• 제목/요약/키워드: Trust Tendency

검색결과 64건 처리시간 0.022초

The Influence of LOHAS Consumption Tendency and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness on Trust and Purchase Intention Regarding Upcycling Fashion Goods

  • Park, Hyun Hee
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of LOHAS consumption tendency and of the perceived consumer effectiveness of young consumers on trust and purchase intentions regarding upcycling fashion goods. Data were collected from a questionnaire survey of 201 university students living in Daegu City, South Korea. The data were analyzed to investigate a structural model and test the research hypotheses, using the AMOS 20.0 statistical package. The results can be summarized as follows. First, LOHAS consumption tendency had a positive impact on trust in upcycling fashion goods. Second, LOHAS consumption tendency did not impact purchase intention with regard to upcycling fashion goods. Third, perceived consumer effectiveness had a positive effect on trust in upcycling fashion goods. Fourth, perceived consumer effectiveness had a positive impact on purchase intention with regard to upcycling fashion goods. Fifth, trust had a positive influence on purchase intention regarding upcycling fashion goods. The results of this study provide guidance for marketers and retailers who are interested in upcycling fashion goods.

Relevant Analysis on User Choice Tendency of Intelligent Tourism Platform under the Background of Text mining

  • Liu, Zi-Yang;Liao, Kai;Guo, Zi-Han
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제24권9호
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the relevant factors of the choice tendency of tourism users to Intelligent Tourism platform through big data analysis, which will help enterprises to make accurate positioning and improvement according to user information feedback in the tourism market in the future, so as to gain the favor of users' choice and achieve long-term market competitiveness. This study takes the Intelligent Tourism platform as the independent variable and the user choice tendency as the dependent variable, and explores the related factors between the Intelligent Tourism platform and the user choice tendency. This study make use of text mining and R language text analysis, and uses SPSS and AMOS statistical analysis tools to carry out empirical analysis. According to the analysis results, the conclusions are as follows: service quality has a significant positive correlation with user choice tendency; service quality has a significant positive correlation with tourism trust; Tourism Trust has a significant positive correlation with user choice tendency; service quality has a significant positive correlation with user experience; user experience has a significant positive correlation with user choice tendency Positive correlation effect.

정부신뢰에 미치는 영향요인분석: 정부 요소 및 개인적 요소를 중심으로 (An Analysis of Influential Factors on Government Trust: on the Basis of Individual Trust Factors)

  • 최성락;전별
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제19권12호
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    • pp.238-248
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    • 2019
  • 신뢰는 개인적인 감정으로 개개인의 특성 및 사회분위기의 영향을 받는 측면이 존재한다. 그런데 기존 정부신뢰에 대한 연구에서는 정부의 공정성 및 전문성과 같은 정부적 요소들에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 즉, 주로 정부의 능력 및 특성에 따라 정부에 대한 신뢰도가 영향을 받는 것으로 파악한다. 하지만 정부신뢰는 이러한 정부적 요소 외에 개인적 성향과 특성 같은 개인적 요소들에 의해 큰 영향을 받을 가능성이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 정부신뢰가 정부적 요소뿐만 아니라 개인의 가치관 및 일반적인 신뢰 성향과 같은 개인적 요소에도 영향을 받는가를 살펴본다. 본 연구의 분석 결과, 정부신뢰는 정부의 전문성과 공정성과 같은 정부 요소와 정의 관계에 있었다. 그리고 연령, 정당지지 성향, 현재의 행복도, 향후 국가에 대한 전망 등 개인적 가치관 요소 및 기업신뢰와 같은 개인의 신뢰 성향도 정부신뢰에 영향을 미치고 있었다. 이는 정부신뢰가 정부의 전문성, 공정성 등과 같은 정부의 변수만이 아니라 개인의 가치관 및 신뢰 성향 등에 의해서도 영향을 받고 있음을 말해준다. 정부신뢰는 단순히 정부의 행태에 의해서만 영향을 받는 변수가 아니라, 국민 개개인의 가치관 및 신뢰 성향과도 연관된다는 것을 시사한다.

