• Title/Summary/Keyword: Total payment

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Adjudication in Australia: A Study of Adjudication Activity in New South Wales for 2013/14

  • Brand, Michael C.;Kim, Jinu
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.396-400
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    • 2015
  • The Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) (the NSW Act) is a unique form of statutory regulation for the building and construction industry, which gives virtually all industry participants a statutory right to, and a means of recovering, payments for work done under a construction contract. The research aim is to examine current trends in adjudication applications and determinations under the NSW Act. The data used for this study was the collected by the NSW Office of Finance & Services as part of a regular reporting regime for the period from 1 July 2013 and ending on 30 June 2014. With just over 817 adjudication applications having been made over the 2013/14 period, the data indicates that adjudication is being frequently utilized by stakeholders in the NSW building and construction industry as a means of progress payment recovery. Adjudication is proving to be a popular choice for those making claims of less than AU$250,000. Claimants were awarded about 36% of the total of claimed amounts and claimants are generally successful at adjudication in terms of the proportion of the claimed amounts determined in their favour. This is particularly so in relation to claims of less than $100,000, which represents about 70% of the total applications made over the reporting period. The data indicates that adjudication fees are generally modest enough to conclude that adjudication provides claimants across all claim ranges with a relatively inexpensive means of having disputed progress payments determined by an independent adjudicator.

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A Comparative Assessment Between ACSS of Canada and FedACH of America as a Electronic Payment System (전자결제시스템으로서 캐나다의 ACSS와 미국의 FedACH의 비교연구)

  • Lee, Byeong-Ryul
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.55-78
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    • 2016
  • This paper discusses on Electronic Payment System between U.S.A. and Canada. In particular, I focused on ACSS compare with FedACH(Fed Automated Clearing House) to advance a research effects. Because both of them is a low-value, high-volume retail payment system which their countries represent. The ACSS(Automated Clearing Settlement System) is the system through which the vast majority of CPA payment items are cleared, through various payment streams. In 2014, ACSS system cleared approximately 6.8billion payments worth a total value of $ 44.9 trillion. While, The FedACH Network are the center of America Commerce, moving more than $40 trillion each year. That's made up of almost 23 billion electronic financial transaction, including direct deposit via ACH, social security and government benefits, electronic bill payments such as utility and mortgage payments. Thus in this article, first of all, I considered features of payment system and the types of payment items between ACSS and FedAch. Second, I analyzed the status of central bank and legal background. Third, I focused on the operational policy and risk aversion policy. Lastly, I suggested that their payment and banking system have to assume, with good reason, more efficiently accurately and securely operation to protect their customer from credit risk and financial fraud.

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Development of TCA Method for Cost Analysis in Farmhouse (TCA 분석 TOOL 개발과 농가비용 비교분석)

  • Yoon, Sung-Yee
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.23-44
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    • 2004
  • TCA(Total Cost Assessment) can be defined by a tool to evaluate actual profit about investment. Also, It can be used by method to make more reasonable decision-making in business. Enforcement of 'direct payment system' for environment friendship farmhouse of government is spreading recent times. But, it is true that it is no definite standard about appropriation of disbursement amount of money. TCA method can be utilized usefully for solution of these problem. Also, It will help to decide price grasping invisible cost and environment cost. Therefore, We tried that may can apply TCA theory in farmhouse class, and attempted economic performance estimation which use this. This study introduces TCA theory and developed applicable expense list in agriculture field. Also, We applied TCA theory to farmhouse. This theories referenced domestic and th6 foreign countries, connection literature. But, It handled part about invisible cost and social cost etc..

