• Title/Summary/Keyword: Walking Environmental Evaluation

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Evaluation of Field Applicability of Pavement Materials Using Wood Chips (목재칩을 활용한 포장재의 현장 적용성 평가)

  • Lee, Jundae;Bang, Sungtak;Bae, Wooseok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2015
  • Construction materials using soil which is the most common material around us have many advantages, but their long-term durability and sensation of walking as pavements have problems. Therefore, they are used after compaction or mixed with various hardening agents such as lime and cement for strength enhancement. However, studies on the behavior of pavement materials mixed with environment-friendly hardening agents or admixtures to improve walking property are still insufficient. In this study, therefore, in order to evaluate the appropriate mixing ratio and field application characteristics of pavement materials using mixed soils with environment-friendly hardening agents and natural materials such as wood chips, mechanical tests were performed to evaluate the rational mixing ratios and the ball test was performed as an elasticity test to evaluate the field applicability. The results suggest that the content of wood chips should be selected at 1.5% or lower according to the purpose of the structure, and the hardening agent at 10~15%. The evaluation results for GB/SB coefficient ratio which indicates the walking property show that the appropriate mixing ratio of the hardening agent in terms of the sensation of walking is 15% of lower, but different mixing ratios should be chosen according to the proportion of wood chips.

Development of Web Based Walking Environmental Measurement System Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach (계층분석법을 이용한 웹 기반 GIS 보행환경측정 시스템 개발)

  • Joo, Yong-Jin;Lee, Soo-Il;Kim, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2011
  • This paper aims to develop a web based GIS system which is able to evaluate and visualize the overall degree (in terms of pleasantness and aesthetics) of pedestrian friendliness of the environment, as well as pedestrians' convenience through a Walkability Indicators that simplify pedestrian environment elements into a quantitative index in accordance with characteristics of pedestrian space. To make this goal come true, we developed and applied Walkability index which can measure the pedestrian environment through reflecting quantitative Indicators based on GIS supplementing the limit of Literature Review. In addition, in order to develop index we utilized AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) and we displayed measurement result on study area through web GIS Services. The proposed pedestrian measurement system is expected to be applicable in the visualization of pedestrian movements and the evaluation of convenience levels of pedestrian environment.

Comparison Analysis Among Each Site Scale Evaluation Against Outdoor Space of Multi-Family Housing Complex (공동주택 옥외공간에 대한 단지규모별 비교평가 분석)

  • Choi, Yeol;Yim, Ha Kyoung;Cheong, Un Bin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.1D
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2009
  • The aim of this paper is to examine satisfaction of residents and preference on the outdoor space's design by multi-family housing complex scale. So we divide outdoor space into space for green land, space for physical training and play, space for walking and space for rest and landscape facilities. The major findings of this analysis are follows : Multi-family housing complex scale is the bigger, it is recognized by same ratio on specific outdoor space in housing complex that are space for green land, space for physical training and play, space for rest and landscape facilities. And space for physical training and play is found commonly into the poorest space in housing complex. Evaluation for resident's perception on outdoor space by multifamily housing complex scale shows that housing complex scale is the bigger, resident's satisfaction is the lower. That means that housing complex of large scale can't satisfy the diverse resident's demand.

Use of Portable Global Positioning System (GPS) Devices in Exposure Analysis for Time-location Measurement

  • Lee, Ki-Young;Kim, Joung-Yoon;Putti, Kiran;Bennett, Deborah H.;Cassady, Diana;Hertz-Picciotto, Irva
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.461-467
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    • 2009
  • Exposure analysis is a critical component of determining the health impact of pollutants. Global positioning systems (GPS) could be useful in developing time-location information for use in exposure analysis. This study compares four low cost GPS receivers with data logging capability (Garmin 60, Garmin Forerunner 201, GeoStats GeoLogger and Skytrx minitracker MT4100) in terms of accuracy, precision, and ease of use. The accuracy of the devices was determined at two known National Geodetic Survey points. The coordinates logged by the devices were compared when the devices were carried while walking and driving. The Garmin 60 showed better accuracy and precision than the GeoLogger when they were placed at the geodetic points. The Forerunner and Skytrx did not record when they were kept stationary. When the subject wore the devices while walking, the location of the devices differed by about 8 m on average between any two device combinations involving the four devices. The distance between the coordinates logged by the devices decreased when the devices were carried with their antennas facing the sky. All the devices showed similar routes when they were used in a car. All the devices except the Forerunner had satisfactory signal reception when they were worn and when they were carried in the car. The GeoLogger is less comfortable for the subject because of specific wearing requirements. This evaluation found that the Garmin 60 and the Skytrx may be useful in personal exposure analysis studies to record time-location data.

