• Title/Summary/Keyword: V/S Ratio

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Correct Closure of the Left Atrial Appendage Reduces Stagnant Blood Flow and the Risk of Thrombus Formation: A Proof-of-Concept Experimental Study Using 4D Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • Min Jae Cha;Don-Gwan An;Minsoo Kang;Hyue Mee Kim;Sang-Wook Kim;Iksung Cho;Joonhwa Hong;Hyewon Choi;Jee-Hyun Cho;Seung Yong Shin;Simon Song
    • Korean Journal of Radiology
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.647-659
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    • 2023
  • Objective: The study was conducted to investigate the effect of correct occlusion of the left atrial appendage (LAA) on intracardiac blood flow and thrombus formation in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) using four-dimensional (4D) flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and three-dimensional (3D)-printed phantoms. Materials and Methods: Three life-sized 3D-printed left atrium (LA) phantoms, including a pre-occlusion (i.e., before the occlusion procedure) model and correctly and incorrectly occluded post-procedural models, were constructed based on cardiac computed tomography images from an 86-year-old male with long-standing persistent AF. A custom-made closed-loop flow circuit was set up, and pulsatile simulated pulmonary venous flow was delivered by a pump. 4D flow MRI was performed using a 3T scanner, and the images were analyzed using MATLAB-based software (R2020b; Mathworks). Flow metrics associated with blood stasis and thrombogenicity, such as the volume of stasis defined by the velocity threshold (|V|V < 3 cm/s), surface-and-time-averaged wall shear stress (WSS), and endothelial cell activation potential (ECAP), were analyzed and compared among the three LA phantom models. Results: Different spatial distributions, orientations, and magnitudes of LA flow were directly visualized within the three LA phantoms using 4D flow MRI. The time-averaged volume and its ratio to the corresponding entire volume of LA flow stasis were consistently reduced in the correctly occluded model (70.82 mL and 39.0%, respectively), followed by the incorrectly occluded (73.17 mL and 39.0%, respectively) and pre-occlusion (79.11 mL and 39.7%, respectively) models. The surfaceand-time-averaged WSS and ECAP were also lowest in the correctly occluded model (0.048 Pa and 4.004 Pa-1, respectively), followed by the incorrectly occluded (0.059 Pa and 4.792 Pa-1, respectively) and pre-occlusion (0.072 Pa and 5.861 Pa-1, respectively) models. Conclusion: These findings suggest that a correctly occluded LAA leads to the greatest reduction in LA flow stasis and thrombogenicity, presenting a tentative procedural goal to maximize clinical benefits in patients with AF.

Assays of Maturity and Antifungal Activity against Plant Pathogen during the Animal Manure Composting Process (가축분 퇴비화 과정에서 부숙도 및 퇴비의 항균활성 검정)

  • Seo, Myung-Chul;So, Kyu-Ho;Park, Won-Mok
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 1999
  • Changes of chemico-physical properties and mturitiy during pig manure composting were analysed using three kinds of bulking agents with rice hull(T1), rice hull and extruding hull mixture (T2, 1:1, v/v), and extruding hull(T3). During composting process, temperature of T1, T2 and T3 were maintained over 50C50C for 31, 21, and 35 days respectively. Organic matter content of each treatment was decreased from 82.2%, 82.0%, and 82.8% to 70.5%, 68.9% and 69.7% and pH increased to 8.85, 9.91, and 8.80, respectively. Total nitrogen content of all treatments gradually decreased, but C/N ratio, phosphorous, and potassium content did not, show any changes during composting process. Both germination rate and early growth were tested using radish seeds for composting maturity. From those results, it was concluded that all treatments were stabilized after 45th day and extruding hull(T3) added compost was superior to others. The test of suppressive effect showed that all treatment have no effect against Fusarium oxysporum, Alternaria altemata, Botrytis cinerea. Compost supplemented with rice hull showed an inhibitory effect after 30th days, while compost supplemented with rice hull and extruding hull(T2) had an inhibitory effect during all period against Rhizoctonia solani. But treatment with extruding hull(T3) added compost did not have any inhibitory effect against Rhizoctonia solani. Only 63th samples in T1 and T2 treatment showed inhibitory effect against Colletoerichum gloeosporioides. However, T3 did not. Suppressive effect of extracts from 67 kinds of composts was investigated in vitro against plant pathogens, such as Fusauum oxysporum. Alternaria alternata, Colletotrichum gloeospoioides, Rhizoctonia solani, and Botrytis cinerea. Thirty two of them showed inhibitory effect against more than one phytopathogen, nine against one pathogen, four against two, six against three, six against four, and seven against five.

