• Title/Summary/Keyword: Verify Validity

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Development of and Evaluation Tool for the Quality of Patient Care in Musculo-skeletal Disorder (${\cdot}$ 골격장애 환자의 간호질 평가 도구 개발)

  • Choi, Soon-Ook;Kim, Moon-Sil
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.338-348
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    • 1995
  • We need to continuously evaluate for nursing quality and the outcome to reflect nursing, to repair and improve of nursing. The first problem for nursing quality improvement is development of evaluation tool for the quality of nursing care. We need a system for quality assurance evaluation that is, development and framework of evaluation tool for nursing care quality. The purpose of this study was attempted to develop an evaluation tool for the quality of nursing care in musculoskeletal disorder patients. The approach method of nursing quality for the development of the tool in this study was process evaluation framework. The study were devided dvelopment process and reliability, validity verification process. The subjects of development process of this tool are three nursing export groups, and the subject of reliability, validity verification process are 20 samples of two university hospital in seoul, who were within discharge 3 months after admission treatment in musculo-skeletal disorder. Data for this study was collected from March 10 to April 13, 1995. The development process of the tool were as follows : 1. Make preliminary list of the tool by focal group were constituted 12 clinical nurses. 2. Modify and add preliminary list by 4 nursing expert panel. 3. Calculate content validity of the tool by 25 nursing expert panel of judge. 4. Verify reliability and validity of the tool. 5. Finalize an evaluation tool for the quality of the nursing care in musculo-skeletal disorder. The results of this study were as follows : 1) Development an evaluation tool for the quality of nursing care in musculo-skeletal disorder. (1) The evalution tool of this study was developed 5 standards, 33 criterias and 133 indicators. (2) 5 standards were divided according to Nursing Process. from standard 1 to standard 5, involved criterias were each 6(18%), 3(9%), 3(9%), 15(46%), 6(18%). 2) Verify reliability and validity of the tool. (1) Score of adequate degree for content validity of 33 criterias and 133 indicators were every average 2.82. (2) Inter-rater reliabilities(consentaneity score) of the tool by pearson correlation coefficient between three raters were : r=.7506, r=.8934, r=.6695. and Inter-rater reliabilities by single-facet crossed design were : r=.7464. (3) The alpha coefficient relating to internal consistency was .8524 over all 30 items of 33 criterias of developed tool. (4) Score of the quality of nursing care following to generaal characteristics of this study subjects were stastically significant differences according to educational level (F=2.93, p=.029)and diagnosing classification (F=2.50, p=.042). Through this study, I'm sure that the developed tool for the quality of patient care in musculo-skeletal disorder will show the way of more improvement of the quality of nursing care and effective nursing interventions.

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Validity Analysis on Writing Directions and Content Development of Texts for 'Invention and Problem Solving' ('발명과 문제해결'의 집필 방향과 교재 내용에 대한 타당도 분석)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Choi, Yu-Hyun;Kim, Taehoon;Kang, Kyoung-Kyoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.155-170
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    • 2009
  • This study aims at examining text contents and its writing directions and analyzing their validity to develop text books of "invention and problem solving", which will be used for advanced courses of specialized high school of invention and patents. To develop text book contents and writing direction, literature research and professional association meetings were performed and to verify validity on developed text book contents and writing direction, survey research was performed. The subjects of survey research to verify validity consist of seventy five teachers who participated in the training course for invention leaders hosted by International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI) of Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO). To examine validity on text writing directions, each area of the text, themes, and modules, questionnaires that consist of multiple choice questions, and open questions that participants can describe their opinions were developed. Text book writing plans are included in the questionnaires to help the understanding on text book contents. The conclusions drawn from results of validity analysis are as follows: First, each theme and modules of 'invention and problem solving' were properly developed for common text books for the advance course of specialized high school of invention and patents. Second, as for the text book writing direction of 'invention and problem solving', text books emphasize research ability and creative thinking. They were developed to help increase critical thinking, logical thinking and problem solving ability.

