• 제목/요약/키워드: User Motivation

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Designing Gamification and Analyzing Performance Indicators to Enhance Academic Library Services (대학도서관 서비스 효과 증진을 위한 게이미피케이션 설계 및 성과 지표 분석)

  • Hyeyoung Kim;Hanseul Lee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.167-192
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    • 2024
  • Gamification is an effective strategy to enhance the quality of academic library services by encouraging student engagement and participation. This study developed a design framework for the effective implementation of gamification in academic libraries. To this end, a framework based on the information literacy model was developed through a literature review, content analysis of Korean and international case studies, and in-depth interviews with five librarians of academic libraries. The framework outlines the design elements and game mechanisms to be considered at each stage of the process, including task definition, information search, collection, utilization, and integration. Additionally, performance indicators were established to measure the cognitive, emotional, and social impacts of gamification. This study is expected to serve as a foundation for the systematic implementation and evaluation of gamification in academic libraries, ultimately contributing to increased user participation and enhanced learning motivation.

The Effectiveness of Apps Recommending Best Restaurant through Location-based Knowledge Information: Privacy Calculus Perspective (위치기반 지식정보를 활용한 맛집 추천 앱의 효과: 프라이버시 계산을 중심으로)

  • Jiang, Taypun;Lim, Hyun A;Choi, Jaewon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.89-106
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    • 2017
  • In advanced mobile devices environment, the market share of mobile application has been increased. Among various mobile services, Location-based Service (LBS) is an important feature to increase user motivation related to purchase intention on mobile. However, individual privacy has also increased as an important problem for invasion of privacy and information leakage while too many LBS based applications (App) rapidly launched in the App market. In this study, we focused on perceived values of LBS App users who use Apps related to recommending best restaurants in China and South Korea. The purpose of this study is to identify important factors for perceived value when users provide personal information for LBS service provider. The result of this study is follows: perceived value can increase while LBS customers can more control self-information and information useability. Also information ability of users affected perceived values for LBS Apps. Also users' app user ability and perceived value were effects on privacy revenue. In addtion, perceived weakness of users and perceived value increased privacy threat.

A Research on Value Chain Structure on Experience of VR and AR Focused on Means-End Chain Theory on VR and AR (가상현실 미디어 체험이 가치사슬구조형성에 미치는 영향 연구 VR-AR 수단-목적 사슬이론 적용 중심으로)

  • Kweon, Sang Hee
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2018
  • This research explores a value chain structure of VR-AR media including user's perception, uses, and evaluation. The purpose of this research focused on factor analysis and the relationship among user's VR-AR adoption motivations and utilities. This research explores correlation between personal value and using motivation. This study was to identify the value structure of respondent on VR-AR usages based on means-end chain theory. The research used structured APT laddering questions and 251 data was analysed. Through such analysis, category difference by stage and relationship difference were identified and hierarchical value map was compared. There are four different value ladders: first is attributes, functional consequences, psychological consequences, and final value. This study is based on the analysis of the value chain structure factors that affect VR and AR use behavior (attributes, functional benefits, psychological benefits, use value), 'Hierarchical Value Map' between users' The purpose of the model is to construct a model. For this, 'means-end chain theory' was applied to measure the causal relationship between personal value and VR related use behavior. In order to solve this research problem, 135 people were analyzed through the structured questionnaire using the AR and VR content fitness measure and the second APT laddering, and the use of VR-AR : 1) Functional benefits; 2) Psychological benefits; 3) Means to reach value, 4) Objective value chain structure was identified. The results show that VR users tried to smooth the social life through the new virtual reality audiovisual element, the newness of experience, fun, and pleasure through the departure of reality, vividness of experience, and leading fashion. The AR fitness was a game and a new program, and the value of interacting with other people and the value of 'periwinkle' played an important role through the vividness and peripheral interaction of AR, It was an important choice. The important basic values of users' VR and AR selection were correlated with psychological attributes of interaction with others, achievement, happiness and favorable values.

