• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trend Research

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The Analysis of the Recent Research Trend of Sipjeondabo-tang in Korea (국내 십전대보탕 최근 연구 동향 분석)

  • Oh, Somi;Cheon, Chunhoo;Park, Sunju;Jang, Bo-Hyoung;Park, Jeong-Su;Jang, Soobin;Shin, Yong-Cheol;Ko, Seong-Gyu
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2014
  • Objective : This study is aimed to analyze the recent research trend of Sipjeondabo-tang (SJDBT) in Korea. Method : We searched Korean research database by using keyword 'Sipjeondabo-tang'. Databases are Korean Medicine Information System, Research Information Service System and Korean Studies Information Service System. We analyzed studies by research method, publication year, type of journal and subject of the study. Results : By analyzing studies published after 1990, we could find that experimental studies were primarily conducted in SJDBT study. During recent 10 years, the number of toxicity studies and components analysis studies is increasing. Among the SJDBT studies, the number of clinical study was only 1. Conclusion : We explored the recent research trend of SJDBT in Korea. As a result, We suggested three further research ways of SJDBT. Proposed research ways are exploring various effect of SJDBT, observing whether there is a difference of effect according to extracting and drying method, and conducting clinical research of SJDBT.

Trends of Smokeless Tobacco use among Adults (Aged 15-49 Years) in Bangladesh, India and Nepal

  • Sinha, Dhirendra N;Rizwan, SA;Aryal, Krishna K;Karki, Khem B;Zaman, Mostafa M;Gupta, Prakash C
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.15
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    • pp.6561-6568
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    • 2015
  • Background: Smokeless tobacco (SLT) has long been realized as an important component of the fight for global tobacco control. It still remains a major problem in countries like India, Bangladesh and Nepal. The objective of this study was to estimate the trends of SLT use in three countries of the SEARO WHO office. Materials and Methods: We used data from national surveys in three countries (Bangladesh, India and Nepal) to estimate trends in prevalence of current SLT use. All available nationally representative data sources were used. Estimates were weighted, age standardized and given along with 95% confidence intervals. Significance of linear trend in prevalence over time was tested using the Cochrane-Armitage test for trend. A p value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: We identified three surveys for Bangladesh, three for India and four for Nepal that met the selection criteria (such as Demographic and Health Surveys, WHO-STEPwise approach to Surveillance and Global Adult Tobacco Surveys). A significantly increasing trend was noticed in the prevalence of current SLT use among Bangladeshi men (20.2% to 23%, p=0.03). In India, a similar significantly increasing trend was seen among men (27.1% to 33.4%, p<0.001) and women (10.1% to 15.7%, p<0.001). In Nepal, there was a no significant trend among both men (39.1% to 31.6%, p=0.11) and women (5.6% to 4.7%, p=0.49). Conclusions: In the study countries SLT use has remained at alarmingly high levels. Usage trends do not show any signs of decline in spite of control efforts. Tobacco control measures should focus more on controlling SLT use.

A Suggestion of Fashion Planning based on the Male Consumers' Preference on the Recent Fashion Trend according to Their Lifestyle (소비자(消費者) 선호도(選好度) 및 라이프스타일 분석(分析)에 기초(基礎)한 의류상품기획(衣類商品企劃)의 제안(提案) - 남성(男性) 정장류(正裝類)의 캐주얼화 트렌드를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Park, So-Min;Lee, Joo-Hyeon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was 1) to analyze the consumers' preference on the recent trend in men's wear according to their lifestyle and 2) to suggest a suitable direction for men's wear planning based on the lifestyle analysis. A survey was applied to obtain the data set responded from 310 male subjects who were aged between thirties and fourties. The main results of this study are summarized as follows: 1) Five types of recent fashion trends were identified through a qualitative analysis on the recent men's wear trend, which were 'Modern classic casual', 'Retro traditional casual', 'Authentic/Ethnic casual', 'Urban dandy street casual' and the 'Refined sportive casual'. 2) The three types of the respondents' lifestyle were identified in this research and named as 'pursuing sense', 'pursuing tradition' and 'conservative indifference'. Examining the preference on fashion trends according to subjects' lifestyle and etc., the preference level of the 'pursuing sense' group on trend was, in general, higher than that of the two other lifestyle groups. The most preferred trend style of 'pursuing sense' group was the 'Modern Classic'. Finally, a suitable direction for men's wear planning was suggested on the result of analysis in this research.

