• Title/Summary/Keyword: Utility Work

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Co-residence and Its Effect on Labor Supply of Married Women (세대간 동거와 기혼여성의 노동공급)

  • Sung, Jaimie;Chah, Eun Young
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.97-124
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    • 2001
  • Co-residence is a type of intergenerational private transfers of resources: money, time and space. Adult daughters and their elderly parents decide to co-reside, depending on their utility levels before and after co-residence that mainly depend on the health status of the elderly. Therefore, co-residence implies positive net benefits to both parties in the sense that, when they co-reside, elderly parents share childcare and adult daughter provide elderly care. In other words, formal (paid) care can be substituted with informal (unpaid) one. Both marriage and giving births are considered as the major obstacles to labor market attachment of women who bear burdens of home production and childcare. Co-residence can be a solution for married women to avoid career interruption by sharing burdens with their elderly parents. However, most previous studies using the U.S. data on intergenerational private transfers focused on elderly care and have concluded that they reduce government expenditures associated with public subsidies to the elderly. This study focuses on adult daughters and it examines effects of co-residence on labor supply of married women in Korea, who face limited formal childcare programs in terms of both quantity and quality. It applies the Tobit model of married women's labor supply to the data from the Second Wave of the Korean Labor and Income Panel Survey( 1999), in order to investigate effects of co-residence and the work and health status of the co-residing elderly as well as their own health status. Four specifications of the empirical model are tested that each includes co-residence with elderly parents, their gender, or their work and health status. Estimation results show that co-residence, co-residence with female elderly, and co-residence with not-working female elderly have significant positive effects on labor supply of married women while poor health status of co-residing female elderly does not bring about any negative effects. However, co-residence with male elderly, regardless of their work and health status, has no significant effect The results indicate that co-residence is closely related to sharing of home production among female elderly and adult daughters who are married and, through intergenerational private transfers of resources in terms of time, it helps women avoid career interruption.

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Vizrt Engine-Based Virtual Reality Graphics Algorithm A Study on the Basic Practical Training Method (Vizrt 엔진 기반 가상현실 그래픽 알고리즘과 기초 실습 교육 방식의 연구)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2019
  • In the era of the fourth revolution, interest in content production using proven engines in the broadcasting sector, such as Vizrt, is growing. The new visual effects required in the 5G era are critical to content production training. Vizrt has a good production time utility and affordability for broadcast and media content. In this paper, we are going to use this to present a practical case of the theorem and application of the basic training course in the production of virtual content, and to present the basic training direction. In the introduction, the graphic algorithm analyzed and studied the characteristics and environmental factors of the Vizrt engine. In this paper, the production process was studied separately, and the work carried out through engine implementation was presented. The VS Studio Foundation was provided as a practical production case at each stage. The Vizrt engine operator process is important in graphic approach and application, and through the results of the lecture, the method of understanding and implementing algorithms for virtual reality perspective suitable for basic learning was studied. Based on practice, the research method of main theory was to create Vizrt contents specialized in 5G contents work in each sector and to implement graphic production in new areas from contents image. Through this study, we came to the conclusion of the basic training method through virtual reality content work based on Vizrt by practicing content creation according to the subject. It also proposes the effect of creating Vizrt content and the direction of building Vizrt basic training courses.

Risk Assesment of Subsidence which utilized Fuzzy-FMEA (Fuzzy-FMEA를 활용한 지반함몰 위험도 평가)

  • Deacheon Kim;YoungMin Jung;Dongil Shin
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.313-325
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: According to the recent occurrence statistics of ground accidents, ground subsidence and subsidence have become social problems as the frequency has increased centering around the downtown areas. This study tried to clarify risk of detailed factors which have an effect on subsidence. Method: For the study, detailed risk factors of 28 foundations were mainly drawn through the materials, precedent studies, and research reports shown by analyzing JIS' accident cases from 2016 to September 6, 2022 and by taking advice from an excavation expert. And risk was assessed by conducting a survey on 12 subsidence experts from the universities, research institutes, and industries and applying Fuzzy-FMEA to it. Result: It has found that damage of sewer pipes is 24.99% of overall risk, followed by excavation work (17.34%), water pipes (14.84%), and poor compaction (refill) (13.93%). And it has found that risk of damaging utilities (water pipes, sewer pipes, and other utilities) is highest, followed by poor construction works (excavation work, damage of sewer and water pipes, and other utility work) and poor compaction (refill). Conclusion: This shows that risk of subsidence factors judged by experts is similar with JIS' cases of ground subsidence.