An Application of Physico-Environmental Evaluation System of Stream - Focusing on urban streams - (하천의 물리 환경성 평가체계의 적용 - 도시하천을 중심으로 -)

  • Jung, Hea-Reyn;Kim, Ki-Heung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.55-75
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to present the basic data for restoration of physical stream environment by analyzing habitat variables because habitat environment is changed due to the construction of waterfront space in urban streams. Assessment results of 10 habitat variables(three divisions) were almost same as optimal condition, in the reach of reference stream where there are no stream crossing structures and channel alteration. Assessment results of reaches in urban rivers, where streams were improved on water-friendly recreation activities, appeared to be marginal condition. Because habitat environment got worse due to stream improvement works such as construction of weir for water landscape, stepping stones for walking, low water revetment and high water revetment, and high water channel. In addition, in the case of mid gradient stream, the frequency of riffles was small or not existed because the intervals of the river crossing structures was short. In the case of mild stream types, the diversity of the pool was damaged due to the deposition of sludge in the upstream pool of weir and the installation of low water revetment.

Review of the Physical Evaluation Factors of the Campustown Project - Focused on Seoul Campustown Project - (캠퍼스타운 조성사업의 물리적 평가요소 검토 - 서울시 캠퍼스타운 조성사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Chu, Hyun-Soo;Baek, Tae-Youl;Kang, Jun-Mo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to identify important evaluation criteria that need to be prioritized by developing one for the campustown development project in Seoul. To achieve this, we examined the list of initial ideas for the project and selected the criteria that corresponds to the goal of the project. Moreover, we conducted AHP and preference survey to further refine the evaluation criteria. As a result, improvement of walking space and providing urban regeneration base space were found to be most important; utilizing high density mixed land use was rated as least important. Based on the findings, the proposed evaluation criteria can help the process of the project as guidelines. As initial evidence it can also guide us for a future development direction in between the completion of the first project and the start of the second stage of the project.

Evaluation of Park Service in Neighborhood Parks based on the Analysis of Walking Accessibility - Focused on Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si - (보행접근성 분석에 기반한 근린공원의 공원서비스 평가 - 성남시 분당구를 대상으로 -)

  • Hwang, Hae-Kwon;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2024
  • As urbanization progresses, the demand for parks and green space is increasing. Park green spaces in the city are important spaces in the city because they are recognized as spaces where people can freely engage in outdoor activities. The park service area is a measure that shows the extent to which services are provided based on distance. In this process, the concept of accessibility plays an important role, and walking, in particular, as the most basic means of transportation for people and has a great influence on the use of parks. However, the current park service area analysis focuses on discovering underprivileged areas, so detailed evaluation of beneficiary areas is insufficient. This study seeks to evaluate park service areas based on the pedestrian accessibility and the pedestrian network. Park services are services that occur when users directly visit the park, and accessibility is expected to be reflected in terms of usability. To quantify the pedestrian network, this study used space syntax to analyze pedestrian accessibility based on integration values. The integration values are an indicators that quantify the level of accessibility of the pedestrian network, and in this study, the higher the integration value, the higher the possibility of park use. The results of the study are as follows. First, Bundang-gu's park service area accounts for 43%, and includes most sections with high pedestrian accessibility, but some sections with good pedestrian accessibility are excluded. This can be seen as a phenomenon that occurs when residential areas and commercial and business areas are given priority during the urban planning process, and then park and green areas are selected. Second, based on Bundang-gu, the park service area and pedestrian accessibility within the park service area were classified by neighborhood unit. Differences appear for each individual neighborhood unit, and it is expected that the availability of the park will vary accordingly. In addition, even in areas created during the same urban planning process, there were differences in the evaluation of park service areas according to pedestrian accessibility. Using this, it is possible to evaluate individual neighborhood units that can be reflected in living area plans, and it can be used as a useful indicator in park and green space policies that reflect this in the future.