Validity of the Conceptual Structure of Clothing Shopping Orientation -Focused on the Specific Structure by the Gender- (의복 쇼핑 성향의 개념적 구조 모형에 대한 타당성 확인 연구 -성별에 따른 세부 구조 차이를 중심으로-)

  • Kim Saehee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.3_4 s.141
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    • pp.535-546
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    • 2005
  • The purposes of this study are to verify the validity of the conceptual structure of clothing shopping orientation(CSO) developed in the previous research, and to explore the difference of CSO structure between male and female consumer groups. For those purposes, data of 499 male and female consumers were collected. Confirmatory factor analysis, ANOVA, and simultaneous factor analysis were used for data analysis. The results are as follows. First, as a result of confirmatory factor analysis, the validity of conceptual structure of CSO was verified. Second, as a result of ANOVA, male and female showed significantly different CSO at the lower-dimensions level, and as a result of simultaneous factor analysis, male and female showed significantly different relationships between dimensions within the structure. This means that the CSOs of both male and female can be explained by the same CSO structure model, but the specific relationships between CSO dimensions are different by the gender of consumers. Finally, directions for fashion marketing mix concerning the CSO structures of male and female were suggested.

Verification for the Validity and Reliability of the Type D Scale-14 (D 유형 성격 측정 도구의 타당도와 신뢰도 검증)

  • Son, Haeng-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.312-320
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to verify the validity and reliability of the Type D Scale-14 (DS14). Methods: The participants were 288 patients who were diagnosed with angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and hypertension. DS14 was developed by Denollet(2005) and consists of two domains, 7 items on negative affectivity (NA) and 7 items on social inhibition (SI). The Korean version of DS14 was developed through translation-reversed translation and a preliminary test. Data were collected using a self-report questionnaire. Cronbach $\alpha$ and Guttman split-half were used to test reliability and item analysis and factor analysis for validity. The SPSS program was used. Results: 35.8% of the participants were classified as Type D. Mean score for NA was 16.80 and for SI, 14.10 in Type D participants. For reliability of NA, Cronbach $\alpha$=0.771, and for SI, 0.707. Factor analysis on 12 items(numbers 1 & 3 were excluded as the corrected item-total correlations were below r=0.3) yielded two factors for NA (6 items) and SI (6 items). Number 7 in the NA domain was sorted into the SI domain. Conclusion: The results indicate, the cultural differences were between Europeans and Koreans. Repetition of the research is needed for generalization of DS14.

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Development of Patient Classification System based on Nursing Intensity in Stroke Unit (뇌졸중 전문치료실의 간호강도에 근거한 환자분류도구 개발)

  • Kim, Eunjung;Kim, Heejung;Kim, Miyoung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.545-557
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a patient classification system based on nursing care intensity for patients with acute stroke-related symptoms and verify its validity and reliability. Methods: Data were collected between November, 2013 and February, 2014. The verification for content validity of the patient classification system was conducted by a group of seven professionals. Both interrater reliability and concurrent validity were verified at stroke units in tertiary hospitals. Results: The intensive nursing care for acute stroke patients consisted of 14 classified domains and 56 classified contents by adding 'neurological assessment and observation' and 'respiratory care': 'hygiene', 'nutrition', 'elimination', 'mobility and exercise', 'education or counselling', 'emotional support', 'communication', 'treatment and examination', 'medication', 'assessment and observation', 'neurological assessment and observation', 'respiratory care', 'coordination between departments', and 'discharge or transfer care'. Each domain was classified into four levels such as Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV. Conclusion: The results show that this patient classification system has satisfactory validity for content and concurrent and verified reliability and can be used to accurately estimate the demand for nursing care for patients in stroke units.

Development of Nursing Competence Scale for Graduating Nursing Students (졸업을 앞둔 간호학생의 핵심간호역량 측정도구 개발)

  • Joo, Ga Eul;Sohng, Kyeong-Yae
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.590-604
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a nursing competence scale for soon to be graduate nursing students and to verify its validity and reliability. Methods: This study is a methodological study for development of a scale. Based on literature review and group discussion of 13 professional experts, 40 preliminary items were developed and the content validity was verified. Psychometric testing was performed and data were collected from 141 soon to be graduate nursing students of a university. Construct validity was verified by factor analysis and reliability was calculated. Results: The analyses resulted in a scale named the Nursing Competence Scale for Graduating Nursing Students (NCS-GNS), consisting of 30 items covering eight categories: nursing professionalism, integrated nursing through critical thinking, communication skills, nursing leadership, respect for life, stress management, nursing research, and core nursing skills. For the entire scale, the explained variance was 66.72% and Cronbach's alpha was 0.906. Conclusion: NCS-GNS was developed and its validity and reliability were verified. This scale can be used to evaluate nursing competence for graduating nursing students.