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Evaluation of Solidified Fuel Value of Dairy Cattle Manure Digested by Semi-Dry Anaerobic Digestion Method (젖소분뇨 반 건식 혐기소화 잔재물의 고체연료화 가능성 평가)

  • Jeong, Kwang-Hwa;Kim, Jung Kon;Lee, Dong-jun;Cho, Won-Mo;Ravindran, B.;Kwag, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study was to investigate feasibility of semi-dry anaerobic digestion using dairy cattle manure and to evaluate solidified fuel value of semi-dry anaerobic digestate. To evaluate semi-dry anaerobic digestion using dairy cattle manure, 950 mL bottle type anaerobic reactor was set in the constant temperature room maintained at 35C35C. To produce anaerobic digestate for making solidified fuel, acrylic cylindrical anaerobic digester(1,000 mm width ×× 450 mm height) was set in the constant room temperature to carry out batch test of semi-dry anaerobic digestion using same dairy cattle manure. Moisture content of dairy cattle manure and inoculum solution for anaerobic digestion were 80.64% and 96.83%, respectively. The dairy cattle manure and the inoculum solution was mixed by 1:1 ratio(v/v) for anaerobic digestion. Water content and VS/TS(Volatile Solids/Total Solids) of mixture of substrate and inoculum were 89.74% and 83.35%, respectively. In case of non-inoculated anaerobic digester, the biogas was not produced. By the semi-dry anaerobic digestion, the calorific value of the digestate was reduced by 20% compare to fresh dairy cattle manure. In other hand, ash content increased from 15% to 18.4%. The contents of Cr, Pb, Cd and S of pellet produced from anaerobically digested dairy cattle manure were not against the standard regulation for livestock manure solidified fuel. Therefore, it can be used as fuel that anaerobic digestate produced after semi-dry anaerobic digestion using dairy cattle manure.

Lipid Composition of Improved Rape Seed on the Content of Erucic acid (에루신산에 대(對)한 개량(改良) 유채종자(油菜種子)의 지질구성(脂質構成) 성분(成分))

  • Lee, Sung-Ho;Kim, Chung-Ki;Kim, Hong-Su
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 1985
  • In order to analyze the lipid composition ana chemical characteristics of rapeseed oil in relation to content of erucic acid, three recommendable cultivars(MOK-PO 70, MOK-PO DANGYO 12 and 14) seeds were used. The composition of lipid was confirmed by column chromatography and TLC, and the composition of fatty acid in total and neutral lipid was determined by GLC, and the results were as follows. 1. The crude fat was 44.0% to 45.3% in all cultivars. 2. The iodine value, saponification value, acid value and nonsaponifiable content were 100 to 101, 176 to 184, 0.7 to 0.9 and 1.0 to 1.2, respectively, with no remarkable difference among three cultivars. 3. The content of neutral lipid was 95.3% to 96.3% of total lipid, and others were compound lipids. 4. The content to triglyceride was 92. 1% to 92.5% of total lipid. Diglyceride and sterol ester were contained 1.1% and 1.2%, respectively. There was a small quantity of free fatty acid and free sterol and monoglyceride was little. 5. The erucic acid was the highest (26.4%), in MOK-PO DANGYO 12 among the composition of fatty acid, while those of MOK-PO 70 and MOK-PO DANGYO 14 were so small as 1.0% and 3.9%. The content of erucic acid was decreased with the increase of oleic acid, the content of oleic acid in MOK-PO DANGYO 12 was 30%, 63% in MOK-PO 70 and, 60% in MOK-PO DANGYO 14. The content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid showed no remarkable difference but that of eicosenoic acid was 11.7% in MOK-PO DANGYO 12 as the highest. The ratio of the fatty acid content in eluted neutral lipid and the total oil showed no remarkable differences.