Hydrolytic Kinetic Resolution of Racemic Alkyl-glycidyl Derivatives by using Dimeric Chiral Salen Catalyst Containing Ga, In and TlCl3 (염화갈륨, 인듐 및 탈륨 함유 이분자형 키랄 살렌 촉매에 의한 라세믹 알킬 글리시딜레이트 유도체의 비대칭 가수분해반응)

  • Shin, Chang-Kyo;Rahul, B. Kawthekar;Kim, Geon-Joong
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2007
  • The stereoselective synthesis of chiral terminal epoxides is of immense academic and industrial interest due to their utility as versatile starting materials as well as chiral intermediates. In this study, new dinuclear chiral Co (salen) complexes bearing gallium-, indium- and tallium-chloride have been synthesized and characterized. The mass and EXAFS spectra provided the direct evidence of formation of dinuclear complex. Their catalytic activity and selectivity have been demonstrated for the asymmetric ring opening of various terminal epoxides having ether or ester groups by hydrolytic kinetic resolution technology. The easily prepared dimeric complexes exhibited very high enantioselectivity for the asymmetric ring opening of epoxides with $H_2O$ nucleophile, providing enantiomerically enriched terminal epoxides (> 99% ee). The dimeric structured chiral salen showed remarkably enhanced reactivity and may be employed substantially lower loadings than its monomeric analogues. The system described in this work is very efficient for the synthesis of chiral epoxide and 1,2-diol intermediates

Development of Habitat-riparian Quality Indexing System as a Tool of Stream Health Assessment: Case Study in the Nakdong River Basin

  • Jeong, Kwang-Seuk;Joo, Gea-Jae;Kim, Dong-Kyun;Lineman, Maurice;Kim, Sang-Hyeon;Jang, Il;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Kim, Jin-Hong;Lee, Jae-Kwan;Byeon, Myeong-Seop
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.499-511
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    • 2008
  • The major focus of this study is to evaluate a newly developed stream naturalness index system 'Habitat-riparian Indexing System (HIS).' There have been many studies that have assessed stream naturalness in order to provide information required for restoration. The results of these studies were enough for the purpose of the studies; however, the methodologies were limited especially with respect to rapid measurement and the representation of ecological habitats. Therefore, we derived crucial variables from a popularly utilized method and merged them with other criteria obtained from overseas approaches, resulting in the development of the HIS method. The stability of HIS was evaluated by comparing the results with the Stream Naturalness Index (SNI) of Cho (1997). We monitored 100 stream sites in the Nakdong River system using the two different methods for two sampling periods (spring and autumn), and the results were compared using statistical analyses. The determination coefficients between the index values from two methods were c.a. 0.6 for both seasons, and statistics revealed that HIS had a relatively higher stability, providing index values for stream environments. The results of this work suggest a possibility of the utility of HIS for other stream habitats.

New business opportunity: Green field project with new technology

  • Lee, Seung Jae;Woo, Jong Hun;Shin, Jong Gye
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.471-483
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    • 2014
  • Since 2009 of global financial crisis, shipbuilding industry has undergone hard times seriously. After such a long depression, the latest global shipping market index shows that the economic recovery of global shipbuilding market is underway. Especially, nations with enormous resources are going to increase their productivity or expanding their shipyards to accommodate a large amount of orders expected in the near future. However, few commercial projects have been carried out for the practical shipyard layout designs even though those can be good commercial opportunities for shipbuilding engineers. Shipbuilding starts with a shipyard construction with a large scale investment initially. Shipyard design and the equipment layout problem, which is directly linked to the productivity of ship production, is an important issue in the production planning of mass production of ships. In many cases, shipbuilding yard design has relied on the experience of the internal engineer, resulting in sporadic and poorly organized processes. Consequently, economic losses and the trial and error involved in such a design process are inevitable problems. The starting point of shipyard construction is to design a shipyard layout. Four kinds of engineering parts required for the shipyard layout design and construction. Those are civil engineering, building engineering, utility engineering and production layout engineering. Among these parts, production layout engineering is most important because its result is used as a foundation of the other engineering parts, and also, determines the shipyard capacity in the shipyard lifecycle. In this paper, the background of shipbuilding industry is explained in terms of engineering works for the recognition of the macro trend. Nextly, preliminary design methods and related case study is introduced briefly by referencing the previous research. Lastly, the designed work of layout design is validated using the computer simulation technology.

Revegetation and human(IV) -The weed management of levee controlled the weed in the weed- (녹화와 인간(IV) -잡초를 활용한 제방 비탈면의 식생관리-)

  • Ezaki, Tsugio;Iwamoto, Tohru;Yeom, Kyu-Jin;Moon, Jin-Hee;Chun, Kun-Woo
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2004
  • Farm working also needs most of the labor on the weed management of the levee. Then, the research which controlled the weed in the weed was promoted in order to reduce this weed management. Required conditions for the levee vegetation from the viewpoint of the weed management are the following 4 points. (1) the prevention of erosion and landslide, (2) the improvement in the workability at the mowing, (3) the improvement and maintenance of the rural landscape, (4) the accessibility. Next, the plants becoming dominant species in devastated land and slope of river banks were compared through these 4 conditions, and the utility was examined. As the result, Imperata cylindrica Beauv., Shibataea kumasaca Nakai, Sasaella kogasensis Nakai var. gracillima S. Suzuki and Hedera canariensis Willd, seemed to be usable. Finally, weed management method for connecting for the reduction in the mowing work using these plants was presented.