The Effect of Field-Based Participation Design on Agricultural Direct Sales Facilities: Process Change of Awareness on Participant (농특산물 직거래판매시설에 관한 현장중심의 참여디자인 효과: 참여자의 의식변화를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Aeeun;Hong, Jungpyo;Ha, Eunyoung;Chae, Hyesung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2018
  • A demand for user's participation in the designing process, which is called the participation design, is increasing with social change. Practically, however, there is lack of researches on the improvement of the problem in actual design development and participation design effect. In order to understand the field-based participation design effect in view of user's change of awareness on participation design, this study carried out a survey on the change of awareness through a design workshop in which all stakeholders have participated on the subject of agricultural direct sales facilities as a part of participation design programs. Many references were reviewed first to understand the participation design principles and their current research trend. Next, the questionnaire was developed using an effectiveness verification model for an effective analysis. A design workshop as one of the participation design programs was organized and applied for the field response. In order to analyze the effect, the survey on participants' change of awareness was carried out before and after the program. The survey questionnaires were about motivation, knowledge, recognition, function, and participation and asked the design study graduates. The participation design effect was supplemented by additional open questions. As a consequence, the participants in the participation design program showed the noticeable effect in knowledge and function about the agricultural direct sales facilities. It was found that they were also highly satisfied with the participation design result and they recognized an importance of collaboration. This study also showed that a sufficient time schedule considering agricultural village life should be given for a smooth operation of the program and also a working environment is necessary for designing work.

Service Design Proposal for 'f:Lover', a donation platform based on transparency and trust (투명과 신뢰를 기반으로 한 기부 플랫폼 '플러버' 서비스 디자인 제안)

  • Jeong, Kwang-Ho;Park, Hae-Lim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.231-250
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    • 2024
  • This research aims to enhance donor engagement by increasing the transparency of nonprofit donation platforms. Donations are primarily based on social trust, and a lack of transparency on these platforms can significantly reduce donor motivation. To address this issue, the study analyzes the user experience of existing donation platforms, identifies problems, and explores potential improvements. The research began with a literature review to examine the social need for donations and their effectiveness. The findings indicate that donors place a high value on transparency and are less willing to donate when this element is lacking. Specifically, when donors can clearly see how their contributions are being utilized, they experience greater psychological satisfaction and are more likely to continue donating. The study analyzed various platforms to identify issues causing user discomfort and compared elements aimed at enhancing transparency. By employing the KJ affinity method and the Double Diamond process, the study aimed to understand the problem's nature and propose solutions considering the interactions between donors and nonprofits. A key conclusion is the critical importance of making information more accessible and intuitive. The findings suggest that greater transparency can help build donor trust, improve nonprofit efficiency, and contribute to a more robust giving ecosystem. Additionally, platforms with increased transparency facilitate ongoing communication between donors and nonprofits, fostering an environment where donors become more actively engaged in their giving. This strategy is expected to play a vital role in promoting a sustainable culture of giving based on mutual trust.

Revisiting the cause of unemployment problem in Korea's labor market: The job seeker's interests-based topic analysis (취업준비생 토픽 분석을 통한 취업난 원인의 재탐색)

  • Kim, Jung-Su;Lee, Suk-Jun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.85-116
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    • 2016
  • The present study aims to explore the causes of employment difficulty on the basis of job applicant's interest from P-E (person-environment) fit perspective. Our approach relied on a textual analytic method to reveal insights from their situational interests in a job search during the change of labor market. Thus, to investigate the type of major interests and psychological responses, user-generated texts in a social community were collected for analysis between January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015 by crawling the online-community in regard to job seeking and sharing information and opinions. The results of topic analysis indicated user's primary interests were divided into four types: perception of vocation expectation, employment pre-preparation behaviors, perception of labor market, and job-seeking stress. Specially, job applicants put mainly concerns of monetary reward and a form of employment, rather than their work values or career exploration, thus youth job applicants expressed their psychological responses using contextualized language (e.g., slang, vulgarisms) for projecting their unstable state under uncertainty in response to environmental changes. Additionally, they have perceived activities in the restricted preparation (e.g., certification, English exam) as determinant factors for success in employment and suffered form job-seeking stress. On the basis of these findings, current unemployment matters are totally attributed to the absence of pursing the value of vocation and job in individuals, organizations, and society. Concretely, job seekers are preoccupied with occupational prestige in social aspect and have undecided vocational value. On the other hand, most companies have no perception of the importance of human resources and have overlooked the needs for proper work environment development in respect of stimulating individual motivation. The attempt in this study to reinterpret the effect of environment as for classifying job applicant's interests in reference to linguistic and psychological theories not only helps conduct a more comprehensive meaning for understanding social matters, but guides new directions for future research on job applicant's psychological factors (e.g., attitudes, motivation) using topic analysis.

