• Title/Summary/Keyword: Transmission measurement

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  • Cho, Baek-Hyun;Lee, Hyoun-Woo;Oh, Jong-Sun
    • International Journal of Automotive Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2002
  • It is well known that the entrained air in oil causes appreciable reduction in the stiffness of hydraulic systems. It makes the response delay of the systems and sometimes destroys the stability. Because the hydraulic systems of automatic transmissions are operated in relatively low pressure and high temperature, it is very important to analyze the effects of the air included in automatic transmission fluid. However, it is difficult to derive the generalized model to describe the effective bulk modulus theoretically or measure it in actual operating conditions of automatic transmissions. This paper reviews previous studies of the air effects in hydraulic systems and the measurement techniques of the effective bulk modulus in operating conditions. Based on this work, the theoretical model with moderate complexity and the measurement technique of the effective bulk modulus considering entrained air effect at real operating conditions are suggested. Our paper also shows that the quantity of the entrained air in the automatic transmission fluid can be estimated from the experimental results.

A measurement of signal transmission parameters in human muscle (인체 근육에 있어서 신호 전송계수의 계측)

  • Lee, Hyun-Chul;Lee, Seung-Ju;Kim, Ki-Young;Yoon, Chae-Hyun;Yoon, Yang-Woung;Park, Hyung-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07d
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    • pp.2699-2701
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    • 2002
  • In this study, a system for measurement of impedance (transmission parameter) on the human muscle was constructed. The system composed of the stimulating part for input with milli-voltage and the measuring part for measurement of transmission voltage in human muscle. As a result of this experiment, the frequency characteristic of each subject represent that the transmission voltage goes up in spite of a constant input voltage according to frequency (1Hz -50kHz) increment. Namely, the amplitude of input signal was not reflected but frequency was reflected on the measured results. This result be estimated that the proposed system is able to measure passive electrical characteristic of human body.

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A Study on the Sound Transmission Loss Measurement of Sound Isolation Sheets (차음시트의 음향투과손실 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Hoon;Kang, Moon;Lee, Ju-Weon;Jung, Gab-Cheol;Kwon, Young-Pil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 2000
  • A new impedance tube method is presented for the measurement of transmission loss of sound isolation sheets. The two-microphone method based on the sound decomposition theory proposed by Seybert and Ross is reviewed in this impedance tube method, which has been used for the determination of absorption coefficient of absorptive materials as well as transmission loss of automotive mufflers. Sound transmission losses for rubber, polyvinyl and asphalt sheets are measured in an impedance tube and reverberation room facility, respectively. By comparing two measurement methods, the reliability of impedance tube method used in this study is validated. From the experimental results, it is shown that the accuracy of sound isolation capability obtained by the impedance tube method depends upon the microphone spacing and the distance of the first microphone from the test sample surface.

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Three-Dimensional Measurements of the Specular Components by Using Direct Phase-Measuring Transmission Deflectometry

  • Na, Silin;Shin, Sanghoon;Kim, Doocheol;Yu, Younghun
    • New Physics: Sae Mulli
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    • v.68 no.11
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    • pp.1275-1280
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    • 2018
  • We demonstrated transmission direct phase-measuring deflectometry (DPMD) with a specular phase object having discontinuous surfaces by using two displays and a two-dimensional array detector for display and by recording the distorted fringe patterns. Three-dimensional (3D) information was obtained by calculating the height map directly from the phase information. We developed a mathematical model of the phase-height relationship in transmission DPMD. Unlike normal transmission deflectometry, this method supports height measurement directly from the phase. Compared with other 3D measurement techniques such as interferometry, this method has the advantages of being inexpensive and easy to implement.