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Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) and Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN): A Survey

  • Mohammed, Yahaya Onimisi;Baroudi, Uthman A.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.1036-1057
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    • 2013
  • Wireless body area network (WBAN) is a promising candidate for future health monitoring system. Nevertheless, the path to mature solutions is still facing a lot of challenges that need to be overcome. Energy efficient scheduling is one of these challenges given the scarcity of available energy of biosensors and the lack of portability. Therefore, researchers from academia, industry and health sectors are working together to realize practical solutions for these challenges. The main difficulty in WBAN is the uncertainty in the state of the monitored system. Intelligent learning approaches such as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) were proposed to tackle this issue. A Markov Decision Process (MDP) is a form of Markov Chain in which the transition matrix depends on the action taken by the decision maker (agent) at each time step. The agent receives a reward, which depends on the action and the state. The goal is to find a function, called a policy, which specifies which action to take in each state, so as to maximize some utility functions (e.g., the mean or expected discounted sum) of the sequence of rewards. A partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDP) is a generalization of Markov decision processes that allows for the incomplete information regarding the state of the system. In this case, the state is not visible to the agent. This has many applications in operations research and artificial intelligence. Due to incomplete knowledge of the system, this uncertainty makes formulating and solving POMDP models mathematically complex and computationally expensive. Limited progress has been made in terms of applying POMPD to real applications. In this paper, we surveyed the existing methods and algorithms for solving POMDP in the general domain and in particular in Wireless body area network (WBAN). In addition, the papers discussed recent real implementation of POMDP on practical problems of WBAN. We believe that this work will provide valuable insights for the newcomers who would like to pursue related research in the domain of WBAN.

The Position/Orientation Determination of a Mobile-Task Robot Using an Active Calibration Scheme

  • Jin, Tae-Seok;Lee, Jang-Myung
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.1431-1442
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    • 2003
  • A new method of estimating the pose of a mobile-task robot is developed based upon an active calibration scheme. The utility of a mobile-task robot is widely recognized, which is formed by the serial connection of a mobile robot and a task robot. To be an efficient and precise mobile-task robot, the control uncertainties in the mobile robot should be resolved. Unless the mobile robot provides an accurate and stable base, the task robot cannot perform various tasks. For the control of the mobile robot, an absolute position sensor is necessary. However, on account of rolling and slippage of wheels on the ground, there does not exist any reliable position sensor for the mobile robot. This paper proposes an active calibration scheme to estimate the pose of a mobile robot that carries a task robot on the top. The active calibration scheme is to estimate a pose of the mobile robot using the relative position/orientation to a known object whose location, size, and shape are known a priori. For this calibration, a camera is attached on the top of the task robot to capture the images of the objects. These images are used to estimate the pose of the camera itself with respect to the known objects. Through the homogeneous transformation, the absolute position/orientation of the camera is calculated and propagated to get the pose of a mobile robot. Two types of objects are used here as samples of work-pieces: a polygonal and a cylindrical object. With these two samples, the proposed active calibration scheme is verified experimentally.

Scrutiny Made to SUPAC-IR Dealing with Postapproval Changes in Immediate Release Sold Oral Dosage Forms (경구용 속방성 성형제품의 허가 후 변경사항을 다루는 SUPAC-IR에 대한 검토)

  • Sah, Hong-Kee;Park, Sang-Ae;Yun, Mi-Ok;Kang, Shin-Jung
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to provide a better understanding of SUPAC-IR and its application in handling postapproval changes to immediate release solid oral dosage forms. Originally, SUPAC-IR was aimed at reducing the regulator burdern of the industry when they were making postapproval changes, but still at maintaining the formulation quality and performance of a drug product. The postapproval changes that were covered under SUPAC-IR included variations in the components ad composition of formulation, the site of manufacturing, batch size, manufacturing equipment, and manufacturing process. The guidance defined levels of changes, based on the likelihood of risk ocurrence and potential impact of postapproval changes upon the safety and efficacy of a drug product I suggested what a type of fing report should be submitted to the FDA for each level of change. Chemist, manufacturing, and control tests to be executed were also recommended for each change level The important tests specified in the guidance included batch release, stability, in vitro dissolution, and in vivo bioequivalence tests. However, there have been strong demands on revising the current SUPAC-IR in order to resolve some issues and to improve its usefulness in evaluating postapproval changes to immediate release solid oral dosage forms. In particular, the rigorous requirement of case C dissolution test and the definition of batch size were challenged by both academia and the industry. A revision work was in progress to reflect these inputs and to expand the utility of SUPAC-IR. As a result of these concerted efforts, an updated 2nd version of SPAC-IR would be likely to be issued ver soon to the public.