영업사원과의 관계구축 의도에 영향을 미치는 소비자의 내재적 특성에 관한 연구: 관계적 혜택을 매개변수로 (A Study on the Consumers' Inherent Characteristics Influencing on the Relationship Building Intention with the Salesperson: Relational Benefits as Mediating Variables)

  • 박찬욱
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.31-56
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    • 2009
  • 경쟁이 심화되고 시장이 포화되면서 관계마케팅에 대한 관심은 증대하고 있다. 그런데 많은 연구들이 모든 소비자가 관계지향적인 성향을 가지고 있는 것은 아니라는 점을 지적하고 있다. 그렇지만 어떠한 성향을 가진 소비자가 관계지향적인 성향을 가지고 있는가에 대한 본격적인 연구는 이루어지지 않았다. 본 연구는 영업사원이 제공하는 관계적 혜택(확신 혜택 및 사회적 혜택)에 대한 중요성 지각을 매개 변수로 소비자의 어떠한 내재적 특성이 영업사원과의 관계구축 의도에 영향을 미치는가를 분석하고 있다. 본 연구의 가설에서 확신 혜택에 대한 중요성 지각에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 소비자의 내재적 특성으로 위험감수 성향, 다양성추구 성향, 제품지식, 타인 신뢰 성향 등의 변수를 제시하였으며, 사회적 혜택에 대한 중요성 지각에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 소비자의 내재적 특성으로 대인성향, 가격민감도, 타인 신뢰 성향 등의 변수를 제시하였다. 실제로 영업사원과의 거래를 통해 증권거래를 하고 있는 소비자 396명으로부터 자료를 수집하였다. 구조방정식 모델을 이용하여 분석한 결과, 소비자의 내재적 특성과 영업사원과의 관계 구축 의도의 인과관계에 있어서 관계적 혜택에 대한 중요성 지각이 매개 변수로서의 역할을 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 소비자의 내재적 특성 가운데 다양성 추구 성향은 확신 혜택에 대한 중요성 지각에 음의 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었으며, 타인 신뢰 성향은 확신 혜택 및 사회적 혜택 모두의 중요성 지각에 양의 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 가격 민감도는 가설에서 설정된 방향과는 다르게 사회적 혜택의 중요성 지각에 양의 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었다.

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Trust Evaluation Metrics for Selecting the Optimal Service on SOA-based Internet of Things

  • Kim, Yukyong
    • 한국소프트웨어감정평가학회 논문지
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2019
  • In the IoT environment, there is a huge amount of heterogeneous devices with limited capacity. Existing trust evaluation methods are not adequate to accommodate this requirement due to the limited storage space and computational resources. In addition, since IoT devices are mainly human operated devices, the trust evaluation should reflect the social relations among device owners. There is also a need for a mechanism that reflects the tendency of the trustor and environmental factors. In this paper, we propose an adaptable trust evaluation method for SOA-based IoT system to deal with these issues. The proposed model is designed to minimize the confidence bias and to dynamically respond to environmental changes by combining direct evaluation and indirect evaluation. It is expected that it will be possible to secure trust through quantitative evaluation by providing feedback based on social relationships.

