be conducted as well later on.

A Study on the Improvement Measures for the Management and Utilization of Korea's Fiscal Government Data: Focusing on Fiscal Data Governance (재정데이터의 관리 및 활용을 위한 개선방안 연구: 재정데이터 거버넌스를 중심으로)

  • Song, Seok-Hyun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.95-111
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    • 2021
  • To achieve a data-driven policy decision-making system, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance has formed a marketing team and is actively building upon it. This system, currently under construction, will enable data-driven financial tasks beyond simple financial administration. The U.S. has already enacted The Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act in the process of similar pursuits. Since last year, the data-driven system administrative law has been enacted in Korea, and a legal framework has been established for data-driven administrative work. The next-generation budget accounting system to fulfill its role as a data-driven system needs public policy support to operate. Innovation and transformation are needed in various areas such as data management, legal system, and installation of related systems. Accordingly, it is very timely to analyze the financial systems and policies of advanced countries such as the U.S. and U.K., which already have established and operates such a financial system. By benchmarking and applying existing financial information systems to the next-generation budget accounting system, a better system will result. In this study, major developed countries, including the U.S., U.K., France, and Canada were benchmarked and analyzed in terms of the main elements of data governance: public policy, systems, legal framework, promotion system, and service level. It was discovered that the role and direction of the national fiscal policy system that the people favor should be able to respond quickly to the recent difficult economic crisis environment such as the digital transformation trend and COVID-19.