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Privacy Intrusion Intention on SNS: From Perspective of Intruders (SNS상에서 프라이버시 침해의도: 가해자 관점으로)

  • Eden Lee;Sanghui Kim;DongBack Seo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.17-39
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    • 2018
  • SNS enables people to easily connect and communicate with each other. People share information, including personal information, through SNS. Users are concerned about their privacies, but they unconsciously or consciously disclose their personal information on SNS to interact with others. The privacy of a self-disclosed person can be intruded by others. A person can write, fabricate, or distribute a story using the disclosed information of another even without obtaining consent from the information owner. Many studies focused on privacy intrusion, especially from the perspective of a victim. However, only a few studies examined privacy intrusion from the perspective of an intruder on SNS. This study focuses on the intention of privacy intrusion from the perspective of an intruder on SNS and the factors that affect intention. Privacy intrusion intentions are categorized into two types. The first type is intrusion of privacy by writing one's personal information without obtaining consent from the information owner;, whereas the other type pertains to intrusion of privacy by distributing one's personal information without obtaining consent from the information owner. A research model is developed based on motivation theory to identify how these factors affect these two types of privacy intrusion intentions on SNS. From the perspective of motivation theory, we draw one extrinsic motivational factor (response cost) and four intrinsic motivational factors, namely, perceived enjoyment, experience of being intruded on privacy, experience of invading someone's privacy, and punishment behavior. After analyzing 202survey data, we conclude that different factors affect these two types of privacy intrusion intention. However, no relationship was found between the two types of privacy intrusion intentions. One of the most interesting findings is that the experience of privacy intrusion is the most significant factor related to the two types of privacy intrusion intentions. The findings contribute to the literature on privacy by suggesting two types of privacy intrusion intentions on SNS and identifying their antecedents from the perspective of an intruder. Practitioners can also use the findings to develop SNS applications that can improve protection of user privacies and legitimize proper regulations relevant to online privacy.