夫婦의 自己露出과 知覺된 配偶者의 自己露出 (A Study on its Relationship between Self-disclosure and Perceived Self-disclosure in Married Couples)

  • 박정희;유영주
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제10권1호통권19호
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 1992
  • The main purpose of this article was to examine the general tendency of self-disclosure and perceived self-disclosure in married couples, and to study the effect of demographic variables on them. and to find out how dyadic trust affects on self-disclosure in married couples. Considering those purposes, the following research questions have been raised : 1) What is the general tendency of self-disclosure in married couples? 2) What is the general tendency of perceived self-disclosure in married couples? 3) Does perceived self-disclosure affect on self-disclosure in married couples? 4) How do the demographic varibles affect on self-disclosure in married couples? 5) Does dyadic trust affect on self-disclosure in married couples? To solve these questions, a questionnaires which consisted of 8 items for demographic variables, of which 8 questions are for dyadic trust, and 36 questions for self-disclosure in married couples was made. This reserch 몽 been conducted from April 4, 1990 to April 15, 1990. which surveyed 560 married men and women who are living in Seoul. Only answers from 432 married men and women were analysed out of them. The analytic methods adopted in this study were the frequency, the perentage, t-test, oneway ANOVA, DUNCAN -tst, and pearson's r. Especially SPSS/${pc}^+$ program was used in order to promate the feasibility in statistical analysis. The major findings of the study are as follows : 1) Self-disclosure in married couples in generally higher than expected(M=40.4) : wife's self-disclosure(M41.5) is higher than husband's self-disclosure(M=39.4) 2) Between self-disclosure and perceived self-disclosure in married couples correlated considerably high(husband r=0.67, wife r=.75) 3) Self-disclosure in married couples are affected by the variables such as age, length of marriage, everage family income a month. 4) Self-disclosure in married couples correlated relatively low with dyadic trust(husband r=0.21, wife r=.31)

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Well-Differentiated Papillary Mesothelial Tumor: An Unusual Radiologic Presentation: A Case Report

  • Moslem Abdelghafar;Krishna Anand;Antonio Paiva-Correia;Elaine Paula Smith;Francoise Galateau Salle;Vijay Joshi
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제56권3호
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    • pp.220-223
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    • 2023
  • Well-differentiated papillary mesothelial tumor (WDPMT) is an uncommon tumor, formerly named well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma in the 2015 World Health Organization classification. It has a characteristic papillary architecture, bland cytologic features, a tendency toward superficial spread without invasion, and a good prognosis due to its clinically indolent behavior with prolonged survival. Rare cases with superficial invasion are termed WDPMT with invasive foci. WDPMT occurs primarily in the peritoneum of reproductive-age women, but also rarely in the pleura. We report a case of a 60-year-old woman who developed WDPMT with minimal invasion in the pleura with atypical radiological features and a family history of mesothelioma and indirect asbestos exposure.

재상업복무교역중적매매관계중상호신임대관계적효적영향(在商业服务交易中的买卖关系中相互信任对关系绩效的影响) (The Effect of Mutual Trust on Relational Performance in Supplier-Buyer Relationships for Business Services Transactions)