Long-term pattern changes of sea surface temperature during summer and winter due to climate change in the Korea Waters

  • In-Seong Han;Joon-Soo Lee;Hae-Kun Jung
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.639-648
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    • 2023
  • The sea surface temperature (SST) and ocean heat content in the Korea Waters are gradually increased. Especially the increasing trend of annual mean SST in the Korea Water is higher about 2.6 times than the global mean during past 55 years (1968-2022). Before 2010s, the increasing trend of SST was led by winter season in the Korea Waters. However, this pattern was clearly changed after 2010s. The increasing trend of SST during summer is higher about 3.9 times than during winter after 2010s. We examine the long-term variations of several ocean and climate factors to understand the reasons for the long-term pattern changes of SST between summer and winter in recent. Tsushima warm current was significantly strengthened in summer compare to winter during past 33 years (1986-2018). The long-term patterns of Siberian High and East Asian Winter Monsoon were definitely changed before and after early- or mid-2000s. The intensities of those two climate factors was changed to the increasing trend or weakened decreasing trend from the distinctive decreasing trend. In addition, the extreme weather condition like the heatwave days and cold spell days in the Korea significantly increased since mid- or late-2000s. From these results, we can consider that the occurrences of frequent and intensified marine heatwaves during summer and marine cold spells during winter in the Korea Waters might be related with the long-term pattern change of SST, which should be caused by the long-term change of climate factors and advection heat, in a few decade.

A Study on the Modern Fashion Reflected Art of the Tang Dynasty (당대(唐代) 예술(藝術)이 반영(反映)된 현대(現代)패션에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 1998년(年)부터 2000년(年) Collection을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Kan, Ho-Sup;Suh, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this thesis is to suggest the new orientalism fashion through the comprehensive approach to analyze the art of the Tang dynasty, China. Tang dynasty has high culture, economy, polity and art. Also the character of Tang's culture is very international. Therefore that point is coincide with fusion culture in the early 2000's. As a method of accomplishing this research, the documents and fashion magazines related to the art and fashion were examined. Through analyzing the art in the Tang's related to fusion culture, reach a conclusion that the modern fashion has four characters. 1. The cause of high culture and economy, the trend of fashion was decorative 2. The cause of realism, the trend of fashion were modern and simple. 3. The cause of rhythmical line, the trend of fashion had natural drape. 4. The cause of globalism, the trend of fashion mixed east with west This research keep going for showing new orientalism and coinciding with 21th century's trend.

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Trend Properties and a Ranking Method for Automatic Trend Analysis (자동 트렌드 탐지를 위한 속성의 정의 및 트렌드 순위 결정 방법)

  • Oh, Heung-Seon;Choi, Yoon-Jung;Shin, Wook-Hyun;Jeong, Yoon-Jae;Myaeng, Sung-Hyon
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.236-243
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    • 2009
  • With advances in topic detection and tracking(TDT), automatic trend analysis from a collection of time-stamped documents, like patents, news papers, and blog pages, is a challenging research problem. Past research in this area has mainly focused on showing a trend line over time of a given concept by measuring the strength of trend-associated term frequency information. for detection of emerging trends, either a simple criterion such as frequency change was used, or an overall comparison was made against a training data. We note that in order to show most salient trends detected among many possibilities, it is critical to devise a ranking function. To this end, we define four properties(change, persistency, stability and volume) of trend lines drawn from frequency information, to quantify various aspects of trends, and propose a method by which trend lines can be ranked. The properties are examined individually and in combination in a series of experiments for their validity using the ranking algorithm. The results show that a judicious combination of the four properties is a better indicator for salient trends than any single criterion used in the past for ranking or detecting emerging trends.

Research Trends in Transformational Leadership: Focusing on Domestic Journals Published in 2007-2016 (변혁적 리더십의 연구동향 분석: 최근 10년(2007-2016)간 국내 학술지 중심으로)

  • Haam, ByungWoo;Ko, GeunYeong;Jun, JuSung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.490-505
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trend of transformational leadership published in domestic journals in the last 10 years and to find some implications for future research. For this purpose, 337 research papers on transformational leadership from 2007 to 2016 were reviewed. This study used descriptive statistics by frequency and percentage and a network text analysis method. The findings of the study are as follows. First, the annual average number of papers published was 33. Second, 'human resource management research' was the most common topic. Third, most of the research subjects were business employees. Fourth, the research method trend analysis showed that the highest proportion was in the quantitative research. Fifth, 'transactional leadership' showed the highest frequency as a result of analyzing the keywords presented in the abstract of the paper. Sixth, as a result of analyzing the network texts, those having the trend of being analyzed with a close connections were 'transactional leadership', which had the highest connection to transformational leadership, showing the closest relationship with 'role satisfaction'.

