• Title/Summary/Keyword: Value Valuation

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Informative Role of Marketing Activity in Financial Market: Evidence from Analysts' Forecast Dispersion

  • Oh, Yun Kyung
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.53-77
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    • 2013
  • As advertising and promotions are categorized as operating expenses, managers tend to reduce marketing budget to improve their short term profitability. Gauging the value and accountability of marketing spending is therefore considered as a major research priority in marketing. To respond this call, recent studies have documented that financial market reacts positively to a firm's marketing activity or marketing related outcomes such as brand equity and customer satisfaction. However, prior studies focus on the relation of marketing variable and financial market variables. This study suggests a channel about how marketing activity increases firm valuation. Specifically, we propose that a firm's marketing activity increases the level of the firm's product market information and thereby the dispersion in financial analysts' earnings forecasts decreases. With less uncertainty about the firm's future prospect, the firm's managers and shareholders have less information asymmetry, which reduces the firm's cost of capital and thereby increases the valuation of the firm. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to examine how informational benefits can mediate the effect of marketing activity on firm value. To test whether marketing activity contributes to increase in firm value by mitigating information asymmetry, this study employs a longitudinal data which contains 12,824 firm-year observations with 2,337 distinct firms from 1981 to 2006. Firm value is measured by Tobin's Q and one-year-ahead buy-and-hold abnormal return (BHAR). Following prior literature, dispersion in analysts' earnings forecasts is used as a proxy for the information gap between management and shareholders. For model specification, to identify mediating effect, the three-step regression approach is adopted. All models are estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to test the statistical significance of the mediating effect. The analysis shows that marketing intensity has a significant negative relationship with dispersion in analysts' earnings forecasts. After including the mediator variable about analyst dispersion, the effect of marketing intensity on firm value drops from 1.199 (p < .01) to 1.130 (p < .01) in Tobin's Q model and the same effect drops from .192 (p < .01) to .188 (p < .01) in BHAR model. The results suggest that analysts' forecast dispersion partially accounts for the positive effect of marketing on firm valuation. Additionally, the same analysis was conducted with an alternative dependent variable (forecast accuracy) and a marketing metric (advertising intensity). The analysis supports the robustness of the main results. In sum, the results provide empirical evidence that marketing activity can increase shareholder value by mitigating problem of information asymmetry in the capital market. The findings have important implications for managers. First, managers should be cognizant of the role of marketing activity in providing information to the financial market as well as to the consumer market. Thus, managers should take into account investors' reaction when they design marketing communication messages for reducing the cost of capital. Second, this study shows a channel on how marketing creates shareholder value and highlights the accountability of marketing. In addition to the direct impact of marketing on firm value, an indirect channel by reducing information asymmetry should be considered. Potentially, marketing managers can justify their spending from the perspective of increasing long-term shareholder value.

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Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Smart Home Service by Contingent Valuation Method (조건부가치측정법을 이용한 스마트 홈 서비스의 지불의사액 추정)

  • Kim, Yonghee;Lim, Sung Eun;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.833-843
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the value of smart home service using contingent valuation method that is the method evaluating the value of service which will be provided in the future. Using this method, this study suggests proper price and market value of smart home service through figuring out customer's willingness to pay. Methods: To estimate willingness to pay for smart home service, this study uses double bounded dichotomous choice question. The survey was conducted for 2 months from December in 2015 to February in 2016. A total of 269 copies were used to estimate through R-programming. Results: The results of this study are as follows; Gender(especially woman), income, proposed price are the factors which affecting willingness to pay. As the result of this study, average price of willingness to pay for smart home service estimates as \29,653. Comparing with high-speed internet bundling service fee, this estimated price for smart home service is appropriate level for customers to accept. Conclusion: This study estimates consumer's willingness to pay for smart home service which is in the market entry stage. In corporate side, this study might be meaningful for estimating investment scale and profit. Also it could provide basis for establishing strategic policy to develop smart home service market in government side.