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Studies on Spermatogenesis in Japanese Quail(Coturnix coturnix japonica) (메추리(Coturnix coturnix)의 정자 발생에 관한 연구)

  • 김재홍;박영석
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 1989
  • This study was conducted to observe 1) the changes of cellular association in seminiferous tubles from 2 to 8 weeks of age, and 2) the cycle phenomena of seminiferous epithelia at 14 weeks of age in Japanese quail. Total 80 birds were examined at a week interval from 2 to 8 weeks, and 14 weeks of age. The results were summarized as follows: 1) The body and testis weights showed most prominent increase during 4 to 5 weeks and 6 to 8 weeks of age respectively. And also the diameters of seminiferous tubles were abruptly enlaged during 6 to 8 weeks of age. 2) Genocytes in the seminiferous tubles were still in existence at 3 weeks of age, however they did not come out after 4 weeks of age. Spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes and spermatids made their first arpearances in the seminiferous from 3, 4 and 6 weeks of age, respectively. Spermatozoa were observed for the first time at 7 weeks of age, but full spermatogenic activity was completed from 8 weeks of age. 3) At 14 weeks of age, the average weight at testis was 3.7g and its ratio to the body weight was approximately 3.0 percent. And at this age, average diameter of seminiferous tubules was 192.08 μmμm, and average numbers of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa within the cross section of seminiferous tubules were 7.74, 40.81, 28.42, 104.55 and 105.98, respectively. Spermatogonia and spermatid were classfied into 2 and 3 types, respectively. 4) At 14 weeks of age, the cycle of seminiferous epithelium could be divided into S stages with following characteristics. (1) Stage I: Seminiferous tubules showing type I and II spermatids. (2) Stage II: Seminiferous tubules showing type III spermatids only. (3) Stage III: Immature spermatozoa gathered near the sertoli cytoplasm. (4) Stage IV: Forming a bundle of 15-20 spematozoa. (5) Stage V: Spermatozoa bundle leaving the sertoli cytoplasm into lumen of the seminferous tubule. 5) Usually 2-3 stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle were concurrently appeared within a tubular cross section, and frequency of each stage from I to V within cross section of seminiferous tubules were 11.91%, 27.03%, 27.96%, 19.04% and 17.98%, respectively.

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The Alterations of Geochemical Behavior of Arsenic in Stabilized Soil by the Addition of Phosphate Fertilizer (인산질 비료에 의한 안정화 적용 토양 내 비소의 지구화학적 거동 변화)