  • Noh, Jeon-Pyo
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.32-43
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    • 2009
  • 信任在心理学, 经济学, 社会学中已被广泛研究, 其重要性不仅在市场营销中被强调, 在一般商业原则中也被强调. 供应商和买家之间的关系与过去不同, 过去的关系需要相当大的私人网络优势, 并可能涉及不道德的商业行为. 而在以工业营销成功的为核心的二十一世纪激烈的全球竞争中, 供应商和买家之间的关系是伙伴关系. 在相互合作的高级别信任的基础上, 通过交换的关系, 这会给买家和供应商带来长期的利益, 竞争力增强和交易成本的降低以及其他福利. 尽管现有的研究有信任的重要性, 但是在购买与供应关系中却忽视了信任的作用, 也没有系统地分析信任对关系的影响. 因此, 深入研究, 确定买家和商业服务供应商之间信任和关系绩效之间的联系是绝对需要的. 本研究中的商业服务, 包括那些支持制造业, 正作为下一代经济增长的引擎而吸引着人们的注意. 韩国政府已选择其作为制造业发展的战略领域. 由于商业服务开放市场的需求日趋激烈, 商业服务业的竞争力应该比以往得到更多的提倡. 本研究的目的是探索相互信任对买家和供应商之间的关系绩效的影响. 具体来说, 本研究在商业服务交易中提出了一个关于信任-关系绩效的理论模型, 并实证检验根据模型而提出的假设. 这项研究表明, 研究结果有战略意义. 本研究通过多种方法收集经验数据. 这些方法包括通过电话, 邮件和面试. 作为样本的公司是在韩国供应和购买商业服务的以知识为本的公司. 本研究收集的是二进的基础数据. 每个样本公司对包括购买公司及其相应的供应公司. 并跟踪调查每个公司对的相互信任. 本研究为商业服务的买卖双方提出了信任-关系绩效的模型. 该模型由信任和它的前因和后果. 买家的信任分为对供应公司的信任和对销售人员的信任. 根据Doney 和Cannon (1997)的研究我们在个人水平和组织水平上观察信任. 通常情况下, 买方是信任的受体, 但这项研究我们建议以供应商为观察受体. 因此, 它独特的关注了双边角度的知觉风险. 换言之, 供应商和买家一样, 是信任的主体, 因为交易通常是双边的. 从这个角度来看, 供应商对买家信任和买方对供货商的信赖一样重要. 供应商的信任从某种程度上受它信任的买方公司和买家的影响. 这种使用个人水平和组织水平的信任分类是根据Doney 和Cannon (1997)的研究. 信任影响供应商的选择, 这是一项双向放的工作. 供应商们积极参与供应商选择过程中, 和买家密切的一起工作. 此外, 该过程从某种程度上受每一方信任的合作伙伴的影响. 挑选过程包括一些步骤: 识别, 信息检索, 供应商选择和绩效评价. 作为这一进程的结果, 买家和供应商都进行绩效评估, 并就这些结果为基础, 采取有形或无形的纠正行动. 本研究中使用的关于信任的测量问项是根据Mayer, Davis 和 Schoorman (1995) 以及Mayer和Davis (1999)的研究发展起来的. 根据他们的建议, 有关信任的三个方面的研究包括有能力, 善和完整. 根据商业服务这个背景我们调整了原来的问题. 例如, 如 "他/她的专业能力" 已被改为 "当我们讨论我们的产品时销售人员表现出专业能力. "这项研究使用的测量问项不同于在以往的研究中使用的问项(Rotter 1967; Sullivan和Peterson 1982; Dwyer和Oh 1987. 本研究中有关信任的前因后果的测量问项是根据Doney和Cannon (1997)的研究为基础制定的. 根据商业服务这个背景我们调整了原来的问题. 特别是, 问题被设计为对买家和供应商以解决下列因素: 信誉 (诚信, 客户服务, 良好意愿), 市场地位 (公司规模, 市场份额, 在行业中的地位), 愿意定制(产品, 过程, 交付), 信息共享(专有信息, 个人信息), 愿意保持良好关系, 认为专业, 权威授权, 买方与卖方的相似性, 以及接触频率. 作为信任相应的变量, 我们对关系绩效进行了测试. 关系绩效分为有形的影响, 无形影响, 和副作用. 