• Title/Summary/Keyword: Traditional Presentation

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Micronized Cellulose as a Paper Additive and a Carrier for Papermaking Chemicals

  • Ozersky, Alexander
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.33-55
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    • 2007
  • This article portrays special cellulose fibers, which are designed to be a functional additive and a carrier for papermaking chemicals. The first part of the presentation deals with the micronized $ARBOCEL^{(R)}$ cellulose fibers, which are used as a functional paper/paperboard additive. In particular as a bulk and speed aid. The detailed description of the micronized $ARBOCEL^{(R)}$ fibers, their function and effects on papermaking process and paper products are given. The second part of the study describes the concept of fiber-based papermaking chemicals. A new generation of fiber-based papermaking chemicals were presented for the first time at the PTS Pulp Technology Symposium 2005, and then several articles were published in various magazine in Asia ("Paper Asia"), the US ("Pulp & Paper"). and Europe ("Wochenblatt fuel Papierfabrikation"). The information generated quite an interest in the paper industry. Extensive studies of these papermaking additives have been made recently, new information obtained, and the compounds have gained more recognition in the industry. The company J. Rettenmaier und Soehne developed a group of fiber-based papermaking additives. They include combination of fibers with sizing agents, starch, fluorochemicals, minerals, biocides and some others. This article presents in-depth study of the AKD modified micronized cellulose as an example of the fiber-based papermaking chemicals concept. The material of the present paper is based mostly on the results of the pilot paper machine study at the Paper Research Institute PTS (Heidenau, Germany), and includes case studies from the mills, which used $ARBOCELPLUS^{(R)}-AKD$ compounds. It should be noted that the $ARBOCELPLUS^{(R)}$ compounds were not designed to replace traditional additives in paper industry. They should rather be used in those areas, where application of "normal" chemicals is especially problematic

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Teaching Addition and Subtraction with Reduction in Elementary Mathematics Textbooks (수학 교과서에 나타난 계산 지도 방법의 변화 - 두 자리 수의 덧셈과 뺄셈)

  • Kang Wan
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.21-37
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    • 2000
  • Although methods about teaching basic principles and skills of addition and subtraction is long traditional, view points of interpreting those algorithms and ways of introducing those calculating skills are various according to textbooks at each historical stage of elementary mathematics curriculum development in Korea. The 1st and 2nd stage shows didactic transpositions less systemic. In the 3rd and 4th stage, didactic devices, which were influenced by the new math, for help of understanding the principles of addition and subtraction muchly depends on mathematical and logical mechanism rather than psychological and intellectual structure of students who learn those algorithms. Relatively compromising and stable forms appear in the 5th and 6th stages. Didactic transpositions in the 7th stage focus on the formation of mathematical concepts by exploration activities rather than on the presentation of mathematical contents by text. Anyone who wishes to design an elementary mathematics textbooks based upon the constructive view should consider the suggestions derived from such transition.

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Climate Change Concerns in Mongolia

  • Dagvadorj, D.;Gomboluudev, P.;Natsagdorj, L.
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2003
  • Climate of Mongolia is a driven force on natural conditions as well as socio-economic development of the country. Due to the precariousness of climate conditions and traditional economic structure, natural disasters, specially disasters of meteorological and hydrological origin, have substantial effect upon the natural resources and socio-economic sectors of Mongolia. Mongolia's climate is characterized by high variability of weather parameters, and high frequency and magnitude of extreme climate and weather events. During the last few decades, climate of the country is changing significantly under the global warning. The annual mean air temperature for the whole territory of the country has increased by $1.56^{\circ}C$ during the last 60 years,. The winter temperature has increased by $1.56^{\circ}C$. These changes in temperature are spatially variable: winter warming is more pronounced in the high mountains and wide valleys between the mountains, and less so in the steppe and Gobi regions. There is a slight trend of increased precipitation during the last 60 years. The average precipitation rate is increased during 1940-1998 by 6%. This trend is not seasonally consistent: while summer precipitation increased by 11 %, spring precipitation decreased by 17. The climate change studies in Mongolia show that climate change will have a significant impact on natural resources such as water resources, natural rangeland, land use, snow cover, permafrost as well as major economic activities of arable farming, livestock, and society (i.e. human health, living standards, etc.) of Mongolia. Therefore, in new century, sustainable development of the country is defined by mitigating and adaptation policies of climate change. The objective of the presentation is to contribute one's idea in the how to reflect the changes in climate system and weather extreme events in the country's sustainable development concept.