  • Jeon, Yong-Jung;Kim, Bun-Jun;Ko, Ju-In;Ko, Myoung-Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to confirm the dissolution of arsenic from the stabilized soil around abandoned coal mines by cultivation activities. Experimental soils were collected from the agricultural field around Okdong and Buguk coal mines, and the concentration of arsenic in the soil and the geochemical mobility were confirmed. The average arsenic concentration was 20 mg/kg. The soil with relatively high geochemical mobility of arsenic in the soil was used in the batch and column experiment. The limestone was mixed with soil for soil stabilization, and the mixing ratio was 3% of limestone, based on the soil weight. The phosphoric acid fertilizer (NH4H2PO4) was added to the soil to simulate a cultivation condition according to the Rural Development Administration's rules. Comparative soil without mixing limestone was prepared and used as a control group. The arsenic extraction from soil was increased following the fertilizer mixing amount and it shows a positive relationship. The concentration of phosphate in the supernatant was relatively low under the condition of mixing limestone, which is determined to be result of binding precipitation of phosphate ions and calcium ions dissolved in limestone. Columns were set to mix phosphoric acid fertilizers and limestone corresponding to cultivation and stabilization conditions, and then the column test was conducted. The variations of arsenic extraction from the soil indicated that the stabilization was effectible until 10 P.V.; however, the stabilization effect of limestone decreased with time. Moreover, the geochemical mobility of arsenic has transformed by increasing the mobile fractions in soil compared to initial soil. Therefore, based on the arsenic extraction results, the cultivation activities using phosphoric fertilizer could induce a decrease in the stabilization effect.

Influences of the devastated forest lands on flood damages (Observed at Chonbo and the neighbouring Mt. Jook-yop area) (황폐임야(荒廢林野)가 수해참상(水害慘狀)에 미치는 영향(影響) (천보산(天寶山)과 인접(隣接) 죽엽산(竹葉山)을 중심(中心)으로))

  • Chung, In Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.4-9
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    • 1966
  • 1. On 13 September 1964 a storm raged for 3 hours and 20 minutes with pounding heavy rainfalls, and precipitation of 287.5 mm was recorded on that day. The numerous landslides were occured in the eroded forest land neighbouring Mt. Chunbo, while no landslides recorde at all on Mt. Jookyup within the premise of Kwangnung Experiment Station, the Forest Experiment Station. 2. Small-scalled Landslides were occured in 43 different places of watershed area (21.97 ha.) in which the survey had already been done, in and around Mt. Chunbo (378 m a.s.l.). The accumulated soil amount totaled 2,146,56m32,146,56m3 due to the above mentioned landslides, while soil accumulated from riverside erosion has reached to 24,168.79m324,168.79m3, consisting of soils, stones, and pebbles. However, no landslides were reported in the Mt. Jook yup area because of dense forest covers. The ratio of the eroded soil amount accumulated from the riversides to that of watershed area was 1 to 25. On the other hand, the loss and damage in the research area of Mt. Chonbo are as follows: 28 houses completly destroyed or missing 7 houses partially destroyed 51 men were dead 5 missing, and 57 wounded. It was a terrible human disaster However, no human casualties were recorded at all, 1 house-completly destroyed and missing, 2 houses-partially destroyed. Total:3 houses were destroyed or damaged, in The area of Mt. Jookyup 3. In the calculation of the quanty of accumulated soil, the or mula of "V=1/3h (a+ab+ba+ab+b)" was used and it showed that 24, 168.79m of soil, sands, stones and pebbles carried away. 4. Average slope of the stream stood 15 at the time of accident and well found that there was a correlation between the 87% of cross-area sufferd valley erosion and the length of eroded valley, after a study on regression and correlation of the length and cross-area. In other works, the soil erosion was and severe as we approached to the down-stream, counting at a place of average (151) and below. We might draw a correlation such as "Y=ax-b" in terms of the length and cross-area of the eroded valley. 5. Sites of char-coal pits were found in the upper part of the desert-like Mt. Chunbo and a professional opinion shows that the mountain was once covered by the oak three species. Furthermore, we found that the soil of both mountains have been kept the same soil system according to a research of the soil cross-area. In other words, we can draw out the fact that, originally, the forest type and soil type of both Mt. Chunbo (378m) and Mt. Jookyup (610m) have been and are the same. However, Mt. Chunbo has been much more devastated than Mt. Jookyup, and carried away its soil nutrition to the extent that the ratios of N. P2O5K2O and Humus C.E.C between these two mountains are 1:10;1:5 respectively. 6. Mt. Chunbo has been mostly eroded for the past 30 years, and it consists of gravels of 2mm or larger size in the upper part of the mountain, while in the lower foot part, the sandy loam was formulated due to the fact that the gluey soil has been carried and accumulated. On the hand, Mt. Jookyup has consitantly kept the all the same forest type and sandy loam of brown colour both in the upper and lower parts. 7. As for the capability of absorbing and saturating maximum humidity by the surface soil, the ratios of wet soil to dry soil are 42.8% in the hill side and lower part of the eroded Mt. Chunbo and 28.5% in the upper part. On the contrary, Mt. Jookyup on which the forest type has not been changed, shows that the ratio in 77.4% in the hill-side and 68.2% in the upper part, approximately twice as much humidity as Mt. Chunbo. This proves the fact that the forest lands with dense forest covers are much more capable of maintaining water by wood, vegitation, and an organic material. The strength of dreventing from carring away surface soil is great due to the vigorous network of the root systems. 8. As mentioned above, the devastated forest land cause not only much greater devastation, but also human loss and property damage. We must bear in mind that the eroded forest land has taken the valuable soil, which is the very existance of origin of both human being and all creatures. As for the prescription for preventing erosion of forest land, the trees for furtilization has to be planted in the hill,side with at least reasonable amount of aertilizer, in order to restore the strength of earth soil, while in the lower part, thorough erosion control and reforestation, and establishments along the riversides have to be made, so as to restore the forest type.