The Effect of Users' Personality on Emotional and Cognitive Evaluation in UCC Web Site Usage (UCC(user-created-contents) 웹 사이트에서 사용자의 인성이 감정적, 인지적 평가와 UCC 활용에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Yun-Ji;Kang, So-Ra;Kim, Woo-Gon
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.167-190
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    • 2010
  • The research conducted here focuses on the effect of factors that affect the behavior of UCC (User Created Content) website users, other than user's rational recognition of how useful a UCC website can be. Most discussions in the existing literature on information systems have focused on users' evaluation how a UCC website can help to attain the users' own goals. However, there are other factors and this research pays attention to an individual's 'personality,' which is stable and biological in nature. Specifically, I have noted here that 'extroversion' and 'neuroticism,' the two common personality factors presented in Eysenck's most representative 'EPQ Model' and 'Big Five Model,' are the two personality factors that affect a site's 'usefulness,' by this I mean how useful does the user consider the website and its content. How useful a site is considered by the user is the other factor that has been regarded as the antecedent factor that influences the adoption of information systems in the existing MIS (Management Information System) research. Secondly, as using or creating a UCC website does not guarantee the user's or the creator's extrinsic motivation, unlike when using the information system within an organization, there is a greater likelihood that the increase in user's activities in relation to a UCC website is motivated by emotional factors rather than rational factors. Thus, I have decided to include the relationship between an individual's personality and what they find pleasurable in the research model. Thirdly, when based on the S-O-R Paradigm of Mehrabian and Russell, the two cognitive factors and emotional factors are finally affected by stimulus, and thus these factors ultimately have an effect on an individual's respondent behavior. Therefore, this research has presented an assumption that the recognition of how useful the site and content is and what emotional pleasure it provides will finally affect the behavior of the UCC website users. Finally, the relationship between the recognition of how useful a site is and how pleasurable it is to useand UCC usage may differ depending on certain situational conditions. In other words, the relationship between the three factors may vary according to how much users are involved in the creation of the website content. Creation thus emerges as the keyword of UCC. I analyzed the above relationships through the moderating variable of the user's involvement in the creation of the site. The research result shows the following: When it comes to the relationship between an individual's personality and what they find pleasurable it is extroverted users who have a greater likelihood to feel pleasure when using a UCC website, as was expected in this research. This in turn leads to a more active usage of the UCC web site because a person who is an extrovert likes to spend time on activities with other people, is sensitive to new experiences and stimuli and thus actively responds to these. An extroverted person accepts new UCC activities as part of his/her social life, rather than getting away from this new UCC environment. This is represented by the term 'Foxonomy' where the users meet a variety of users from all over the world and contact new types of content created by these users. However, neuroticism creates the opposite situation to that created by extroversion. The representative symptoms of neuroticism are instability, stress, and tension. These dispositions are more closely related to stress caused by a new environment rather than this creatingcuriosity or pleasure. Thus, neurotic persons have an uneasy feeling and will eventually avoid the situation where their own or others' daily lives are frequently exposed to the open web environment, this eventually makes them have a negative attitude towards the web environment. When it comes to an individual's personality and how useful site is, the two personality factors of extroversion and neuroticism both have a positive relationship with the recognition of how useful the site and its content is. The positive, curious, and social dispositions of extroverted persons tend to make them consider the future usefulness and possibilities of a new type of information system, or website, based on their positive attitude, which has a significant influence on the recognition of how useful these UCC sites are. Neuroticism also favorably affects how useful a UCC website can be through a different mechanism from that of extroversion. As the neurotic persons tend to feel uneasy and have much doubt about a new type of information system, they actively explore its usefulness in order to relieve their uncomfortable feelings. In other words, neurotic persons seek out how useful a site can be in order to secure their own stable feelings. Meanwhile, extroverted persons explore how useful a site can be because of their positive attitude and curiosity. As a lot of MIS research has revealed that the recognition of how useful a site can be and how pleasurable it can be to use have been proven to have a significant effect on UCC activity. However, the relationship between these factors reveals different aspects based on the user's involvement in creation. This factor of creationgauges the interest of users in the creation of UCC contents. Involvement is a variable that shows the level of an individual's mental effort in creating UCC contents. When a user is highly involved in the creation process and makes an enormous effort to create UCC content (classed a part of a high-involvement group), their own pleasure and recognition of how useful the site is have a significantly higher effect on the future usage of the UCC contents, more significantly than the users who sit back and just retrieve the UCC content created by others. The cognitive and emotional response of those in the low-involvement group is unlikely to last long,even if they recognize the contents of a UCC website is pleasurable and useful to them. However, the high-involvement group tends to participate in the creation and the usage of UCC more favorably, connecting the experience with their own goals. In this respect, this research presents an answer to the question; why so many people are participating in the usage of UCC, the representative form of the Web 2.0 that has drastically involved more and more people in the creation of UCC, even if they cannot gain any monetary or social compensation. Neither information system nor a website can succeed unless it secures a certain level of user base. Moreover, it cannot be further developed when the reasons, or problems, for people's participation are not suitably explored, even if it has a certain user base. Thus, what is significant in this research is that it has studied users' respondent behavior based on an individual's innate personality, emotion, and cognitive interaction, unlike the existing research that has focused on 'compensation' to explain users' participation with the UCC website. There are also limitations in this research. Firstly, I divided an individual's personality into extroversion and neuroticism; however, there are many other personal factors such as neuro-psychiatricism, which also needs to be analyzed for its influence on UCC activities. Secondly, as a UCC website comes in many types such as multimedia, Wikis, and podcasting, these types need to be included as a sub-category of the UCC websites and their relationship with personality, emotion, cognition, and behavior also needs to be analyzed.