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Breathing of Korean Dance for Develop Methodology of Expression (동작연기의 표현력 향상을 위한 한국춤의 호흡운용법)

  • Jung, Seon-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.249-257
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    • 2010
  • In performance art, actors on the stage play an important role. The purpose of performance art is not in producing expression of superficial or trite pleasure, but in presenting a source of philosophical catharsis regarding essence of a human life. It is actors' responsibility to bring such expression onto the stage. Performance art not only involves technical skills but should be a cultural expression to represent tradition, spirituality and identity of a nation. In Korea, performance art tends to follow Western methods of expression. It is desirable to set a future direction to further develop methodology of expression in performance art. As part of such effort, the research examines how the rhythm of traditional Korean dance and dimension of time and space in performance art are effectively visualized in their relation to "stage direction." The research illustrates characteristics and concepts of Korean dances in terms of inhalation in deliberate hypogastric breathing ("danjeon') and rhythms of exhalation (gutgeori, jajinmori, huimori). Also, the research aims to enhance dramatic effect on the stage, which is distinguished from presentation of ordinary actions, by emphasizing dimension of time and space in visualizing expression.

The Influence of Brand Consciousness and Impulsive Buying Tendency on the Attitude Toward the Product Placement (브랜드소비성향과 충동구매성향이 PPL제품 태도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Yang, Moonhee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.84-92
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    • 2014
  • Unlike traditional advertising practice, product placement(ppL) has several advantages such as avoiding zapping and working as celebrity endorsement. Previous research has been mainly focused on the presentation style of the PPL. However, to understand the effect of the PPL process properly, it is necessary to study the audience's personality. Therefore, this study attempted to investigate the relationship between audience's consumption tendency and the effect of the PPL. More specifically: the current study examined the influence of the brand consciousness and impulsive buying tendency on the attitude toward the PPL. The results showed that people considered to be highly brand conscious and impulsive buying tendency seem to have more favorable attitude toward the PPL. Indeed, self-esteem have a positive influence on the attitude toward the PPL. Therefore, consumer's personality is related to their response to the PPL.

The differences in character design in China, Japan, and Korea : A can study of comic "The Monkey King" (만화<손오공>에 나타난 한·중·일 캐릭터디자인 특징)

  • Kim, Kang;Oh, Chigyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.235-238
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    • 2009
  • The character design is part of a culture. That is, it is not just an object but it reflects the cultural tendency and context where it is visualized. It's potential as a cultural medium of communication become pervasive in the field. One of good sources of characters is the classics which represent the nation's culture and history. The topic of this presentation is to show how a character in the Buddhist story, the Monkey King, designed differently in different context. For the purpose, the animation on the Monkey King in China, Japan and Korea are reviewed and analyzed. The result shows that the same animation character has been designed in different way in different context and it reflects the cultural tendency of the country. For example, Koreans tend to emphasize the global feature of the character. In case of Chinese, however, the character designer emphasizes traditional value. Finally, the designer in Japan tries to put their cultural element in detailed part of the character that makes it appeal to the public.

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A Study of Polarimetric Properties of Comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) in Optical and Near-Infrared Wavelength Regions

  • Kwon, Yuna Grace;Ishiguro, Masateru;Kuroda, Daisuke;Hanayama, Hidekazu;Kawabata, Koji S.;Akitaya, Hiroshi;Itoh, Ryosuke;Nakaoka, Tatsuya;Toda, Hiroshi;Yoshida, Michitoshi;Kawai, Nobuyuki;Watanabe, Jun-Ichi
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.50.2-50.2
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    • 2016
  • Polarization is a rich source of information on the physical properties of astronomical objects. In particular, scattered sunlight by optically thin media (e.g., cometary comae) shows linear polarization of light, which highly depends on the phase angle (an angle between the Sun-Comet-Earth), wavelengths, and physical properties of cometary dust particles such as size, composition, and structures. Here, we present a study of polarimetric properties of non-periodic comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) in optical and near-infrared wavelength regions obtained from imaging, spectroscopy, and polarimetric observations taken on UT 2015 December 17 - 19 welcoming its (probably) first close approach to the Earth. In this presentation, we want to introduce our progress since the last Korean Astronomical Society meeting (at BEXCO, Busan, 2016 April 14 - 15) especially in terms of spatial variations of degree of linear polarization (DOLP) and its possible scenarios to explain the correlations with other observational results. In particular, we found that there is strong anti-correlation between the gas/dust flux ratio and DOLP at the cometocentric distance of $(2-5){\times}104 km$. Besides, within 10 arcseconds in radii (corresponding to inner coma region of 104 km from the center), the inverse relationship of these two parameters does not hold anymore. We conjecture that the rapid outward increase of DOLP can be supported by either the sublimation/evaporation of icy volatiles, disaggregation of cometary dust particles ejected from the nucleus, and/or difference of dominant dust particle sizes. From our results, we can conclude that comet C/2013 US10 (Catalina) corroborates rather indefinite traditional classification of poalrimetric classes of comets, and provides good opportunity to study less processed material which probably cherishes its memory at the formation epoch of the Solar System.