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Usefulness of Flow Composite Image in Raynaud Scan (201Tl) (201Tl을 이용한 레이노 검사에서 동적 Composite 영상의 유용성)

  • Kim, Dae-Yeon;Shin, Gyoo-Seol;Oh, Eun-Jung;Kim, Gun-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.101-104
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Raynaud scan is divided to flow, blood pool and local-delay image. Usually, we evaluate comparison through blood pool and local-delay image. We will evaluate about usability when comparative observe blood image and local-delay image in Raynaud scan that used 201Tl as making flow image to one sheet of images. Materials and Methods: We have selected 29 Raynaud phenomenon patients aged 14~68 years who visited department of vascular surgery between Feb. 2008 and Aug. 2009. An intravenous injection 201Tl of 111 MBq (3 mCi) to opposite side diagonal line limbs above an internal auditing department. Equipment used Philips gamma camera forte A-Z, and collimator used LEHR. Matrix size set up to each 64×64, 128×128, 256×256 and zoom factor used to full field. Protocol of dynamic is 2 second to 155 frames. Blood pool and delay count to 300 second. We set up ROI by a foundation to data acquired in PEGASYS processing program. Each results were analyzed with the SPSS 12.0 statistical software. Results: Each averages of count ratio (Rt / Lt) to have been given at composite image, a blood pool image, delay images analyzed at Raynaud phenomenon patients is 1.25±0.39, 1.20±0.33, 1.11±0.17. The sample analysis results of blood pool image and delay image contented itself with p<0.029. Also, there don't have been each difference, and blood pool image, delay image regarding composite image was able to know. Conclusion: We were able to give help for comparison to evaluate a blood pool image and a local delay image at the Raynaud scan which used 201Tl while making a flow image to one sheet image. Identification to be visual too was possible. If you are proceeded a researcher that there was further depth, you are more appropriate for, and you may get useful information.

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The Acceptance Testing of 5 Mega Pixels Primary Electronic Display Devices and the Study of Quality Control Guideline Suitable for Domestic Circumstance (5 Mega 화소 진단용 전자표시장치 인수검사 및 국내 실정에 적합한 정도관리 가이드라인 연구)