The Development and Validation of a Parenting Behavior Scale for Parents of Early School-Age Children (학령 초기 자녀의 부모용 양육행동 척도 개발 및 타당화)

  • Rhee, Sun-Hee;Doh, Hyun-Sim
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.111-133
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted in order to develop a parenting behavior scale for parents of school-age children and to analyze the scale in terms of both reliability and validity. Data were collected from a sample of mothers of $1^{st}$ to 3rd grade students in four elementary schools located in Seoul. 778 mothers were administered a parenting behavior scale with 123 items, and 779 mothers were asked to verify the validity of the developed scale in which 45 items remained after a series of analyses. Data were analyzed by means of exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and correlation analysis. The results of factor analysis identified five factors, Warmth, Reasoning, Intrusiveness, Coercion, and Neglect. The Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ of each factor demonstrated results of .82~.86, suggesting that the scale had adequate internal consistency. Concurrent validity was established by using correlations between mothers' parenting behaviors and children's social competence. Moreover, cross-validation was also verified for the five factors. Considering the reliability and validity of this scale, it can clearly serve as a useful tool for assessing parenting behavior which is closely related to child development.

Development of an Uncertainty Scale for Infertile Women (불임 여성의 불확실성 측정도구 개발)

  • Kim, Mi-Ok;Kim, Sue
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.370-380
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an uncertainty scale for infertile women. Methods: The process included construction of a conceptual framework, generation of 12items, verification of content validity, selection of secondary items, verification of construct validity and extraction of final items. In order to verify the reliability and validity of the preliminary instrument, data were collected from 50 infertile women in an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) clinic. Data were analyzed by item analysis, Varimax factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha. Results: There were 10 items in the final instrument categorized into 2 factors labeled as "personal (6 items)" and "relational (4 items)" The total variance explained was 73.36%. The instrument was shown to have good reliability with a Cronbach's alpha of .899. Conclusion: Validity and reliability of the scale were confirmed in this study showing its utility to measure uncertainty for infertile women. The instrument can help understand sterility and accurately measure uncertainty for infertile women. The instrument can also be used to evaluate nursing interventions designed for mitigating uncertainty for infertile women.

Development of an Algorithm for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers (입원 환자의 욕창예방과 중재를 위한 알고리즘 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Mi;Park, Jeong-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.353-364
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an algorithm for preventing and managing of pressure ulcer and to verify the its appropriateness. Methods: The first step was development of a pre-algorithm through a literature review and expert opinion. The second step was to establish content validity by submitting the algorithm questionnaires about the content to 12 experts. The third step was the revision of the algorithm. The fourth and last step was to establish the clinical validity of the algorithm with 25 experienced nurses. Results: For the ease of the practitioner the algorithm for prevention and the management of pressure ulcers was confined to one page depicting the main algorithm pathway and seven stepwise guidelines. The guidelines included skin care of pressure ulcer prevention, mechanical loading care, support surface care, reposition care of pressure ulcer, and Stages II, III and IV explanations along with debridement/wound irrigation and infection control. Most of all algorithm courses chosen more than 80% of agreement by expert index of content validity. The usefulness, appropriateness, and convenience of the algorithm were demonstrated through clinical validity with intensive care unit and ward nurses. Conclusion: The algorithm will improve the quality of pressure ulcer nursing care as it provides a model for decision making for clinical nurses as well as providing consistent and integrated nursing care for patients with pressure ulcer throughout an institution.

Development of the Forensic Nursing Competency Scale for Nurses (간호사의 법의간호 역량 측정도구 개발)

  • Jo, Na Young;Kim, Min Hye;Lee, Yun Mi
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.24-40
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : This study aims to develop the Forensic Nursing Competency Scale suitable to South Korea. Methods : The initial items were generated through literature review and interviews. Items were evaluated by experts for content and face validity. By conducting a pilot test, 74 measurement items were developed. In total, 333 copies of the questionnaire were analyzed regarding the validity and reliability of the study. Data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 program and AMOS 18.0 program. Results : The study selected 53 questions after testing the content, face, and construct validity of the scale. The final 53 questions were composed of 15 sub-components in eight domains. These eight domains encompassed nursing practice, communication, critical thinking, human caring and relationships, evidence management, active information collection, professional development, and knowledge integration. Conclusions : In order to verify the effectiveness of the scale, future studies need to compare the forensic nursing competency in two groups to assess differences in these competency. Moreover, it is necessary to develop a forensic nursing educational program and validate its effectiveness by using this scale.