• Title/Summary/Keyword: Triaxial shear strength

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Characteristics of Shear Behavior for Sand-Clay Composite by Triaxial Test (삼축압축시험에 의한 모래-점토 복합시료의 전단거동 특성)

  • Lee, Jin-Soo;Kim, Jae-Il;Lee, Kang-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2006
  • To examine the general features of a sand-clay composite triaxial test by making specimen varying ratios of diameters (dw) of sand columns that are installed on the soft ground as drains to diameters (de) of drain zone so called drainage space ratio (n=de/dw), densities of the granular columns, and strength of soft soils round around. I also conducted a test to research the reinforcement ability and effects of the ground when the granular columns are wrapped with supplementary materials such as geotextile. The results of the triaxial compression test showed that the shear strength increase is much big when the granular columns are wrapped with supplementary materials, while the shear strength increases as the diameter and density of the granular column increase in general. Also the drainage space ratio shows a distinct increase just below 3 and a similar shear behavior to sand is appeared. The pore water pressure coefficient decreases as the drainage space ratio decreases, however, when the drainage space ratio is less than 3~4, it declines significantly as shown in the results of shear behavior.

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A Study on the Estimation of In-situ Undrained Shear Strength Using Effective Stress Paths of Reconstituted Sample by Unconfined Compression Test (재구성 시료의 일축압축시험에서 유효응력경로를 이용한 원지반의 비배수 전단강도 추정에 관한 연구)

  • 박성재;오원택;정경환;여주태
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2003
  • Unconfined compression test (UC) has been widely used to determine the undrained shear strength ($c_u$) of clay, because it is convenient and economical. However, UC can not represent the behaviour of in-situ stress condition and the strength obtained by the test is generally underestimated compared to that of triaxial compression, due to no confining pressure. Therefore, a simple and practical method to correct the ($c_u$) for sample disturbance and to be used in geotechnical practice is needed. This study is aimed at proposing the method to estimate in-situ undrained shear strength from UC with suction measurement. The proposed method is based on theoretical shear strength equation of perfect sample (Noorany & Seed, 1965), and effective overburden stress and analysis results ($A_f,\phi'$) of effective stress behaviour by UC are needed for the equation. The shear resistance angle ($\phi'$) can be simply estimated through the result that $K_f$-line slope of the UC is 1.6 times higher than that of triaxial compression test. The result of this study shows that the measured strength by this method is very similar to that of the undrained shear strength by triaxial compression test (CK$_0$UC).

Effects of Anisotropic Consolidation on Strength of Soils (이방압밀이 흙의 강도에 미치는 영향)

  • 강병희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2000
  • Anisotropic consolidation, shear, a transportational component during or after deposition each may produce anisotropic fabrics, which result in the anisotropic properties of soils. Nevertheless, the isotropically consolidated compression triaxial tests are commonly used in practice to determine the strength of the anisotropically consolidated soils because of their practicality and simplicity. In this paper the effects of anisotropic consolidation on the strength properties of soils are discussed. For the sandy soils consolidated under a constant vertical consolidation pressure, the deformation modulus decreases with decreasing consolidation pressure ratio($\sigma$$\sub$3c/'/$\sigma$ sub 1c/'), but the liquefaction resistance increases. For the saturated cohesive soils, both the undrained shear strength and undrained creep strength decrese with decreasing the consolidation pressure ratio. When the in-situ strength properties of the anisotropically and normally consolidated soils are determined by the isotropically consolidated tests, the undrained shear strength and creep strength of saturated cohesive soils as well as the deformation modulus of sandy soils are measured to be higher than the rear in-situ values. This, therefore, could lead to a dangerous judgement in stability analysis

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Static and dynamic characteristics of silty sand treated with nano-silica and basalt fiber subjected to freeze-thaw cycles

  • Hamid Alizadeh Kakroudi;Meysam Bayat;Bahram Nadi
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the influence of nano-silica and basalt fiber content, curing duration, and freeze-thaw cycles on the static and dynamic properties of soil specimens. A comprehensive series of tests, including Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS), static triaxial, and dynamic triaxial tests, were conducted. Additionally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was employed to examine the microstructure of treated specimens. Results indicate that a combination of 1% fiber and 10% nano-silica yields optimal soil enhancement. The failure patterns of specimens varied significantly depending on the type of additive. Static triaxial tests revealed a notable reduction in the brittleness index (IB) with the inclusion of basalt fibers. Specimens containing 10% nano-silica and 1% fiber exhibited superior shear strength parameters and UCS. The highest cohesion and friction angle were obtained for treated specimens with 10% nano-silica and 1% fiber, 90 kPa and 37.8°, respectively. Furthermore, an increase in curing time led to a significant increase in UCS values for specimens containing nano-silica. Additionally, the addition of fiber resulted in a decrease in IB, while the addition of nano-silica led to an increase in IB. Increasing nano-silica content in stabilized specimens enhanced shear modulus while decreasing the damping ratio. Freeze-thaw cycles were found to decrease the cohesion of treated specimens based on the results of static triaxial tests. Specimens treated with 10% nano-silica and 1% fiber experienced a reduction in shear modulus and an increase in the damping ratio under freeze-thaw conditions. SEM analysis reveals dense microstructure in nano-silica stabilized specimens, enhanced adhesion of soil particles and fibers, and increased roughness on fiber surfaces.