有形的影响包括财务业绩;无形的影响, 包括关系的改善, 网络开发, 以及内部员工的满意度;副作用包括既不是有形影响也不是无形影响的影响. 我们联系了350对公司, 105对公司答复了我们. 由于不完整我们删除了5对公司, 105对公司被用于数据分析. 用于数据分析的回应率为30%(三百五十零分之一百零五), 高于工业营销的平均回复比率. 至于回复的公司的特点, 大多数的公司运作的商业服务既为买方(85.4%)也为供应商(81.8%). 大部分买家是做消费品贸易(76%), 而供应商的大部分(70%)是做工业品贸易. 这可能意味着买家的过程是购入材料, 部件和组件从而生产消费品成品. 正如他们对他们与合作伙伴关系的长度的报告表示, 供应商比买家有更长的商业关系. 假设1测试买方-供应方特点对信任的影响. 销售人员的专业度(t=2.070, p<0.05)和权威授权(t=2.328, p<0.05)积极影响买方对供应方的信任. 另一方面, 权威授权(t=2.192, p<0.05)积极影响供应方对买方的信任. 对买方和供应方来说, 权威授权的程度对保持对彼此的信任有关键作用. 假设2测试买卖双方关系特点对信任的影响. 买家倾向于信任供应方, 因为供应方总是尽全力联系买方(t=2.212, p<0.05)这种倾向性在供应方方面也表现得很强(t=2.591, p<0.01). 另一方面, 供应商对买方的信任是由于供应商感知买家与自己的相似性(t=2.702, p<0.01). 这一发现证实了Crosby, Evans, 和Cowles(1990)的研究结果. 他们的结果表明供应方和买方通过商务或私务的定期会议来建立彼此的联系. 假设3测试信任对感知风险的影响. 结果表明无论对买方还是供应方, 信任越低, 感知风险就越大(买方: t =-6.621, p<0.01; 供应方: t=-2.437, p<0.05). 有趣的是, 这一趋势已被证明对买方更强. 这种较高水平的感知风险的一个可能的解释是在商业服务交易中买方通常比供应方感知到更大的风险. 为此, 有必要对供应商对买方实施减少风险的战略. 假设4测试信任对信息搜集. 根据结果, 对供应方和买方, 与预期相反, 信任取决于他们合作伙伴的名誉(买方t=2.929, p<0.01; 供应方t=2.711, p<0.05). 这一发现表明, 具有良好信誉的供应商往往是可信的. 以往的经验并没有显示出任何与买家或供应商信任的重要关系. 假设5测试信任对供应方/买方选择的影响. 与买方不同, 当供应方认为以往与买方的交易重要时, 供应方倾向信任买方(t=2.913 p<0.01). 但是, 本研究并没有现实资源忠诚和买方对供应方的信任之间有显著关系. 假设6测试的是信任对关系绩效的影响. 对买方和供应方, 当财务表现被报告提高时, 他们比较信任他们的合作伙伴(买方: t=2.301, p<0.05;供应方: t=3.692, p<0.01). 有趣的是, 这种趋势在供应方比较明显. 类似的, 当竞争力被报告提高时, 买卖双方比较信任他们的合作伙伴(买方t=3.563, p<0.01 ; 供应方t=3.042, p<0.01). 对供应方来说, 当对买方信任时效率和生产力会提高(t=2.673, p<0.01). 其他绩效指标与信任没有显著关系. 这项研究结果有一定的战略意义. 首先和最重要的是, 以信任为基础的交易对供应商和买家而言都是有益的. 根据研究证实, 通过努力建立和保持相互信任可以使财务表现提高. 同样, 可以通过同样的努力提高竞争力. 第二, 以信任为基础的交易能够减少购买情况中的感知风险. 这对供应商和买家都有启示. 人们普遍认为, 在一个高度参与的采购情况中买家感知到更高的风险. 为了减少风险, 以往的研究已建议供应商制定降低风险的策略. 而本研究的特点是从双边角度关注知觉风险. 换言之, 供应商也容易存在风险, 特别是当他们提供的服务, 需要非常先进的技术, 操作和维护. 因此, 购买者和供应商必须一起密切合作解决问题. 因此, 相互信任在问题解决过程中起着关键作用. 第三, 在这项研究中发现, 销售人员有更多的授权, 他或她越被信任. 这一发现从战术角度看是非常重要的. 建立信任是一个长期的任务, 然而, 当互信尚未开发, 供应商能够通过授权销售人员做出某些决定来克服遇到的问题, 这一结论也适用于供应商.