A Study on the Effects of Users' Use Patterns and Their Recognition of Service Benefits on the Value Assessments of University Library Services (이용자의 이용행태 및 혜택에 대한 인식이 대학도서관 서비스의 가치 평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Young-Man;Pyo, Soon-Hee;Shim, Wonsik;Hwang, Uk;Chung, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.329-343
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    • 2014
  • This research investigated the effects of university library users' use patterns and their recognition of service benefits on the magnitude of service value assessments derived from users' statements using contingent valuation method (CVM). Library users' use patterns were operationalized by the number of library visits, library website visit counts and the degree of dependence on their own libraries. User benefits variables were measured by the level of satisfaction on the benefits of library use for teaching & instruction, research & writings, and employment & external activities. University library services were divided into circulation, journal articles (domestic & foreign), reference service, user education, reading room service and WTPs for each service were measured. The results from hypotheses testing show that the number of library visits affect WTP amounts for circulation, foreign article use, reference service and user education. The degree of library dependence seems to affect WTP amounts for circulation and user education. With regards to the hypotheses related to the recognition of library service benefits, the degree of satisfaction for teaching & instruction benefits seems to affect WTP amounts for reading room use.

Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Long-Term Care Insurance Using the Contingent Valuation Method (조건부가치측정법을 이용한 노인장기요양보험에 대한 지불의사금액 추정)

  • Lee, Tae-Jin;Lee, Sue-Hyung
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.95-116
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    • 2006
  • According to rapid increase of the population of senior citizens, there has been growing concern of Long-Tenn Care(LTC) services recently. Long-Tenn Care services, however, haven't been established systematically in Korea and the supply of LTC services is not sufficient despite the increase in the current social demand. This study aims to estimate the 'Willingness to Pay(WTP)' for LTC insurance which the government plans to introduce by means of social insurance, using Contingent Valuation Method(CYM). In addition, this study analyzes the factors affecting WTP for LTC insurance. An interview survey was carried out to derive WTP for LTC from 450 people who lived in Seoul aged 20 and above during the period from 16th to 21st of June 2003. Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice Method was applied among several CVMs available to estimate both use value and no-use value of goods. There was pilot survey carried out prior to the main survey. The results show that the average monthly. WTP for LTC provided in home and residential setting is 18,192Won and 19,293Won, respectively. In the case of home care, WTP goes higher depending on reliability of LTC insurance policy and need for LTC insurance, as well as marital status, education and average monthly income. On the contrary, WTP is conversely affected by higher age and higher bids. In the case of institutional care, the factors affecting WTP are similar to those of home care, except age. This study followed NOAA's suggestions generally and the value derived through survey could be reliable. However, there can be the least bias in the process of survey because the CVM should be used under the supposed circumstances. Despite those limitations, it can be concluded that the amount the citizens are willing to pay for LTC is high enough to meet the costs needed to provide LTC.

The Effect of Brand Reputation on Stock Price: Focused on Game Firms (브랜드 평판이 주가에 미치는 영향: 게임 기업을 중심으로)

  • Rhee, Chang Seop;Rhee, Hyunjung;Woo, Sohee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the importance of not only financial factors from financial statements but also non-financial factors such as consumers' evaluation and loyalty to game content is more emphasized when assessing the value of game companies. In this study, we suggest the brand reputation index as an appropriate measure of a game company's valuation and examine the effect of the brand reputation on game companies' stock price using the observations of Korean major 30 game companies. From the empirical results, we find that there is a significantly positive association between the brand reputation index and the game companies' stock price. This explains that the brand reputation of game companies can directly affect their firm value. The findings are expected to contribute to capital markets and academia as they have presented empirical evidence of the importance of brand reputation as a non-financial measure for the valuation of game companies.

Estimating the non-use values of Gum river estuary using contingent valuation method - by Turnbull nonparametric estimation method (조건부가치측정법을 이용한 금강 하구의 비사용가치 추정 - Turnbull 비모수적 추정 방법을 적용하여)

  • Shin, Youngchul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.479-485
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    • 2017
  • This study estimated the non-use values of the Gum river estuary which are not related to the direct or indirect use of the Gum river estuary using the contingent valuation method (CVM). The non-use values of the Gum river estuary were explained and asked to be evaluated in the CVM questionnaire and estimates of the WTPs(willingness-to-pay) were elicited using the Turnbull nonparametric estimation methods on the dichotomous choice CV data. Results found the Turnbull lower bounded mean WTP per year for non-use value of the Gum river estuary was estimated at 5,822 won (95% C.I. 5,295 ~ 6,349 won) from single dichotomous CV data, and 6,205 won (95% C.I. 5,701 ~ 6,710 won) from double dichotomous CV data. The mean of two WTP estimates, 6,014 won (95% C.I. 5,498 ~ 6,529 won), was used to calculate the annual total non-use value of the Gum river estuary. Therefore, the non-use value of the Gum river estuary was estimated at 220.3 billion won (95% C.I. 201.4 - 239.2 billion won) annually. This non-use value of the Gum river estuary was composed of the bequest value totaling 68.3 billion won (95% C.I. 62.5 - 74.2 billion won), the existence value of 58.0 billion won (95% C.I. 53.0 - 63.0 billion won), the option value of 57.7 billion won (95% C.I. 52.7 - 62.6 billion won), and the vicarious consumption value totaling 36.3 billion won (95% C.I. 33.1 - 39.4 billion won).

