• Title/Summary/Keyword: Water Depth storage

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Characteristics of Coagulants Distribution by the Pumping Rate in Pump Diffusion Mixer (Pump Diffusion Mixer에서 압력수량에 따른 응집제 확산분포 특성)

  • Park, Youngoh;Kim, Ki-Don;Park, No-Suk;Lim, Jae-Lim;Lim, Kyung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2008
  • This study collected the latest 30-year (1976~2005) continuous rainfall data hourly recorded at 61 meterological observatories in Korea, and the continuous rainfall data was divided into individual rainfall events. In addition, distribution charts of average rainfall event-depth were created to facilitate the application to the overflow risk-based design of detention storage basin. This study shows that 4 hour is appropriate for SST (storm separation time) to separate individual rainfall events from the continuous rainfall data, and the one-parameter exponential distribution is suitable for the frequency distribution of rainfall event depths for the domestic rainfall data. The analysis of the domestic rainfall data using SST of 4 hour showed that the individual rainfall event was 1380 to 2031 times, the average rainfall event-depth was 19.1 to 32.4mm, and ranged between 0.877 and 0.926. Distribution charts of average rainfall event-depth were created for 4hour and 6 hour of SST, respectively. The inland Gyeongsangbuk-do, Western coastal area and inland of Jeollabuk-do had relatively lower average rainfall event-depth, whereas Southern coastal area, such as Namhae, Yeosu, and Jeju-do had relatively higher average rainfall event-depth.

A study of the relationship between Sedimentation and Storage requirments of reservoirs (저수지 내용적 감소가 필요저수량에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 신일선;김재곤;김시원
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 1979
  • Since the first installation of irrigation Systems in Korea , a large number of small and medium sized reservoirs have been constructed as the main water sources Some 412, 000 ha are at present irrigated from these sources of supply. Many of the reservoirs were designed in accordance with old low standards and have in addition suffered a loss in capacity through sedimentation. At the same time, water demand has increased with the in troduction of high yielding varieties of rice. The combination has resulted in severe water deficits. To study the problem, 16 sample reservoirs have been surveyed and analysed. The results of the study are summarized be low: 1. Average decrease in reservoir capacity from the installation to present-8% 2. Average soil erosion loss (m$^3$/km$^2$/year) is 536 m$^3$/km$^2$/year and average erosion depth of soil is 0. 5mm per year. 3. No relationship, between reservoir capacity per unit of watershed (m$^3$/km$^2$) and soil erosion loss was found. 4. Increases are required in reservoir capacity: 15.8% due to the introduction of HYV's; 16.6% due to the change of system losses from 10%to 25% The conclusion to be drawn from the above results is that existing reservoir capacity should be increased by an average of 32%. The unit storage capacity to be adopted should be 661 mm

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Potential Release of Environmental Flow through Irrigation Reservoir (농업용 저수지에서의 환경용수 방류 능력 평가)

  • Kim, Sang-Min;Kim, Sung-Jae;Kim, Yong-Wan;Park, Tae-Yang;Kim, Sung-Min;Park, Ki-Wook;Jang, Min-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the methodology for providing the environmental flows from irrigation reservoir. Reservoir water budget for study area was analyzed to simulate the water supply scenarios for environmental flows. Bonghyun and Hi reservoirs area, located in Gyeongnam, Gosung-gun, Hi-myeon, were selected for study watersheds and streams for this study. Reservoir operation was simulated to determine the envionmental flows supply amount from March to October with the constraint that environmental flow supply was restrained when the storage of reservoir were below the half or one-third of effective storage. The simulated results indicated that the supply of environmental flows with the amount of 200 ton/day and 600 ton/day resulted in up to 15 mm and 29 mm of runoff depth increase in the downstream, respectively. The effect of environmental flows supply from existing irrigation reservoir was not significant because the irrigation reservoir was not designed to supply the environmental flows. It is necessary to remodel the irrigation reservoir and develop the reservoir operation technique, to meet the need for the environmental flows.