  • Jung, Hai-Jo;Kim, Hee-Joung;Kim, Sung-Kyu
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2007
  • In June 2005, Yonsei University Medical Center, Severance Hospital upgraded a full-PACS system by adding twenty (5 mega pixels) Totoku ME511L flat panel LCD display devices for diagnostic interpretation purposes. Here we report upon the quantitative (or visual) acceptance testing of the twenty Totoku ME511L display devices for reflection, luminance response, luminance spatial dependency, resolution, noise, veiling glare, and display chromaticity based on AAPM TG 18 report. The tools used in the tests included a telescopic photometer, which was used as a colorimeter, illuminance meter, light sources for reflection assessment, light-blocking devices, and digital TG18 test patterns. For selected 8 flat panel displays, mean diffuse reflection coefficient (Rd) was 0.019±0.02sr1. In the luminance response test, luminance ratio (LR), maximum luminance difference (Lmax), and deviation of contrast response were 550±100,2.0±1.9, respectively. In the luminance uniformity test, maximum luminance deviation was 14.3±5.5 for the 10% luminance of the TG18-UNL10 test pattern. In the resolution test with luminance measurement method, percent luminance (\DaltaL) at the center was 0.94±0.64. In all cases of noise testing, rectangular target In every square in the three quadrants was visible and all 15 targets except the smallest one in the every corner pattern and the center pattern. The glare ratio (GR) was 12,346±1,995. The color uniformity, (u',v'), was 0.0025±0.0008. Also, the research results of qualify control guideline of primary disply devices suitable for domestic circumstance are presented All test results are in-line with the criteria recommended by AAPM TG18 report and are thus fully acceptable for diagnostic image interpretation. As a result, the acceptance testing schedule described provides not only an acceptance standard but also guidelines for quality control, optimized viewing conditions, and a means for determining the upgrading time of LCD display devices for diagnostic interpretation.

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The Modulation of Radiosensitivity by Combined Treatment of Selective COX-2 Inhibitor, NS 398 and EGF Receptor Blocker AG 1478 in HeLa Cell Line (선택적 COX-2 억제제 NS 398과 EGF 수용체 차단제 AG 1478의 복합투여가 HeLa 세포주의 방사선 감수성에 미치는 영향)

  • Youn Seon Min;Oh Young Kee;Kim Joo Heon;Park Mi Ja;Seong In Ock;Kang Kimun;Chai Gyuyong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Selective inhibition of multiple molecular targets may improve the antitumor activity of radiation. Two specific inhibitors of selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) were combined with radiation on the HeLa cell line. To investigate cooperative mechanism with selective COX-2 inhibitor and EGFR blocker, in vitro experiments were done. Materials and Methods : Antitumor effect was obtained by growth inhibition and apoptosis analysis by annexin V-Flous method. Radiation modulation effects were determined by the clonogenic cell survival assay. Surviving fractions at 2 Gy (SF2) and dose enhancement ratio at a surviving fraction of 0.25 were evaluated. To investigate the mechanism of the modulation of radiosensitivity, the cell cycle analyses were done by flow cytometry. The bcl-2 and bax expressions were analyzed by western blot. Results : A cooperative effect were observed on the apoptosis of the HeLa ceil line when combination of the two drugs, AG 1478 and NS 398 with radiation at the lowest doses, apoptosis of 22.70% compare with combination of the one drug with radiation, apoptosis of 8.49%. In cell cycle analysis, accumulation of cell on G0/Gl phase and decrement of S phase fraction was observed from 24 hours to 72 hours after treatment with radiation, AG 1478 and NS 398. The combination of NS 398 and AG 1478 enhanced radiosensitivity on a concentration-dependent manner in HeLa cells with dose enhancement ratios of 3.00 and SF2 of 0.12 but the combination of one drug with radiation was not enhanced radlosensitivity with dose enhancement ratios of 1.12 and SF2 of 0.68 (p=0.005). The expression levels of bcl-2 and bax were reduced when combined with AG 1478 and NS 398. Conclusion : Our results indicate that the selective COX-2 inhibitor and EGFR blocker combined with radiation have potential additive or cooperative effects on radiation treatment and may act through various mechanisms including direct inhibition of tumor cell proliferation, suppression of tumor cell cycle progression and inhibition of anti-apoptotic proteins.