Study to Estimate the Economic Value of Railway Services Using a Contingent Valuation Method Focusing on Tourist Train Service in Korea (조건부 가치추정법을 활용한 국내 관광열차서비스의 가치추정 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Jae;Kim, Hyun-Koo;Ahn, Se-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 2017
  • The South Korean rail authority is constructing a nationwide tourism belt by developing new rail tour routes in an effort to combine local tourism resources with rail service and to create value in regional areas. As massive financial resources are required to develop and operate such tourist trains, governing authorities are required to examine the feasibility of this project as a sound business model and to assess the public benefit and profitability of the project. In this study, the economic feasibility of the tourist trains was assessed with the contingent valuation method (CVM). According to an estimation of the willingness to pay of potential tour train passengers, the surveyed subjects were willing to pay fares that were higher than prices currently published at the time of this study, thereby demonstrating that the economic value they invest on tourist trains may be higher than published prices at the time. For instance, they were willing to pay 28.4% and 54.9% more for the O-train and V-train types, respectively, according to the study, suggesting that the quality as perceived by train passengers for tourist train services is relatively high. The study is significant in that it succeeded in quantifying the satisfaction level of tourist train passengers using quantitative data (additional funds people are willing to pay).

Methods and Examples of Pseudonymized Image Value Measurement using Contingent Valuation Method (조건부가치평가법을 이용한 가명화된 이미지 가치측정 방법 및 사례)

  • You Jeong Choi;Tae-Sung Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2024
  • There are several ways to assess the value of personal data, but there is no standard for evaluating data value. In the case of medical my data utilization platform services, it was found that when the platform company received the user's consent and received data for the purpose of data utilization, an average of about 4,000 credits was paid per user as compensation. As in the previous case, the value of personal information is mainly measured based on the value of each individual, not on specific items of personal information. However, as the number and type of personal information increases, the value of personal information must be measured by type. This study focuses on measuring the value of unstructured personal information, especially images, and proposes standards for unstructured personal information. By measuring the value of images, we will be able to help platform companies set credit standards for compensation per person when providing data and support objective and reasonable pricing when selling B2B data.

An Effect on Service Satisfaction by Information Valuation Evaluation Factor in M-commerce Industry (모바일 커머스 산업에 있어서 정보가치 평가 요인이 무선인터넷 서비스 만족에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Cheol;Yang, Young-Bae;Kim, Doo-Gyung;Davaadorj, Nyamsuren
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.95-113
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    • 2010
  • The mobile commerce (m-commerce) has very high market value unlike other technology innovation areas in IT industries and also changing rapidly. Therefore, it is fact that the development of the effective business strategy is challenging in a digital convergence era of m-commerce context. In most of the researches, m-commerce has dealt with conceptual study such as establishment of definition. There are not many studies of influence of information valuation evaluation on users' satisfaction have done so far. In this paper, we have reported a theoretical study as well as empirical analysis and examined an influence of information valuation evaluation have on users' satisfaction. A questionnaire was constructed and data were collected from 192 users of m-commerce system. The results indicated that users' satisfaction was affected by information valuation evaluation and difference between cost satisfaction and service quality satisfaction according to users' specialty.

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Technology Valuation Method for Improving Its Reliability to Expand Technology Transfer Market (기술이전 활성화를 위한 사업화주체 발굴 전(前) 단계에서의 기술가치평가 신뢰성 제고방안에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Dongchan;Lee, Jaesik;You, Wanghee;Kim, Seungkyo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.287-310
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    • 2014
  • Due to the toughening intelligence-based competitions among nations, it has become important to industrialize R&D results. To industrialize R&D results through technology transfer, the transfer fee between a technology developer and a company should be discussed. While discussing the transfer fee, the results of technology valuation have been used. However, due to the unreliability of its result, the technology transfer market has not been expanded. In this paper, we discuss the improvement of the reliability of the technology valuation method to expand the technology transfer market. The proposed scheme provides graph-type technology valuation results according to various industrial scenarios using objective technology and market data. With the use of the proposed scheme, the technology developer and the consumer (i.e., the company) can determine the appropriate technology transfer fee. Thus, the proposed scheme is expected to contribute to the expansion of the technology transfer market.