Understanding User Motivations and Behavioral Process in Creating Video UGC: Focus on Theory of Implementation Intentions (Video UGC 제작 동기와 행위 과정에 관한 이해: 구현의도이론 (Theory of Implementation Intentions)의 적용을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jin;Song, Se-Min;Lee, Ho-Geun
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.125-148
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    • 2009
  • UGC(User Generated Contents) is emerging as the center of e-business in the web 2.0 era. The trend reflects changing roles of users in production and consumption of contents on websites and helps us to understand new strategies of websites such as web portals and social network websites. Nowadays, we consume contents created by other non-professional users for both utilitarian (e.g., knowledge) and hedonic values (e.g., fun). Also, contents produced by ourselves (e.g., photo, video) are posted on websites so that our friends, family, and even the public can consume those contents. This means that non-professionals, who used to be passive audience in the past, are now creating contents and share their UGCs with others in the Web. Accessible media, tools, and applications have also reduced difficulty and complexity in the process of creating contents. Realizing that users create plenty of materials which are very interesting to other people, media companies (i.e., web portals and social networking websites) are adjusting their strategies and business models accordingly. Increased demand of UGC may lead to website visits which are the source of benefits from advertising. Therefore, they put more efforts into making their websites open platforms where UGCs can be created and shared among users without technical and methodological difficulties. Many websites have increasingly adopted new technologies such as RSS and openAPI. Some have even changed the structure of web pages so that UGC can be seen several times to more visitors. This mainstream of UGCs on websites indicates that acquiring more UGCs and supporting participating users have become important things to media companies. Although those companies need to understand why general users have shown increasing interest in creating and posting contents and what is important to them in the process of productions, few research results exist in this area to address these issues. Also, behavioral process in creating video UGCs has not been explored enough for the public to fully understand it. With a solid theoretical background (i.e., theory of implementation intentions), parts of our proposed research model mirror the process of user behaviors in creating video contents, which consist of intention to upload, intention to edit, edit, and upload. In addition, in order to explain how those behavioral intentions are developed, we investigated influences of antecedents from three motivational perspectives (i.e., intrinsic, editing software-oriented, and website's network effect-oriented). First, from the intrinsic motivation perspective, we studied the roles of self-expression, enjoyment, and social attention in forming intention to edit with preferred editing software or in forming intention to upload video contents to preferred websites. Second, we explored the roles of editing software for non-professionals to edit video contents, in terms of how it makes production process easier and how it is useful in the process. Finally, from the website characteristic-oriented perspective, we investigated the role of a website's network externality as an antecedent of users' intention to upload to preferred websites. The rationale is that posting UGCs on websites are basically social-oriented behaviors; thus, users prefer a website with the high level of network externality for contents uploading. This study adopted a longitudinal research design; we emailed recipients twice with different questionnaires. Guided by invitation email including a link to web survey page, respondents answered most of questions except edit and upload at the first survey. They were asked to provide information about UGC editing software they mainly used and preferred website to upload edited contents, and then asked to answer related questions. For example, before answering questions regarding network externality, they individually had to declare the name of the website to which they would be willing to upload. At the end of the first survey, we asked if they agreed to participate in the corresponding survey in a month. During twenty days, 333 complete responses were gathered in the first survey. One month later, we emailed those recipients to ask for participation in the second survey. 185 of the 333 recipients (about 56 percentages) answered in the second survey. Personalized questionnaires were provided for them to remind the names of editing software and website that they reported in the first survey. They answered the degree of editing with the software and the degree of uploading video contents to the website for the past one month. To all recipients of the two surveys, exchange tickets for books (about 5,000~10,000 Korean Won) were provided according to the frequency of participations. PLS analysis shows that user behaviors in creating video contents are well explained by the theory of implementation intentions. In fact, intention to upload significantly influences intention to edit in the process of accomplishing the goal behavior, upload. These relationships show the behavioral process that has been unclear in users' creating video contents for uploading and also highlight important roles of editing in the process. Regarding the intrinsic motivations, the results illustrated that users are likely to edit their own video contents in order to express their own intrinsic traits such as thoughts and feelings. Also, their intention to upload contents in preferred website is formed because they want to attract much attention from others through contents reflecting themselves. This result well corresponds to the roles of the website characteristic, namely, network externality. Based on the PLS results, the network effect of a website has significant influence on users' intention to upload to the preferred website. This indicates that users with social attention motivations are likely to upload their video UGCs to a website whose network size is big enough to realize their motivations easily. Finally, regarding editing software characteristic-oriented motivations, making exclusively-provided editing software more user-friendly (i.e., easy of use, usefulness) plays an important role in leading to users' intention to edit. Our research contributes to both academic scholars and professionals. For researchers, our results show that the theory of implementation intentions is well applied to the video UGC context and very useful to explain the relationship between implementation intentions and goal behaviors. With the theory, this study theoretically and empirically confirmed that editing is a different and important behavior from uploading behavior, and we tested the behavioral process of ordinary users in creating video UGCs, focusing on significant motivational factors in each step. In addition, parts of our research model are also rooted in the solid theoretical background such as the technology acceptance model and the theory of network externality to explain the effects of UGC-related motivations. For practitioners, our results suggest that media companies need to restructure their websites so that users' needs for social interaction through UGC (e.g., self-expression, social attention) are well met. Also, we emphasize strategic importance of the network size of websites in leading non-professionals to upload video contents to the websites. Those websites need to find a way to utilize the network effects for acquiring more UGCs. Finally, we suggest that some ways to improve editing software be considered as a way to increase edit behavior which is a very important process leading to UGC uploading.