High Frequency Approximation for Earthquake-Induced Hydrodynamic Loads in Rigid Stroage Tank (고주파수 근사해를 적용한 유체저장탱크에 작용하는 지진하중 산정)

  • 류정선;양우식
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1999
  • The present paper describes an approximation for estimation of earthquake-induced hydrodynamic loads in rigid storage tank which accelerated in horizontal direction. The storage tank is vertically cylindrical, and the sectional shape may be circular, rectangular or irregular. The solution for harmonic excitation is studied based on velocity potential theory, and then the time domain solution for earthquake is obtained by using design response spectrum. As a result, earthquake load is influenced primarily by the inertia force of high frequency effective mass of the storage tank, responding to the characteristics of design response spectrum, tank sectional shape, and the ratio of tank base length to depth. Earthquake-induced hydrodynamic loads in rigid storage tank can be effectively obtained by using the high frequency approximation method in case of quite large, or small ratio of the tank base length to water depth.

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Effects of Hydrological Condition on the Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Behavior of Rock Mass Surrounding Cavern Thermal Energy Storage (암반 공동 열에너지저장소 주변 암반의 수리적 조건에 따른 열-수리-역학적 연계거동 분석)

  • Park, Jung-Wook;Rutqvist, Jonny;Lee, Hang Bok;Ryu, Dongwoo;Synn, Joong-Ho;Park, Eui-Seob
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.168-185
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    • 2015
  • The thermal-hydrological-mechanical (T-H-M) behavior of rock mass surrounding a large-scale high-temperature cavern thermal energy storage (CTES) at a shallow depth has been investigated, and the effects of hydrological conditions such as water table and rock permeability on the behavior have been examined. The liquid saturation of ground water around a storage cavern may have a small impact on the overall heat transfer and mechanical behavior of surrounding rock mass for a relatively low rock permeability of $10^{-17}m^2$. In terms of the distributions of temperature, stress and displacement of the surrounding rock mass, the results expected from the simulation with the cavern below the water table were almost identical to that obtained from the simulation with the cavern in the unsaturated zone. The heat transfer in the rock mass with reasonable permeability ${\leq}10^{-15}m^2$ was dominated by the conduction. In the simulation with rock permeability of $10^{-12}m^2$, however, the convective heat transfer by ground-water was dominant, accompanying the upward heat flow to near-ground surface. The temperature and pressure around a storage cavern showed different distributions according to the rock permeability, as a result of the complex coupled processes such as the heat transfer by multi-phase flow and the evaporation of ground-water.

Site Prioritization for Artificial Recharge in Korea using GIS Mapping (지리정보시스템을 이용한 우리나라 인공함양 개발 유망지역 분석)

  • Seo, Jeong-A;Kim, Yong-Cheol;Kim, Jin-Sam;Kim, Yong-Je
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2011
  • It is getting difficult to manage water resources in South Korea because more than half of annual precipitation is concentrated in the summer season and its intensity is increasing due to global warming and climate change. Artificial recharge schemes such as well recharge of surface water and roof-top rainwater harvesting can be a useful method to manage water resources in Korea. In this study, potential artificial recharge site is evaluated using geographic information system with hydrogeological and social factors. The hydrogeological factors include annual precipitation, geological classification based on geological map, specific capacity and depth to water level of national groundwater monitoring wells. These factors were selected to evaluate potential artificial recharge site because annual precipitation is closely related to source water availability for artificial recharge, geological features and specific capacity are related to injection capacity and depth to water is related to storage capacity of the subsurface medium. In addition to those hydrogeological factors, social aspect was taken into consideration by selecting the areas that is not serviced by national water works and have been suffered from drought. These factors are graded into five rates and integrated together in the GIS system resulting in spatial distribution of artificial recharge potential. Cheongsong, Yeongdeok in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Hadong in Gyeongsangnam-do, and Suncheon in Jeollanam-do were proven as favorable areas for applying artificial recharge schemes. Although the potential map for artificial recharge in South Korea developed in this study need to be improved by using other scientific factors such as evaporation and topographical features, and other social factors such as water-curtain cultivation area, hot spring resorts and industrial area where groundwater level is severely lowered, it can be used in a rough site-selection, preliminary and/or feasibility study for artificial recharge.