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A Study on Accounting for Nursing Cost by Korean Diagnosis Related Groups (K - DRGs) (종합병원(綜合病院)의 간호행위양상(看護行爲樣相)에 따른 간호원가(看護原價) 산정(算定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 1989
  • The current medical payment Insurance Rates in Korea stipulate charges for medical treatment by the doctor, pharmaceutist, medical technician and maternity nurse. But unfortunately didn't specify those charges for nursing done by the professional nurse. Only basic nursing fee is accounted insufficiently in current medical insurance fee schedule. therefore, Being face with covering entire people by medical insurance by 1991, It seems that the problems pertaining to operating the hospital and medical insurance system would be incessantly expanded in that no mention is made of medical charges rendered by major medical producer service in the current system, For that reason, this study made an attempt to clarify the importance the professional nursing puts of the current medical payment. The purpose of this study was to accounting nursing fee which diveded into the current medical fee schedule. (Method) 1. Data collection; Importance and difficulties in nursing activities was conducted in 'S' National University Hospital. Total nursing activities were selected 72 items which included direct care and indirect care. This study was conducted to evaluating the degree of importance and difficulties according to nursing activities through questionnaire to 204 RN. and so relative difficulties (acuity) were computered because the nursing cost level of each nursing service was differently established by the equivalent coefficient according to degree of relative difficulty and time required. 2. Calculation of cost according to nursing activities; After 47 nursing activities were selected in General surgery nursing units, calculation of nursing cost was as follows Cost of Nursing activity = (relative difficulty X Average hourly wage and benefits of nurse) + material cost of nursing -t- Average nursing administration cost So, Calculated cost by nursing activities was compared to current non-insured and insurance rate. 3. Calculation of nursing cost by K - DRG ; Total of 578 patients who were hospitalized in General Surgery units from January to March 1988 ware classified by K - DRG After estimation of total nursing cost based on the K-DRG, verified the appropriateness of basic nursing fee in medical insurance rate (Results) 1. Analysis of degree of importance and difficulties were 4.16 and 3.67 based on 5 point scale. This score were judged that it is worthy specifying the nursing fee 2. The nursing cost of 47 nursing service items in general surgery patients showed that the average cost of nursing activity was \1374.5 and The lowest cost was \217 of 'oral administration nursing' item, The highest cost was \11,025 of 'saline enematill clear' item 3. The result of comparison between the calculated cost by nursing activities against the current non-insured and insurance rate showed that 13 items(27.7%) involved to payment of insurance rate, 9 items(19.1%) involved to non-insured rate, remainder 25 items (53.2%) were not charged anywhere of total 47 nursing activities 4. When calculated cost by nursing activities was 100. current insurance rate was 62.3, non-insured rate was 176.6. Therefore this showed that most of non-insured rate were higher than calculated nursing cost. The insurance rate, however, were lower than it. Reim-bursement was imputed to non-insured patients. So the current rate system became estrainged from cost system. When Remainder 25 items of nursing activities compared' to \1390 of daily basic nursing fee per patient belonged to payment as a insurance fee schedule, basic nursing fee schedule was 1-2% of calculated cost of nursing activities. Therefore it showed that nursing fee was not counted adequately in it. 5. Nursing cost by K-DRG estimated in chart review based on counting number of nursing activities and length of stay The result showed that average amount of total nursing cost was \183828.1 Comparison of nursing cost calculated by K- DRG and basic nursing fee schedule showed that only 12.3% of nursing cost was charged (Conclusion) From the above research result, It is fact that nursing prime cost should be estimated more accurately and included adequately in current medical payment system. The payment system of nursing activities should be introduced not only nursing activities of drug administration and injection fee belonged to insurance fee schedule but also most nursing activities belonged not to mekical fee schedule. Even if introducing payment system of nursing activities, It should be estimated scientific method of Accounting nursing cost So nurses could offer nursing care of good quality, thereby they could make a great contribution not merely to the convalescence of the patient but to the promotion of the people's health.

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Development Study of a Predictive Model for the Possibility of Collection Delinquent Health Insurance Contributions (체납된 건강보험료 징수 가능성 예측모형 개발 연구)

  • Young-Kyoon Na
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.450-456
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study aims to develop a "Predictive Model for the Possibility of Collection Delinquent Health Insurance Contributions" for the National Health Insurance Service to enhance administrative efficiency in protecting and collecting contributions from livelihood-type defaulters. Additionally, it aims to establish customized collection management strategies based on individuals' ability to pay health insurance contributions. Methods: Firstly, to develop the "Predictive Model for the Possibility of Collection Delinquent Health Insurance Contributions," a series of processes including (1) analysis of defaulter characteristics, (2) model estimation and performance evaluation, and (3) model derivation will be conducted. Secondly, using the predictions from the model, individuals will be categorized into four types based on their payment ability and livelihood status, and collection strategies will be provided for each type. Results: Firstly, the regression equation of the prediction model is as follows: phat = exp (0.4729 + 0.0392 × gender + 0.00894 × age + 0.000563 × total income - 0.2849 × low-income type enrollee - 0.2271 × delinquency frequency + 0.9714 × delinquency action + 0.0851 × reduction) / [1 + exp (0.4729 + 0.0392 × gender + 0.00894 × age + 0.000563 × total income - 0.2849 × low-income type enrollee - 0.2271 × delinquency frequency + 0.9714 × delinquency action + 0.0851 × reduction)]. The prediction performance is an accuracy of 86.0%, sensitivity of 87.0%, and specificity of 84.8%. Secondly, individuals were categorized into four types based on livelihood status and payment ability. Particularly, the "support needed group," which comprises those with low payment ability and low-income type enrollee, suggests enhancing contribution relief and support policies. On the other hand, the "high-risk group," which comprises those without livelihood type and low payment ability, suggests implementing stricter default handling to improve collection rates. Conclusion: Upon examining the regression equation of the prediction model, it is evident that individuals with lower income levels and a history of past defaults have a lower probability of payment. This implies that defaults occur among those without the ability to bear the burden of health insurance contributions, leading to long-term defaults. Social insurance operates on the principles of mandatory participation and burden based on the ability to pay. Therefore, it is necessary to develop policies that consider individuals' ability to pay, such as transitioning livelihood-type defaulters to medical assistance or reducing insurance contribution burdens.