Updated Trends of Stratospheric Ozone over Seoul (서울 상공의 최신 성층권 오전 변화 경향)

  • Kim, Jhoon;Cho, Hi-Ku;Lee, Yun-Gon;Oh, Sung Nam;Baek, Seon-Kyun
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2005
  • Atmospheric ozone changes temporally and spatially according to both anthropogenic and natural causes. It is essential to quantify the natural contributions to total ozone variations for the estimation of trend caused by anthropogenic processes. The aims of this study are to understand the intrinsic natural variability of long-term total ozone changes and to estimate more reliable ozone trend caused by anthropogenic ozone-depleting materials. For doing that, long-term time series for Seoul of monthly total ozone which were measured from both ground-based Dobson Spectrophotometer (Beck #124)(1985-2004) and satellite TOMS (1979-1984) are analyzed for selected period, after dividing the whole period (1979~2004) into two periods; the former period (1979~1991) and the latter period (1992~2004). In this study, ozone trends for the time series are calculated using multiple regression models with explanatory natural oscillations for the Arctic Oscillation(AO), North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO), North Pacific Oscillation(NPO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO), Quasi Biennial Oscillation(QBO), Southern Oscillation(SO), and Solar Cycle(SC) including tropopause pressure(TROPP). Using the developed models, more reliable anthropogenic ozone trend is estimated than previous studies that considered only QBO and SC as natural oscillations (eg; WMO, 1999). The quasi-anthropogenic ozone trend in Seoul is estimated to -0.12 %/decade during the whole period, -2.39 %/decade during the former period, and +0.10 %/decade during the latter period, respectively. Consequently, the net forcing mechanism of the natural oscillations on the ozone variability might be noticeably different in two time intervals with positive forcing for the former period (1979-1991) and negative forcing for the latter period (1992-2004). These results are also found to be consistent with those analyzed from the data observed at ground stations (Sapporo, Tateno) of Japan. In addition, the recent trend analyses for Seoul show positive change-in-trend estimates of +0.75 %/decade since 1997 relative to negative trend of -1.49 %/decade existing prior to 1997, showing -0.74 %/decade for the recent 8-year period since 1997. Also, additional supporting evidence for a slowdown in ozone depletion in the upper stratosphere has been obtained by Newchurch et al.(2003).

Determining the adjusting bias in reactor pressure vessel embrittlement trend curve using Bayesian multilevel modelling

  • Gyeong-Geun Lee;Bong-Sang Lee;Min-Chul Kim;Jong-Min Kim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.8
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    • pp.2844-2853
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    • 2023
  • A sophisticated Bayesian multilevel model for estimating group bias was developed to improve the utility of the ASTM E900-15 embrittlement trend curve (ETC) to assess the conditions of nuclear power plants (NPPs). For multilevel model development, the Baseline 22 surveillance dataset was basically classified into groups based on the NPP name, product form, and notch orientation. By including the notch direction in the grouping criteria, the developed model could account for TTS differences among NPP groups with different notch orientations, which have not been considered in previous ETCs. The parameters of the multilevel model and biases of the NPP groups were calculated using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method. As the number of data points within a group increased, the group bias approached the mean residual, resulting in reduced credible intervals of the mean, and vice versa. Even when the number of surveillance test data points was less than three, the multilevel model could estimate appropriate biases without overfitting. The model also allowed for a quantitative estimate of the changes in the bias and prediction interval that occurred as a result of adding more surveillance test data. The biases estimated through the multilevel model significantly improved the performance of E900-15.

Surveys of domestic and foreign patents for improving cardiovascular Disease (심혈관계 질환의 국내.외 특허동향 분석)

  • Park, Heon-Jin;Chun, Hyang-Sook;Jeong, Ja-Kyeong;Jang, Dai-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.673-681
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    • 2007
  • A technological trend of treating or preventing the cardiovascular diseases has reviewed on 381 domestic and foreign patents from the year 1980 to June, 2007. Primarily focused upon countries such as Korea, Japan and the United States; the leading nations concerning cardiovascular disease, this paper delved into a systematic research of the cardiovascular disease utilizing research focused database and research analysts. Korea was showing increased development in the diet and cardiovascular related areas as shown by increase in related patent caseloads and submission since the 2000. Especially within the area of food production, there had been an increase of market share by up to 50% and the frequency of patent submission had also increased. Japan was showing similar trend as Korea with its increase in research, but the only difference was that Japan was focused more upon medical supplies. With the United States, there was no real consistency with the number of patents, therefore harder to make an accurate assessment.