• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ultrasonic energy

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Effect of the Amplitude in Ultrasonic Nano-crystalline Surface Modification on the Corrosion Properties of Alloy 600

  • Kim, Ki Tae;Kim, Young Sik
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.196-205
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    • 2019
  • Surface modification techniques are known to improve SCC by adding large compressive residual stresses to metal surfaces. This surface modification technology is attracting attention because it is an economical and practical technology compared to the maintenance method of existing nuclear power plants. Surface modification techniques include laser, water jet and ultrasonic peening, pinning and ultrasonic Nano-crystal surface modification (UNSM). The focus of this study was on the effect of ultrasonic amplitude in UNSM treatment on the corrosion properties of Alloy 600. A microstructure analysis was conducted using an optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD). A cyclic polarization test and AC-impedance measurement were both used to analyze the corrosion properties. UNSM treatment influences the corrosion resistance of Alloy 600 depending on its amplitude. Below the critical amplitude value, the pitting corrosion properties are improved by grain refinement and compressive residual stress, but above the critical amplitude value, crevices are formed by the formation of overlapped waves. These crevices act as corrosion initiators, reducing pitting corrosion resistance.

A study of DSC using Ultrasonic and Thermal treatment on nano-crystalline $TiO_{2}$ surface (염료감응형 태양전지 $TiO_{2}$ 광전극 표면의 초음파 열처리에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Ji-Tae;Choi, Jin-Young;Seo, Hyun-Woong;Kim, Jong-Lak;Kim, Hee-Je
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.317-319
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    • 2007
  • Recently, there were many researches for efficiency improvement of DSC. Among of these works, research of surface treatment is still a prerequisite for electron diffusion, light-harvesting and surface state of $DSC^{4)}$. Using of the surface treatment, it can be raise up porosity of $TiO_{2}$ nano-crystalline structure on $photo-electrode^{5)}$. There are chemical, physical, electrical and optical methods which raise up its porosity. In this paper, we have designed and manufactured MOPA-type ultrasonic circuit (100W, frequency and duty variable). Manufactured ultrasonic circuit to use to force cavity density and power into $TiO_{2}$ paste. Then, we have optimized forcing time, frequency and duty of ultrasonic irradiation for surface treatment of photo-electrode of DSC. In I-V characteristic test of DSC, ultrasonic and thermal treated DSC shows 19% improved its efficiency against established DSC.

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Finite Element Analysis of an Ultrasonic Tool Horn for Pattern Forming (초음파 패턴성형을 위한 공구혼의 설계 및 유한요소해석)

  • Seo, Young-Soo;Park, Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.363-369
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    • 2011
  • In this study, a direct pattern forming process on a plastic film using ultrasonic vibration energy is investigated. A tool horn containing micro-patterns is attached to an ultrasonic power supply, and is used to press a plastic film with ultrasonic vibration in order to replicate micro-patterns on the surface of the plastic film. To replicate micro-patterns with high accuracy, the tool horn should be designed to allow only the longitudinal vibration, not the transverse vibration. For this purpose, the design of a tool horn is investigated through finite element analysis, from which the resulting natural frequency of the tool horn can be adjusted in the range of the ultrasonic power supply. The analysis result is then reflected on the optimal design and fabrication of the tool horn. The validity of the developed tool horn is discussed through pattern-forming experiments using the ultrasonic vibration of the developed tool horn.

Assemblage and Driving Characteristics of a Ultrasonic Fabric Washing Machine (초음파 직물수세기의 구성 및 구동 특성)

  • 이춘길;이광수
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.207-217
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    • 2000
  • A new, high-efficiency ultrasonic fabric washing machine was developed to be an energy-efficient washing machine and to enhance fabric washing quality in washing processes of the dyeing and finishing process in the textile industry. This system is composed of ultrasonic wave generator, air blowing nozzle, torque motor for fabric tension control, and enclosed washing bath, multi-tube type exchanger, noiseless heater, air cylinder, expander roller, mangle upper and lower rollers, bend bar, dancer, shower spray nozzle, and solenoid valve, and so on. These elements are synergised for fabric washing. One of the very important principles is the low tension fabric running system. For an efficient washing effect, a counter flow system is also adopted. The new system also adopts the dancer and torque motor to control fabric tension and prevent fabric creasing. Shower spray nozzle, counter flow and overflow apparatus, and air-blowing apparatus are adopted to enhance the fabric washing effect. In this study, peach yoryu, exter, and moss crepe fabrics were washed by the general and ultrasonic washing systems under different conditions respectively. The washing efficiency was affected by the fabric running speed and characteristics of fabrics. Size content after washing increased with increasing the fabric running speed. The values in the general washing system were higher than those of the ultrasonic washing system. The changes of conductivity in the ultrasonic and the cooling bath were affected by the running time under the ultrasonic generating. The values of conductivity decreased as the experimental time passed.

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A Study on Relationship between Fuel Characteristics and Combustion Characteristics of Reformed Diesel Fuels by Ultrasonic Irradiation (I) - Relationship between Chemical Structure and Higher Heating Value (초음파 개질 경유의 연료특성과 연소특성의 상관관계에 관한 연구 (I) -화학구조와 발열량과의 상관성)

  • 이병오;류정인
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.72-79
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    • 2002
  • The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between chemical structure and higher heating value of reformed diesel fuels by ultrasonic irradiation. In order to analyze the chemical structure changes of the reformed diesel fuels by ultrasonic irradiation, Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer(1H-NMR) was used and to analyze the effect of higher heating values of these diesel fuels, the bomb calorimeter was used. From the study, following conclusive remarks can be made. 1) The aromatic carbon percentages and higher heating values of the reformed diesel fuels by ultrasonic irradiation increased more than the conventional diesel ones. 2) The aromatics percentages and Branch Index(BI) of the reformed diesel fuels by ultrasonic irradiation decreased more than the conventional diesel ones. 3) The higher heating values on both for conventional fuel and reformed diesel fuels by ultrasonic energy irradiation is directly proportional to aromatic carbon percentages and inversely proportional to aromatic percentages and BI for these fuels.