Shearing Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Soil (섬유혼합 보강토의 전단특성)

  • 조삼덕;김진만
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 1993
  • Shearing properties of soil reinforced with discrete randomly oriented inclusions depend on soil density, particle size, grading, fiber length, tensile strength and stiffness of fiber, mixing ration of fiber, confining stress, etc.. In this paper the effects of those various factors on shear strength of the fiber-reinforced soil was evaluated through triaxial tests and uniaxial tests. Tests were performed on two sandy soils and one silty soil with inclusions in varing lengths, contents and tensile strengths and tested at different confining stresses in triaxial test. From the experimental results, it was investigated if there is an optimal range of fiber lengths and fiber contents for the tested soils.

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Determination of Critical State Parameters in Sandy Soils from Standard Triaxial Testing (I) : Review and Application (표준삼축시험으로부터 사질토에서의 한계상태정수 결정에 관한 연구 (I) : 고찰 및 적용)

  • 조계춘
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2003
  • Comprehensive review on the determination of critical state parameters in sandy soils from standard triaxial testing was performed to facilitate the application of critical state soil mechanics to the shear behavior of sandy soils. First, semantic differences in literature were clarified, inferring that critical state should be considered as the ultimate state at large deformation. Second, the characteristics of critical state parameters were discussed, and also the uniqueness of critical state line and the sensitivity of quasi-steady state condition were verified in relation to initial state, fabric, loading condition, and drainage condition. Third, as an example, the critical state soil mechanics was applied to evaluate the post-liquefaction shear strength, i.e. the reliable ultimate shear strength in liquified soils, in terms of critical state parameters.

A Study on the Liquefaction Strength of Silt Containing Sands (실트를 포함하는 모래질 흙의 액상화강도에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Dae Jin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 1993
  • Undrained cyclic simple shear tests and undrained cyclic triaxial tests were performed on silt containing sand in order to investigate the effects of silt contents on the liquefaction strength and shear characteristics of the sand. From the view that the difference of liquefaction strength for different content of silt stems from dilatancy characteristics of the sand, stress-dilatancy relation of the sand was obtained from drained triaxial test in which the mean stress was kept constant. Considerations on liquefaction behaviors were made by comparing the drained and undrained behaviors of sands during static shear test. It is concluded that ${\lambda}$-value of the stress-dilatancy relation will be closely related to the liquefaction strength.

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Deformation and Strength Characteristics of Compacted Weathered Granite Soil under Pland Strain Condition (평면변형률 조건에서 다짐화강토의 변형과 강도특성)

  • 정진섭
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 1999
  • The lower ground of structure, in which the strip loads, such as earth dams and embankments , are signiificantly working on , is required to be interpreted as a state of plane strain where the strain of intermediated principal stress direction is put '0' . The plane strain state is frquently observed in actural soil engineering case. For those case, drained stress-strain and strength behavior of Iksan weathered granite soil prepared in cubical specimens with cross-anisotropic fabric was studied by conventional triaxial compression, plane strain and cubial triaxial tests with independent control of the three principal stress. All specimens were loaded under conditions of principl stress directions fixed and aligned with the directions of the material axes. As a result of research , when a ground condition is analyzed under plane strain state, the shear strength obtained from the conventional triaxial compression test can be understimated.

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Effect of loading frequency and clay content on the dynamic properties of sandy-clay mixtures using cyclic triaxial tests

  • Alireza Hasibi Taheri;Navid Hadiani;S. Mohammad Ali Sadredini;Mahmood Zakeri Nayeri
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.317-328
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    • 2024
  • Adopting a rational engineering methodology for building structures on sandy-clay soil layers has become increasingly important since it is crucial when structures erected on them often face seismic and cyclic wave loads. Such loads can cause a reduction in the stiffness, strength, and stability of the structure, particularly under un-drained conditions. Hence, this study aims to investigate how the dynamic properties of sand-clay mixtures are affected by loading frequency and clay content. Cyclic triaxial tests were performed on a total of 36 samples, comprising pure sand with a relative density of 60% and sand with varying percentages of clay. The tests were conducted under confining pressures of 50 and 100 kPa, and the samples' dynamic behavior was analyzed at loading frequencies of 0.1, 1, and 4 Hz. The findings indicate that an increase in confining pressure leads to greater inter-particle interaction and a reduced void ratio, which results in an increase in the soil's shear modulus. An increase in the shear strength and confinement of the samples led to a decrease in energy dissipation and damping ratio. Changes in loading frequency showed that as the frequency increased, the damping ratio decreased, and the strength of the samples increased. Increasing the loading frequency not only reflects changes in frequency but also reduces the relative permeability and enhances the resistance of samples. An analysis of the dynamic properties of sand and sand-clay mixtures indicates that the introduction of clay to a sand sample reduces the shear modulus and permeability properties.

Effect of the stress history on the shear behavior using a Triaxial compression test (삼축압축시험을 통한 응력이력에 따른 전단거동의 변화)

  • Kim, Seung-Han;Choi, Sung-Keun;Lee, Moon-Joo;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.888-895
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    • 2006
  • In this study, anisotropically consolidated undrained shear(CAU) test was performed to examine the variation of the shear strength according to the stress history. The specimen having 30% relative density was homogeniously prepared, and 200KPa of back pressure was applied to increase the B value more than 0.95. To make NC specimens, the vertical stress was applied on the specimen by 100KPa, 200KPa and 400KPa, and to make OC specimens, the vertical stress was applied upto 400KPa and was reduced to 200KPa and 100KPa resulting in OCR 2 and 4 respectively. The test result indicates the shear strength for the OC specimens are slightly higher then that of the NC specimens at the same confining pressure. The elastic modulus varies according to the confining stress and considerably affected by preconsolidation stress.

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