Accuracy evaluation of threshold rainfall impacting pedestrian using ROC (ROC를 이용한 보행에 영향을 미치는 한계강우량의 정확도 평가)

  • Choo, Kyungsu;Kang, Dongho;Kim, Byungsik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.1173-1181
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as local heavy rains occur frequently in a short period of time, economic and social impacts are increasing beyond the simple primary damage. In advanced meteorologically advanced countries, realistic and reliable impact forecasts are conducted by analyzing socio-economic impacts, not information transmission as simple weather forecasts. In this paper, the degree of flooding was derived using the Spatial Runoff Assessment Tool (S-RAT) and FLO-2D models to calculate the threshold rainfall that can affect human walking, and the threshold rainfall of the concept of Grid to Grid (G2G) was calculated. In addition, although it was used a lot in the medical field in the past, a quantitative accuracy analysis was performed through the ROC analysis technique, which is widely used in natural phenomena such as drought or flood and machine learning. As a result of the analysis, the results of the time period similar to that of the actual and simulated immersion were obtained, and as a result of the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve, the adequacy of the fair stage was secured with more than 0.7.

The Urban Parks and Rivers Contribute to the Citizen Satisfaction and Utilization in Uijeongbu City

  • Kim, Yoo-Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2010
  • This research aimed at measuring Park and Green Satisfaction (PGS) using subjective indicators of 'surface, line and spot' green evaluated by citizens. Also frequency of visits to park and green measured using objective indicators (number of visits) to find the relationship with PGS. A conceptual model of PGS was developed to relate evaluation to satisfaction and finally to utilization of open spaces. A sample of 500 questionnaire survey was employed for Uijeongbu City in Korea. A Structual Equation Modeling (AMOS) techniques was used to test the hypothesized relationship among factors (construct). As a result, first, PGS was explained by three latent factors of 'urban park' (${\gamma}=0.54$), 'linear facilities' (${\gamma}=0.25$), and 'surface green' (${\gamma}=0.15$) respectively. These three exogenous construct was found very useful classification system for open spaces of cities. Second, PGS (${\gamma}=0.34$) was found as a mediating variable to utilization of open spaces and also PGS was closely related to citizens Environmental Quality Satisfaction (EQS), such concept as, 'livability' and 'aesthetic quality'. The more satisfied with park and green the more people use the space. The PGS was an important QOL indicator together with the subjective indicator of 'livability'. Third, jogging and walking trails and bike ways along the river corridor was the most important green facilities contribute to the PGS and EQS. The near the distance (within 500m) the more number of visit to river corridor (green way). The river corridor promote accessibility to nature and other parks.

A Study on the Change of Traffic Accidents Around the Pedestrian Priority Zone (보행자 우선도로 개선 사업으로 인한 교통사고 변화에 대한 연구)

  • JANG, Jae-Min;LEE, Young-Ihn;KIM, Sukhee;CHOI, Hoi-Kyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.112-128
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    • 2018
  • We are implementing pedestrian priority zone policy to certain districts to reduce greenhouse gas and to develop eco-friendly city which has more focus on pedestrians' walking environment. This policy has contributed to citizens' satisfaction level with improved public transportation service as well as more spacious streets for walk. Despite highly positive influence of pedestrian priority zone policy to the walking environment, we need to anticipate the impact of this to traffic environment as it may have bad effect to the overall traffic flow around the zone where the policy is implemented. This research has analyzed the change of characteristics of traffic accidents around the eco-traffic area of Hang-Gung dong, Suwon city, to understand impact of the pedestrian priority zone policy to the traffic surroundings, with pre-post analysis methodology. As a result, number of accidents related to pedestrians showed decrease as pedestrian priority zone is designed operated with focus to pedestrians. But accidents related illegal U-turn and violation of the traffic signal showed (significant) increase as there was a restriction of turns and decrease of overall traffic speed. To prevent the accidents above, we need to notice drivers to pay special attention before the pedestrian priority zone event, and information from this research should be given to the drivers through safety signs and mobile application at the place near to the event.