Internet Total Payment Solution

  • 권선복
    • Proceedings of the CALSEC Conference
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    • 2001.02a
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    • pp.343-355
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    • 2001
  • ■ 지갑에 돈을 넣어놓고 편리하게 꺼내 쓰듯이, 인터넷 상에서 금액을 충전하고 필요할 때 사용하는 서비스입니다. ●모든 인터넷 서비스의 요금정산(과금) 프로그램을 지원하는 서비스입니다(중략)

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Examining the Influencing Factors of Third-Party Mobile Payment Adoption: A Comparative Study of Alipay and WeChat Pay

  • Mu, Hong-Lei;Lee, Young-Chan
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.247-284
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    • 2017
  • Purpose The first purpose of this study is to investigate factors that are likely to influence user's intention to adopt third-party mobile payment platform. A comprehensive study about mobile payment services have used various variables to explain user's use intention based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA) or the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Variables such as simplicity, security, costs, relative advantage, individual mobility, subjective norm, trust, satisfaction, attitude towards use, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and so on. Among these factors, we expect to find out the most influential factors effecting user's use intention of the third-party mobile payment services. Second, we also examine whether the most influential factors have the same influence to different third-party mobile payment services by conducting comparative study of Alipay and WeChat Pay. Design/methodology/approach Empirical data for this study were collected from Chinese who has the experience using or have used Alipay or WeChat Pay. Participants needed to be familiar with Alipay or WeChat Pay because such users may be more aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of Alipay and WeChat Pay. We conduct a pilot test using Smart PLS 2.0, which includes 50 Alipay users and 82 WeChat Pay users. The result indicates that all the measurement fit for the context. And then 980 questionnaires were mainly sent out to the college students and the e-mails users randomly. To encourage participation, we give the participants a small gift as a present. Finally, we received a total of 683 replied. Data from respondents who gave incomplete or invalid answers were excluded to assure the validity of the constructs. 79 questionnaires were rejected, finally the valid data are 604 (with 372 Alipay users and 232 WeChat Pay users). Findings The results suggest that users' intention is determined by their trust on third-party mobile payment service and perceived usefulness of use. Comparative study results also indicated that the factors have different influence on Alipay group and WeChat Pay group, which offers a new aspect for academic field, and provides useful information to mobile payment service providers in China.

The Effect of Reform of New Diagnosis-Related Groups on Coverage of National Health Insurance (신포괄수가 시범사업 모형개선이 건강보험 보장률에 미친 영향)

  • Choi, Jung-Kyu;Kim, Seon-Hee;Chang, Cheong-Ha;Yoon, Jong-Min;Kang, Jung-Gu
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.178-184
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    • 2020
  • Background: Korea set up a new diagnosis-related group as a demonstration project in 2009. The new diagnosis-related group was reformed in 2016. The main purpose of the study is to identify the effect of reform on coverage of national health insurance. Methods: This study collected inpatient data from a hospital that contains medical information and cost from 2015 July to 2016 June. The dependent variable was the coverage of national health insurance. The dependent variable was divided by total, internal medicine partition, surgical partition, and psychiatric partition. To analyze the effect of the reform, this study conducted an interrupted time series analysis. The final sample included 23,695. Results: The health insurance coverage of internal medicine has the highest, followed by surgery and psychiatry. The health insurance coverage of bundle payment is higher than that of unbundled payment. The proportion of bundled payment and non-benefit decreased and the proportion of unbundled payment increased. The coverage of national health insurance significantly increased after policy reform in internal medicine partition (p-value=0.0356). Conclusion: The results of the study imply that policy reform enhanced the coverage of national health insurance in internal medicine. The government needs to monitor side effects such as an increase of unbundled payment.

Implement and Experiment of Efficient Off-Chain (단방향 해시 함수를 활용한 효율적인 Off-chain Payment Channel 구현 및 실험)

  • Kim, Sun Hyoung;Jeong, Jae Yeol;Jeong, Ik Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.1413-1424
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    • 2019
  • Cryptocurrency has limitations to be used as an actual payment method due to the scalability problem of the blockchain consensus protocol, and various off-chain solutions to solve these limitations are being studied. In this paper, we design an efficient off-chain payment channel using one-way hash function and implement the designed payment channel using Ethereum smart contract. In addition, the experiment was conducted to measure and analyze execution time and cost for each method by deploying it in the same environment as the previously implemented plasma MVP. As a result, compared with plasma MVP, the proposed solution was able to reduce the total cumulative time by about 34% and reduce the overall execution cost by about 41%.

The Study on the Factors Affecting Discontinuance Intention of FinTech Payment Service: Focusing on Y University Students (핀테크 지급결제 서비스 사용중단의도 영향요인 연구: Y대학 재학생을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Eun-Jin;Hwang, Sin-Hae;Kim, Jeoung-Kun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2022
  • In the perspective of value-based adoption mode, this study empirically examined the factors that affect the intention of users of Fintech payment services to stop using them. A survey of college students who are familiar with digital devices, have no objection to payment and settlement services, and have high service access. A total of 148 questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS and SmartPLS. The study results show that perceived benefits, complexity, and security concerns are significant factors influencing the discontinue intention of Fintech payment services. Among them, the perceived benefit showed the most significant influence. Based on the results of this study, Fintech providers will be able to build a service environment to provide continuous benefits for maintaining long-term relationships with users, improve systems to secure various uses, and reduce users' negative perceptions of security. Recently, the use of services by the elderly has increased, so it is necessary to expand the scope of this study to target various age groups in future research.