• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topography modeling

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A study on matching correlation analysis of multi-scale satellite images data for change detection (변화추출을 위한 다중영상자료의 정합상관도 분석을 위한 연구)

  • 이성순;윤희천;강준묵
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2004
  • For comparing more than two images, the precise geometric corrections should be preceded because it necessary to eliminate systematic errors due to basic sensor information difference and non-systematic errors due to topographical undulations. In this study, we did sensor modeling using satellite sensor information to make a basic map of change detection for artificial topography. We eliminated the systematic errors which can be occurred in photographing conditions using GCP and DEM data. The Kompsat EOC images relief could be reduced by precise rectification method. Classifying images which was used for change detections by city and forest zone, the accuracy of the matching results are increased by 10% and the positioning accuracies also increased.

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A Perspective on Radar Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture

  • Park, Sang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.761-771
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    • 2011
  • The sensitivity of microwave scattering to the dielectric properties and the geometric structure of soil surfaces makes radar remote sensing a challenge for a wide range of environmental issues directly related to the condition of natural surfaces. Especially, the potential for retrieving soil moisture with a high spatial and/or temporal resolution represents a significant contribution to hydrological and ecological modeling. This paper aims to review the current state of the art in SAR technology and methodological issues towards the discovery of a new potential accurate monitoring of soil moisture changes. In this paper, important parameters or constraints significantly affect the sensitivity of the measurements to soil moisture, such as roughness statistics, spatial resolution, and local topography, are discussed to improve the applicability of SAR remote sensing techniques. This study particularly intends to discuss important notes for developing smart and reliable methods capable of retrieving geophysical information.

3D Modeling of Ground Surface with Statistical Method (통계적방법을 이용한 연삭표면의 3차원모델링)

  • 김동길;김영태;이상조
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2000
  • This paper simulated surface grinding process with statistically simulated grinding wheel topography, considering ridge formation phenomenon when grain scratch workpiece. Wheel grain is modeled as hybrid sphere and cone. Grinding wheel characteristic was evaluated with stylus by expanding the scanning region of the profilometer from a straight line to a plane. Each grain's diameter and semi-angle are assumed as normal distribution, each grain's protrusion height from wheel plane is assumed gamma distribution. So grinding wheel is simulated with grain's position randomly distributed without overlapping. Ground surface is 3-dimensionally simulated considering ridge formation of workpiece by each grain's cutting, and then surface profile and surface roughness parameters are compared with real ground workpiece.

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A Proposal of Analysis Modeling on the Transfer and Adhesion of Incoming Salt to RC Structure (비래염분 전송 및 RC조 구조물 부착과정에 관한 분석 모델링 제안)

  • Cho, Gyu-Hwan;Kim, Woo-Jae;Ahn, Jae-Cheol;Park, Dong-Cheon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.91-92
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    • 2012
  • RC structure which is located at shoreline has more serious damages compared with inland structure, because it is directly exposed to chlorine ion which is called incoming salt. In the transmission of incoming salt, differences in transmitted volume of incoming salts could occur according to the influences of local shoreline topography which includes surrounding weather conditions, types of building placements, obstacles of wind tunnel etc. And therefore, for the application of boundary conditions for durable offshore structure design against the salt attack, comparative analysis through wind tunnel test and fluid value simulation are executed in order to investigate the moving and adhesion process of incoming salt to offshore structure.

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Automatic Generation of a SPOT DEM: Towards Coastal Disaster Monitoring

  • Kim, Seung-Bum;Kang, Suk-Kuh
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2001
  • A DEM(digital elevation model) is generated from a SPOT panchromatic stereo-pair using automated algorithms over a 8 km$\times$10 km region around Mokpo city. The aims are to continue the accuracy assessment over diverse conditions and to examine the applicability of a SPOT DEM for coastal disaster monitoring. The accuracy is assessed with respect to three reference data sets: 10 global positioning system records, 19 leveling data, and 1:50,000 topography map. The planimetric error is 10.6m r.m.s. and the elevation erroer ranges from 12.4m to 14.4m r.m.s.. The DEM accuracy of the flat Mokpo region is consistent with that over a mountainous area, which supports the robustness of the algorithms. It was found that coordinate transformation errors are significant at a few meters when using the data from leveling and topographic maps. The error budget is greater than the requirements for coastal disaster monitoring. Exploiting that a sub-scene is used, the affine transformation improves the accuracy by 50% during the camera modeling.

Topographic Information Extraction from Kompsat Satellite Stereo Data Using SGM

  • Jang, Yeong Jae;Lee, Jae Wang;Oh, Jae Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2019
  • DSM (Digital Surface Model) is a digital representation of ground surface topography or terrain that is widely used for hydrology, slope analysis, and urban planning. Aerial photogrammetry and LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) are main technology for urban DSM generation but high-resolution satellite imagery is the only ingredient for remote inaccessible areas. Traditional automated DSM generation method is based on correlation-based methods but recent study shows that a modern pixelwise image matching method, SGM (Semi-Global Matching) can be an alternative. Therefore this study investigated the application of SGM for Kompsat satellite data of KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute). Firstly, the sensor modeling was carried out for precise ground-to-image computation, followed by the epipolar image resampling for efficient stereo processing. Secondly, SGM was applied using different parameterizations. The generated DSM was evaluated with a reference DSM generated by the first pulse returns of the LIDAR reference dataset.