A Study for Factors Influencing the Usage Increase and Decrease of Mobile Data Service: Based on The Two Factor Theory (모바일 데이터 서비스 사용량 증감에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 관한 연구: 이요인 이론(Two Factor Theory)을 바탕으로)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Il-Kyung;Lee, Ho-Geun;Park, Hyun-Jee
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.97-122
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    • 2007
  • Conventional networking and telecommunications infrastructure characterized by wires, fixed location, and inflexibility is giving way to mobile technologies. Numerous research reports point to the ultimate domination of wireless communication. With the increasing prevalence of advanced cell-phones, various mobile data services (hereafter MDS) are gaining popularity. Although cellular networks were originally introduced for voice communications, statistics indicate that data services are replacing the matured voice service as the growth engine for telecom service providers. For example, SK Telecom, the Korea's largest mobile service provider, reported that 25.6% of revenue and 28.5% of profit came from MDS in 2006 and the share is growing. Statistics also indicate that, in 2006, the average revenue per user (ARPU) for voice didn't change but MDS grew seven percents from the previous year, further highlighting its growth potential. MDS is defined "as an assortment of digital data services that can be accessed using a mobile device over a wide geographic area." A variety of MDS have been deployed, with a few reaching the status of killer applications. Many of them need to access the Internet through the cellular-phone infrastructure. In the past, when the cellular network didn't have acceptable bandwidth for data services, SMS (short messaging service) dominated MDS. Now, Internet-ready, next-generation cell-phones are driving rich digital data services into the fabric of everyday life, These include news on various topics, Internet search, mapping and location-based information, mobile banking and gaming, downloading (i.e., screen savers), multimedia streaming, and various communication services (i.e., email, short messaging, messenger, and chaffing). The huge economic stake MDS has on its stakeholders warrants focused research to understand associated dynamics behind its adoption. Lyytinen and Yoo(2002) pointed out the limitation of traditional adoption models in explaining the rapid diffusion of innovations such as P2P or mobile services. Also, despite the increasing popularity of MDS, unexpected drop in its usage is observed among some people. Intrigued by these observations, an exploratory study was conducted to examine decision factors of MDS usage. Data analysis revealed that the increase and decrease of MDS use was influenced by different forces. The findings of the exploratory study triggered our confirmatory research effort to validate the uni-directionality of studied factors in affecting MDS usage. This differs from extant studies of IS/IT adoption that are largely grounded on the assumption of bi-directionality of explanatory variables in determining the level of dependent variables (i.e., user satisfaction, service usage). The research goal is, therefore, to examine if increase and decrease in the usage of MDS are explained by two separate groups of variables pertaining to information quality and system quality. For this, we investigate following research questions: (1) Does the information quality of MDS increase service usage?; (2) Does the system quality of MDS decrease service usage?; and (3) Does user motivation for subscribing MDS moderate the effect information and system quality have on service usage? The research questions and subsequent analysis are grounded on the two factor theory pioneered by Hertzberg et al(1959). To answer the research questions, in the first, an exploratory study based on 378 survey responses was conducted to learn about important decision factors of MDS usage. It revealed discrepancy between the influencing forces of usage increase and those of usage decrease. Based on the findings from the exploratory study and the two-factor theory, we postulated information quality as the motivator and system quality as the de-motivator (or hygiene) of MDS. Then, a confirmative study was undertaken on their respective role in encouraging and discouraging the usage of mobile data service.