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디저트카페 품질과 친환경 행동이 고객 신뢰와 충성도에 미치는 영향 : MZ 세대를 중심으로 (Effects of Dessert Cafes' Quality and Eco-Friendly Behavior on Customer Trust and Loyalty - Focused on Generation MZ)

  • 이새미;박상언;이드보라
    • 한국프랜차이즈경영연구
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Recently, it is common to see cases where an amount similar to the cost of a meal is spent on dessert, or an amount greater than the cost of a meal is spent on dessert. The generation MZ is showing a tendency of 'value consumption' by consuming values and beliefs in consideration of the recent impact on society and the environment. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of dessert cafe quality and eco-friendly behavior on customer trust and loyalty targeting the generation MZ who have visited desert cafés. This study examined the mediating role of customer trust in the relationships between desert café quality, eco-friendly behavior and customer loyalty, and also the moderating effect of and eco-friendly behavior on customer trust and customer loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: To achieve purposes of this study, 229 data were collected from respondents who visited desert café and analyzed using measurement model (reliability test and correlation analysis), Fornell-Larcker Criterion and Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT) assessment, and structural equation model (PLS-SEM) with SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.3.7. Results: The research results are as follows. First, desert cafes' quality positively influenced customer trust but did not customer loyalty. Second, desert cafes' eco-friendly behavior positively influenced customer trust and customer loyalty. Fourth, the interaction term of dessert cafe quality and eco-friendly behavior did not influence customer trust and customer loyalty. Conclusions: This study emphasized the necessity of service quality and eco-friendly behavior of dessert cafes by examining the relationship between the quality of dessert cafes and eco-friendly behaviors, customer trust and loyalty. It also found the importance of the role of trust in securing loyal customers. In order to secure and retain loyal customers, the owners of dessert cafes should make effortsto improve the quality of the cafes' products and services so that customers can feel a sense of trust, and actively publicize that they are practicing eco-friendly management. As a result of this study, it is intended to provide practical implications for the management of dessert cafes by understand ing the effects of product and service quality and eco-friendly behaviors of companies to bakery industry workers and start-ups.

품(品)과 질(質)의 연원(淵源)을 통해 살펴본 현대품질경영의 의미 (A Study on the Meaning of Modern Quality Management from the Etymological Perspective of the word PumJil (品質))

  • 서진영;성시훈;유한주;송오현
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제44권1호
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: In order to use a word as academic terminology, we must first take a look at the meaning of that word as it is commonly used and then consider whether or not the connotation of that word is suitable to be used as academic terminology. Presently, the word Pumjil(品質) is being used as academic terminology occupying an important position in the field of business administration in Korea and is usually translated into English as 'quality'. The same is true in Japan. However, as is the case with many Korean words, the meaning that the word implies has a tendency to change gradually over time. This tendency can account for the changes or additions to the meaning a word connotes. Methods: This dissertation aims to escape from such biased ideas and study the meaning of 'Pum-Jil品質' from the view of humanities and exegetics. Then the natural definition of the word as far as business administration is concerned can be considered. Results: 'Pum-Jil品質' has been used amid changes in modern times(historic texts in both Korea and China. In Korea particularly, the word was used in the royal court until comparatively modern times.), and now it is also widely used in the field of business administration. In this process of change, a notable point is that 'Pum-Jil品質', which was originally used to mean 'nature or character of a man', took on a new meaning, 'a certain quality of a thing or a good'. Conclusion: 'Pum-Jil品質' should require basic functional 'quality' of goods or services as a prerequisite. And the functional quality should meet consumers' needs, as the pledge (trust; 信賴) for quality is between suppliers and consumers. Without consumer's trust for goods, the relationship between suppliers and consumers cannot be maintained. So goods must exchange with trust, not expenses. In conclusion, we believe it is reasonable to understand 'Pum-Jil品質' based on the meaning of 'evidence or similar rating for pledge (trust)' from the view of humanities and exegetics. In conclusion, we believe it is reasonable to understand 'Pum-Jil品質' based on the meaning of 'evidence or similar rating for pledge (trust)' from the view of humanities and exegetics.