The Tartar (Mamiya) Strait Currents (타타르(간관) 해협의 해류)

  • Ponomarev, Vladimir I.;Yurasov, Gennadiy I.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.335-339
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    • 1994
  • The Tartar Strait currents of different scales are analysed using results of observations and modeling. The paper focuses on tidal phenomena and general circulation features. It is shown that the areas of maximal tidal currents are located in the regions of stable boundary streams. The stability of the streams under different meteorological conditions and energy concentration in the small areas may be explained by non-linear effects of tide over rough bottom topography.

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Proposed surface modeling for slip resistance of the shoe-floor interface

  • Kim, In-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 1995.04a
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    • pp.515-528
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    • 1995
  • Slips and falls are the major causes of the pedestrian injuries in the industry and the general community throughout the world. With the awareness of these problems, the friction coefficients of the interface between floorings and footwear have been measured for the evaluation of slip resistant properties. During this measurement process, the surface texture has been shown to be substantially effective to the friction mechanism between shoe heels and floor surfaces under various types of walking environment. Roughness, either of the floor surface or shoe heels, provides the necessary drainage spaces. This roughness can be designed into the shoe heel but this is inadequate in some cases, especially a wear. Therefore, it is essential that the proper roughness for the floor surface coverings should be provided. The phenomena that observed at the interface between a sliding elastomer and a rigid contaminated floor surface are very diverse and combined mechanisms. Besides, the real surface geometry is quite complicate and the characteristics of both mating surfaces are continuously changing in the process of running-in so that a finite number of surface parameters can not provide a proper description of the complex and peculiar shoe - floor contact sliding mechanism. It is hypothesised that the interface topography changes are mainly occurred in the shoe heel surfaces, because the general property of the shoe is soft in the face of hardness compared with the floor materials This point can be idealized as sliding of a soft shoe heel over an array of wedge-shaped hard asperities of floor surface. Therefore, it is considered that a modelling for shoe - floor contact sliding mechanism is mainly depended upon the surface topography of the floor counterforce. With the model development, several surface parameters were measured and tested to choose the best describing surface parameters. As the result, the asperity peak density (APD) of the floor surface was developed as one of the best describing parameters to explain the ambiguous shoe - floor interface friction mechanism. It is concluded that the floor surface should be continuously monitored with the suitable surface parameters and kept the proper level of roughness to maintain the footwear slip resistance. This result can be applied to the initial stage of design for the floor coverings.

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Gravity modeling and application to the gravity referenced navigation (중력모델링과 중력참조항법에의 적용)

  • Lee, Ji-Sun;Kwon, Jay-Hyoun;Yu, Myeong-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.543-550
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    • 2011
  • The gravity anomaly is a basic geophysical data applied in various fields such as geophysics, geodesy and national defense. In general, the gravity anomaly is used through a interpolation process based on the constructed database. The gravity variation, however, is appeared in various shapes depending on the topography and the density of the underground structures. Therefore, the interpolation could lead to a large differences if the gravity fields do not satisfy the assumptions on the signal behavior like linear or a certain degree polynomials. Furthermore, the interpolation does not reflect the physical characteristics of the gravity such as the harmonic condition. In this study, the gravity modeling using the plane Fourier series and radial basis functions are performed to overcome the problems in the usual interpolation. The results of the modeling is analyzed for the case of the gravity referenced navigation focused on the signal characteristics. Based on the study, it was found that the results from modeling are not much different to that from the interpolation in a smoothly varied area. In case of the highly varied area, however, a large differences are appeared among the three methods. Especially, the Fourier series shows the most smooth variations in the modeled gravity values while the highest variations appeared in the interpolation. Applying to the gravity referenced navigation, it was found that the modeling is more effective in calculation cost. It is considered that the results from this study provides a basis on effective modeling of the gravity fields in terms of the signal characteristics and resolution for various application fields.

Modeling the Impacts of Increased Urbanization on Local Meteorology in the Greater Seoul Area (수도권지역 도시화가 국지기상에 미치는 영향 모델링)

  • Kang, Yoon-Hee;Kim, Yoo-Keun;Oh, In-Bo;Hwang, Mi-Kyoung;Song, Sang-Keun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.1361-1374
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    • 2010
  • The impact of urbanization on local meteorology (e.g., surface temperature, PBL height, wind speed, etc.) in the Greater Seoul Area (GSA) was quantitatively evaluated based on a numerical modeling approach during a 1-month period of 2001 (9 Sep. through 8 Oct. 2001). The analysis was carried out by two sets of simulation scenarios: (1) with the global land use and topographic data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in 1990s (i.e., LU-USGS case) and (2) with the land use data from the Environmental Geographic Information System (EGIS) along with the 3 sec elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) in 2000s (i.e., LU-EGIS case). The extension of urban areas in the GSA (especially, the southern parts of Seoul) accounted for 1.8% in the LU-USGS case and 6.2% in the LU-EGIS case. For the simulations, the surface temperature and PBL height due to urbanization in the LU-EGIS case was higher (the differences of up to $0.1^{\circ}C$ and 36 m, respectively) than those in the LU-USGS case, whereas the wind speed (up to 0.3 $ms^{-1}$) in the former was lower than that in the latter at 1500 LST. The increase in surface temperature due to urbanization in the GSA (especially, the southern parts of Seoul) was led to the strong convergence of air masses, causing the early sea breeze and its rapid propagation to inland locations. In addition, the vertical mixing motion in the extended urban areas for the LU-EGIS case was predicted to be stronger than that for the LU-USGS case and vice versa for the original urban areas.