A wireless high-frequency anemometer instrumentation system for field measurements

  • Huang, Guoqing;Peng, Liuliu;Su, Yanwen;Liao, Haili;Li, Mingshui
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.739-749
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    • 2015
  • Field measurement of wind characteristics is of great significance for the wind engineering community. High-frequency anemometers such as ultrasonic anemometers are widely used to obtain the high-frequency fluctuating wind speed time history. However, conventional instrumentation systems may suffer from low efficiency, non-real time transmission and higher maintenance cost, and thus are not very appropriate in the field measurement of strong winds in remote areas such as mountain valleys. In order to improve the field measurement performance in those remote areas, a wireless high-frequency anemometer instrumentation system for field measurement has been developed. In this paper, the architecture of the proposed instrumentation system, and measured data transmission and treatment will be presented firstly. Then a comparison among existing instrumentation systems and the proposed one is made. It shows that the newly-developed system has considerable advantages. Furthermore, the application of this system to the bridge site located in the mountain valley is discussed. Finally, typical samples of measured data from this area are presented. It can be expected that the proposed system has a great application potential in the wind field measurement for remote areas such as the mountainous or island or coastal area, and hazardous structures such as ultra-voltage transmission tower, due to its real-time transmission, low cost and no manual collection of data and convenience.

A Study on the Measurement of Footing Resistance of Transmission Towers with Overhead Grounding wires (가공지선이 연결된 송전철탑의 탑각저항 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Kyo;Choi, Jong-Kee;Lee, Young-Woo;Choi, In-Hyuk;Kim, Kyung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.61-64
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    • 2010
  • Footing Resistance of a 154 kV transmission towers in korea is commonly required to be less than 15 ohm to avoid lightning back-flashover accident. The periodic measurement of Footing Resistance is important to verify that the grounding performance of the towers has been maintained good. Towers are electrically connected in parallel with overhead grounding wire, therefore footing resistance of each tower will be measured after disconnecting the overhead ground wires from the towers. however, In this paper, three direct measurement methods of footing resistance are presented. There are very useful methods without disconnecting overhead ground wires from the tower under measurement. They are compared in KEPCO 154 kV transmission towers. The experimental results describe performances of them.

A study on the Measurement of Field Transmission Loss through Doors in Buildings Using the Surface Intensity Method. (Surface Intensity 법에 의한 건물내 출입문의 차음성능 현장측정에 관한 연구)

  • 손장열;오재응;김흥식
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 1985
  • The surface intensity method is a relatively new tool which can identify the noise source or path and measure the radiation power. One microphone and one accelerometer are used in this new technique. In this study, this new technique has been used to measure the field transmission loss trough doors. The results of the experiment indicate that the surface intensity method produces reliable data and can be applied to the transmission loss measurement.

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A study on the Measurement of Field Transmission Loss through Doors in Buildings Using the Surface Intensity Method. (Surface Intensity 법에 의한 건물내 출입문의 차음성능 현장측정에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Jang Yeol;O, Jae Eung;Kim, Heung Sik
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.3.1-3.1
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    • 1985
  • The surface intensity method is a relatively new tool which can identify the noise source or path and measure the radiation power. One microphone and one accelerometer are used in this new technique. In this study, this new technique has been used to measure the field transmission loss trough doors. The results of the experiment indicate that the surface intensity method produces reliable data and can be applied to the transmission loss measurement.

FM Reflectometric Measurement of Group Velocities of Microwave Transmission Lines

  • Park, Yong-Hyun;Lee, Jeong-Hae
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.67-71
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, frequency modulated(FM) reflectometry is proposed to measure group velocity of microwave transmission line Various microwave transmission lines such as periodically loaded conducting posts in a waveguide and nonradiative dielectric(NRD) guide are adopted to measure their group velocity The result compared with that from network analyzer shows good agreement, indicating the validity of our measurement method.

Ghost and Blocking of TV signal by UHV Transmission Lines (대형 송전선로에 의한 TV 전파장해 고찰)

  • Shin, Koo-Yong;Lee, Dong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07e
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    • pp.1776-1778
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    • 1998
  • KEPCO has been constructing the 765 kV double circuit transmission line since 1997. It is worried that the 765 kV transmission lines make TV interference(Ghost and Blocking) due to high tower and multi sub-conductors. This paper presents the mechanism, the measuring method and the results of TV ghost and blocking measurement using a new TV ghost measurement system in a vehicle which was developed by KEPRI.

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