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Theoretical Background and Critical Discussion about Securitzation Trend of Cyber Threat (사이버 위협의 안보화 동향에 대한 이론적 배경과 비판적 논의)

  • Lee, Kwangho;Lee, Swengkyu;Kim, Hokil
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2019
  • In this study present the theoretical background and major trends in which cyber threats are securitization through the discourse process. In particular, this study explained based on the theory of Copenhagen school, which is critical of the security of cyber threats. And presented the security of non-traditional threats and the security of emerging security issues, which explained the process of security for cyber threats, based on existing research, and explained the limitations to this. And tried to provide a cautious point of view that the militarization phenomenon of cyber threats that is currently displayed is a phenomenon that is displayed through the combination of technical discourse and military discourse. Through this study, we aim to show the military the limits of universal solution presentation and the borderline perspective of militarization based on objective insights into the cyber threat security process.

KABUKI SYNDROME WITH PHONETIC & DENTAL PROBLEM: A CASE REPORT (구강내 이상소견과 언어 장애를 보이는 Kabuki 증후군환자의 증례보고)

  • Lee, Jong-Seok;Ko, Seung-O;Leem, Dae-Ho;Baek, Jin-A;Shin, Hyo-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.681-683
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    • 2007
  • Kabuki(Niikawa-Kuroki) syndrome was first reported by Niikawa et al(1981). The faces of the patients are similar to the make-up of traditional Japanese Kabuki actors: long palpebral fissures, an ectropium of the lateral third of the eyelids, and arching eyebrows with sparse lateral halves. Craniofacial findings include a depressed nasal tip, short nasal septum, large and prominent ears, and micrognathia. Other main features area mild to moderate mental deficiency, short stature, skeletal and dermatoglyphic abnormalities, including prominent finger tip pads. Oral anomalies are common in KS(over 60%) and include abnormal dentition, widely spaced teeth, cleft palate or lip, high vault of palate, hypodontia, conical incisors, screw driver-shaped incisors and ectopic upper 6-year molars. The increased occurrence of cleft lip and palate or the development of a high vault of palate has been described by a number of authors. This condition is believed to be common in Japan, but has been reported from other parts of the world. The objective of this presentation is to report a case of this syndrome in six-year-old girl, with characteristic findings.

A Case Report of Thalamic and Hypothalamic Infarction with Hypersomnolence and Memory Impairment (시상 및 시상하부 뇌경색 후에 수면과다와 기억력 장애가 발생한 환자의 증례보고)

  • Han, Seung-hee;Nam, Hyun seo;Jung, In-chae;Kim, Mikyung;Han, In-sik;Sun, Seung-ho
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2020
  • Introduction: We report a rare case in which the symptoms of hypersomnia were caused by cerebral infarction that occurred in the hypothalamus and hypothalamus. Case Presentation: The patient underwent Korean medicine treatments using Gami-seonghyangjeonggi-san, acupuncture, electroacupuncture, and physical therapy for 37 days. We evaluated the degree of improvement in hypersomnolence based on the amount of sleeping time and the degree of memory impairment with the patient's suggestive conditions as observed by the patient's guardian, and one-sided facial palsy using the Yanagihara Scale. As treatment was applied, sleeping time was decreased from 22 to 9 hours a day. Memory impairment did not show clear improvements as the patient could not recognize others when they visited during the period in which the patient underwent treatment. One-sided facial palsy showed no improvements and there were no changes in the Yanagihara Scale results. Conclusion: This case showed that Korean medicine treatment could be effective to relieve some of the symptoms of thalamus and hypothalamus infarction. Further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of Korean medicine treatment.