A Study on the Fluid Flow with Ultrasonic Forcing by PIV Measurement - On the Incident Angle and Reflector - (초음파가 가진된 유체유동의 PIV계측에 의한 연구 - 입사각과 반사재료를 중심으로 -)

  • Ju, E.S.;Lee, Y.H.;La, W.J.;Park, Y.H.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.32-40
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    • 2000
  • A study on the fluid flow with ultrasonic forcing was carried out to get the enhancement of turbulence by laying emphasis on the ultrasonic incidence angles and reflectors. A large water tank was made of the transparent acrylic plates and city water of $25^{\circ}C$ was used as working fluid. 7 angles ($30^{\circ},\;45^{\circ},\;60^{\circ},\;90^{\circ},\;120^{\circ},\;135^{\circ},\;150^{\circ}$) as the ultrasonic incidence angle and 4 materials (wood, acryl, glass, iron) as the reflector were selected arid experiments for the above were made. The velocity vector distribution, kinetic energy and turbulence intensity of the turbulence flow fields enhanced by ultrasonic forcing were measured, compared and discussed by using the PIV measurement which was possible to measure the velocities of simultaneous multipoints. In results, it was cleared that the incidence angle of ultrasonic and material of reflector influenced the enhancement of turbulence.

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Application of Ultrasonic Wave to the Squeezing Process From the Seeds (식물 씨앗의 착유과정에 있어서 초음파의 적용)

  • Kim, Jung-Soon;Lee, Hui-Uk;Kim, Moo-Joon;Ha, Kang-Lyeol
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2010
  • To improve the limit of efficiency of squeezing oil in a conventional method, which seeds are compressed simply, the adoptability of the additional energy by the ultrasonic wave was investigated experimentally. As the results, using the ultrasonic vibration from the Langevin-type transducer, the efficiency was increased up to 25 %, whereas the conventional method has 15% efficiency. To investigate the additional pressure by the ultrasonic wave, the acoustic impedance of the sample and the vibration velocity of the transducer were measured. Although the amplitude of the ultrasonic is about 2.8 % of the compression pressure, the efficiency is increased a lot as mentioned above because the pressure is changed according to ultrasonic period.

Analysis of the Ultrasonic Cavitation Energy in a Large-Scale Sonoreactor (Lrge-Scale 초음파 반응기에서의 내부 초음파 에너지 분포 분석)

  • Son, Younggyu;Lim, Myunghee;Kim, Wonjang;Khim, Jeehyeong
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2008
  • Ultrasonic cavitational energy distributions were measured in a large-scale sonoreator. In application of 110 and 170 kHz of ultrasound, the cavitational energy was just detected near the transducer module. However 35 and 72 kHz ultrasound made good distributions from the module to the end of the sonoreactor, Especially, 72 kHz ultrasound application showed most stable and highest cavitational energy value through the whole length. In the comparison between input power and cavitational energy, linear relationships were obtained in 35 and 72 kHz and it was anticipated that these results would be used for the optimization of input power for the design of sonoreactors. And three dimensional energy distribution was depicted through the mapping of cavitaional energy. Average energy in the large-scale sonoreactor was estimated as 62.8 W, which was about 40 % of input power.

Experimental Study on Effect of Boiling Heat Transfer by Ultrasonic Vibration (초음파 진동이 비등열전달 과정에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Na Gee-Dae;Oh Yool-Kwon;Yang Ho-Dong
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1 s.45
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2006
  • This study experimentally investigates effect of boiling heat transfer when ultrasonic vibration was applied. Under the wall temperature condition, temperature distribution in a cavity was measured during the boiling process and heat transfer coefficient of convection, sub-tooled boiling and saturated boiling states were measured with and without ultrasonic vibration, respectively. Also, the profiles of the pressure distribution in acoustic field measured by a hydrophone were compared with the augmentation ratios of heat transfer calculated by local heat transfer coefficient. Result of this study, heat transfer coefficient and augmentation ratio of heat transfer is higher with ultrasonic waves than without one. Especially, augmentation ratio of heat transfer is more increased the convection state than sub-cooled boiling and saturated boiling states. Acoustic pressure is relatively higher near ultrasonic transducer than other points where is no installed it and affects the augmentation ratio of heat transfer.

Replication Characteristics of Micropatterns According to Mold Temperature in Ultrasonic Imprinting (초음파 임프린팅에서 금형온도에 따른 미세패턴의 전사특성 연구)

  • Min, Kyeong Bin;Park, Jong Han;Park, Chang Yong;Park, Keun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2014
  • Ultrasonic imprinting is a novel process for replicating micropatterns on thermoplastic polymer substrates with low energy consumption and short cycle time. The polymer substrate is softened by the frictional heat and repetitive deformation energy under ultrasonic excitation; thus, a number of micropatterns are replicated on the softened polymer substrate. In the present work, the effect of mold temperature on the replication characteristics of ultrasonic imprinting is investigated. The temperature change in the patterned region is measured by varying the mold temperature. Numerical simulation is then performed for investigating pattern replication characteristics under various mold temperatures. In addition, pattern replication ratio and uniformity are compared through various experimental measurements. Through the results of these comparisons, it is found that the mold temperature has a significant positive effect on the replication characteristics of ultrasonic imprinting.