A Study on the Sea Water DTEC Power Generation System of the FPSO (FPSO의 온배수를 활용한 해수 DTEC 발전시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Song, Young-Uk
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2018
  • The development of limited petroleum resources for use with mankind inevitably explores and seeks to develop oil fields in the deep sea area, under the rise of the oil prices market situation. The use of Oceanic Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) technology, which operates the power generation facility using the temperature differences between the deep water and the surface water, is progressing actively as a trend to follow. In this study, the application of the Discharged Thermal Energy Conversion (DTEC) was designed and analyzed under the condition that the supply condition of seawater used in the FPSO installed in the deep sea area is changed up to 400m depth. In this case, it was confirmed that the design of the system that can generate more electric power according to the depth of water is confirmed, by thus applying the DTEC system by taking the cooling water at a deeper water depth than the existing design water depth. The FPSO considers the similarity of the OTEC power generation facilities, and will apply the DTEC system to FPSO in the deep sea area to accumulate technology and the conversion to further utilize the OTEC power generation facilities after the end of life cycle of oil production, which could be a solution to two important issues, namely, resource development and sustainable development.

Assessing the Influence Radius of a Water Treatment System Installed in a Reservoir Using Tracer Experiment and 3D Numerical Simulation (추적자 실험 및 3차원 수치모의를 이용한 저수지 수처리 장치의 영향반경 평가)

  • Park, Hyung Seok;Lee, Eun Ju;Ji, Hyun Seo;Choi, Sun Hwa;Chun, Se Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the radius of influence of effluent of water treatment system developed for the purpose of improvement of reservoir water quality using fluorescent dye (Rhodamine-WT) tracer experiment and 3-D numerical model. The tracer experiment was carried out in a medium-sized agricultural reservoir with a storage capacity of $227,000m^3$ and an average depth of 1.6 m. A guideline with a total length of 160 m was installed at intervals of 10 m in the horizontal direction from the discharge part, and a Rhodamine measurement sensor (YSI 6130, measurement range $0-200{\mu}g/L$) was used to measure concentration changes in time, distance, and depth. Experimental design was established in advance through Jet theory and the diffusion process was simulated using ELCOM, a three dimensional hydraulic dynamics model. As a result of the study, the direct effect radius of the jet emitted from the applied water treatment system was about 50-70 m, and the radius of physical effect by the advection diffusion was judged to be 100-120 m. The numerical simulations of effluent advection-diffusion of the water treatment system using ELCOM showed very similar results to those of the impact radius analysis using the tracer experiment and jet flow empirical equations. The results provide valuable information on the spatial extent of the water quality improvement devices installed in the reservoir and the facility layout design.

Data analysis of simulated fuel-loaded sea transportation tests under normal conditions of transport

  • JaeHoon Lim;Woo-seok Choi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.375-388
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    • 2024
  • In this study, to evaluate the shock and vibration load characteristics of used fuel, a sea transportation test was conducted using simulated fuel assemblies under normal transport conditions. An overall test data analysis was performed based on the measured strain and acceleration data obtained from cruise, rotation, acceleration, braking, depth of water, and rolling tests. In addition, shock response spectrum and power spectral densities were obtained for each test case. Amplification and attenuation characteristics were investigated based on the load path. The load was amplified as it passed from the overpack to the simulated used fuel-assembly. As a result of the RMS trend analysis, the fuel-loading position of the transportation package affected the measured strain in the fuel rod, and the maximum strains were obtained at the spans with large spacing. However, even these maximum strains were very small compared to the fatigue strength and the cladding yield strength. Moreover, the fuel rods located on the side exhibited a larger strain value than those at the center.

GIS Application Model for Temporal and Spatial Simulation of Surface Runoff from a small watershed (소유역 지표유출의 시간적 . 공간적 재현을 위한 GIS응용모형)

  • 정하우;김성준;최진용;김대식
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a GIS application and interface model (GISCELWAB) for the temporal and spatial simulation of surface runoff from a small watershed. The model was constituted by three sub - models : The input data extraction model (GISINDATA) which prepares cell-based input data automatically for a given watershed, the cell water balance model(CELWAB) which calculates the water balance for a cell and simulates surface runoff of watershed simultaneously by the interaction of cells, and the output data management model(GISOUTDISP) which visualize the results of temporal and spatial variation of surface runoff. The input data extraction model was developed to solve the time-consuming problems for the input-data preparation of distributed hydrologic model. The input data for CELWAB can be obtained by extracting ASCII data from a vector map. The output data management model was developed to convert the storage depth and discharge of cell into grid map. This model ean-bles to visualize the temporal and spatial formulation process of watershed storage depth and surface runoff wholly with time increment.

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